Concrete examples of Systemic Racism and it's intended consequences thread


Factory Bastard
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I'll tell you this josephine, one of the best athletes of all time is Lance Armstrong! Maybe he can be ya new boi!

And you got SHAMPAIN, Lokmeer!

He wants ta be yours, Bud!
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The biggest problem we have in our country right now is drug addiction. In addition to causing almost 100,000 deaths per year it is also driving around 90% of the street homelessness cases flooding our cities.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Wow, the gubmint shoulda done did reversed racism by giving shit to blax only! PWN3D!

Hey, dick breath, two things.

First, they should have treated all GI's the same. Second, stop complaining about affirmative action now. Affirmative action was okay when it was for whites only, hmm?

100% correct ALL SOLDIERS should have been treated EQUALLY, no ifs or buts about it.


Domestically feral
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United states
The biggest problem we have in our country right now is drug addiction. In addition to causing almost 100,000 deaths per year it is also driving around 90% of the street homelessness cases flooding our cities.

That doesnt make people feel as good about themselves as imagining themselves as civil rights warriors.

We are literally watching propaganda induced mass hysteria designed to help democrats stay in "power".

If they actually cared about race relations in America.... they would pissed off at this bullshit narrative that isnt true and is spreading hate and violence. And they damn sure would not be supporting the race pimps we call Democrats. They get mad and hateful at us when we start poking holes in their whole LARP with fact and reality.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Wow, the gubmint shoulda done did reversed racism by giving shit to blax only! PWN3D!

Hey, dick breath, two things.

First, they should have treated all GI's the same. Second, stop complaining about affirmative action now. Affirmative action was okay when it was for whites only, hmm?

100% correct ALL SOLDIERS should have been treated EQUALLY, no ifs or buts about it.

But they weren't. And these policies have had an impact on the current population of African Americans. While white families accumulated wealth over the decades, black families lagged behind.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Black WWII veterans were excluded from receiving GI Bill benefits for attending college or vocational training. It was affirmative action for white males. It exponentially increased the numbers of white male college graduates.

It worked as intended.

I think there may have been the systematic racism you mentioned in the US during the past.

However, I think it's improved in the time since you've indicated (75 years ago?)

Of course, things are better. No doubt. We're not there yet though.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Black WWII veterans were excluded from receiving GI Bill benefits for attending college or vocational training. It was affirmative action for white males. It exponentially increased the numbers of white male college graduates.

It worked as intended.

I think there may have been the systematic racism you mentioned in the US during the past.

However, I think it's improved in the time since you've indicated (75 years ago?)

Of course, things are better. No doubt. We're not there yet though.

Yeah, because you guys run on left wing propaganda, dismiss facts that contradict your narratives, spread racist hate through the country and keep voting the SAME way, voting for the SAME problems because you are so full of yourselves you wont admit you could be part of what is keeping this shit alive.

Hopefully the push for CRT material in schools is the trigger for people realizing what the problem is so we can unify as much as possible, push back and get rid of this cancer in our country hell bent on pimping race to destroy it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Black WWII veterans were excluded from receiving GI Bill benefits for attending college or vocational training. It was affirmative action for white males. It exponentially increased the numbers of white male college graduates.

It worked as intended.

I think there may have been the systematic racism you mentioned in the US during the past.

However, I think it's improved in the time since you've indicated (75 years ago?)

Of course, things are better. No doubt. We're not there yet though.

Yeah, because you guys run on left wing propaganda, dismiss facts that contradict your narratives, spread racist hate through the country and keep voting the SAME way, voting for the SAME problems because you are so full of yourselves you wont admit you could be part of what is keeping this shit alive.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Wow, the gubmint shoulda done did reversed racism by giving shit to blax only! PWN3D!

Hey, dick breath, two things.

First, they should have treated all GI's the same. Second, stop complaining about affirmative action now. Affirmative action was okay when it was for whites only, hmm?

100% correct ALL SOLDIERS should have been treated EQUALLY, no ifs or buts about it.

But they weren't. And these policies have had an impact on the current population of African Americans. While white families accumulated wealth over the decades, black families lagged behind.

Everyone's family Globally were seriously affected by WW1 & WW2... If blacks weren't thrifty like most of the whites, why is that anyone's problem today?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Wow, the gubmint shoulda done did reversed racism by giving shit to blax only! PWN3D!

Hey, dick breath, two things.

First, they should have treated all GI's the same. Second, stop complaining about affirmative action now. Affirmative action was okay when it was for whites only, hmm?

100% correct ALL SOLDIERS should have been treated EQUALLY, no ifs or buts about it.

