What did Parler do exactly?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land

Because KKK carried a confederate flag and burned upside down crosses in protest of their ability to eliminate due process and hung/lynched blacks in this county and abused that privilege.

That’s why.

Personally, I’m tired of being confused for a racist based solely on the color of my skin. Until the US is no longer affiliated with this divide, we will never be able to have white pride without being affiliated with neo-nazis.

That’s my reasoning to END racism in the country. Not sure why people don’t understand that. But that’s their problem. I’m pushing forward with change dispute the ignorance.
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Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Murdock is brainwashed. Doesnt realize that all races owned slaves of all colors, including the first black man that went to court and won, that he had a right to declare a slave a piece of property, Anthony Johnson.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Im also tired of ALL of slavery being lumped onto the Confederacy..... that only lasted 4 years. And the Confederacy said "fuck you" to the Radical Republicans that wanted to give them legal slavery indefinitely in the original 13th Amendment. If it was over slavery, they would not of said "fuck you".


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I am appalled. Almost as much as I’m appalled by the fact that over 70 million Americans elected a bigot who just harnessed racism in this country and erupted a race war.

I hate to say “I told you so!” But I did. I just call it like I see it.
All the black power brokers glad handed the hell out of Trump for decades. Trump isnt racist or homophobic. I should know cause I'm racist and homohatic.

There is only ONE race. It’s the human race.
I am appalled. Almost as much as I’m appalled by the fact that over 70 million Americans elected a bigot who just harnessed racism in this country and erupted a race war.

I hate to say “I told you so!” But I did. I just call it like I see it.
how exactly did he harness racism? Be specific

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THe newyorker? Really?

I'd have put more stock in a Mad Magazine article

Seriously, in your own words what have YOU heard him say or do during his presidency which YOU can honestly say harnessed racism?

explain the Trumptards carrying the confederate flag into the capital and telling the black police officer “this is our country”

Cause to me this feels like the 1920s more than it does the 2020s
People will be people you know.

I can easily explain it the same way liberals explained the violence which ran for 5 months straight. It was a product of a select few misinterpreting the truth and cause of their movement and acting out in a manner contrary to the purpose of the overall mission

But really, how does an idiot carrying a confederate flag answer the very simple question? Ie: what have YOU heard him say or do during his presidency which YOU can honestly say harnessed racism?

but your justifying left v right when I don’t agree with any of it
I don't agree with any of it either, but I'm curious as to where all the racism rhetoric is coming from cause I've yet to hear anything out of him that even remotely signals a policy which is anti minority

He doesn’t have to... he was photographed meeting with KKK leaders when he was elected and the images where immediately removed from the internet. You’re referring to a system known to be racially divided... and system I have been opposed to for most of my life.

Perhaps you harbor racism against blacks because of crime or things you’ve witnessed, which that is fair enough. That doesn’t make Donald any less of a threat here. The damage has already been done. Our capital was disrespected, assaulted and tarnished with the traitorous flag from a war none of us remember.

I know you want to fix this country as much as I do. We do that by bridging the poverty gap and educating that race before they are a criminal element. Watching them be lynched on national television is detrimental to society.

WE are either part of the soliton or we are part of the problem... Donald just tired to use police force to end this issue and look where that got us last summer!!!! Your way is NOT working here.
If Trump meeting with a KKK member is all you have to substantiate your claim of "harnessing racism" you are in a world of misinformation, naivety and hypocrisy. For instance do you have any transcripts of the meeting? Any ideas what was discussed? Recordings? Notes? Are you 100% confident Trump told them exactly what they wanted to hear?


Well then this one is going to hurt for as the Bible says "with the same ruler you do the measuring you yourself will be measured"

Joe Biden gave a eulogy for a KKK leader

Ouch.. that's gonna leave a mark ...


Because with this recorded event I have at my finger tips all the wonderful things BIden said about a KKK leader.

But lets chalk that one up to political noobie mistake and start over.

What have YOU heard or seen Trump do or say with your own two eyes and ears that demonstrates he harnesses racism?

I believe the subsequent “I love you” tweets to the racists who stormed the capital with the confederate flag prove my theory.

