A HUGE sign that you butthurt.



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Your trouble Flynn, is that you're too angry and spiteful. You give the distinct impression that you desperately want to hurt the feelings of whoever you're arguing with, rather than just jokingly tease or troll them.

You're also too emotionally invested in your various e-feuds for some reason, which is another of your downsides. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that you keep detailed files on us all, to remind you what insults to use during an altercation.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, go wash your salty prosthetic snatch in the sink, reattach it and lighten the fuck up.
Lol @ salty prosthetic snatch. But yeah, well said. The e-feuds are getting a bit much. The vindictive and repetitive nature of it all is huge negative. You’ve said your piece: 3.5K, ya know and all that past crap...fucking get your shit together! Show us your flaps ffs!

This coming from the illiterate bastard that can crush empty tin cans with only his stupidity alone.

Do you realize you come onto the forums while under the influence of cheap malt liquor or dick or both? You come stumbling into a thread with your pink spandex pulled down to your bony ankles, while screaming bloody murder about your missing penis. The peons here are soo fucking incredibly dense that some of your "buddies" are telling you to put a stamp sized picture of your "missing pecker" on the side of milk cartons along with your Trac Phone number.

I like that you brought up, "repetitive."

Who was it on more than 18 occasions threatened to leave this very forum "for good" if certain members weren't "banned" who didn't contribute to your Go Fund Me New Breasts for Breakfall ? I'm sure the amount comes close to $3.5K.

Who is it that keeps e-hitting on me after I told YOU to eat shit and die after your latest lame attempt at "coffee?" Get this through your warped and serial killer head. I don't like you. I don't want anything to do with you. That includes any kind of interaction with you or your fishy smell. Yes, that also includes any talk of "coffee." I hope that puts to rest anymore nonsense of "you and me."

As if.
Last edited:


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Your trouble Flynn, is that you're too angry and spiteful. You give the distinct impression that you desperately want to hurt the feelings of whoever you're arguing with, rather than just jokingly tease or troll them.

You're also too emotionally invested in your various e-feuds for some reason, which is another of your downsides. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that you keep detailed files on us all, to remind you what insults to use during an altercation.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, go wash your salty prosthetic snatch in the sink, reattach it and lighten the fuck up.
Lol @ salty prosthetic snatch. But yeah, well said. The e-feuds are getting a bit much. The vindictive and repetitive nature of it all is huge negative. You’ve said your piece: 3.5K, ya know and all that past crap...fucking get your shit together! Show us your flaps ffs!

This coming from the illiterate bastard that can crush empty tin cans with only his stupidity alone.

Do you realize you come onto the forums while under the influence of cheap malt liquor or dick or both? You come stumbling into a thread with your pink spandex pulled down to your bony ankles, while screaming bloody murder about your missing penis. The peons here are soo fucking incredibly dense that some of your "buddies" are telling you to put a stamp sized picture of your "missing pecker" on the side of milk cartons along with your Trac Phone number.

I like that you brought up, "repetitive."

Who was it on more than 18 occasions threatened to leave this very forum "for good" if certain members weren't "banned" who didn't contribute to your Go Fund Me New Breasts for Breakfall solicitation. I'm sure the amount comes close to $3.5K.

Who is it that keeps e-hitting on me after I told YOU to eat shit and die after your latest lame attempt at "coffee?" Get this through your warped and serial killer head. I don't like you. I don't want anything to do with you. That includes any kind of interaction with you or your fishy smell. Yes, that also includes any talk of "coffee." I hope that puts to rest anymore nonsense of "you and me."

As if.
Too bong; did too much weed!


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
„salty prosthetic snatch in the sink“


Bahahah!!! Aryan, you always find the right word.

Poor slut and cock carousel riding whore @Flynn. Always on her periods and being bitter. She must be a social loser in real life.

Lily has financial problems. I mean huge trouble. But at least she is not a hater like Flynn.

Then there's you...

My favorite barking door mat.

I guess me calling you a faglaming clown that wouldn't know his own cock even if it smacked you across the gums and then proceeded to sodomize Aryan, is an understatement?

UncleMiLf, if you continue to play with your clit out here in the middle of the road at BF, you're going to get run over by Biggie Ass-Bandit and his 4 volt remote control car, OR Dovey will try and offer you "roofing services" for $3.5K.

P.S.-Are you a father fucker?
Last edited:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Hello, people!

Let me ask you all a very serious question. What would make a midget go around and waste 3.5 hours of his/her time putting little poopoo emogi's/smite marks on over 110 of my posts?

In case you were just born in Dovey's rancid rectum, I'll tell you...

...it's the tiny gnome we all love to hate, it's the little man we all pick on because well quite frankly, Biggie Butthurt bitch would get knocked the fuck out by King Martini's dead cat and one of Caskur's farts after she ate some aborigine stew.

