Concrete examples of Systemic Racism and it's intended consequences thread


Factory Bastard
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Especially if you look at the federal budget and realize where our money really goes.

White people pay more taxes and get less benefit from the taxes. That's a fact. And since you are so intent on breaking people into groups based on race, that's a fact that you need to embrace.

The funny thing is that it is always the left wing that tries to divide people and compare different groups - usually by ethnicity. Right wing people don't want to do that. We want everyone to have opportunity, everyone to take personal responsibility, everyone to enjoy their life without harming others. Freedom.

That's cool bro. Only one problem. It's a big, fat lie.


Domestically feral
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United states
Especially if you look at the federal budget and realize where our money really goes.

White people pay more taxes and get less benefit from the taxes. That's a fact. And since you are so intent on breaking people into groups based on race, that's a fact that you need to embrace.

The funny thing is that it is always the left wing that tries to divide people and compare different groups - usually by ethnicity. Right wing people don't want to do that. We want everyone to have opportunity, everyone to take personal responsibility, everyone to enjoy their life without harming others. Freedom.

That's cool bro. Only one problem. It's a big, fat lie.

No it isnt.

He is exactly right and it can be shown.

Can you show what about this you think is s big fat lie and correct it? Because saying it is doesnt make it one.

A big fat lie is that America is systemically racist. Everything BLM says is a lie.

This can be shown.

Can you show your claim to be true?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
That's certainly an example of egregious racism at work

But do you think you could find something a little closer to present day? you know, something within the last 10 years or so... you know, since we did have a black president within that time frame

The chronic employment gap between blacks and whites. The chronic income gap between blacks and whites. Are those good enough? After all, not being able to get an education for our grandparents might still impact our generation since it didn't get remedied by the boomer generation either.
yeah schools in democratic cities are total shit

we can agree there

Oh, moving the goal posts are we? The topic is concrete examples of systemic racism. I'm not going go along with your deflection.

No that's literally the problem.

Democrat policies.

Smh. You guys bring this shit to us but you are the ones voting for it.

No bad schools in minority communities is systemic racism and the GOP has been complicit in these policies as well. It's not a party problem, it's a race problem.

Eddie Murphy

Care to explain those?

Or me, barely making it paycheck to paycheck. Am I a victim of systemic racism? Since I grew up in Section 8 housing, it must be racism against me!!!!

You could name 100, and it would still be a drop in the bucket compared to the millions of African Americans families whose income is lower than the average white family.

My income is below average, am I a victim or what?

Now, tell me about those lifestyles of those millions.

Oh wait, you dont know do you. Allow me to tell you since I lived among them....

They get free housing, free food, free medical, free Christmas toys for the kids, free clothes for the kids, utility assistance, and other benefits, without having to work a day in their life. THEN, fucking THEN, they either steal, or sell drugs, or work an under table job, without alerting the people who provide the benefits, and then sport $2000 bling bling rims on their car. Dont you fucking DARE try and school me!!! I'll fucking kick you back to Kindergarten!

You have to have less than shit to get that "free" stuff. I never got "free" stuff and worked with people that did. I don't envy or bemoan them free shit. Especially if you look at the federal budget and realize where our money really goes.

Ignorance is not bliss, apparently it's seething white rage.

So you're telling me, as someone who grew up in Section 8, from the age of 5-18, that I dont know what the fuck Im talking about.

Ignorance indeed. Ya fuckin' racist ass Oak.

What I'm telling you that "free" everything isn't fun. And you just confirmed it with that comment. I'm not a racist, what I don't do is envy people poor enough to qualify for "free" shit.

Well, if you're not a racist (Oak is), then you would understand its not about "Systemic racism", its about family. The majority of those in poverty environments have no real family structure. Then throw DemonRat controlled areas into the mix, and you get the ghetto. You would understand that this can happen if you're white or black.

THEN, factor in those that cheat the system, and work under the table and say they have no income. They get EVERYTHING free, AND Bling Bling rims. The system is fucked.

If you're a liar, you get it all! But if you're honest, you get fucked!

Take my mom's case for instance, out on disability, living in Section 8. I try and start working at the age of 14, get a leg up on life, nope, mom told me I had to quit multiple jobs, cause it would go against her, even though I was under 18. All her benefits would decrease, or her rent go up, etc. She even had an article in the paper about it, and tried writing to the state senator and governor at the time, to try and get the laws changed.

