

Factory Bastard
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Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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Breaking- Google pic laming is now considered flaming. But only here by the limited brain cell crew at BF.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, the bar has been actually lowered that much that using google to post up some random image now constitutes an actual counter.

And then they wonder why ppl don’t register here, they can just use google…
The secret to my success was using nicorette lozenge for 4 years... then I went cold turkey off them..3.5 yrs ago.
see id never use a nicotine alternative.

One of the old bints at RR used the patch then lit up at the same time and died like in mere minutes. Don’t know if it was some freak thing or if too much nicotine intake all at once causes that, but the look on her face was enough to make me shrug that shit off completely.

I just recall walking by her while she was in mid seizure on the ground and saying “your kids won’t have a mother if you croak, Joan” and grabbing a few fries off the tray she was carrying and eating them. I wanted to put a bottle of ketchup in her hand so she could have shook it up for me, but sadly, it didn’t last that long.

The fries were good though. Fresh.

But then again, there was that Zeropoint guy at BH who wrote his obituary because of me, saying that my mere pointing out that he was a cold blooded killer who was posting from prison caused him so much grief he was going to stick nicotine balls up his ass and wrap a blanket around himself so nobody pulled them out like a used tampon until he was kaputs.

That was like a BH holy fuck moment we’re everyone kept asking him when he was actually gonna do it and how can he fit nicotine tampons and a prepaid phone up his ass at the same time.

Ah, the good ol days

So Jewdozer is coming here?

Blandscape is according to his own press releases, the most talented guy on any troll forum and he has yet to write anything but spam texts.
I think LOLkaust, most of them, are still in prison for being actual Nazi’s. The last time I talked to Jewdozer he’s wasn’t in any good frame of mind.

Why, did you want them here? I wonder what happened to the guy who was trolling a TV show about the Boston bombing video game they made.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Looking at the rates in this thread (and all the others) is quite amusing, the actual comment doesn't matter it's added clout for the cliques.... Sometimes even fandom like poofter rating blurt like he's in love and desperate for pals... lol amusing


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
This forum needs an enema.

With all due respect, Martino, you putting your hands close to a mic to amplify the sound of your snapping on nitrile gloves doesn't entail that it will get one.

Prove me wrong.
Pardon the pun, but that shit takes time.

My schedule doesn’t open up until the beginning of the new year.

Then you will see some changes


Philosopher King
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West Coast
Looking at the rates in this thread (and all the others) is quite amusing, the actual comment doesn't matter it's added clout for the cliques.... Sometimes even fandom like poofter rating blurt like he's in love and desperate for pals... lol amusing
No matter where it goes, this thread always delivers. :ThumbsUp1:

Nice to see that Stubby misses Peaches so much he still goes over to that little weird forum to lick the windows, on the regular.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Everybody on this board has abused some substance at some point in their lives...

So you've never got drunk or got too high on weed? I didn't mean just hard drugs...

I have gotten high on weed several times. No other drugs though they were offered to me. That doesn't count as abusing substances.

Sincerely, I was raised being told that getting high and escapism is for the weak. I guess I never chose to question that.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Looking at the rates in this thread (and all the others) is quite amusing, the actual comment doesn't matter it's added clout for the cliques.... Sometimes even fandom like poofter rating blurt like he's in love and desperate for pals... lol amusing
No matter where it goes, this thread always delivers. :ThumbsUp1:

Nice to see that Stubby misses Peaches so much he still goes over to that little weird forum to lick the windows, on the regular.
Calm down creature. No one really cares that your silly cover was blown


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Everybody on this board has abused some substance at some point in their lives...

So you've never got drunk or got too high on weed? I didn't mean just hard drugs...

I have gotten high on weed several times. No other drugs though they were offered to me. That doesn't count as abusing substances.

Sincerely, I was raised being told that getting high and escapism is for the weak. I guess I never chose to question that.
Well good for you, I'am extremely weak just now but I'm not going into it to bore people to death...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Looking at the rates in this thread (and all the others) is quite amusing, the actual comment doesn't matter it's added clout for the cliques.... Sometimes even fandom like poofter rating blurt like he's in love and desperate for pals... lol amusing
No matter where it goes, this thread always delivers. :ThumbsUp1:

Nice to see that Stubby misses Peaches so much he still goes over to that little weird forum to lick the windows, on the regular.