But they weren't. And these policies have had an impact on the current population of African Americans. While white families accumulated wealth over the decades, black families lagged behind.

Everyone's family Globally were seriously affected by WW1 & WW2... If blacks weren't thrifty like most of the whites, why is that anyone's problem today?

Are you purposefully ignorant or you didn't read the OP about Black Vets being denied funding for education? How can you accumulate money if you're barely eking out an existence?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Lily, are you one of those white people with a severe case of white guilt?

No. However, as a citizen, with a capital C, I am accountable to my country and what I can do to make it better.
So you aren't white?
You seem like one of those white suburban libs.

OH, PS: I'm on ignore...remember?

I haven't said what I am. Why does that matter?

I ignore you at my will. When I want. You have no control over that, nor should you. I wanted to see if you would be an honest broker in this conversation. Unfortunately, you aren't interested in such a discussion to my disappointment. I guess I should have ignored this message in addition to all the others. It was foolish to give you any credit.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Wow, the gubmint shoulda done did reversed racism by giving shit to blax only! PWN3D!

Hey, dick breath, two things.

First, they should have treated all GI's the same. Second, stop complaining about affirmative action now. Affirmative action was okay when it was for whites only, hmm?

100% correct ALL SOLDIERS should have been treated EQUALLY, no ifs or buts about it.

But they weren't. And these policies have had an impact on the current population of African Americans. While white families accumulated wealth over the decades, black families lagged behind.

Because of their own choices, dip shit. They chose not to get married before having kids. They choose to have four kids from. Four different men. They choose to drop out of school. They choose to become criminals and so end up in prison.

People who make bad choices don't do well. People who make good choices tend to do better.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Lily, are you one of those white people with a severe case of white guilt?

No. However, as a citizen, with a capital C, I am accountable to my country and what I can do to make it better.

You need a lot more education and experience before you can "fix" things. Hell, so far you can't even properly identify the problem. You'd benefit from reading some Jordan Peterson.


Lily, are you one of those white people with a severe case of white guilt?

No. However, as a citizen, with a capital C, I am accountable to my country and what I can do to make it better.
So you aren't white?
You seem like one of those white suburban libs.

OH, PS: I'm on ignore...remember?

I haven't said what I am. Why does that matter?

I ignore you at my will. When I want. You have no control over that, nor should you. I wanted to see if you would be an honest broker in this conversation. Unfortunately, you aren't interested in such a discussion to my disappointment. I guess I should have ignored this message in addition to all the others. It was foolish to give you any credit.
I was not commenting on the subject matter. As happens, I agree with at least some of what I read.
...but - the question is
When are you going to just be you, Oak?


Jordan Peterson
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“It’s true that he’s not a white nationalist,” says David Neiwert, the Pacific Northwest correspondent for the Southern Poverty Law Center and the author of
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. “But he’s buttressing his narrative with pseudo-facts, many of them created for the explicit purpose of promoting white nationalism, especially the whole notion of ‘cultural Marxism’. The arc of radicalisation often passes through these more ‘moderate’ ideologues.”

“The difference is that this individual has a title and profession that lend a certain illusory credibility,” says Cara Tierney, an artist and part-time professor who protested against Peterson’s appearance at Ottawa’s National Gallery last year. “It’s very theatrical and shrewdly exploits platforms that thrive on spectacle, controversy, fear and prejudice. The threat is not so much what [Peterson’s] beliefs are, but how they detract from more critical, informed and, frankly, interesting conversations.”

Yet Peterson’s commitment to unfettered free speech is questionable. Once you believe in a powerful and malign conspiracy, you start to justify extreme measures. Last July, he announced plans to launch a website that would help students and parents identify and avoid “corrupt” courses with “postmodern content”. Within five years, he hoped, this would starve “postmodern neo-Marxist cult classes” into oblivion. Peterson shelved the plan after a backlash, acknowledging that it “might add excessively to current polarisation”. Who could have predicted that blacklisting fellow professors might exacerbate polarisation? Apparently not “the most influential public intellectual in the western world”.

The key to Peterson’s appeal is also his greatest weakness. He wants to be the man who knows everything and can explain everything, without qualification or error. On Channel 4 News, he posed as an impregnable rock of hard evidence and common sense. But his arguments are riddled with conspiracy theories and crude distortions of subjects, including
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, that lie outside his field of expertise. Therefore, there is no need to caricature his ideas in order to challenge them. Even so, his critics will have their work cut out: Peterson’s wave is unlikely to come crashing down any time soon.


Domestically feral
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United states

I dont except anyone but the people outside the left race cult to watch this.

But this explains a lot. And it's exactly what I mean when I call these people weak.

