Christian Hypocrisy: How To Pluck An Angry Goose

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Let me take a shot spun in circles and spewed word salad and called me stupid.

You only have to read 1 to know what all its posts are.
I get the sense that it is very upset about something


Factory Bastard
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Got her own forum supposedly, thats where Aidsman and the other woketards have gone to lick their wounds and put some cream on their rosy red raw ass cheeks.

@Biggie Smiles has the name of Poarka's super secret soy bored been leaked yet?

well Aidsman doesn't have a diplomatic bone in his body.... maybe they can put their heads together, grow some ideas and learn to express themselves better.

haha, just kidding.


Domestically feral
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United states
No.... Mother said, she said something innocently, then you attaked, then Mother went off and read a thread of yours.

In the other thread she started in meltdown....she brought up the transphobes thread and was bitching about it.

Go look, its still there.


Domestically feral
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United states
I don't know about being worthless. He might be confused.

I vote for giving him the benefit of the doubt.

That's what I did for a long time but he is just hateful. Incapable of having a conversation with people who have different views.

That group thinks if you disagree with them you are homeless and dont deserve a conversation. Which is a pretty typical American leftwing attitude.


Factory Bastard
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I see radical leftists routinely urging each other not to listen to other points of view and to block or ignore anyone who doesn't automatically repeat the cult's narrative. The reason is simple. The radical left knows their dogma doesn't hold up to scrutiny and will fall apart just with reasoned debate so they resort to cultish attitudes of trying to prevent adherents from ever talking to outsiders.

It is textbook cult behavior. To avoid falling into cult traps you need to always be open to new evidence and arguments so you can reevaluate positions based upon the latest evidence. The communist left doesn't want anyone to do that. To never think for yourself is the prime command of the radical left.


Domestically feral
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United states
I see radical leftists routinely urging each other not to listen to other points of view and to block or ignore anyone who doesn't automatically repeat the cult's narrative. The reason is simple. The radical left knows their dogma doesn't hold up to scrutiny and will fall apart just with reasoned debate so they resort to cultish attitudes of trying to prevent adherents from ever talking to outsiders.

It is textbook cult behavior. To avoid falling into cult traps you need to always be open to new evidence and arguments so you can reevaluate positions based upon the latest evidence. The communist left doesn't want anyone to do that. To never think for yourself is the prime command of the radical left.

Yep. They coach eachother to shut down conversations. Cut off friends and family. Label everyone in the worst wat possible.

You cant even talk to them because when they DO talk their purpose is to "educate" you. It's not to listen or consider other views and understand anything.

They have pretty much no idea what any of their opposition actually thinks and supports. None.

I cant imagine hating people like that for no reason except they dont agree with my politcal views. I always want to hear people out. And even then I dont just label them and get angry and hateful.

It really IS cult behaviour. They are so convinced they are right and the "good guys" no one can get through to them.


> you
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. o O
Lol. Giving away the db theory doesn't wash. If you could give it away you could also restore it.


Factory Bastard
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I was getting Flynn vibes initially, but it doesn't seem angry enough. It has more of a pretentious, highfalutin air to it's posts...

Hmm, changing the subject entirely, Blurtrice hasn't been around in a while...
It could also be a collaboration between Blurt & Flynn @Aryan. Who knows? Maybe Admin too? Maybe the Empire is striking back. What has been posted by righties here appears to have upset them.

Gender Wars on display here, eh.


Factory Bastard
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It could also be a collaboration between Blurt & Flynn @Aryan. Who knows? Maybe Admin too? Maybe the Empire is striking back. What has been posted by righties here appears to have upset them.

Gender Wars on display here, eh.

Don’t leave DD out

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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don't know why these creepy libtards are so distraught over the issue when all conservatives are asking for is to leave children out of it and respect female only spaces

why is that so difficult a task for these creepers?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
don't know why these creepy libtards are so distraught over the issue when all conservatives are asking for is to leave children out of it and respect female only spaces

why is that so difficult a task for these creepers?
It'd be hard to raise children these days Bigly.
Mother Knows

Mother Knows

.:je veux du taco Belle:.
Le La Les
radical leftists

There are no "radical leftists" in the USA.