Now ask yourself why you are STILL backing him after his actions have impeded on your own free speech rights.
Was he saying we love you to the 200 or so idiots who stormed the capitol or the million + peaceful protestors exercising their right to make their voices heard?

and look where that got us....

The Republican Party has always represented the racial divide. They were originally comprised of the rich, aristocratic, slave owning white men who didn’t want to pay their taxes. NOTHING has changed.
You still haven’t cited a single example of something trump has said or done to harness racism which wasn’t merely a product of a biased perspective to begin with.

Take the hate trump because we say so glasses off and see the world with your own two eyes, hon.

I’ve provided media proof linking and mapping out his affiliation with the KKK... which you’ve completely rejected. I’ve proven that his family member, Fred Trump, was arrested in 1927 at a KKK rally. That is what freedom of speech has afforded us... PUBLIC RECORD. You think Fred Trump went home after that arrest and changed his views on white supremacy? Or could his views have been inflicted on the future generations of his family?

There is no “smoking gun” level of proof required when you’re dealing with racism in the US since we do not document them unless they are terrorists. People are either are supportive of equal rights are they aren’t.
Last edited:


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Blacks and chinks are the biggest racists in the world.

I can’t blame black Americans for resenting a race who has oppressed them since the beginning of this country. But I do not believe you can be “racist

The racist Chinese can go choke on medium rare bat for all I care.
Murdock is brainwashed. Doesnt realize that all races owned slaves of all colors, including the first black man that went to court and won, that he had a right to declare a slave a piece of property, Anthony Johnson.

Which of the original confederate states are you and your family actually from? ... and then I’ll proceed with the remainder of my argument.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
My most recent pursuit for justice has included linking Donald Trump’s family to the KKK.

The articles and photographs I was able to locate relate to the arrest of Fred Trump on May 30, 1927, at a KKK rally relating to a Memorial Day parade in New York City in the area now known as Jamaica Queens. Fred Trump’s address was listed in one of the articles that reported his arrest.

Of the articles I was able to locate, it is clear that:

1000 robed klansmen assembled at this parade.

7 of the robed klansmen were arrested.

The 7 klansmen who were arrested were all represented by the same attorney.

Fred Trump’s address that was listed in the article was confirmed with the 1930 consensus. Fred Trump has a brother who is also named Fred, but he wasn’t born until over a decade later.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I’ve provided media proof linking and mapping out his affiliation with the KKK...

No dear, you've provided media perspective mapping out his affiliation with the KKK

There is a difference.

Especially when your so called ""proof"" does more to harm your argument than it does to support your assertion that Trump "harasses racism". If Trump "harnesses racism" based solely on the evidence you've supplied then Joe Biden embodies it in every sense of the word.

which you’ve completely rejected.

I'm actually doing you a favor by rejecting your ill thought out snippets of Marxist propaganda. They do more to hurt the two presidents you have chosen to support than they do harm to the president you are instructed to hate vehemently despite having witnessed none of the things you claim he's guilty of with your own two eyes.

I’ve proven that his family member, Fred Trump, was arrested in 1927 at a KKK rally. That is what freedom of speech has afforded us... PUBLIC RECORD. You think Fred Trump went home after that arrest and changed his views on white supremacy? Or could his views have been inflicted on the future generations of his family?

Now Now Murdock, that is one hell of a desperate reach. The sins of fathers & grandfathers et al now extend down the bloodline and impose guilt on subsequent generations? Really?

Think this one through dear, as I am quite certain one of these rabid leftists can pull some unsavory words, actions or assumptions on one of your forefathers should the need arise to cancel you out over some perceived threat to their holy doctrine of tolerance and unity

Be weary of slippery slopes I say.

There is no “smoking gun” level of proof required when you’re dealing with racism in the US since we do not document them unless they are terrorists. People are either are supportive of equal rights are they aren’t.
I see. So when a politician decides to assert there is racism everywhere despite you being unable to clearly define any of it which you've seen with your own two eyes you happily go along for the ride because they say so? That's mighty sheepish of you. And I've never known you to be so willingly pliable.