Biggie Butthurt, you must be reeling from the verbal ass kicking I've given you over the last couple of weeks. Now that you can't find a panel to save your short life, you resort to the "Caskur way of flaming?" You wanna talk bitch move. Unfortunately for your overwhelming stupidity, you're also a little trite cunt that can't hang on an "even playing" field, even with your otherworldly familiar known as that that drugged out hag Dovey, spouting off her unholy spam in hopes of making smart people kill themselves; rather than read anymore of her demonic stupidity. Even with you, Dovey, Aryan, UncleMiLf and Jokemar; you still manage to look like Dovey's anus after Kevin and the then-alive cat ejaculated in it.

Furthermore, to back up my "bitch nigga" expose' about your little beat up ass, you go off and use something that is supposed to "encourage" stellar posting, you like a fucking selfish dolt go and fucking weaponize the very tool to make this forum better. Now your childish ass is acting like Lotusbud and that gapped tooth senior Caskur.

In closing, I just wanted to let you know that you really need to find some good counseling for all these "things" that send you off the plateau of rational thinking. "Smiting" me isn't the issue here, it's your addiction to being the biggest little baby out here.

You really need to find a fucking hobby. As the "make believe" Audi really isn't making you act any less fucking retarded.

I always thought Strapon was the one who gave me several thousand smites in a couple of days over at SG. Now I am convinced I was right. He's such an infant. He's sharing his poop with you, Flynn! Enjoy!

But let me ask you this, wise guy: How is he acting like me? I have never sat around negging thousands of posts in my life. Fuckwit.

My dear Lotus.

There was a time far away in a different galaxy where you also were using the "smite" tool as a weapon.

Now, I only brought that up to show the correlation between the low I.Q.'s associated with that kind of behavior.
Last edited:

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
If someone is a PI fiend and a doxxing hound, how likely is it that they're liars? Bigly liars. HUGE liars.
Your mates are PI fiends and doxxing hounds!!!


No shit.

NO one was on here dragging anyones personal life or off board anything until her and Murd showed up and started foaming at the fucking mouth dragging things about daughter into their shitty tantrums. And all kinds of twisted real life stuff about Big that doesnt need to be plastered on a forum

It's ridiculous they think it's okay for themselves to do it but they throw fits if anyone repeats stuff that was already posted in the past about them.

How about not bringing personal stuff into board dramas or inserting it into political discussions in the first place?

Just a thought.

I guess when you are full of fucking hatred and cant have a civilized discussion, resorting to trashy personal drama in desperate attempts to degrade your opposition on a personal level is all you can manage.
I know...it’s unbelievable. That Flynn is a cheeky shit innit? Fucking stirring the pot and getting stupid. I wish she would drop her slacks and relax...and pipe down! Lol

Fact check -EVERYONE is doing it. You don’t know the history and probably skip over a lot of it anyway. It’s been happening for weeks.
This is the problem with multiple forums don’t you reckon?

If I pinged BF every time I see someone’s info being mentioned in a subtle manner, he’d probably want to kill me. Just letting you know that Flynn isn’t the only one.
Just the other day lily oak threw something out there which falls into that category

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Don’t really know why lily Oak a.k.a Nick the pig is trying to act all holier than thou when it comes to doxxximg

especically after she laughed and cheered it on over at cindys testicles dot com when that freak was getting people fired from their jobs

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Hello, people!

Let me ask you all a very serious question. What would make a midget go around and waste 3.5 hours of his/her time putting little poopoo emogi's/smite marks on over 110 of my posts?

In case you were just born in Dovey's rancid rectum, I'll tell you...

...it's the tiny gnome we all love to hate, it's the little man we all pick on because well quite frankly, Biggie Butthurt bitch would get knocked the fuck out by King Martini's dead cat and one of Caskur's farts after she ate some aborigine stew.

Biggie Butthurt, you must be reeling from the verbal ass kicking I've given you over the last couple of weeks. Now that you can't find a panel to save your short life, you resort to the "Caskur way of flaming?" You wanna talk bitch move. Unfortunately for your overwhelming stupidity, you're also a little trite cunt that can't hang on an "even playing" field, even with your otherworldly familiar known as that that drugged out hag Dovey, spouting off her unholy spam in hopes of making smart people kill themselves; rather than read anymore of her demonic stupidity. Even with you, Dovey, Aryan, UncleMiLf and Jokemar; you still manage to look like Dovey's anus after Kevin and the then-alive cat ejaculated in it.

