Thank god that cretin Le Pen lost


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
policies are immaterial.
Really? No I vote by what the expressed views are, unless they can not be taken at face value. In Trump's case they were so repugnant (he being a radical conservative like you) that he never had a prayer of getting my vote.

Here, watch Fashionista ...

So, tell me, Holliday, what, exactly, were so repugnant about Trump's expressed views?\

... no coherent answer will ever be forthcoming.
Of course not, Raggz - you are asking on behalf of a person I have already stated I will not give that answer too. Good lord you're an idiot.


Thanks for illustrating my point to Fashionista, Holliday. Sometimes you can really be a stand up guy.
Look ya dingbat, had you ever asked me directly I would have run it down for you. Now you're just being a goffer for Fashitista.
I get that you are personality driven rather than a substance driven individual..

But, many working class families only interest in politics are policies that affect us..

You don't care and that is the disconnect you have with average people.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The stakes were so high that German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa
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last week in the French paper Le Monde, urging French citizens to vote for Macron, who is often portrayed by critics as an aloof elitist who is concerned only with France’s cities.

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What's so bad about Le Pen @LotusBud?

She's a far-right scary person who got where she is by arousing hatred and intolerance in people.

I'd be interested in reading about her positions on various issues.

I know that her dad was blatantly racist, representing the views of Old France.

I think she muzzled her Dad so that she could put forth a softer more appealing agenda.

So essentially, she represents the new conservative party of France.

Like the Republican party in the States.


An Claidheam Anam
policies are immaterial.
Really? No I vote by what the expressed views are, unless they can not be taken at face value. In Trump's case they were so repugnant (he being a radical conservative like you) that he never had a prayer of getting my vote.

Here, watch Fashionista ...

So, tell me, Holliday, what, exactly, were so repugnant about Trump's expressed views?\

... no coherent answer will ever be forthcoming.
Of course not, Raggz - you are asking on behalf of a person I have already stated I will not give that answer too. Good lord you're an idiot.


Thanks for illustrating my point to Fashionista, Holliday. Sometimes you can really be a stand up guy.
Look ya dingbat, had you ever asked me directly I would have run it down for you. Now you're just being a goffer for Fashitista.

I've been asking you shitbags that very question and many others regarding your TDS ravings, but none of you ever give an actual answer, just as you didn't just now.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
policies are immaterial.
Really? No I vote by what the expressed views are, unless they can not be taken at face value. In Trump's case they were so repugnant (he being a radical conservative like you) that he never had a prayer of getting my vote.

Here, watch Fashionista ...

So, tell me, Holliday, what, exactly, were so repugnant about Trump's expressed views?\

... no coherent answer will ever be forthcoming.
Of course not, Raggz - you are asking on behalf of a person I have already stated I will not give that answer too. Good lord you're an idiot.


Thanks for illustrating my point to Fashionista, Holliday. Sometimes you can really be a stand up guy.
Look ya dingbat, had you ever asked me directly I would have run it down for you. Now you're just being a goffer for Fashitista.

I've been asking you shitbags that very question and many others regarding your TDS ravings, but none of you ever give an actual answer, just as you din't just now.
Maybe he's rich and looks down on people that work for a living like the American Democratic Party does..

Maybe he looks down on me for being a working class visible minority who he thinks should keep quiet..

I don't know, but he doesn't seem to care about policy which affects working families, which is my only interest in politics.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The irony about le Pen...she advocates banning the hijab or headscarf in public places.

And then she's slammed as 'racist'

...but then an Arab Muslim nation, Tunisia, actually banned the niqab after terrorist attacks: if a Muslim nation bans it citing terrorism concerns, why shouldn't France or Quebec in Canada be able to?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Joe is getting into things I don't like about so called "right wing" or populist politics..

I'm pro immigration and pro multiculturalism and this may come as a surprise to many, I'm pro gay equality.....if you pay taxes you should be entitled to equal treatment under the law.


