I am just not a fake fuck like you who pretends to give a shit about postal workers.
And makes stupid excuses. "They must send the package back and forth across the country because they are short-staffed." Give me a break.
I don't know about the OP.
His experience with the USPS wasn't very good.
However, I didn't have such issues with them.
The USPS were actually faster than a package I received from DHL, which is a 1st rate commercial carrier. In my case, DHL was good, but they were slow. But even they said, it's because of COVID. And the USPS warned me as well about delays due to to COVID.
The USPS tracking was actually better than DHL.
I believe USPS has always been truthful in my dealings with them.
Yes, I respect people who do jobs I don't want to do.
I've actually seen people die on the job.
It's a terrible way to go. Sad too.
I almost died on the job once too when I was chased through the forest by a bear.
But I outran it. so, I remember experiences like that & I'm grateful I didn't die on a job I didn't like. I know of others in similar situations who weren't so lucky as they were mauled to death on the job and eaten alive. That really is a terrible way to go especially doing a job you didn't like.
This evening I fell down a flight of stairs and I'm in a state of pain right now.
They were very slippery due to the snow.
I think it's just pulled muscles but at least I didn't land on my head or break any bones.
I managed to break my fall before I fell to fast or sliped any further.
I'm very resilient in that respect and I credit my reflexes for breaking that fall.
My reflexes are still fast and I still know how to save myself.
I'll recover tho it'll take a few weeks.
I may go the hospital tho I don't want to burden our 'free' healthcare system if need be.
I know they have a lot to do.