

Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
my pics are fake,

finally an admission.

we knew all along.

It's why "your pic is fake" is his first recourse when I post it and all he can do is sob and wail cuz it ain't the one he expected.

Fella, if you genuinely do look like that, you have my deepest condolences.

I'm sure I could've posted a more flattering pic, but I chose that awful one mostly to get the hook into you. :GiggleBitch:

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
my pics are fake,

finally an admission.

we knew all along.

It's why "your pic is fake" is his first recourse when I post it and all he can do is sob and wail cuz it ain't the one he expected.

Fella, if you genuinely do look like that, you have my deepest condolences.

I'm sure I could've posted a more flattering pic, but I chose that awful one mostly to get the hook into you. :GiggleBitch:

Oooooh you little minx.

I guess it's ironic how your nose is the center of attention, whether you're the infamous Lady Peaches or a random Jewish bloke.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
my pics are fake,

finally an admission.

we knew all along.

It's why "your pic is fake" is his first recourse when I post it and all he can do is sob and wail cuz it ain't the one he expected.

Fella, if you genuinely do look like that, you have my deepest condolences.

I'm sure I could've posted a more flattering pic, but I chose that awful one mostly to get the hook into you. :GiggleBitch:

Oooooh you little minx.

I guess it's ironic how your nose is the center of attention, whether you're the infamous Lady Peaches or a random Jewish bloke.

Conspiracy theories are like buyers at a used car lot... there's an ass for every seat.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
my pics are fake,

finally an admission.

we knew all along.

It's why "your pic is fake" is his first recourse when I post it and all he can do is sob and wail cuz it ain't the one he expected.

Fella, if you genuinely do look like that, you have my deepest condolences.

I'm sure I could've posted a more flattering pic, but I chose that awful one mostly to get the hook into you. :GiggleBitch:

Oooooh you little minx.

I guess it's ironic how your nose is the center of attention, whether you're the infamous Lady Peaches or a random Jewish bloke.

It IS, isn't it?
At least to you.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
my pics are fake,

finally an admission.

we knew all along.

It's why "your pic is fake" is his first recourse when I post it and all he can do is sob and wail cuz it ain't the one he expected.

Fella, if you genuinely do look like that, you have my deepest condolences.

I'm sure I could've posted a more flattering pic, but I chose that awful one mostly to get the hook into you. :GiggleBitch:

Oooooh you little minx.

I guess it's ironic how your nose is the center of attention, whether you're the infamous Lady Peaches or a random Jewish bloke.

It IS, isn't it?
At least to you.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
You could actually vouch for me here, but I know you won't. Apparently my pics are fake, LMAO.

This is quite literally the ultimate "no yUO!!!" and the actions of an individual with zero ammo left in their arsenal.

Now this is some funny shit!!!

Are you actually asking Blurt to vouch for you??? You must have let all that Chinese lead coming off your cheap pink "track suits," go straight into that empty peanut shell you fancy as a head.

This is funnier than that time when you tried calling "timeout," as Oak and myself were using your scrotum as a punching bag.

Your pathetic ass even went as far as to claim, "we were cheating" because "we were ganging up on you." If you haven't noticed you fucking mega dunce, you dog-pile the shit out of other posters here in your infinite wisdom of all things Trans. But, when it happens to you, you change into a fully grown screaming banshee about the "rules of engagement."

You're nothing more than a fucking bitch that should still be nursing on the teets of whatever four-legged Oxen birthed your stupid ass.

P.S.-YES. All your pictures are fake, you fucking waste of human skin.
Last edited:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
At first I bought the routine too and just assumed it was some crazy spilt-arse with daddy issues and a severe attitude problem.

Turns out it was in fact a dewd all along, which makes perfect sense when you think about it.
There's no way a woman that looked that fine could have such a grotesque manner, no way!

I like how you and the wannabe Nazi have to commiserate on how you're both fucking experts on such things as alleged e-trannies and being able to see through the fiber optics to discern what "gender" a poster is.

How would you know how "fine" women act when you've never obviously had one? Unless you're counting your buddy Aryan who likes to wear pink vinyl "track suits" and bright colored clothing, along with silly looking fedoras made for 80-year-old Italian Grandmothers.