An Claidheam Anam
policies are immaterial.
Really? No I vote by what the expressed views are, unless they can not be taken at face value. In Trump's case they were so repugnant (he being a radical conservative like you) that he never had a prayer of getting my vote.

Here, watch Fashionista ...

So, tell me, Holliday, what, exactly, were so repugnant about Trump's expressed views?\

... no coherent answer will ever be forthcoming.
Of course not, Raggz - you are asking on behalf of a person I have already stated I will not give that answer too. Good lord you're an idiot.


Thanks for illustrating my point to Fashionista, Holliday. Sometimes you can really be a stand up guy.
Look ya dingbat, had you ever asked me directly I would have run it down for you. Now you're just being a goffer for Fashitista.

I've been asking you shitbags that very question and many others regarding your TDS ravings, but none of you ever give an actual answer, just as you din't just now.
Maybe he's rich and looks down on people that work for a living like the American Democratic Party does..

Maybe he looks down on me for being a working class visible minority who he thinks should keep quiet..

I don't know, but he doesn't seem to care about policy which affects working families, which is my only interest in politics.

Holliday? Rich? I don't think so since he spends so much of his time trying to catch his supper down by the sewer plant. I think he's some kind of retired government "worker" sucking a pension from the taxpayers. Most Registered Democrats in the United States suck their living from the taxpayers in one fashion or another. He's just smart enough to know where his bread is buttered, so he votes for Democrats, the Party of, by and for government.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
policies are immaterial.
Really? No I vote by what the expressed views are, unless they can not be taken at face value. In Trump's case they were so repugnant (he being a radical conservative like you) that he never had a prayer of getting my vote.

Here, watch Fashionista ...

So, tell me, Holliday, what, exactly, were so repugnant about Trump's expressed views?\

... no coherent answer will ever be forthcoming.
Of course not, Raggz - you are asking on behalf of a person I have already stated I will not give that answer too. Good lord you're an idiot.


Thanks for illustrating my point to Fashionista, Holliday. Sometimes you can really be a stand up guy.
Look ya dingbat, had you ever asked me directly I would have run it down for you. Now you're just being a goffer for Fashitista.
I understand that.....I'm a provincial civil servant and many of my colleagues have no opinion besides our union's official position.

I've been asking you shitbags that very question and many others regarding your TDS ravings, but none of you ever give an actual answer, just as you din't just now.
Maybe he's rich and looks down on people that work for a living like the American Democratic Party does..

Maybe he looks down on me for being a working class visible minority who he thinks should keep quiet..

I don't know, but he doesn't seem to care about policy which affects working families, which is my only interest in politics.

Holliday? Rich? I don't think so since he spends so much of his time trying to catch his supper down by the sewer plant. I think he's some kind of retired government "worker" sucking a pension from the taxpayers. Most Registered Democrats in the United States suck their living from the taxpayers in on fashion or another. He's just smart enough to know where his bread is buttered, so he voted for Democrats, the Party of, by and for government.
I understand that.....I'm a provincial civil servant and many of my colleagues have no opinion besides our union's official position.
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Joe is getting into things I don't like about so called "right wing" or populist politics..

I'm pro immigration and pro multiculturalism and this may come as a surprise to many, I'm pro gay equality.....if you pay taxes you should be entitled to equal treatment under the law.

You're generally very Right wing tho @Fashionista.

But unlike you, I actually support bans on garments such as the niqab or the burka.

And I believe that Sharia Law, which these garments represent, is an extremely oppressive and backward legal system


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Joe is getting into things I don't like about so called "right wing" or populist politics..

I'm pro immigration and pro multiculturalism and this may come as a surprise to many, I'm pro gay equality.....if you pay taxes you should be entitled to equal treatment under the law.

You're generally very Right wing tho @Fashionista.

But unlike you, I actually support bans on garments such as the niqab or the burka.

And I believe that Sharia Law, which these garments represent, is an extremely oppressive and backward legal system
Any lady should be allowed to wear whatever she wants.....freedom for my Muslim sisters.