Then take my neighbor into account, worked some during the day without reporting the income, sold drugs, stole from people, and had bling bling rims. Dishonesty at its best.

Dont try and school me, you'll lose every time.

If you take families and you tear them apart for hundreds of years, you are destroying the social fabric of that group. You are terrifically ignorant.

Call me a racist all you want if it helps you sleep at night. You're the one that giggles like a school girl whenever anyone posts racist shit and I think you cum when someone says "nigger".

Here is another example of you being a fucking stupid person. From 1900-1965 the intact married black family rate was between 70% and 80%. It isn't until LBJ and the Democrats came in with their big state welfarism and their leftist talking points that it started falling into the toilet. Now days we are look at around 1 in five black families being intact and married.

None of this shit started with slavery, you fat, cretinous, mongoloid. It took the welfare state and shitty Democrat big statism to do that.


Factory Bastard
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Lily badly needs some education and she should start by reading Dr. Thomas Sowell.


Factory Bastard
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Watch and begin your education based upon facts instead of lie.


Domestically feral
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United states
Lily badly needs some education and she should start by reading Dr. Thomas Sowell.

That's the thing. They never look at anything you show them and if it contradicts the propaganda they believe they will invalidate it and dismiss it.

They want to think the way they do. They dont want their beliefs to be challenged or see anything except what they've been trained to see.

Which is themselves as the enlightened, open minded pioneers of progress.....and us as bigots, racists, uneducated and stupid, closed minded, backwards red necks who believe in conspiracy.

^^^^ this is really all that matters to them and they will help the country fall apart entirely before they entertain reality. I genuinely believe they would prefer left wing authoritarianism. As long as they can feel right and superior.....they dont really care who suffers.

Like you said. I used to think they were just wrong. Now I'm convinced they really are evil. I'm sick of wondering why they dont care about anything actually happening.

These people dismiss Thomas Sowell of being an uncle tom and having internalized racism. That's what they are trained to do so no one can break through their programming. I've seen leftists call him a "house n*gger" many times. Its gross.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Especially if you look at the federal budget and realize where our money really goes.

White people pay more taxes and get less benefit from the taxes. That's a fact. And since you are so intent on breaking people into groups based on race, that's a fact that you need to embrace.

The funny thing is that it is always the left wing that tries to divide people and compare different groups - usually by ethnicity. Right wing people don't want to do that. We want everyone to have opportunity, everyone to take personal responsibility, everyone to enjoy their life without harming others. Freedom.

That's cool bro. Only one problem. It's a big, fat lie.

No it isnt.

He is exactly right and it can be shown.

Can you show what about this you think is s big fat lie and correct it? Because saying it is doesnt make it one.

A big fat lie is that America is systemically racist. Everything BLM says is a lie.

This can be shown.

Can you show your claim to be true?

It is how they operate. They ignore all facts, data, and reality then just talk about their feelings from a place of supreme ignorance. They can only maintain their illogical and untruthful positions by maintaining their complete ignorance.

The moment facts and reality start entering the picture virtually the entire leftist world view disintegrates. That is why they always hide in echo chambers and urge each other not to listen to anyone outside their echo chamber.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Especially if you look at the federal budget and realize where our money really goes.

White people pay more taxes and get less benefit from the taxes. That's a fact. And since you are so intent on breaking people into groups based on race, that's a fact that you need to embrace.

The funny thing is that it is always the left wing that tries to divide people and compare different groups - usually by ethnicity. Right wing people don't want to do that. We want everyone to have opportunity, everyone to take personal responsibility, everyone to enjoy their life without harming others. Freedom.

That's cool bro. Only one problem. It's a big, fat lie.

No it isnt.

He is exactly right and it can be shown.

Can you show what about this you think is s big fat lie and correct it? Because saying it is doesnt make it one.

A big fat lie is that America is systemically racist. Everything BLM says is a lie.

This can be shown.

Can you show your claim to be true?

It is how they operate. They ignore all facts, data, and reality then just talk about their feelings from a place of supreme ignorance. They can only maintain their illogical and untruthful positions by maintaining their complete ignorance.