Furthermore, to back up my "bitch nigga" expose' about your little beat up ass, you go off and use something that is supposed to "encourage" stellar posting, you like a fucking selfish dolt go and fucking weaponize the very tool to make this forum better. Now your childish ass is acting like Lotusbud and that gapped tooth senior Caskur.

In closing, I just wanted to let you know that you really need to find some good counseling for all these "things" that send you off the plateau of rational thinking. "Smiting" me isn't the issue here, it's your addiction to being the biggest little baby out here.

You really need to find a fucking hobby. As the "make believe" Audi really isn't making you act any less fucking retarded.

I always thought Strapon was the one who gave me several thousand smites in a couple of days over at SG. Now I am convinced I was right. He's such an infant. He's sharing his poop with you, Flynn! Enjoy!

But let me ask you this, wise guy: How is he acting like me? I have never sat around negging thousands of posts in my life. Fuckwit.

My dear Lotus.

There was a time far away in a different galaxy where you also were using the "smite" tool as a weapon.

Now, I only brought that up to show the correlation between that low I.Q.'s associated with that kind of behavior.
Poop emoji time


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Your trouble Flynn, is that you're too angry and spiteful. You give the distinct impression that you desperately want to hurt the feelings of whoever you're arguing with, rather than just jokingly tease or troll them.

You're also too emotionally invested in your various e-feuds for some reason, which is another of your downsides. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that you keep detailed files on us all, to remind you what insults to use during an altercation.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, go wash your salty prosthetic snatch in the sink, reattach it and lighten the fuck up.

Flynn is our very own perpetually pwnt cry baby. And it DOES try very hard to hurt feelings.

This rabid idiot will have entire nuclear meltdowns and go into raging spam mode.....and than claim some victory lol.

It just assumes we care about its feelings and opinions, and if we try to calm this dummy the fuck down by saying something like "hey dude....relax. no one really cares about this" the spazz will just trigger and start looking for "signs" that we really DO care and imagining it sees them.

Kinda like a stage 9 clinger you tell to get lost, but they keep texting you with things like "Hey! I know you told me to fuck off and die.....but the way your eyes looked when you flipped me off tells me you really love me all deep down!! I SAW it! I SAW your heart breaking at the thought of us being over! I'll never give up on us!"

Much like Flynn reading his psychosis in between the lines of posts and then going bat shit crazy with big long text walls no one is gonna read that he will claim is making everyone cry.

Flynn has this whole thing in his head and nothing is gonna deter him from pissing all over the floor every few months lol. Flynn is a great example of people who do not belong on the internet because it's a detriment to their mental health and stability.

Another episode of the "Crying Game."

Hey dummy. We've all seen this bullshit where you start blabbing about your made up opinions and post a mountain of crappolla which amounts to air.

I've power bombed you and that Skittles sized dolt Biggie Loser through so many levels of your own absolute stupidity that now there's a set schedule.

Furthermore, you openly contradict yourself on the forums and then tries to change the subject quickly by transitioning to beastiality. Yeah, Dovey you're so fucking smart that you'll try to pull a stone cart up a steep hill called logic using only your scrotum sack.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Your trouble Flynn, is that you're too angry and spiteful. You give the distinct impression that you desperately want to hurt the feelings of whoever you're arguing with, rather than just jokingly tease or troll them.

You're also too emotionally invested in your various e-feuds for some reason, which is another of your downsides. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that you keep detailed files on us all, to remind you what insults to use during an altercation.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, go wash your salty prosthetic snatch in the sink, reattach it and lighten the fuck up.

Flynn is our very own perpetually pwnt cry baby. And it DOES try very hard to hurt feelings.

This rabid idiot will have entire nuclear meltdowns and go into raging spam mode.....and than claim some victory lol.

It just assumes we care about its feelings and opinions, and if we try to calm this dummy the fuck down by saying something like "hey dude....relax. no one really cares about this" the spazz will just trigger and start looking for "signs" that we really DO care and imagining it sees them.

Kinda like a stage 9 clinger you tell to get lost, but they keep texting you with things like "Hey! I know you told me to fuck off and die.....but the way your eyes looked when you flipped me off tells me you really love me all deep down!! I SAW it! I SAW your heart breaking at the thought of us being over! I'll never give up on us!"

Much like Flynn reading his psychosis in between the lines of posts and then going bat shit crazy with big long text walls no one is gonna read that he will claim is making everyone cry.

Flynn has this whole thing in his head and nothing is gonna deter him from pissing all over the floor every few months lol. Flynn is a great example of people who do not belong on the internet because it's a detriment to their mental health and stability.

Another episode of the "Crying Game."

Hey dummy. We've all seen this bullshit where you start blabbing about your made up opinions and post a mountain of crappolla which amounts to air.

I've power bombed you and that Skittles sized dolt Biggie Loser through so many levels of your own absolute stupidity that now there's a set schedule.