An Claidheam Anam
policies are immaterial.
Really? No I vote by what the expressed views are, unless they can not be taken at face value. In Trump's case they were so repugnant (he being a radical conservative like you) that he never had a prayer of getting my vote.

Here, watch Fashionista ...

So, tell me, Holliday, what, exactly, were so repugnant about Trump's expressed views?\

... no coherent answer will ever be forthcoming.
Of course not, Raggz - you are asking on behalf of a person I have already stated I will not give that answer too. Good lord you're an idiot.


Thanks for illustrating my point to Fashionista, Holliday. Sometimes you can really be a stand up guy.
Look ya dingbat, had you ever asked me directly I would have run it down for you. Now you're just being a goffer for Fashitista.
I understand that.....I'm a provincial civil servant and many of my colleagues have no opinion besides our union's official position.

I've been asking you shitbags that very question and many others regarding your TDS ravings, but none of you ever give an actual answer, just as you din't just now.
Maybe he's rich and looks down on people that work for a living like the American Democratic Party does..

Maybe he looks down on me for being a working class visible minority who he thinks should keep quiet..

I don't know, but he doesn't seem to care about policy which affects working families, which is my only interest in politics.

Holliday? Rich? I don't think so since he spends so much of his time trying to catch his supper down by the sewer plant. I think he's some kind of retired government "worker" sucking a pension from the taxpayers. Most Registered Democrats in the United States suck their living from the taxpayers in on fashion or another. He's just smart enough to know where his bread is buttered, so he voted for Democrats, the Party of, by and for government.
I understand that.....I'm a provincial civil servant and many of my colleagues have no opinion besides our union's official position.

You're a civil servant? Sorry for your loss.

Did I ever mention that I consider unions are for people who are unable to negotiate their own terms of employment and that public sector unions are criminal enterprises that should be outlawed in any sane civil society?

In any case, I would never abide anyone else giving my "official position" for me. There is something fundamentally wrong with that very idea.

But then again, I am an American and I am Free.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
policies are immaterial.
Really? No I vote by what the expressed views are, unless they can not be taken at face value. In Trump's case they were so repugnant (he being a radical conservative like you) that he never had a prayer of getting my vote.

Here, watch Fashionista ...

So, tell me, Holliday, what, exactly, were so repugnant about Trump's expressed views?\

... no coherent answer will ever be forthcoming.
Of course not, Raggz - you are asking on behalf of a person I have already stated I will not give that answer too. Good lord you're an idiot.


Thanks for illustrating my point to Fashionista, Holliday. Sometimes you can really be a stand up guy.
Look ya dingbat, had you ever asked me directly I would have run it down for you. Now you're just being a goffer for Fashitista.
I understand that.....I'm a provincial civil servant and many of my colleagues have no opinion besides our union's official position.

I've been asking you shitbags that very question and many others regarding your TDS ravings, but none of you ever give an actual answer, just as you din't just now.
Maybe he's rich and looks down on people that work for a living like the American Democratic Party does..

Maybe he looks down on me for being a working class visible minority who he thinks should keep quiet..

I don't know, but he doesn't seem to care about policy which affects working families, which is my only interest in politics.

Holliday? Rich? I don't think so since he spends so much of his time trying to catch his supper down by the sewer plant. I think he's some kind of retired government "worker" sucking a pension from the taxpayers. Most Registered Democrats in the United States suck their living from the taxpayers in on fashion or another. He's just smart enough to know where his bread is buttered, so he voted for Democrats, the Party of, by and for government.
I understand that.....I'm a provincial civil servant and many of my colleagues have no opinion besides our union's official position.

You're a civil servant? Sorry for your loss.

Did I ever mention that I consider unions are for people who are unable to negotiate their own terms of employment and that public sector unions are criminal enterprises that should be outlawed in any sane civil society?

In any case, I would never abide anyone else giving my "official position" for me. There is something fundamentally wrong with that very idea.

But then again, I am an American and I am Free.
Whatever you say Shen Li......just kidding..

I hear that a lot Reggie..