I mean it's not like I am asking you for a full accounting of every racist incident which has occurred in this country from 2017 until the present. I am merely asking you to provide me with a quote or the actions of ONE man (a very famous one) that you have witnessed with your own two eyes that clearly demonstrate his hostile policies towards blacks and latinos based solely on the color of their skin.

one sure hopes you are merely stringing me along for the shits and giggles and are saving some horrendous Nuke for last because these arguments are piss weak and make me wonder if some rabid leftist lunatic has disposed of the Murdock I know and replaced her with some raving lunatic like Oak.


Cold as Ice
Site Supporter
East of the Rockies West of the rest
Blacks and chinks are the biggest racists in the world.

I can’t blame black Americans for resenting a race who has oppressed them since the beginning of this country. But I do not believe you can be “racist
My ancestry goes back to europe and at one time some of them were enslaved by the Romans.

So does that mean I have to have a grudge againts Italians now? Of course not and it's the same with you black people, slavery happened a long time ago so get over it ffs.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I can’t blame black Americans for resenting a race who has oppressed them since the beginning of this country. But I do not believe you can be “racist

But here's the thing. All of the genuine ones that I know (and you are well aware I know plenty) have ZERO resentment towards white people and believe, as Martin Luther King believe, ie: that a man should be judged not by the color of his skin but by the content of his character.

in my experience it is overwhelmingly more often than not the ones too lazy to make it on their own or those with something to gain that harbor this faux resentment you speak of. And the resentment is not heartfelt due to some perceived or real injustice committed against a person of color hundreds years ago for if it were.. they wouldn't be glorifying the shootings and murders of their fellow black men in this day and age

And please, don't cite some 3rd tier low rung nobody of a talent-less football player as the crux of your argument because he'd remain an absolute nobody with an ordinary backup quarterback salary had he not used this chasing the boogie man movement to his own advantage.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Except Fred Trump was arrested at that rally.... his name and address was listed in the article.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
That’s the thing I love about freedom of speech. Public record is a requirement here.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
@Harry McKnackers

I don’t affiliate with known white supremacists. Calling me a racist for supporting the equal rights of minorities in this country blew your cover and it’s not socially acceptable to be publicly racist anymore.
  • Agree!
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Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
@Harry McKnackers

I don’t affiliate with known white supremacists. Calling me a racist for supporting the equal rights of minorities in this country blew your cover and it’s not socially acceptable to be publicly racist anymore.

Treating certain ethnicities differently than others is "racism", darling...

That's you.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Not surprising that Donald shut the entire investigation of his father’s arrest down when the article surfaced or arrest reports and the court transcripts would have been posted online.

THAT is the Republican way tho.
  • Agree!
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Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I am appalled. Almost as much as I’m appalled by the fact that over 70 million Americans elected a bigot who just harnessed racism in this country and erupted a race war.

I hate to say “I told you so!” But I did. I just call it like I see it.
All the black power brokers glad handed the hell out of Trump for decades. Trump isnt racist or homophobic. I should know cause I'm racist and homohatic.

There is only ONE race. It’s the human race.
I am appalled. Almost as much as I’m appalled by the fact that over 70 million Americans elected a bigot who just harnessed racism in this country and erupted a race war.

I hate to say “I told you so!” But I did. I just call it like I see it.
how exactly did he harness racism? Be specific

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THe newyorker? Really?

I'd have put more stock in a Mad Magazine article

Seriously, in your own words what have YOU heard him say or do during his presidency which YOU can honestly say harnessed racism?

explain the Trumptards carrying the confederate flag into the capital and telling the black police officer “this is our country”

Cause to me this feels like the 1920s more than it does the 2020s
People will be people you know.

I can easily explain it the same way liberals explained the violence which ran for 5 months straight. It was a product of a select few misinterpreting the truth and cause of their movement and acting out in a manner contrary to the purpose of the overall mission

But really, how does an idiot carrying a confederate flag answer the very simple question? Ie: what have YOU heard him say or do during his presidency which YOU can honestly say harnessed racism?

but your justifying left v right when I don’t agree with any of it
I don't agree with any of it either, but I'm curious as to where all the racism rhetoric is coming from cause I've yet to hear anything out of him that even remotely signals a policy which is anti minority

He doesn’t have to... he was photographed meeting with KKK leaders when he was elected and the images where immediately removed from the internet. You’re referring to a system known to be racially divided... and system I have been opposed to for most of my life.