Furthermore, you openly contradict yourself on the forums and then tries to change the subject quickly by transitioning to beastiality. Yeah, Dovey you're so fucking smart that you'll try to pull a stone cart up a steep hill called logic using only your scrotum sack.
Will you just close your legs, turn around, and fuck off away...please! You’re like a bad smell around here!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Don’t really know why lily Oak a.k.a Nick the pig is trying to act all holier than thou when it comes to doxxximg

especically after she laughed and cheered it on over at cindys testicles dot com when that freak was getting people fired from their jobs

She was fine when Murd was throwing a personal incident with my daughter all over the board, as well. She joined right in.

Shes a nasty, petty hypocritical bag of shit. Just hateful.

I hate their political views and the sanctimonious way they express them. But I've never just started bashing them personally (until they did it to me) and I never drug anything about their families onto a forum to twist and use to make them look bad.

They really have no credibility or right to bitch or act above it. They are too stupid and self absorbed to get that, though. Because they think hating someone is a pass to use personal stuff as a weapon.

WTF do people who do this expect will happen? Do they think their target is going to run off crying in embarrassment and the board will all jump in to join the hate fest? LOL

Because NO ONE cares about other peoples personal lives and most people understand there are more sides than 1.

They act like it's the end of the world and everyone is just quivering with excitement dying to have personal info on them. You know what that's called? It's called narcissism.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Your trouble Flynn, is that you're too angry and spiteful. You give the distinct impression that you desperately want to hurt the feelings of whoever you're arguing with, rather than just jokingly tease or troll them.

You're also too emotionally invested in your various e-feuds for some reason, which is another of your downsides. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that you keep detailed files on us all, to remind you what insults to use during an altercation.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, go wash your salty prosthetic snatch in the sink, reattach it and lighten the fuck up.

Flynn is our very own perpetually pwnt cry baby. And it DOES try very hard to hurt feelings.

This rabid idiot will have entire nuclear meltdowns and go into raging spam mode.....and than claim some victory lol.

It just assumes we care about its feelings and opinions, and if we try to calm this dummy the fuck down by saying something like "hey dude....relax. no one really cares about this" the spazz will just trigger and start looking for "signs" that we really DO care and imagining it sees them.

Kinda like a stage 9 clinger you tell to get lost, but they keep texting you with things like "Hey! I know you told me to fuck off and die.....but the way your eyes looked when you flipped me off tells me you really love me all deep down!! I SAW it! I SAW your heart breaking at the thought of us being over! I'll never give up on us!"

Much like Flynn reading his psychosis in between the lines of posts and then going bat shit crazy with big long text walls no one is gonna read that he will claim is making everyone cry.

Flynn has this whole thing in his head and nothing is gonna deter him from pissing all over the floor every few months lol. Flynn is a great example of people who do not belong on the internet because it's a detriment to their mental health and stability.

Another episode of the "Crying Game."

Hey dummy. We've all seen this bullshit where you start blabbing about your made up opinions and post a mountain of crappolla which amounts to air.

I've power bombed you and that Skittles sized dolt Biggie Loser through so many levels of your own absolute stupidity that now there's a set schedule.

Furthermore, you openly contradict yourself on the forums and then tries to change the subject quickly by transitioning to beastiality. Yeah, Dovey you're so fucking smart that you'll try to pull a stone cart up a steep hill called logic using only your scrotum sack.

You should post several strongly worded mini novellas about it and see if that helps.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
As soon as I get permission from the "medium business oligarchy."

Flynn, you must lower your game and post to your target audience.

More gifs and gay scat porn are welcome. Yanno!

Form an E-friend flame gang so you always have someone to follow you around, give you "haha" emotes and back up your flames.

You've seen how successful the cunt wankers were, haven't you? That is the gold standard for doing well in Meltdown.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Your trouble Flynn, is that you're too angry and spiteful. You give the distinct impression that you desperately want to hurt the feelings of whoever you're arguing with, rather than just jokingly tease or troll them.

You're also too emotionally invested in your various e-feuds for some reason, which is another of your downsides. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that you keep detailed files on us all, to remind you what insults to use during an altercation.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, go wash your salty prosthetic snatch in the sink, reattach it and lighten the fuck up.

Flynn is our very own perpetually pwnt cry baby. And it DOES try very hard to hurt feelings.

This rabid idiot will have entire nuclear meltdowns and go into raging spam mode.....and than claim some victory lol.

It just assumes we care about its feelings and opinions, and if we try to calm this dummy the fuck down by saying something like "hey dude....relax. no one really cares about this" the spazz will just trigger and start looking for "signs" that we really DO care and imagining it sees them.