The moment facts and reality start entering the picture virtually the entire leftist world view disintegrates. That is why they always hide in echo chambers and urge each other not to listen to anyone outside their echo chamber.

They do. I'm in a few of them....I dont post. I just watch.

Sometimes the shit they say is so wrong, or so incredibly hateful, that I have to not bother reading it. They speak with contempt about their own families ffs.

They do really tell eachother not to bother engaging with anyone on the other side. If we dont accept their "education" that all we deserve is mockery. But definately they all say not to bother talking with anyone.

Uhg. I should get screen shots. Literally all they do is spew hate. I'm not even kidding or being dramatic.

I take nothing they say to me here seriously at all. They are worse in their closed groups and they treat everyone like this. Anyone not in their cult, they hate.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
That's certainly an example of egregious racism at work

But do you think you could find something a little closer to present day? you know, something within the last 10 years or so... you know, since we did have a black president within that time frame

The chronic employment gap between blacks and whites. The chronic income gap between blacks and whites. Are those good enough? After all, not being able to get an education for our grandparents might still impact our generation since it didn't get remedied by the boomer generation either.
yeah schools in democratic cities are total shit

we can agree there

not the private ones


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
I believe Lily is backing out of this thread because she was all ready to debate "genetics" and call everyone "rwacist!!!" if they mentioned that black people do have lower average intelligence.

Then when "culture" was mentioned, she started to think about things like idolizing and emulating violent rap and hip hop artists.

Google "Thug Culture" and check out the images page....notice anything?

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black culture was established during slavery

you’re referring to hip hop culture, which is straight outta the ghetto


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land

Americans don't want to imagine that our racist history is actually an ongoing, racist reality. We like to look at racism as a thing that has gotten better (if not gone away completely) and that the way black Americans are treated in society is actually colorblind. So, if forced to pick between the idea that our country's structures and systems are biased toward white people or the idea that black communities are flawed, many pick the latter. Some doing so, of course, because they're racist.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Americans don't want to imagine that our racist history is actually an ongoing, racist reality. We like to look at racism as a thing that has gotten better (if not gone away completely) and that the way black Americans are treated in society is actually colorblind. So, if forced to pick between the idea that our country's structures and systems are biased toward white people or the idea that black communities are flawed, many pick the latter. Some doing so, of course, because they're racist.

Poor ol niggers! Will they ever get a break from evil whitey? Maybe you could spread your gash a bit wider for em!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Americans don't want to imagine that our racist history is actually an ongoing, racist reality. We like to look at racism as a thing that has gotten better (if not gone away completely) and that the way black Americans are treated in society is actually colorblind. So, if forced to pick between the idea that our country's structures and systems are biased toward white people or the idea that black communities are flawed, many pick the latter. Some doing so, of course, because they're racist.

You didn't bother to watch any of those videos, did you? No wonder you remain so ignorant and so wrong.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Americans don't want to imagine that our racist history is actually an ongoing, racist reality. We like to look at racism as a thing that has gotten better (if not gone away completely) and that the way black Americans are treated in society is actually colorblind. So, if forced to pick between the idea that our country's structures and systems are biased toward white people or the idea that black communities are flawed, many pick the latter. Some doing so, of course, because they're racist.

You didn't bother to watch any of those videos, did you? No wonder you remain so ignorant and so wrong.

Just saw this

Everyone needs to stand against this hateful cancer.

And no she wont look at a thing you show her. She already explained it away.

They will legit say an educated thinker like Sowell has internalized racism or that people just dont want to admit this systemic racism.

Which is ironic.....because the only examples you could possibly come up with(and they never have any) are all Democrat policies in left states. You either accept this racist world view they have or they attack. They never back anything or have honest, respectful discussion.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land

Americans don't want to imagine that our racist history is actually an ongoing, racist reality. We like to look at racism as a thing that has gotten better (if not gone away completely) and that the way black Americans are treated in society is actually colorblind. So, if forced to pick between the idea that our country's structures and systems are biased toward white people or the idea that black communities are flawed, many pick the latter. Some doing so, of course, because they're racist.

You didn't bother to watch any of those videos, did you? No wonder you remain so ignorant and so wrong.

I read historic trial transcripts as a hobby… posting videos of a few sweet southern blacks trying to downplay the atrocities of a war none of us remember isn’t going to change what I have read over the years….