You only have to read 1 to know what all its posts are.

Is that so, diddums?

I'm sure you take a very keen interest in reading every single one of my posts, if only for the reason that you're an insufferable princess who absolutely can't resist anything anyone writes about you - even if it humiliates you. What you're actually avoiding is replying to my posts and, honestly, considering how much shoe-leather you've gobbled over the last two days, one can't really blame you.

Take the time you need to get your shit together, Angry Goose. Feel free to ask for help.

Mother is here for you. ;)


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
In the last few days, forum regular and usually mild-mannered Dove was unmasked as a smug and prideful harridan, chastising all who challenge her Christian world view. Like an angered goose, she will hiss, honk, and lunge at you until you either meekly acquiesce to her demands, or you vacate the premises post-haste lest your legs be covered in large, painful bruises. Fluffed up by her erstwhile companions Biggie Stupid and the Frood, she has driven away more than one hapless individual who fell afoul of her.

All of that changed one pleasant afternoon. Although I thought it an innocent question at the time, little did I know that my second post on this messageboard would be a catalyst: transforming the peaceful Dove into a beastly grump of a Goose, it would also be the key to her eventual public plucking:

Are you religious? You sound religious.

After that, her demeanor changed instantly. Her talk of always looking for opportunities to "spread genuine warmth and kindness" gave way to an unexpected defensiveness. Dove's transformation was underway. Biggie Stupid and the Frood, sensitive to her honks and hisses of disapproval, sprang into action. "Mother Knows where this is going", I said to myself, so I took the discussion to the aptly-named Meltdown board.

That's where I deftly grabbed the Angry Goose by the neck, put my knee into its side and started tearing fistful after painful fistful of feathers from it.


The Angry Goose was unperturbed that her home state of Michigan was the site of many ecological disasters caused by unfettered industry. What bothered her the most was that it was "caused by Democratic politicians". I asked what she thought about the
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. Anyone in the US who is at all concerned about the environment would have something to say about it. The Angry Goose however had nothing to say. Was she not aware of it? Perhaps she was so consumed by partisan politics that she didn't want to embarrass the Ohio governor who happens to be Republican. Okay, I'll throw her a softball: did she think that Donald Trump would be president in 2028? For someone so gabby, not a squawk was heard.

Very interesting.

I happened to notice an old thread about transphobia and started reading out of idle curiosity. What a colossal shitshow. For easily two months the wonderful and peaceable Dove forgot all about her Lord's teachings, spamming that thread with alt-right memes making fun of transgendered people. So much for taking every opportunity to spread genuine warmth and kindness. The hypocrisy was staggering. If you're going to sit there and pontificate to others about how they ought to show more empathy to those around them however, you had best be ready to so the same - even if Tucker Carlson says it's ok.

After pointing this out to the Angry Goose, she went on and on about something called "Gender Ideology".

My first reaction: "WTF is "gender ideology"? Sounds like a made-up term by a Fox news ditto-head (i.e., you)."​

She had no idea what Gender Ideology meant - and of course she didn't! It's an absolutely meaningless term. It's something the talking heads on Fox news use to rile up rural folks. The smug and prideful Christian wouldn't have any of it, of course. This is my favourite part...

Smug and full of self-confidence, Goose provided a link to an excerpt from
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done in 2001. It wasn't even the entire thing, however the egotistical loudmouth was convinced of its meaningfulness. That's when Mother Knew she had the blithering hypocrite. I let her dig herself deeply into her ideological trench. No way she could deny how truly full of hate she was. And when the moment was right...

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Now ... what to do with all of these goose pluckings? Why, help out society's marginalised people with a comfortable winter coat made of fresh goose down.