Kinda like a stage 9 clinger you tell to get lost, but they keep texting you with things like "Hey! I know you told me to fuck off and die.....but the way your eyes looked when you flipped me off tells me you really love me all deep down!! I SAW it! I SAW your heart breaking at the thought of us being over! I'll never give up on us!"

Much like Flynn reading his psychosis in between the lines of posts and then going bat shit crazy with big long text walls no one is gonna read that he will claim is making everyone cry.

Flynn has this whole thing in his head and nothing is gonna deter him from pissing all over the floor every few months lol. Flynn is a great example of people who do not belong on the internet because it's a detriment to their mental health and stability.

Another episode of the "Crying Game."

Hey dummy. We've all seen this bullshit where you start blabbing about your made up opinions and post a mountain of crappolla which amounts to air.

I've power bombed you and that Skittles sized dolt Biggie Loser through so many levels of your own absolute stupidity that now there's a set schedule.

Furthermore, you openly contradict yourself on the forums and then tries to change the subject quickly by transitioning to beastiality. Yeah, Dovey you're so fucking smart that you'll try to pull a stone cart up a steep hill called logic using only your scrotum sack.

You should post several strongly worded mini novellas about it and see if that helps.


I'll do that after you learn to spell "empiracle" and give me a valid address to the "small business oligarchy."


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Your trouble Flynn, is that you're too angry and spiteful. You give the distinct impression that you desperately want to hurt the feelings of whoever you're arguing with, rather than just jokingly tease or troll them.

You're also too emotionally invested in your various e-feuds for some reason, which is another of your downsides. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that you keep detailed files on us all, to remind you what insults to use during an altercation.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, go wash your salty prosthetic snatch in the sink, reattach it and lighten the fuck up.

Flynn is our very own perpetually pwnt cry baby. And it DOES try very hard to hurt feelings.

This rabid idiot will have entire nuclear meltdowns and go into raging spam mode.....and than claim some victory lol.

It just assumes we care about its feelings and opinions, and if we try to calm this dummy the fuck down by saying something like "hey dude....relax. no one really cares about this" the spazz will just trigger and start looking for "signs" that we really DO care and imagining it sees them.

Kinda like a stage 9 clinger you tell to get lost, but they keep texting you with things like "Hey! I know you told me to fuck off and die.....but the way your eyes looked when you flipped me off tells me you really love me all deep down!! I SAW it! I SAW your heart breaking at the thought of us being over! I'll never give up on us!"

Much like Flynn reading his psychosis in between the lines of posts and then going bat shit crazy with big long text walls no one is gonna read that he will claim is making everyone cry.

Flynn has this whole thing in his head and nothing is gonna deter him from pissing all over the floor every few months lol. Flynn is a great example of people who do not belong on the internet because it's a detriment to their mental health and stability.

Another episode of the "Crying Game."

Hey dummy. We've all seen this bullshit where you start blabbing about your made up opinions and post a mountain of crappolla which amounts to air.

I've power bombed you and that Skittles sized dolt Biggie Loser through so many levels of your own absolute stupidity that now there's a set schedule.

Furthermore, you openly contradict yourself on the forums and then tries to change the subject quickly by transitioning to beastiality. Yeah, Dovey you're so fucking smart that you'll try to pull a stone cart up a steep hill called logic using only your scrotum sack.

You should post several strongly worded mini novellas about it and see if that helps.


I'll do that after you learn to spell "empiracle" and give me a valid address to the "small business oligarchy."
Your trouble Flynn, is that you're too angry and spiteful. You give the distinct impression that you desperately want to hurt the feelings of whoever you're arguing with, rather than just jokingly tease or troll them.

You're also too emotionally invested in your various e-feuds for some reason, which is another of your downsides. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that you keep detailed files on us all, to remind you what insults to use during an altercation.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, go wash your salty prosthetic snatch in the sink, reattach it and lighten the fuck up.

Flynn is our very own perpetually pwnt cry baby. And it DOES try very hard to hurt feelings.

This rabid idiot will have entire nuclear meltdowns and go into raging spam mode.....and than claim some victory lol.

It just assumes we care about its feelings and opinions, and if we try to calm this dummy the fuck down by saying something like "hey dude....relax. no one really cares about this" the spazz will just trigger and start looking for "signs" that we really DO care and imagining it sees them.

Kinda like a stage 9 clinger you tell to get lost, but they keep texting you with things like "Hey! I know you told me to fuck off and die.....but the way your eyes looked when you flipped me off tells me you really love me all deep down!! I SAW it! I SAW your heart breaking at the thought of us being over! I'll never give up on us!"

Much like Flynn reading his psychosis in between the lines of posts and then going bat shit crazy with big long text walls no one is gonna read that he will claim is making everyone cry.