But it’s blatantly obvious that your life is devoid of cultural poverty, so you just don’t get it.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land

Americans don't want to imagine that our racist history is actually an ongoing, racist reality. We like to look at racism as a thing that has gotten better (if not gone away completely) and that the way black Americans are treated in society is actually colorblind. So, if forced to pick between the idea that our country's structures and systems are biased toward white people or the idea that black communities are flawed, many pick the latter. Some doing so, of course, because they're racist.

Poor ol niggers! Will they ever get a break from evil whitey? Maybe you could spread your gash a bit wider for em!

I used to think white trash was a socioeconomic issue lol


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Americans don't want to imagine that our racist history is actually an ongoing, racist reality. We like to look at racism as a thing that has gotten better (if not gone away completely) and that the way black Americans are treated in society is actually colorblind. So, if forced to pick between the idea that our country's structures and systems are biased toward white people or the idea that black communities are flawed, many pick the latter. Some doing so, of course, because they're racist.

Poor ol niggers! Will they ever get a break from evil whitey? Maybe you could spread your gash a bit wider for em!

I used to think white trash was a socioeconomic issue lol

And I used to think dumb bimbos should stay on their mattress! Oh wait, still do!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Black WWII veterans were excluded from receiving GI Bill benefits for attending college or vocational training. It was affirmative action for white males. It exponentially increased the numbers of white male college graduates.

It worked as intended.

I think there may have been the systematic racism you mentioned in the US during the past.

However, I think it's improved in the time since you've indicated (75 years ago?)
Last edited:

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Lemme get this straight. As a whole we elected the first black president in 2008, have the highest population of black millionaires we/or ANYONE has ever had and NOW we are more racist than ever and this is because we were never instructed about the existence of slavery, Jim crow and the blemish of widespread racism in many of our institutions growing up?

that's odd...

Didn't really seem like we had this much of problem until we we elected the first black president in 2008, have the highest population of black millionaires we/or ANYONE has ever had

cause I could have sworn I was cognizant of names like harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and so on at least two decades before Obama even took office

so how do we solve this and bring everyone together? By teaching some children they are inherently bad and others inherently good?

Didn't we make that mistake already?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Americans don't want to imagine that our racist history is actually an ongoing, racist reality. We like to look at racism as a thing that has gotten better (if not gone away completely) and that the way black Americans are treated in society is actually colorblind. So, if forced to pick between the idea that our country's structures and systems are biased toward white people or the idea that black communities are flawed, many pick the latter. Some doing so, of course, because they're racist.

Poor ol niggers! Will they ever get a break from evil whitey? Maybe you could spread your gash a bit wider for em!

I used to think white trash was a socioeconomic issue lol

And I used to think dumb bimbos should stay on their mattress! Oh wait, still do!

She just admitted she thinks poor people are trash.....but includes nonleftists

And then she dismissed THOMAS SOWELL, saying she reads "history transcripts" and called Sowell a "sweet southern bell"



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Lemme get this straight. As a whole we elected the first black president in 2008, have the highest population of black millionaires we/or ANYONE has ever had and NOW we are more racist than ever and this is because we were never instructed about the existence of slavery, Jim crow and the blemish of widespread racism in many of our institutions growing up?

that's odd...

Didn't really seem like we had this much of problem until we we elected the first black president in 2008, have the highest population of black millionaires we/or ANYONE has ever had

cause I could have sworn I was cognizant of names like harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and so on at least two decades before Obama even took office

so how do we solve this and bring everyone together? By teaching some children they are inherently bad and others inherently good?

Didn't we make that mistake already?

I mean.....Abraham Lincoln was the father of Republicans. The party that freed slaves and passed civil rights AND fought everyvdemocrat Jim crow law.

Tons of transcripts on that.

And smashing Fredrick Douglass statues and calling it a Confederate monument, indoctrinating children into a racist hate cult, and getting rid of capitalism AND individual civil rights and liberties is evidently what the left wants before it shuts up and stops terrorizing the country.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Lemme get this straight. As a whole we elected the first black president in 2008, have the highest population of black millionaires we/or ANYONE has ever had and NOW we are more racist than ever and this is because we were never instructed about the existence of slavery, Jim crow and the blemish of widespread racism in many of our institutions growing up?

that's odd...