I'm sorry, I'm not the "right wing" ally you were hoping for.......on many issues you'd probably consider me a liberal..

But, you've always been civil with me as I try to be with you.......that makes for better discussions.
Last edited:


An Claidheam Anam
policies are immaterial.
Really? No I vote by what the expressed views are, unless they can not be taken at face value. In Trump's case they were so repugnant (he being a radical conservative like you) that he never had a prayer of getting my vote.

Here, watch Fashionista ...

So, tell me, Holliday, what, exactly, were so repugnant about Trump's expressed views?\

... no coherent answer will ever be forthcoming.
Of course not, Raggz - you are asking on behalf of a person I have already stated I will not give that answer too. Good lord you're an idiot.


Thanks for illustrating my point to Fashionista, Holliday. Sometimes you can really be a stand up guy.
Look ya dingbat, had you ever asked me directly I would have run it down for you. Now you're just being a goffer for Fashitista.
I understand that.....I'm a provincial civil servant and many of my colleagues have no opinion besides our union's official position.

I've been asking you shitbags that very question and many others regarding your TDS ravings, but none of you ever give an actual answer, just as you din't just now.
Maybe he's rich and looks down on people that work for a living like the American Democratic Party does..

Maybe he looks down on me for being a working class visible minority who he thinks should keep quiet..

I don't know, but he doesn't seem to care about policy which affects working families, which is my only interest in politics.

Holliday? Rich? I don't think so since he spends so much of his time trying to catch his supper down by the sewer plant. I think he's some kind of retired government "worker" sucking a pension from the taxpayers. Most Registered Democrats in the United States suck their living from the taxpayers in on fashion or another. He's just smart enough to know where his bread is buttered, so he voted for Democrats, the Party of, by and for government.
I understand that.....I'm a provincial civil servant and many of my colleagues have no opinion besides our union's official position.

You're a civil servant? Sorry for your loss.

Did I ever mention that I consider unions are for people who are unable to negotiate their own terms of employment and that public sector unions are criminal enterprises that should be outlawed in any sane civil society?

In any case, I would never abide anyone else giving my "official position" for me. There is something fundamentally wrong with that very idea.

But then again, I am an American and I am Free.
Whatever you say Shen Li......just kidding..

I hear that a lot Reggie..

I'm sorry, I'm not the "right wing" ally you were hoping for.......on many issues you'd probably consider me a liberal..

But, you've always been civil with me as I try to be with you.......that makes for better discussions.

Sorry, dear. I did not mean to offend. Just stating my well-founded and almost always correct opinions.

Plus, I'm not looking for allies. I don't need them with this lot here. ;)


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
policies are immaterial.
Really? No I vote by what the expressed views are, unless they can not be taken at face value. In Trump's case they were so repugnant (he being a radical conservative like you) that he never had a prayer of getting my vote.

Here, watch Fashionista ...

So, tell me, Holliday, what, exactly, were so repugnant about Trump's expressed views?\

... no coherent answer will ever be forthcoming.
Of course not, Raggz - you are asking on behalf of a person I have already stated I will not give that answer too. Good lord you're an idiot.


Thanks for illustrating my point to Fashionista, Holliday. Sometimes you can really be a stand up guy.
Look ya dingbat, had you ever asked me directly I would have run it down for you. Now you're just being a goffer for Fashitista.
I understand that.....I'm a provincial civil servant and many of my colleagues have no opinion besides our union's official position.

I've been asking you shitbags that very question and many others regarding your TDS ravings, but none of you ever give an actual answer, just as you din't just now.
Maybe he's rich and looks down on people that work for a living like the American Democratic Party does..

Maybe he looks down on me for being a working class visible minority who he thinks should keep quiet..

I don't know, but he doesn't seem to care about policy which affects working families, which is my only interest in politics.