Systemic racism and this whole fake woke shit sucks these people in easily because it gives them the drama, the sense of being part of something heroic, of being superior and enlightened. We ARE a pampered and spoiled generation. So weak men DO create hard times....and that's what they doing

The truth isnt as fulfilling for them. Starting initiatives to maybe (now don't get me confused.....that whole narrative that black people cant be expected to have ID is wildly ignorant, racist thinking) help black people get ID so they can function in society and vote? It's not as fun and fulfilling to them as having a dragon to slay. The evil Republicans suppressing the vote!!! They NEED us to be their enemy and boogeyman so they can FEEL a certain way.

Getting involved in schools and helping black children have a safe environment and help the illiteracy issue? It doesnt bring the same satisfaction as fighting imaginary racism.

They are not interested in REAL problems and real solutions. They are not interested in holding their elected officials accountable(because they are emotionally invested in this savoir complex AND fighting US) everything they do is motivated by hatred of those who oppose them. Everything.

They are gonna continue voting for the party of race pimps, continue encouraging the spreading of racist hate, continue enabling left wing violence, continue trying to brainwash youth with misinfo, fighting for legislation and policy that strips individual liberties and rights until the corporate ran government subverts the country and is able to effectively profit off oppressing Americans.

They wont even entertain how they may be getting used like useful idiots. They like the high they get with that "right side of history" feeling.

Ultimately they are going to cause very real oppression and hardship. We could be screaming about the train headed our way ..... they'll just dismiss it while trying to force us onto the track.

It takes a lot of gymnastics to convince oneself that systemic racism is not just real....but that this is split so nicely between political parties when it never works like that. Assuming the reason people reject this narrative for ANY reason except there is no proof of it is delusional. Accusing black people who reject it of suffering internalized racism is text book gaslighting.

Throughout human history......the people who have been on the right side of history have NEVER relied on gaslighting, never suppressed information or supported censorship, never were fueled by so much hate, NEVER resorted to violence against innocent people or destruction of communities, never resorted to attacking opposition personally and labeling, and the biggest?

Corrupt establishment politicains with power and influence paired with corporatists with more power and influence were NEVER on the right side of history. In fact, they are always shown on the WRONG side. The media in Germany wasnt warning the citizens about the nazi take over. It was the propaganda arm of the nazi party.

This high won't be worth the pain and struggle in our near future. I wont feel bad for anyone who was on the side of oppressors spreading hate and division.

Enjoy the seething hate while we still have an illusion of liberty, I guess. Within the next 4 years, it will be illegal to oppose the government. This is to somehow fight "white supremacy" that doesnt even exist but yeah.....just hate the CONs.
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Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Wow, the gubmint shoulda done did reversed racism by giving shit to blax only! PWN3D!

Hey, dick breath, two things.

First, they should have treated all GI's the same. Second, stop complaining about affirmative action now. Affirmative action was okay when it was for whites only, hmm?

100% correct ALL SOLDIERS should have been treated EQUALLY, no ifs or buts about it.

But they weren't. And these policies have had an impact on the current population of African Americans. While white families accumulated wealth over the decades, black families lagged behind.

Because of their own choices, dip shit. They chose not to get married before having kids. They choose to have four kids from. Four different men. They choose to drop out of school. They choose to become criminals and so end up in prison.

People who make bad choices don't do well. People who make good choices tend to do better.

Its leftwing culture that pushes this. The left hates the traditional family structure openly now.

A twisted and diluted feminism goes with that.

The welfare state really put a bullet in the black family.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Wow, the gubmint shoulda done did reversed racism by giving shit to blax only! PWN3D!

Hey, dick breath, two things.

First, they should have treated all GI's the same. Second, stop complaining about affirmative action now. Affirmative action was okay when it was for whites only, hmm?

100% correct ALL SOLDIERS should have been treated EQUALLY, no ifs or buts about it.

But they weren't. And these policies have had an impact on the current population of African Americans. While white families accumulated wealth over the decades, black families lagged behind.

Everyone's family Globally were seriously affected by WW1 & WW2... If blacks weren't thrifty like most of the whites, why is that anyone's problem today?

Are you purposefully ignorant or you didn't read the OP about Black Vets being denied funding for education? How can you accumulate money if you're barely eking out an existence?

Again, you prove you have no fucking point when you, in desperation, have to point to something that got fixed in 1947. You point to a teo year period that quickly got fixed; fixed almost 80 years ago. You can't come up with anything in the last half century.