Perhaps you harbor racism against blacks because of crime or things you’ve witnessed, which that is fair enough. That doesn’t make Donald any less of a threat here. The damage has already been done. Our capital was disrespected, assaulted and tarnished with the traitorous flag from a war none of us remember.

I know you want to fix this country as much as I do. We do that by bridging the poverty gap and educating that race before they are a criminal element. Watching them be lynched on national television is detrimental to society.

WE are either part of the soliton or we are part of the problem... Donald just tired to use police force to end this issue and look where that got us last summer!!!! Your way is NOT working here.
If Trump meeting with a KKK member is all you have to substantiate your claim of "harnessing racism" you are in a world of misinformation, naivety and hypocrisy. For instance do you have any transcripts of the meeting? Any ideas what was discussed? Recordings? Notes? Are you 100% confident Trump told them exactly what they wanted to hear?


Well then this one is going to hurt for as the Bible says "with the same ruler you do the measuring you yourself will be measured"

Joe Biden gave a eulogy for a KKK leader

Ouch.. that's gonna leave a mark ...


Because with this recorded event I have at my finger tips all the wonderful things BIden said about a KKK leader.

But lets chalk that one up to political noobie mistake and start over.

What have YOU heard or seen Trump do or say with your own two eyes and ears that demonstrates he harnesses racism?

I believe the subsequent “I love you” tweets to the racists who stormed the capital with the confederate flag prove my theory.

Now ask yourself why you are STILL backing him after his actions have impeded on your own free speech rights.
Was he saying we love you to the 200 or so idiots who stormed the capitol or the million + peaceful protestors exercising their right to make their voices heard?

and look where that got us....

The Republican Party has always represented the racial divide. They were originally comprised of the rich, aristocratic, slave owning white men who didn’t want to pay their taxes. NOTHING has changed.
You still haven’t cited a single example of something trump has said or done to harness racism which wasn’t merely a product of a biased perspective to begin with.

Take the hate trump because we say so glasses off and see the world with your own two eyes, hon.

I don’t have to provide you with anything except my sworn testimony that I am AFRAID for our children’s lives because of YOUR political agenda.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Not surprising that Donald shut the entire investigation of his father’s arrest down when the article surfaced or arrest reports and the court transcripts would have been posted online.

THAT is the Republican way tho.
Wait.. you mean Trump was able to control what the far left media outlets were saying about him?

like... really?


now I know you're just fucking around for shits and giggles


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Blacks and chinks are the biggest racists in the world.

I can’t blame black Americans for resenting a race who has oppressed them since the beginning of this country. But I do not believe you can be “racist

The racist Chinese can go choke on medium rare bat for all I care.
Murdock is brainwashed. Doesnt realize that all races owned slaves of all colors, including the first black man that went to court and won, that he had a right to declare a slave a piece of property, Anthony Johnson.

Which of the original confederate states are you and your family actually from? ... and then I’ll proceed with the remainder of my argument.

I am from the great state of Virginia! Home of the great Robert E. Lee! Where Liberty was born!
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I am appalled. Almost as much as I’m appalled by the fact that over 70 million Americans elected a bigot who just harnessed racism in this country and erupted a race war.

I hate to say “I told you so!” But I did. I just call it like I see it.
All the black power brokers glad handed the hell out of Trump for decades. Trump isnt racist or homophobic. I should know cause I'm racist and homohatic.

There is only ONE race. It’s the human race.
I am appalled. Almost as much as I’m appalled by the fact that over 70 million Americans elected a bigot who just harnessed racism in this country and erupted a race war.

I hate to say “I told you so!” But I did. I just call it like I see it.
how exactly did he harness racism? Be specific

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THe newyorker? Really?

I'd have put more stock in a Mad Magazine article

Seriously, in your own words what have YOU heard him say or do during his presidency which YOU can honestly say harnessed racism?

explain the Trumptards carrying the confederate flag into the capital and telling the black police officer “this is our country”

Cause to me this feels like the 1920s more than it does the 2020s
People will be people you know.