Holliday? Rich? I don't think so since he spends so much of his time trying to catch his supper down by the sewer plant. I think he's some kind of retired government "worker" sucking a pension from the taxpayers. Most Registered Democrats in the United States suck their living from the taxpayers in on fashion or another. He's just smart enough to know where his bread is buttered, so he voted for Democrats, the Party of, by and for government.
I understand that.....I'm a provincial civil servant and many of my colleagues have no opinion besides our union's official position.

You're a civil servant? Sorry for your loss.

Did I ever mention that I consider unions are for people who are unable to negotiate their own terms of employment and that public sector unions are criminal enterprises that should be outlawed in any sane civil society?

In any case, I would never abide anyone else giving my "official position" for me. There is something fundamentally wrong with that very idea.

But then again, I am an American and I am Free.
Whatever you say Shen Li......just kidding..

I hear that a lot Reggie..

I'm sorry, I'm not the "right wing" ally you were hoping for.......on many issues you'd probably consider me a liberal..

But, you've always been civil with me as I try to be with you.......that makes for better discussions.

Sorry, dear. I did not mean to offend. Just stating my well-founded and almost always correct opinions.

Plus, I'm not looking for allies. I don't need them with this lot here. ;)
No offense taken're not the first person that has said that about my job..

And I know you don't need allies......especially East Asian liberals like me..

You're very can fight your own battles.
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Joe is getting into things I don't like about so called "right wing" or populist politics..

I'm pro immigration and pro multiculturalism and this may come as a surprise to many, I'm pro gay equality.....if you pay taxes you should be entitled to equal treatment under the law.

You're generally very Right wing tho @Fashionista.

But unlike you, I actually support bans on garments such as the niqab or the burka.

And I believe that Sharia Law, which these garments represent, is an extremely oppressive and backward legal system
Any lady should be allowed to wear whatever she wants.....freedom for my Muslim sisters.

Really, eh @Fashionista?

This is what I think of when I see Sharia Wear:



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
When does President Macron publicly shave traitor La Pen’s head?

And yet @Admin ...the USA nor Canada have experienced nearly the threats of terrorism that France has.

ie - some terrorist killed the manager of a French nuclear power plant in front of his home to steal the codes and tried to blow the France to smitherines.

ie - when ISIS was at the height of its power, terrorists gunned down spectators at an Eagles concert

ie - algerian Terrorists tried to blow up the eiffel tower but were thwarted by French troops.

ie - When a cartoonist drew an offensive cartoon for Charlie hebo he was excecuted by Islamicists.

Likewise, many European countries including France have experienced a rape epidemic because of Muslim immigrants. I don't believe the USA has this problem like Europe has because America punishes them much more severly.

Yes...they are a fucking problem. And then they wonder why nobody wants them in their countries, including yours. In fact these extremists are also a problem in many Muslim nations - which bear the brunt of terrorist attacks, not the West. What we see in the West is just a sliver of terrorist attacks in the Muslim world who are on the receiving end of them 10 to the power of 100.


Perhaps there is a lotta racism in France, I also understand their aversion towards Islam & the growing support for le Pen and her National Front party.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Which Americans voted for Donald Trump? People who work for a living and are affected by the price of gasoline..

Which Americans didn't vote for Donald Trump? People who don't work for a living and are not affected by the price of gasoline.....Hollywood celebrities for example..

It's the same in Canada.....elites and their shills hate working class families like mine..

I have in-laws in the Netherlands, but I don't know about France.....I suspect the mainstream French parties have abandoned the middle class much like the Democrats, the Republicans in the USA have or the Liberals, Tories and NDP have in Canada.

You are serious with that shit? You think no working people didn't vote for Trump? That's just plain wrong, you know. do you have a big learning disability of some kind?

Somehow, I don't think @Fashionista has seen much of the wealthier enclaves in America, @LotusBud.

Overwhelmingly, I suspect they mostly vote Republican.

Here's one sampling from yer neck of the woods I had a glimpse of:

Cripes, that place looked like a Roman Emperor's dream.

At least before COVID, it was spectacular. I think that's where Trump's stripper's lawyer had an office. The rent must be high there.

At least in its wealthier parts, Orange County is Republican.