Flynn has this whole thing in his head and nothing is gonna deter him from pissing all over the floor every few months lol. Flynn is a great example of people who do not belong on the internet because it's a detriment to their mental health and stability.

Another episode of the "Crying Game."

Hey dummy. We've all seen this bullshit where you start blabbing about your made up opinions and post a mountain of crappolla which amounts to air.

I've power bombed you and that Skittles sized dolt Biggie Loser through so many levels of your own absolute stupidity that now there's a set schedule.

Furthermore, you openly contradict yourself on the forums and then tries to change the subject quickly by transitioning to beastiality. Yeah, Dovey you're so fucking smart that you'll try to pull a stone cart up a steep hill called logic using only your scrotum sack.

You should post several strongly worded mini novellas...

You mean like this?

I contradict myself again! said:
She was fine when Murd was throwing a personal incident with my daughter all over the board, as well. She joined right in.

Shes a nasty, petty hypocritical bag of shit. Just hateful.

I hate their political views and the sanctimonious way they express them. But I've never just started bashing them personally (until they did it to me) and I never drug anything about their families onto a forum to twist and use to make them look bad.

They really have no credibility or right to bitch or act above it. They are too stupid and self absorbed to get that, though. Because they think hating someone is a pass to use personal stuff as a weapon.

WTF do people who do this expect will happen? Do they think their target is going to run off crying in embarrassment and the board will all jump in to join the hate fest? LOL

Because NO ONE cares about other peoples personal lives and most people understand there are more sides than 1.

They act like it's the end of the world and everyone is just quivering with excitement dying to have personal info on them. You know what that's called? It's called narcissism.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Your trouble Flynn, is that you're too angry and spiteful. You give the distinct impression that you desperately want to hurt the feelings of whoever you're arguing with, rather than just jokingly tease or troll them.

You're also too emotionally invested in your various e-feuds for some reason, which is another of your downsides. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that you keep detailed files on us all, to remind you what insults to use during an altercation.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, go wash your salty prosthetic snatch in the sink, reattach it and lighten the fuck up.

Flynn is our very own perpetually pwnt cry baby. And it DOES try very hard to hurt feelings.

This rabid idiot will have entire nuclear meltdowns and go into raging spam mode.....and than claim some victory lol.

It just assumes we care about its feelings and opinions, and if we try to calm this dummy the fuck down by saying something like "hey dude....relax. no one really cares about this" the spazz will just trigger and start looking for "signs" that we really DO care and imagining it sees them.

Kinda like a stage 9 clinger you tell to get lost, but they keep texting you with things like "Hey! I know you told me to fuck off and die.....but the way your eyes looked when you flipped me off tells me you really love me all deep down!! I SAW it! I SAW your heart breaking at the thought of us being over! I'll never give up on us!"

Much like Flynn reading his psychosis in between the lines of posts and then going bat shit crazy with big long text walls no one is gonna read that he will claim is making everyone cry.

Flynn has this whole thing in his head and nothing is gonna deter him from pissing all over the floor every few months lol. Flynn is a great example of people who do not belong on the internet because it's a detriment to their mental health and stability.

Another episode of the "Crying Game."

Hey dummy. We've all seen this bullshit where you start blabbing about your made up opinions and post a mountain of crappolla which amounts to air.

I've power bombed you and that Skittles sized dolt Biggie Loser through so many levels of your own absolute stupidity that now there's a set schedule.

Furthermore, you openly contradict yourself on the forums and then tries to change the subject quickly by transitioning to beastiality. Yeah, Dovey you're so fucking smart that you'll try to pull a stone cart up a steep hill called logic using only your scrotum sack.

You should post several strongly worded mini novellas about it and see if that helps.

What's this about Flynn cunnilingus and her canine

Flynn? Say this isn't so


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Your trouble Flynn, is that you're too angry and spiteful. You give the distinct impression that you desperately want to hurt the feelings of whoever you're arguing with, rather than just jokingly tease or troll them.

You're also too emotionally invested in your various e-feuds for some reason, which is another of your downsides. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that you keep detailed files on us all, to remind you what insults to use during an altercation.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, go wash your salty prosthetic snatch in the sink, reattach it and lighten the fuck up.

Flynn is our very own perpetually pwnt cry baby. And it DOES try very hard to hurt feelings.

This rabid idiot will have entire nuclear meltdowns and go into raging spam mode.....and than claim some victory lol.

It just assumes we care about its feelings and opinions, and if we try to calm this dummy the fuck down by saying something like "hey dude....relax. no one really cares about this" the spazz will just trigger and start looking for "signs" that we really DO care and imagining it sees them.