I can easily explain it the same way liberals explained the violence which ran for 5 months straight. It was a product of a select few misinterpreting the truth and cause of their movement and acting out in a manner contrary to the purpose of the overall mission

But really, how does an idiot carrying a confederate flag answer the very simple question? Ie: what have YOU heard him say or do during his presidency which YOU can honestly say harnessed racism?

but your justifying left v right when I don’t agree with any of it
I don't agree with any of it either, but I'm curious as to where all the racism rhetoric is coming from cause I've yet to hear anything out of him that even remotely signals a policy which is anti minority

He doesn’t have to... he was photographed meeting with KKK leaders when he was elected and the images where immediately removed from the internet. You’re referring to a system known to be racially divided... and system I have been opposed to for most of my life.

Perhaps you harbor racism against blacks because of crime or things you’ve witnessed, which that is fair enough. That doesn’t make Donald any less of a threat here. The damage has already been done. Our capital was disrespected, assaulted and tarnished with the traitorous flag from a war none of us remember.

I know you want to fix this country as much as I do. We do that by bridging the poverty gap and educating that race before they are a criminal element. Watching them be lynched on national television is detrimental to society.

WE are either part of the soliton or we are part of the problem... Donald just tired to use police force to end this issue and look where that got us last summer!!!! Your way is NOT working here.
If Trump meeting with a KKK member is all you have to substantiate your claim of "harnessing racism" you are in a world of misinformation, naivety and hypocrisy. For instance do you have any transcripts of the meeting? Any ideas what was discussed? Recordings? Notes? Are you 100% confident Trump told them exactly what they wanted to hear?


Well then this one is going to hurt for as the Bible says "with the same ruler you do the measuring you yourself will be measured"

Joe Biden gave a eulogy for a KKK leader

Ouch.. that's gonna leave a mark ...


Because with this recorded event I have at my finger tips all the wonderful things BIden said about a KKK leader.

But lets chalk that one up to political noobie mistake and start over.

What have YOU heard or seen Trump do or say with your own two eyes and ears that demonstrates he harnesses racism?

I believe the subsequent “I love you” tweets to the racists who stormed the capital with the confederate flag prove my theory.

Now ask yourself why you are STILL backing him after his actions have impeded on your own free speech rights.
Was he saying we love you to the 200 or so idiots who stormed the capitol or the million + peaceful protestors exercising their right to make their voices heard?

and look where that got us....

The Republican Party has always represented the racial divide. They were originally comprised of the rich, aristocratic, slave owning white men who didn’t want to pay their taxes. NOTHING has changed.
You still haven’t cited a single example of something trump has said or done to harness racism which wasn’t merely a product of a biased perspective to begin with.

Take the hate trump because we say so glasses off and see the world with your own two eyes, hon.

I don’t have to provide you with anything except my sworn testimony that I am AFRAID for our children’s lives because of YOUR political agenda.
You are afraid because someone is telling you to be afraid and you are sheepishly believing you should for some odd reason

Despite the fact you've been unable to produce a single sane piece of credible evidence to support your claims yet.

and the saddest thing, and the thing you should be most afraid of is this:

today I'd be the one branded a heretic for the dialogue you and I are having right now.

2 years from now it will be YOU who is being branded the heretic for doing nothing more than engaging in such dialogue with anyone you truly believe you are trying to help. it will be an up or down you are with us or you are against us binary mindset

Wake up.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Blacks and chinks are the biggest racists in the world.

I can’t blame black Americans for resenting a race who has oppressed them since the beginning of this country. But I do not believe you can be “racist

The racist Chinese can go choke on medium rare bat for all I care.
Murdock is brainwashed. Doesnt realize that all races owned slaves of all colors, including the first black man that went to court and won, that he had a right to declare a slave a piece of property, Anthony Johnson.

Which of the original confederate states are you and your family actually from? ... and then I’ll proceed with the remainder of my argument.

I am from the great state of Virginia! Home of the great Robert E. Lee! Where Liberty was born!

Well now... this makes PERFECT sense considering the confederate flag you want to preserve so badly was their adapted Tennessee 14th Infantry Regiment of the Confederate States Army.

this was confirmed by my longtime friend and green beret who studied @ West Point


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I’ve provided media proof linking and mapping out his affiliation with the KKK... which you’ve completely rejected. I’ve proven that his family member, Fred Trump, was arrested in 1927 at a KKK rally. That is what freedom of speech has afforded us... PUBLIC RECORD. You think Fred Trump went home after that arrest and changed his views on white supremacy? Or could his views have been inflicted on the future generations of his family?