Didn't really seem like we had this much of problem until we we elected the first black president in 2008, have the highest population of black millionaires we/or ANYONE has ever had

cause I could have sworn I was cognizant of names like harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and so on at least two decades before Obama even took office

so how do we solve this and bring everyone together? By teaching some children they are inherently bad and others inherently good?

Didn't we make that mistake already?

I mean.....Abraham Lincoln was the father of Republicans. The party that freed slaves and passed civil rights AND fought ever democrat Jim crow law.

Tons of transcripts on that.

And smashing Fredrick Douglass statues and calling it a Confederate monument, indoctrinating children into a racist hate cult, and getting rid of capitalism AND individual civil rights and liberties is evidently what the left wants before it shuts up and stops terrorizing the country.
they wont stop until this is Venezuela 2.0

and maybe not even then

This is why leftists need to be exterminated like cockroaches


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
There were some heartbreaking stories about the kind of discrimination Blacks once faced which kept them back.

Here's an example of systemic racism which existed during the time period the OP refers to.

A white player on the Philadelphia Eages in the 1950s instigated a fight with a Black player which unfortunately got him kicked off the team:

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One day a teammate, Dave “Hog” Hanner, a real southern cracker, knocked on the door of my room. He said he saw me ignore a little white boy who had asked for my autograph. He told me never to do that again and knocked me back against the wall with one punch after another. I went down. That touched off one of the deadliest fights of my life. We were both big and strong and went at it for what seemed like an eternity.

By the time I finally had him subdued, I was so furious I started to carry him over to the stairway with the idea of tossing him about five flights through the stairwell. I might have killed him if some teammates, both white and black, had not stopped me.

When we got back to Green Bay, I had a meeting with the coaches. They told me I did not fit into their plans and they did not have to draw me a picture. As I was packing to leave, I got a note from Hanner asking me to see him in the club training room. I ignored it but [Ralph] Goldston said that sometimes you have to do unpleasant things. I went not knowing what to expect. Hanner was friendly, but in a serious frame of mind. He told me I was one hell of a man to stand up for what I believed and that he had learned something. He wished me well. But what a high price to pay for those few words.

The Man's name was Emery Barnes. He'd later star for the BC Lions in the Canadian Footlball League & later became the Speaker of the House in a Socialist Government.

Altho he went onto Bigger and Better things, it's a bit sad to think what kind of NFL football player he could have become had he lived in less racist times.


That was the kind of shit they had to put up with in those days.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Lemme get this straight. As a whole we elected the first black president in 2008, have the highest population of black millionaires we/or ANYONE has ever had and NOW we are more racist than ever and this is because we were never instructed about the existence of slavery, Jim crow and the blemish of widespread racism in many of our institutions growing up?

that's odd...

Didn't really seem like we had this much of problem until we we elected the first black president in 2008, have the highest population of black millionaires we/or ANYONE has ever had

cause I could have sworn I was cognizant of names like harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and so on at least two decades before Obama even took office

so how do we solve this and bring everyone together? By teaching some children they are inherently bad and others inherently good?

Didn't we make that mistake already?

I mean.....Abraham Lincoln was the father of Republicans. The party that freed slaves and passed civil rights AND fought ever democrat Jim crow law.

Tons of transcripts on that.

And smashing Fredrick Douglass statues and calling it a Confederate monument, indoctrinating children into a racist hate cult, and getting rid of capitalism AND individual civil rights and liberties is evidently what the left wants before it shuts up and stops terrorizing the country.
they wont stop until this is Venezuela 2.0

and maybe not even then

This is why leftists need to be exterminated like cockroaches

They wont change. Wont look at facts. Wont hear shit

There is no breaking through the propaganda and the massive fucking ego they have.

I cant stop being pissed about womens sex based rights.

How can anyone who cares about black Americans NOT want to hear from Thomas Sowell ffs?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Lemme get this straight. As a whole we elected the first black president in 2008, have the highest population of black millionaires we/or ANYONE has ever had and NOW we are more racist than ever and this is because we were never instructed about the existence of slavery, Jim crow and the blemish of widespread racism in many of our institutions growing up?

that's odd...