The rent at Fashion Island is high but as malls go there are more than a dozen similar to it in coastal California. BTW chicks like the one in the video, the type who take their dogs into malls, shops, and restaurants... Tend to be the worst. Their dogs take shits in the mall then they pretend not to notice because they don't want to have to clean it up. You see them all over the place around here.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Joe is getting into things I don't like about so called "right wing" or populist politics..

I'm pro immigration and pro multiculturalism and this may come as a surprise to many, I'm pro gay equality.....if you pay taxes you should be entitled to equal treatment under the law.

You're generally very Right wing tho @Fashionista.

But unlike you, I actually support bans on garments such as the niqab or the burka.

And I believe that Sharia Law, which these garments represent, is an extremely oppressive and backward legal system
Any lady should be allowed to wear whatever she wants.....freedom for my Muslim sisters.

If you cared about their freedom then you wouldn't support the symbols of their enslavement. Many, many, many women are forced to wear that shit on pain of death or beatings or having acid thrown in their faces. This is why several Muslim countries themselves have banned them, because they are oppressive and forced upon women.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Joe is getting into things I don't like about so called "right wing" or populist politics..

I'm pro immigration and pro multiculturalism and this may come as a surprise to many, I'm pro gay equality.....if you pay taxes you should be entitled to equal treatment under the law.

You're generally very Right wing tho @Fashionista.

But unlike you, I actually support bans on garments such as the niqab or the burka.

And I believe that Sharia Law, which these garments represent, is an extremely oppressive and backward legal system
Any lady should be allowed to wear whatever she wants.....freedom for my Muslim sisters.

If you cared about their freedom then you wouldn't support the symbols of their enslavement. Many, many, many women are forced to wear that shit on pain of death or beatings or having acid thrown in their faces. This is why several Muslim countries themselves have banned them, because they are oppressive and forced upon women.
I'm far from being an expert on Islam..

My supervisor at work is Muslim and she wears a hijab..

I have no reason to believe she is coerced into wearing it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Many are though. Thus why countries such as Tunisia, Turkey, and in the past, Syria, and Iraq banned them.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Which Americans voted for Donald Trump? People who work for a living and are affected by the price of gasoline..

Which Americans didn't vote for Donald Trump? People who don't work for a living and are not affected by the price of gasoline.....Hollywood celebrities for example..

It's the same in Canada.....elites and their shills hate working class families like mine..

I have in-laws in the Netherlands, but I don't know about France.....I suspect the mainstream French parties have abandoned the middle class much like the Democrats, the Republicans in the USA have or the Liberals, Tories and NDP have in Canada.

You are serious with that shit? You think no working people didn't vote for Trump? That's just plain wrong, you know. do you have a big learning disability of some kind?

Somehow, I don't think @Fashionista has seen much of the wealthier enclaves in America, @LotusBud.

Overwhelmingly, I suspect they mostly vote Republican.

Here's one sampling from yer neck of the woods I had a glimpse of:

Cripes, that place looked like a Roman Emperor's dream.

At least before COVID, it was spectacular. I think that's where Trump's stripper's lawyer had an office. The rent must be high there.

At least in its wealthier parts, Orange County is Republican.

The rent at Fashion Island is high but as malls go there are more than a dozen similar to it in coastal California. BTW chicks like the one in the video, the type who take their dogs into malls, shops, and restaurants... Tend to be the worst. Their dogs take shits in the mall then they pretend not to notice because they don't want to have to clean it up. You see them all over the place around here.

That's why I'd never own a dog.

Lovable creatures many of 'em but extremely high maintenance.


policies are immaterial.
Really? No I vote by what the expressed views are, unless they can not be taken at face value. In Trump's case they were so repugnant (he being a radical conservative like you) that he never had a prayer of getting my vote.

Here, watch Fashionista ...

So, tell me, Holliday, what, exactly, were so repugnant about Trump's expressed views?\

... no coherent answer will ever be forthcoming.
Of course not, Raggz - you are asking on behalf of a person I have already stated I will not give that answer too. Good lord you're an idiot.