There is no “smoking gun” level of proof required when you’re dealing with racism in the US since we do not document them unless they are terrorists. People are either are supportive of equal rights are they aren’t.

Fred Trump aint Donald Trump. Donald Trump has a long record of working with blacks. Donald Trump NEVER had the charge of racist leveled against him until YOU PEOPLE meltied because you were told to. You're all cult followers and havent the ability to think for yourselves.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I am appalled. Almost as much as I’m appalled by the fact that over 70 million Americans elected a bigot who just harnessed racism in this country and erupted a race war.

I hate to say “I told you so!” But I did. I just call it like I see it.
All the black power brokers glad handed the hell out of Trump for decades. Trump isnt racist or homophobic. I should know cause I'm racist and homohatic.

There is only ONE race. It’s the human race.
I am appalled. Almost as much as I’m appalled by the fact that over 70 million Americans elected a bigot who just harnessed racism in this country and erupted a race war.

I hate to say “I told you so!” But I did. I just call it like I see it.
how exactly did he harness racism? Be specific

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
THe newyorker? Really?

I'd have put more stock in a Mad Magazine article

Seriously, in your own words what have YOU heard him say or do during his presidency which YOU can honestly say harnessed racism?

explain the Trumptards carrying the confederate flag into the capital and telling the black police officer “this is our country”

Cause to me this feels like the 1920s more than it does the 2020s
People will be people you know.

I can easily explain it the same way liberals explained the violence which ran for 5 months straight. It was a product of a select few misinterpreting the truth and cause of their movement and acting out in a manner contrary to the purpose of the overall mission

But really, how does an idiot carrying a confederate flag answer the very simple question? Ie: what have YOU heard him say or do during his presidency which YOU can honestly say harnessed racism?

but your justifying left v right when I don’t agree with any of it
I don't agree with any of it either, but I'm curious as to where all the racism rhetoric is coming from cause I've yet to hear anything out of him that even remotely signals a policy which is anti minority

He doesn’t have to... he was photographed meeting with KKK leaders when he was elected and the images where immediately removed from the internet. You’re referring to a system known to be racially divided... and system I have been opposed to for most of my life.

Perhaps you harbor racism against blacks because of crime or things you’ve witnessed, which that is fair enough. That doesn’t make Donald any less of a threat here. The damage has already been done. Our capital was disrespected, assaulted and tarnished with the traitorous flag from a war none of us remember.

I know you want to fix this country as much as I do. We do that by bridging the poverty gap and educating that race before they are a criminal element. Watching them be lynched on national television is detrimental to society.

WE are either part of the soliton or we are part of the problem... Donald just tired to use police force to end this issue and look where that got us last summer!!!! Your way is NOT working here.
If Trump meeting with a KKK member is all you have to substantiate your claim of "harnessing racism" you are in a world of misinformation, naivety and hypocrisy. For instance do you have any transcripts of the meeting? Any ideas what was discussed? Recordings? Notes? Are you 100% confident Trump told them exactly what they wanted to hear?


Well then this one is going to hurt for as the Bible says "with the same ruler you do the measuring you yourself will be measured"

Joe Biden gave a eulogy for a KKK leader

Ouch.. that's gonna leave a mark ...


Because with this recorded event I have at my finger tips all the wonderful things BIden said about a KKK leader.

But lets chalk that one up to political noobie mistake and start over.

What have YOU heard or seen Trump do or say with your own two eyes and ears that demonstrates he harnesses racism?

I believe the subsequent “I love you” tweets to the racists who stormed the capital with the confederate flag prove my theory.

Now ask yourself why you are STILL backing him after his actions have impeded on your own free speech rights.
Was he saying we love you to the 200 or so idiots who stormed the capitol or the million + peaceful protestors exercising their right to make their voices heard?

and look where that got us....

The Republican Party has always represented the racial divide. They were originally comprised of the rich, aristocratic, slave owning white men who didn’t want to pay their taxes. NOTHING has changed.
You still haven’t cited a single example of something trump has said or done to harness racism which wasn’t merely a product of a biased perspective to begin with.