Didn't really seem like we had this much of problem until we we elected the first black president in 2008, have the highest population of black millionaires we/or ANYONE has ever had

cause I could have sworn I was cognizant of names like harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and so on at least two decades before Obama even took office

so how do we solve this and bring everyone together? By teaching some children they are inherently bad and others inherently good?

Didn't we make that mistake already?

I mean.....Abraham Lincoln was the father of Republicans. The party that freed slaves and passed civil rights AND fought ever democrat Jim crow law.

Tons of transcripts on that.

And smashing Fredrick Douglass statues and calling it a Confederate monument, indoctrinating children into a racist hate cult, and getting rid of capitalism AND individual civil rights and liberties is evidently what the left wants before it shuts up and stops terrorizing the country.
they wont stop until this is Venezuela 2.0

and maybe not even then

This is why leftists need to be exterminated like cockroaches

They wont change. Wont look at facts. Wont hear shit

There is no breaking through the propaganda and the massive fucking ego they have.

I cant stop being pissed about womens sex based rights.

How can anyone who cares about black Americans NOT want to hear from Thomas Sowell ffs?
Did I not tell you from DAY ONE extermination is the only option for morality hating, liberty loathing depraved animals such as these?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Lemme get this straight. As a whole we elected the first black president in 2008, have the highest population of black millionaires we/or ANYONE has ever had and NOW we are more racist than ever and this is because we were never instructed about the existence of slavery, Jim crow and the blemish of widespread racism in many of our institutions growing up?

that's odd...

Didn't really seem like we had this much of problem until we we elected the first black president in 2008, have the highest population of black millionaires we/or ANYONE has ever had

cause I could have sworn I was cognizant of names like harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King and so on at least two decades before Obama even took office

so how do we solve this and bring everyone together? By teaching some children they are inherently bad and others inherently good?

Didn't we make that mistake already?

I mean.....Abraham Lincoln was the father of Republicans. The party that freed slaves and passed civil rights AND fought ever democrat Jim crow law.

Tons of transcripts on that.

And smashing Fredrick Douglass statues and calling it a Confederate monument, indoctrinating children into a racist hate cult, and getting rid of capitalism AND individual civil rights and liberties is evidently what the left wants before it shuts up and stops terrorizing the country.
they wont stop until this is Venezuela 2.0

and maybe not even then

This is why leftists need to be exterminated like cockroaches

They wont change. Wont look at facts. Wont hear shit

There is no breaking through the propaganda and the massive fucking ego they have.

I cant stop being pissed about womens sex based rights.

How can anyone who cares about black Americans NOT want to hear from Thomas Sowell ffs?
Did I not tell you from DAY ONE extermination is the only option for morality hating, liberty loathing depraved animals such as these?

You know I'm gonna keep trying until it gets hot lol

I have zero desire for the country to see more violence.....but I dont think we are gonna be given the choice. Especailly with how rabid and manipulative they are. They are violent.

That or we desperately need the country to split. We are never going to ever make real progress with these brainwashed people who keep voting for the problems and believing propaganda.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Another story about that kind of racism Blacks faced was also in professional sport.

The first Black player in the National Hockey League was in a vicious stick swinging incident likely instigated by a White hockey player who is now in the Hall of Fame, Eric Nesternko. Nesterenko also hurled racial slurs at the guy, calling him a N**ger

The intimidation erupted into full-scale donnybrook one night in Chicago. "I was behind the Chicago net, and I passed the puck out front. Eric Nesterenko came around on my blind side and butt-ended me in the face with his stick. He knocked out two of my teeth and broke my nose. Blood was squirting out all over. I knew he did it on purpose, so I hit him over the head with my stick. Nailed him above the right eye. Back then the players didn't wear helmets. Both benches cleared. They had to put 15 stitches in his head."

Nesterenko's actions badly cut up the player, Willy O'Ree, the first Black player to lace up skates in the NHL Nesterenko might have also shortened O'Ree's career who was a promising talent

When I was younger, I used to look up to Nesterenko as a hockey legend, but when I realized what he did to this Black player, my image of him has become tarnished and perhaps he shouldn't even be in the Hall of Fame. Maybe Nesternko should be stripped of that honor.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I'll tell you this josephine, one of the best athletes of all time is Lance Armstrong! Maybe he can be ya new boi!