Stick to assaulting women instead of being Aryan's personal hand maiden.
My ex was FINE... =(

So. You assaulted him as well? What was his name?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
At first I bought the routine too and just assumed it was some crazy spilt-arse with daddy issues and a severe attitude problem.

Turns out it was in fact a dewd all along, which makes perfect sense when you think about it.
There's no way a woman that looked that fine could have such a grotesque manner, no way!

I like how you and the wannabe Nazi have to commiserate on how you're both fucking experts on such things as alleged e-trannies and being able to see through the fiber optics to discern what "gender" a poster is.

How would you know how "fine" women act when you've never obviously had one? Unless you're counting your buddy Aryan who likes to wear pink vinyl "track suits" and bright colored clothing, along with silly looking fedoras made for 80-year-old Italian Grandmothers.

Stick to assaulting women instead of being Aryan's personal hand maiden.
My ex was FINE... =(

Why is your ex, EX? Do tell.... and don't lie.
I made some mistakes against her dad and her... I thought we've been through this? I don't mind dishing out the good and bad shit about me, I'm just a normal guy who's done a doo doo recently... =/

So? You assaulted the your boyfriend's dad because he didn't approve of you sticking your penis into his only son's ripe ass?

Is that what you mean when you describe yourself as "a normal guy who's done a doo doo recently...?"


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
my pics are fake,

finally an admission.

we knew all along.

It's why "your pic is fake" is his first recourse when I post it and all he can do is sob and wail cuz it ain't the one he expected.

Same here. I find it intriguing that he stopped showering me with "charity shop dresses" and "soiled wig" ad homs since I posted actual photos of myself.

His quiver is now officially empty.

Oh, well! There's always "No yUo!"

You've been posting on the same forums as me for close to a decade, you know damn well that my pics are genuine...

Stop tonguing anus.

More "Please help me, Blurt" nonsense.

Maybe you can accuse Blurt of being...GASP!...a tranny for the 1,623,121 time?

Do you "brush" your lone tooth with a pipe brush?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Lol, it's adorable how you gender benders stick together.

What first compelled you to embark on the e-trannie routine?

Is it because your fat wife wouldn't approve, so you had no choice but to act out your fantasy online?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
^^This is what a fat guy in his 50's having an endless melty looks like....

You seem to know a lot about "50-year-old men." You preach about how everyone who doesn't think you're terribly bright or funny is a "50-year-old man."


So. Let me just see if we're on the same page here. If I were to quantify your little "Tranny Ratio" and included the world...that would mean, globally that 7.5 people out of 10 would be "trannies?"

Getting back to the "50-year-old man" comment. Who better to know how a "50-year-old man" should post than a "50-year-old man" himself. Was I wayyyyyy off the mark when I had your age and I.Q. at 45?

Once again. Explain to me how you've all of a sudden become the "Tranny Whisperer?"


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Lol, it's adorable how you gender benders stick together.

What first compelled you to embark on the e-trannie routine?

Is it because your fat wife wouldn't approve, so you had no choice but to act out your fantasy online?

What's "adorable" in a sad kind of way is how you were literally begging Blurt to co-sign for your pilfered picture.

More little nuances of why you're one of the biggest laughing stocks out here.

Maybe you can force Blurt to also validate that you're from the planet Earth as well?



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Sorry fella, but I'll never be "on the same page" as a guy who has pretended to be a woman online for the past 15 years.

Here's a thread dedicated to you and your mentally ill ilk, which should clear up any confusion;

(1) Ode to the trannie | Bastard Factory Forums

I see that you ran from my offer of posting valid pictures faster than Superman, when he encounters Kryptonite.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Lol, it's adorable how you gender benders stick together.

What first compelled you to embark on the e-trannie routine?

Is it because your fat wife wouldn't approve, so you had no choice but to act out your fantasy online?

What's "adorable" in a sad kind of way is how you were literally begging Blurt to co-sign for your pilfered picture.

More little nuances of why you're one of the biggest laughing stocks out here.

Maybe you can force Blurt to also validate that you're from the planet Earth as well?


This coming from the guy who has been raging for the past 2 years at a female online who he accuses of breaking his brother's heart.

Imagine being as invested in other people's private lives as you are..... obviously there isn't much going on in yours.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are