Take the hate trump because we say so glasses off and see the world with your own two eyes, hon.

I don’t have to provide you with anything except my sworn testimony that I am AFRAID for our children’s lives because of YOUR political agenda.
You are afraid because someone is telling you to be afraid and you are sheepishly believing you should for some odd reason

Despite the fact you've been unable to produce a single sane piece of credible evidence to support your claims yet.

and the saddest thing, and the thing you should be most afraid of is this:

today I'd be the one branded a heretic for the dialogue you and I are having right now.

2 years from now it will be YOU who is being branded the heretic for doing nothing more than engaging in such dialogue with anyone you truly believe you are trying to help. it will be an up or down you are with us or you are against us binary mindset

Wake up.

I’m mostly afraid that they will be in a group of minorities and some racist ass cracker cop is going to feel a certain way and decided they are guilty of something and that everyone will cheer the cop on from their couches TBH.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Blacks and chinks are the biggest racists in the world.

I've never experienced racism from a Chinese person, but I have experienced a TON from blacks.
My favorite is when dot indians are racist. They're all like a buncha wealthy, aloof whites! Funniest of all, I visited a female indian doctor and my wife was with me. The way she looked at my wife made my wife FURIOUS. I had tears! :LMAO2: Dirty dot bitch! :Grin3:


Have kink will travel.
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I am appalled. Almost as much as I’m appalled by the fact that over 70 million Americans elected a bigot who just harnessed racism in this country and erupted a race war.

I hate to say “I told you so!” But I did. I just call it like I see it.
All the black power brokers glad handed the hell out of Trump for decades. Trump isnt racist or homophobic. I should know cause I'm racist and homohatic.

There is only ONE race. It’s the human race.
I am appalled. Almost as much as I’m appalled by the fact that over 70 million Americans elected a bigot who just harnessed racism in this country and erupted a race war.

I hate to say “I told you so!” But I did. I just call it like I see it.
how exactly did he harness racism? Be specific

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THe newyorker? Really?

I'd have put more stock in a Mad Magazine article

Seriously, in your own words what have YOU heard him say or do during his presidency which YOU can honestly say harnessed racism?

explain the Trumptards carrying the confederate flag into the capital and telling the black police officer “this is our country”

Cause to me this feels like the 1920s more than it does the 2020s
People will be people you know.

I can easily explain it the same way liberals explained the violence which ran for 5 months straight. It was a product of a select few misinterpreting the truth and cause of their movement and acting out in a manner contrary to the purpose of the overall mission

But really, how does an idiot carrying a confederate flag answer the very simple question? Ie: what have YOU heard him say or do during his presidency which YOU can honestly say harnessed racism?

but your justifying left v right when I don’t agree with any of it
I don't agree with any of it either, but I'm curious as to where all the racism rhetoric is coming from cause I've yet to hear anything out of him that even remotely signals a policy which is anti minority

He doesn’t have to... he was photographed meeting with KKK leaders when he was elected and the images where immediately removed from the internet. You’re referring to a system known to be racially divided... and system I have been opposed to for most of my life.

Perhaps you harbor racism against blacks because of crime or things you’ve witnessed, which that is fair enough. That doesn’t make Donald any less of a threat here. The damage has already been done. Our capital was disrespected, assaulted and tarnished with the traitorous flag from a war none of us remember.

I know you want to fix this country as much as I do. We do that by bridging the poverty gap and educating that race before they are a criminal element. Watching them be lynched on national television is detrimental to society.

WE are either part of the soliton or we are part of the problem... Donald just tired to use police force to end this issue and look where that got us last summer!!!! Your way is NOT working here.
If Trump meeting with a KKK member is all you have to substantiate your claim of "harnessing racism" you are in a world of misinformation, naivety and hypocrisy. For instance do you have any transcripts of the meeting? Any ideas what was discussed? Recordings? Notes? Are you 100% confident Trump told them exactly what they wanted to hear?


Well then this one is going to hurt for as the Bible says "with the same ruler you do the measuring you yourself will be measured"

Joe Biden gave a eulogy for a KKK leader

Ouch.. that's gonna leave a mark ...