Kinda like a stage 9 clinger you tell to get lost, but they keep texting you with things like "Hey! I know you told me to fuck off and die.....but the way your eyes looked when you flipped me off tells me you really love me all deep down!! I SAW it! I SAW your heart breaking at the thought of us being over! I'll never give up on us!"

Much like Flynn reading his psychosis in between the lines of posts and then going bat shit crazy with big long text walls no one is gonna read that he will claim is making everyone cry.

Flynn has this whole thing in his head and nothing is gonna deter him from pissing all over the floor every few months lol. Flynn is a great example of people who do not belong on the internet because it's a detriment to their mental health and stability.

Another episode of the "Crying Game."

Hey dummy. We've all seen this bullshit where you start blabbing about your made up opinions and post a mountain of crappolla which amounts to air.

I've power bombed you and that Skittles sized dolt Biggie Loser through so many levels of your own absolute stupidity that now there's a set schedule.

Furthermore, you openly contradict yourself on the forums and then tries to change the subject quickly by transitioning to beastiality. Yeah, Dovey you're so fucking smart that you'll try to pull a stone cart up a steep hill called logic using only your scrotum sack.

You should post several strongly worded mini novellas about it and see if that helps.

What's this about Flynn cunnilingus and her canine

Flynn? Say this isn't so

It's the same thing you do to admin.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Don’t really know why lily Oak a.k.a Nick the pig is trying to act all holier than thou when it comes to doxxximg

especically after she laughed and cheered it on over at cindys testicles dot com when that freak was getting people fired from their jobs

She was fine when Murd was throwing a personal incident with my daughter all over the board, as well. She joined right in.

Shes a nasty, petty hypocritical bag of shit. Just hateful.

I hate their political views and the sanctimonious way they express them. But I've never just started bashing them personally (until they did it to me) and I never drug anything about their families onto a forum to twist and use to make them look bad.

They really have no credibility or right to bitch or act above it. They are too stupid and self absorbed to get that, though. Because they think hating someone is a pass to use personal stuff as a weapon.

WTF do people who do this expect will happen? Do they think their target is going to run off crying in embarrassment and the board will all jump in to join the hate fest? LOL

Because NO ONE cares about other peoples personal lives and most people understand there are more sides than 1.

They act like it's the end of the world and everyone is just quivering with excitement dying to have personal info on them. You know what that's called? It's called narcissism.
I now know why Flithrecwhore and the rest of that gang hated her guts so much. It's not because she's some superior troll it's because she's a pretentious self righteous slob who cannot keep her oily snout of other peoples biz. And the wanton hypocrisy does her no favors either

I suspect this is why even her so called friends like Admin and Peaches stood idle when gayboy kicked her fatass off his forum. They were probably relieved to get rid of that obnoxious cow

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Your trouble Flynn, is that you're too angry and spiteful. You give the distinct impression that you desperately want to hurt the feelings of whoever you're arguing with, rather than just jokingly tease or troll them.

You're also too emotionally invested in your various e-feuds for some reason, which is another of your downsides. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that you keep detailed files on us all, to remind you what insults to use during an altercation.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, go wash your salty prosthetic snatch in the sink, reattach it and lighten the fuck up.

Flynn is our very own perpetually pwnt cry baby. And it DOES try very hard to hurt feelings.

This rabid idiot will have entire nuclear meltdowns and go into raging spam mode.....and than claim some victory lol.

It just assumes we care about its feelings and opinions, and if we try to calm this dummy the fuck down by saying something like "hey dude....relax. no one really cares about this" the spazz will just trigger and start looking for "signs" that we really DO care and imagining it sees them.

Kinda like a stage 9 clinger you tell to get lost, but they keep texting you with things like "Hey! I know you told me to fuck off and die.....but the way your eyes looked when you flipped me off tells me you really love me all deep down!! I SAW it! I SAW your heart breaking at the thought of us being over! I'll never give up on us!"

Much like Flynn reading his psychosis in between the lines of posts and then going bat shit crazy with big long text walls no one is gonna read that he will claim is making everyone cry.

Flynn has this whole thing in his head and nothing is gonna deter him from pissing all over the floor every few months lol. Flynn is a great example of people who do not belong on the internet because it's a detriment to their mental health and stability.

Another episode of the "Crying Game."

Hey dummy. We've all seen this bullshit where you start blabbing about your made up opinions and post a mountain of crappolla which amounts to air.

I've power bombed you and that Skittles sized dolt Biggie Loser through so many levels of your own absolute stupidity that now there's a set schedule.

Furthermore, you openly contradict yourself on the forums and then tries to change the subject quickly by transitioning to beastiality. Yeah, Dovey you're so fucking smart that you'll try to pull a stone cart up a steep hill called logic using only your scrotum sack.

You should post several strongly worded mini novellas about it and see if that helps.