Shit, you were even lying and trying to blame slavery for the broken black family when marriage rates and intact black families were high between 1865 and 1960. It wasn't until the Democrats welfare state and "sexual revolution " that the black family dropped off the face of the Earth. With your every post you prove that not only do you not have a point but that you are to stupid to even I.D. the problem correctly.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Wow, the gubmint shoulda done did reversed racism by giving shit to blax only! PWN3D!

Hey, dick breath, two things.

First, they should have treated all GI's the same. Second, stop complaining about affirmative action now. Affirmative action was okay when it was for whites only, hmm?

100% correct ALL SOLDIERS should have been treated EQUALLY, no ifs or buts about it.

But they weren't. And these policies have had an impact on the current population of African Americans. While white families accumulated wealth over the decades, black families lagged behind.

Everyone's family Globally were seriously affected by WW1 & WW2... If blacks weren't thrifty like most of the whites, why is that anyone's problem today?

Are you purposefully ignorant or you didn't read the OP about Black Vets being denied funding for education? How can you accumulate money if you're barely eking out an existence?

Again, you prove you have no fucking point when you, in desperation, have to point to something that got fixed in 1947. You point to a teo year period that quickly got fixed; fixed almost 80 years ago. You can't come up with anything in the last half century.

Shit, you were even lying and trying to blame slavery for the broken black family when marriage rates and intact black families were high between 1865 and 1960. It wasn't until the Democrats welfare state and "sexual revolution " that the black family dropped off the face of the Earth. With your every post you prove that not only do you not have a point but that you are to stupid to even I.D. the problem correctly.
Post of the day.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Wow, the gubmint shoulda done did reversed racism by giving shit to blax only! PWN3D!

Hey, dick breath, two things.

First, they should have treated all GI's the same. Second, stop complaining about affirmative action now. Affirmative action was okay when it was for whites only, hmm?

100% correct ALL SOLDIERS should have been treated EQUALLY, no ifs or buts about it.

But they weren't. And these policies have had an impact on the current population of African Americans. While white families accumulated wealth over the decades, black families lagged behind.

Everyone's family Globally were seriously affected by WW1 & WW2... If blacks weren't thrifty like most of the whites, why is that anyone's problem today?

Are you purposefully ignorant or you didn't read the OP about Black Vets being denied funding for education? How can you accumulate money if you're barely eking out an existence?

Again, you prove you have no fucking point when you, in desperation, have to point to something that got fixed in 1947. You point to a teo year period that quickly got fixed; fixed almost 80 years ago. You can't come up with anything in the last half century.

Shit, you were even lying and trying to blame slavery for the broken black family when marriage rates and intact black families were high between 1865 and 1960. It wasn't until the Democrats welfare state and "sexual revolution " that the black family dropped off the face of the Earth. With your every post you prove that not only do you not have a point but that you are to stupid to even I.D. the problem correctly.

The fucking democrats... whose policies cause all the problems. ....have trained their useful idiots to NOT think.

Just saying "stop suppressing the black vote!" is a technique literally called a "thought stopper". The left is FULL of these.

If they used critical thinking on this? Its obvious that democrats are USING a very degrading way, taking advantage of the pure ignorance of their base, to say black people CANT GET ID so they DONT pass voter laws that make it harder for the powerful to drive our election results.

Any fucking reasonable person would question this racist load of shit. If black people cannot manage to get ID? They cannot participate even in welfare programs. If any reasonable person thought there was truth here? Instead of attacking Republicans and fighting election security they would be forming outreach groups to REACH OUT to any black or minority Americans struggling to get ID and learn to find their district and everything.

What they actually do? They try to arrange the country to accommodate keeping black people in this situation where they cannot get ID. Keeping them disempowered under bad democrat bullshit AS ALWAYS.

They dont even want laws to apply to black people. Except gun control laws. Just keep the law abiding black people from accessing their RIGHTS while defunding and removing police so they dont even have THAT. Just let black teens stab eachother. Let them have shit schools, no laws to protect their rights and use them as an excuse to avoid election security laws so all legal voters can be diluted and disenfranchised by the monoparty.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Lily, are you one of those white people with a severe case of white guilt?

No. However, as a citizen, with a capital C, I am accountable to my country and what I can do to make it better.

if that were the case you'd have committed suicide a long time ago

When they say "make it better"? They mean impose their standards whether its harmful or not.

They've deemed THEMSELVES the enlightened saviors of the country and decided their voices are the only voices. The country belongs to just them and we are just dumb bigots in their way.

Subverting our Constitutional Republic designed to give everyone a say, to honor the rights of the individual......and replace it with mob rule democracy. Tyranny of the "majority".