Because with this recorded event I have at my finger tips all the wonderful things BIden said about a KKK leader.

But lets chalk that one up to political noobie mistake and start over.

What have YOU heard or seen Trump do or say with your own two eyes and ears that demonstrates he harnesses racism?

I believe the subsequent “I love you” tweets to the racists who stormed the capital with the confederate flag prove my theory.

Now ask yourself why you are STILL backing him after his actions have impeded on your own free speech rights.
Was he saying we love you to the 200 or so idiots who stormed the capitol or the million + peaceful protestors exercising their right to make their voices heard?

and look where that got us....

The Republican Party has always represented the racial divide. They were originally comprised of the rich, aristocratic, slave owning white men who didn’t want to pay their taxes. NOTHING has changed.
You still haven’t cited a single example of something trump has said or done to harness racism which wasn’t merely a product of a biased perspective to begin with.

Take the hate trump because we say so glasses off and see the world with your own two eyes, hon.

I don’t have to provide you with anything except my sworn testimony that I am AFRAID for our children’s lives because of YOUR political agenda.
You are afraid because someone is telling you to be afraid and you are sheepishly believing you should for some odd reason

Despite the fact you've been unable to produce a single sane piece of credible evidence to support your claims yet.

and the saddest thing, and the thing you should be most afraid of is this:

today I'd be the one branded a heretic for the dialogue you and I are having right now.

2 years from now it will be YOU who is being branded the heretic for doing nothing more than engaging in such dialogue with anyone you truly believe you are trying to help. it will be an up or down you are with us or you are against us binary mindset

Wake up.

I’m mostly afraid that they will be in a group of minorities and some racist ass cracker cop is going to feel a certain way and decided they are guilty of something and that everyone will cheer the cop on from their couches TBH.

Please don't use racist terms such as cracker, Miss Racist....
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Factory Bastard
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Fuk, EVERYONES racist in some form or fashion. Whats pathetic is these dopey assed virtue signalling white tards that flip shit at "nigger" even worse than blax!
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Put your glasses on!
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Blacks and chinks are the biggest racists in the world.

I can’t blame black Americans for resenting a race who has oppressed them since the beginning of this country. But I do not believe you can be “racist

The racist Chinese can go choke on medium rare bat for all I care.
Murdock is brainwashed. Doesnt realize that all races owned slaves of all colors, including the first black man that went to court and won, that he had a right to declare a slave a piece of property, Anthony Johnson.

Which of the original confederate states are you and your family actually from? ... and then I’ll proceed with the remainder of my argument.

I am from the great state of Virginia! Home of the great Robert E. Lee! Where Liberty was born!

Well now... this makes PERFECT sense considering the confederate flag you want to preserve so badly was their adapted Tennessee 14th Infantry Regiment of the Confederate States Army.

this was confirmed by my longtime friend and green beret who studied @ West Point

Oh cool, a West Point graduate, salute.

You do know Virginia wanted to stay in the Union, it wasnt until the other 5 states succeeded, and Virginia was asked to attack their brothers and sisters, that Virginia decided to succeed. You also know that Virginia, the state which gave birth to Liberty, saw the writing on the wall when the Union was formed, and put in a clause, that Virginia could succeed should Virginia see fit.

70-80% of the men in Virginia, as young as 10 years old, fought defending their families.

Robert E. Lee, the honorable! Stood with Virginia and the South, and did not betray his kin. Forever he shall remain a hero, and why us true Southerners fly the battle flag of Northern Virginia.

Us true Southerners despise racists, and those that use our flag for racist purposes. ALL races fought in that war.

This Friday is Lee Jackson Day. Honoring Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson, you should pay them some respect.

Two more notes, Stonewall Jackson, taught black children how to read and write, when it was illegal to do so.

Lee Jackson Day, use to be on the same day as Martin Luther King Jr. Day. At one time, they were all considered great individuals. Martin did not want Southern statues to come down, because it would cause division amongst the races. Boy was he right.


Have kink will travel.
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Fuk, EVERYONES racist in some form or fashion. Whats pathetic is these dopey assed virtue signalling white tards that flip shit at "nigger" even worse than blax!

Murdock has said that whites can't experience racism but then calls whites crackers and the like.

Murdock is a racist hypocrite.