Thanks for illustrating my point to Fashionista, Holliday. Sometimes you can really be a stand up guy.
Look ya dingbat, had you ever asked me directly I would have run it down for you. Now you're just being a goffer for Fashitista.

I've been asking you shitbags that very question and many others regarding your TDS ravings, but none of you ever give an actual answer, just as you didn't just now.
Raggz, we've discussed every policy all along the way, from economic, to environmental, to immigration, to relations with allies and alliances, to hostiles, to energy and education to the domestic and foreign to you fucking name it. If you weren't so fucking lazy you could package them all neatly in your pea-brain rather than asking for a rundown which I've already stated you aren't going to get as a goffer for Fascistista, who it turns out is a fucking muzzie - I told yallz she's a conservative. Now wake up, Raggedy, and at least try to not be such a gaping asshole.


policies are immaterial.
Really? No I vote by what the expressed views are, unless they can not be taken at face value. In Trump's case they were so repugnant (he being a radical conservative like you) that he never had a prayer of getting my vote.

Here, watch Fashionista ...

So, tell me, Holliday, what, exactly, were so repugnant about Trump's expressed views?\

... no coherent answer will ever be forthcoming.
Of course not, Raggz - you are asking on behalf of a person I have already stated I will not give that answer too. Good lord you're an idiot.


Thanks for illustrating my point to Fashionista, Holliday. Sometimes you can really be a stand up guy.
Look ya dingbat, had you ever asked me directly I would have run it down for you. Now you're just being a goffer for Fashitista.
I get that you are personality driven rather than a substance driven individual..

But, many working class families only interest in politics are policies that affect us..

You don't care and that is the disconnect you have with average people.
I gather at this point that you are trolling since no one who's as stupid as you appear to be could maintain rhythmic breathing well enough to support life.
. As I said, it is because I do indeed consider the needs of others that I don't set myself apart - as conservatives do - and consider not only myself when supporting policies.
. I understand that you as a conservative can't fathom anything but pure selfish decision making, selfishness being the cornerstone characteristic of conservatism, but it's true that there are those of us who consider the needs of others alongside of our own. We are the Liberals, and we practice the principles upon which this nation was founded.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Which Americans voted for Donald Trump? People who work for a living and are affected by the price of gasoline..

Which Americans didn't vote for Donald Trump? People who don't work for a living and are not affected by the price of gasoline.....Hollywood celebrities for example..

It's the same in Canada.....elites and their shills hate working class families like mine..

I have in-laws in the Netherlands, but I don't know about France.....I suspect the mainstream French parties have abandoned the middle class much like the Democrats, the Republicans in the USA have or the Liberals, Tories and NDP have in Canada.

You are serious with that shit? You think no working people didn't vote for Trump? That's just plain wrong, you know. do you have a big learning disability of some kind?
Well, apparently she's a conservative, so......
and a fashionista. Now there's a thing to be.....if you happen to be a retard.
I'm apolitical.....I try to be anyway..

So, none of the policies of the former president were bad, it was the former president himself?

Okay,that's fine, millions of Canadians voted for Justin Trudeau based on his looks.

I've asked these people for five years questions like that. ,"What policies of Trump are wrong?" "What 'crimes' has President Trump committed that you people keep claiming he committed but never explain?" "What has Trump said that makes him a "racist?" "Name a single policy initiative by the Trump Administration that is "fascist and authoritarian" as you people claim?"

Never got a single coherent answer to any of them going on five and a half years now.
Same holds true with the whole racism thing. They rant and screech about Trump being this monstrous racist but come up empty like their fucking skulls when asked to provide a single example of this racism they speak of

you know things are really bad for them when the best they can produce is some blurred and scant on facts event that occurred nearly 100 years ago - before Trump was even born involving his father standing outside his own home in Jamaica queens

But then again, I don't expect more out of these brain dead fucking mooks as you have to be irreparably fucking stupid to be a leftist to begin with