What's this about Flynn cunnilingus and her canine

Flynn? Say this isn't so

It's the same thing you do to admin.
Wait... so you're saying that you do fuck dogs and are trying to drag me down into your own perverse mindset?

ooooooooooo shit :LOL3:

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
This is the "trouble" with you, besides dressing like a fruit on purpose. You're too retarded and dumb to realize that your attempts at human interaction with posters on a dead fucking forum, while spouting Nazi propaganda isn't the best combination in regard to making "new friends." YOU give the distinct impression that you're trying to make e-buddies on a subforum dedicated to spam and moronic pictures all the while jumping on any kind of bandwagon just so your lonely cross-dressing Mein Kampf looking ass can be part of something. In other words, like most of these mopes out here, you're looking for acceptance from complete strangers that are mostly braindead.

As far as being "emotionally invested," if that were true then I'd have to lump in your fairy dressed dumbass. I've seen you hound Lily/Oak for months, yet you have the faggoty nerve to call someone else "emotionally invested?" You must love the taste of your semen flavored feet as many times as you like sticking them in your one resident tooth mouth. I've read enough of your poorly written out thoughts that makes me think you're letting your pussy ghostwrite most of your replies.

"Detailed files?" You mean my memory of all the idiotic things you've done along with your butt pirate buddies? Then yes, my memory is running on 20 Terabytes on a T-9 line, while yours is still running on 56k and a dial up modem.

If you don't like the way I verbally rape you and your "friends," you're always welcome to take a shit in the "political" sub forum and not read responses from someone that's smarter than you and your whole inbred village of slack jawed African Jews.

I just don't see the point of being a forum reg who goes out of their way to annoy everyone and be a general pain in the ass. Sure, I did the troll schtick when I was younger, but surely your boney, feral, middle aged ass has grown out of that shit by now?

Trying to make e-buddies ? LOL, don't be stupid. Dilf is more or less the only person I speak to regularly in PM's and elsewhere. I use this place for a laugh when I'm bored, not somewhere to make long term friendships.

As for Poarkzilla, that beached whale tried to get me banned on SG and is a thoroughly loathsome, unpleasant, disgusting specimen who deserves to be verbally bitch slapped with a sock full of snooker balls whenever her foul-smelling, bloated carcass surfaces.

I'm not sure how you arrive at the conclusion of being "smarter" than me. I had to explain to you the difference between White Nationalism and National Socialism ffs.... but then you are from Soyattle, where the boys are girls and the girls are boys, so there is that to consider.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
NEWSFLASH: Flynn confirms she fucks dogs

God damn the things people are willing to reveal on these forums is astounding :LOL3:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Don’t really know why lily Oak a.k.a Nick the pig is trying to act all holier than thou when it comes to doxxximg

especically after she laughed and cheered it on over at cindys testicles dot com when that freak was getting people fired from their jobs

She was fine when Murd was throwing a personal incident with my daughter all over the board, as well. She joined right in.

Shes a nasty, petty hypocritical bag of shit. Just hateful.

I hate their political views and the sanctimonious way they express them. But I've never just started bashing them personally (until they did it to me) and I never drug anything about their families onto a forum to twist and use to make them look bad.

They really have no credibility or right to bitch or act above it. They are too stupid and self absorbed to get that, though. Because they think hating someone is a pass to use personal stuff as a weapon.

WTF do people who do this expect will happen? Do they think their target is going to run off crying in embarrassment and the board will all jump in to join the hate fest? LOL

Because NO ONE cares about other peoples personal lives and most people understand there are more sides than 1.

They act like it's the end of the world and everyone is just quivering with excitement dying to have personal info on them. You know what that's called? It's called narcissism.
I now know why Flithrecwhore and the rest of that gang hated her guts so much. It's not because she's some superior troll it's because she's a pretentious self righteous slob who cannot keep her oily snout of other peoples biz. And the wanton hypocrisy does her no favors either

I suspect this is why even her so called friends like Admin and Peaches stood idle when gayboy kicked her fatass off his forum. They were probably relieved to get rid of that obnoxious cow

Shes controlling, entitled and hateful. She demands compliance to HER standards. Never takes responsibility for HER words or actions.

Anytime she gets called out, she immediately points her finger at anyone but herself.

Its ALL she does. It's her reflex to blame and "no yuo!" other people.

And it's always HER that starts the shit.

Yeah no doubt people get sick of her childish drama whoring and hypocritical bullshit. And how hateful she gets if shes being bested in a discussion.

She cant have a respectful or gracious exchange where she learns anything or really hears anyone. They are all like that. Their premise going in is they are right, they have the correct view, and they are going to inform. And if that view is questioned, and challenged... they go right for insults. Murd is the same fucking way.