I wonder if the people of Kenosha feel the left is making the country better. Shit people who live in democrat ran hoods sure the hell dont think it's better. They just haven't all figured out it's because they keep voting the same way and are believing lies about other parties.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Wow, the gubmint shoulda done did reversed racism by giving shit to blax only! PWN3D!

Hey, dick breath, two things.

First, they should have treated all GI's the same. Second, stop complaining about affirmative action now. Affirmative action was okay when it was for whites only, hmm?

100% correct ALL SOLDIERS should have been treated EQUALLY, no ifs or buts about it.

But they weren't. And these policies have had an impact on the current population of African Americans. While white families accumulated wealth over the decades, black families lagged behind.

Everyone's family Globally were seriously affected by WW1 & WW2... If blacks weren't thrifty like most of the whites, why is that anyone's problem today?

Are you purposefully ignorant or you didn't read the OP about Black Vets being denied funding for education? How can you accumulate money if you're barely eking out an existence?

Did you ever see any documentaries about the building of the Hoover dam or any documentaries about the great depression? There was probably twice or thrice as many white people living below the poverty line so please, don't talk shit.... the WWs have been over for 3/4 of century...

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Wow, the gubmint shoulda done did reversed racism by giving shit to blax only! PWN3D!

Hey, dick breath, two things.

First, they should have treated all GI's the same. Second, stop complaining about affirmative action now. Affirmative action was okay when it was for whites only, hmm?

100% correct ALL SOLDIERS should have been treated EQUALLY, no ifs or buts about it.

But they weren't. And these policies have had an impact on the current population of African Americans. While white families accumulated wealth over the decades, black families lagged behind.

Everyone's family Globally were seriously affected by WW1 & WW2... If blacks weren't thrifty like most of the whites, why is that anyone's problem today?

Are you purposefully ignorant or you didn't read the OP about Black Vets being denied funding for education? How can you accumulate money if you're barely eking out an existence?

Did you ever see any documentaries about the building of the Hoover dam or any documentaries about the great depression? There was probably twice or thrice as many white people living below the poverty line so please, don't talk shit.... the WWs have been over for 3/4 of century...
slavery been over longer than that and and they're still crying about it


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Wow, the gubmint shoulda done did reversed racism by giving shit to blax only! PWN3D!

Hey, dick breath, two things.

First, they should have treated all GI's the same. Second, stop complaining about affirmative action now. Affirmative action was okay when it was for whites only, hmm?

100% correct ALL SOLDIERS should have been treated EQUALLY, no ifs or buts about it.

But they weren't. And these policies have had an impact on the current population of African Americans. While white families accumulated wealth over the decades, black families lagged behind.

Everyone's family Globally were seriously affected by WW1 & WW2... If blacks weren't thrifty like most of the whites, why is that anyone's problem today?

Are you purposefully ignorant or you didn't read the OP about Black Vets being denied funding for education? How can you accumulate money if you're barely eking out an existence?

Did you ever see any documentaries about the building of the Hoover dam or any documentaries about the great depression? There was probably twice or thrice as many white people living below the poverty line so please, don't talk shit.... the WWs have been over for 3/4 of century...
slavery been over longer than that and and they're still crying about it

And completely ignoring and actively enabling modern day human trafficking. Which is vastly more brutal and cruel than legal slavery of old.

You cant get these people to even get upset about THAT...or even LEARN about it.... but mythological systemic racism gets them so turnt they burn down black owned businesses.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Wow, the gubmint shoulda done did reversed racism by giving shit to blax only! PWN3D!

Hey, dick breath, two things.

First, they should have treated all GI's the same. Second, stop complaining about affirmative action now. Affirmative action was okay when it was for whites only, hmm?

100% correct ALL SOLDIERS should have been treated EQUALLY, no ifs or buts about it.

But they weren't. And these policies have had an impact on the current population of African Americans. While white families accumulated wealth over the decades, black families lagged behind.

Everyone's family Globally were seriously affected by WW1 & WW2... If blacks weren't thrifty like most of the whites, why is that anyone's problem today?

Are you purposefully ignorant or you didn't read the OP about Black Vets being denied funding for education? How can you accumulate money if you're barely eking out an existence?

Did you ever see any documentaries about the building of the Hoover dam or any documentaries about the great depression? There was probably twice or thrice as many white people living below the poverty line so please, don't talk shit.... the WWs have been over for 3/4 of century...
slavery been over longer than that and and they're still crying about it

And completely ignoring and actively enabling modern day human trafficking. Which is vastly more brutal and cruel than legal slavery of old.

You cant get these people to even get upset about THAT...or even LEARN about it.... but mythological systemic racism gets them so turnt they burn down black owned businesses.
they are nothing but corrupted vermin filth