Are you referring to Sindy's site?

If yes, very weird.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Looking at the rates in this thread (and all the others) is quite amusing, the actual comment doesn't matter it's added clout for the cliques.... Sometimes even fandom like poofter rating blurt like he's in love and desperate for pals... lol amusing
No matter where it goes, this thread always delivers. :ThumbsUp1:

Nice to see that Stubby misses Peaches so much he still goes over to that little weird forum to lick the windows, on the regular.
Calm down creature. No one really cares that your silly cover was blown
OIC, that must be why you talk about it so often.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Looking at the rates in this thread (and all the others) is quite amusing, the actual comment doesn't matter it's added clout for the cliques.... Sometimes even fandom like poofter rating blurt like he's in love and desperate for pals... lol amusing
No matter where it goes, this thread always delivers. :ThumbsUp1:

Nice to see that Stubby misses Peaches so much he still goes over to that little weird forum to lick the windows, on the regular.

Are you referring to Sindy's site?

If yes, very weird.
I think he's over there more than the handful of regulars are.



Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Everybody on this board has abused some substance at some point in their lives...

So you've never got drunk or got too high on weed? I didn't mean just hard drugs...

I have gotten high on weed several times. No other drugs though they were offered to me. That doesn't count as abusing substances.

Sincerely, I was raised being told that getting high and escapism is for the weak. I guess I never chose to question that.
Idk about that.

Weed does a lot of good. I’d rather my kids smoke weed then drink. I’d rather they did neither, but weed is so socially acceptable now it’s like smoking cigarettes.

A couple weeks ago I had a ridiculous migraine and one of the waitresses offered me a weed gummy. Knocked that shit out in minutes, then slept like a baby. I think stoners go overboard with the way they act, but once in awhile it’s not so bad.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Everybody on this board has abused some substance at some point in their lives...

So you've never got drunk or got too high on weed? I didn't mean just hard drugs...

I have gotten high on weed several times. No other drugs though they were offered to me. That doesn't count as abusing substances.

Sincerely, I was raised being told that getting high and escapism is for the weak. I guess I never chose to question that.
Well good for you, I'am extremely weak just now but I'm not going into it to bore people to death...

My dad was a very hardcore leftist and he said drugs among the poor was prevalent to keep the poor pacified.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Everybody on this board has abused some substance at some point in their lives...

So you've never got drunk or got too high on weed? I didn't mean just hard drugs...

I have gotten high on weed several times. No other drugs though they were offered to me. That doesn't count as abusing substances.

Sincerely, I was raised being told that getting high and escapism is for the weak. I guess I never chose to question that.
Idk about that.

Weed does a lot of good. I’d rather my kids smoke weed then drink. I’d rather they did neither, but weed is so socially acceptable now it’s like smoking cigarettes.

A couple weeks ago I had a ridiculous migraine and one of the waitresses offered me a weed gummy. Knocked that shit out in minutes, then slept like a baby. I think stoners go overboard with the way they act, but once in awhile it’s not so bad.

Moderation is the key to most anything, even moderation. lol


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Everybody on this board has abused some substance at some point in their lives...

So you've never got drunk or got too high on weed? I didn't mean just hard drugs...

I have gotten high on weed several times. No other drugs though they were offered to me. That doesn't count as abusing substances.

Sincerely, I was raised being told that getting high and escapism is for the weak. I guess I never chose to question that.
Well good for you, I'am extremely weak just now but I'm not going into it to bore people to death...

My dad was a very hardcore leftist and he said drugs among the poor was prevalent to keep the poor pacified.
The Iran/Contra affair was evidence of that mindset.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Everybody on this board has abused some substance at some point in their lives...

So you've never got drunk or got too high on weed? I didn't mean just hard drugs...

I have gotten high on weed several times. No other drugs though they were offered to me. That doesn't count as abusing substances.

Sincerely, I was raised being told that getting high and escapism is for the weak. I guess I never chose to question that.
Idk about that.

Weed does a lot of good. I’d rather my kids smoke weed then drink. I’d rather they did neither, but weed is so socially acceptable now it’s like smoking cigarettes.

A couple weeks ago I had a ridiculous migraine and one of the waitresses offered me a weed gummy. Knocked that shit out in minutes, then slept like a baby. I think stoners go overboard with the way they act, but once in awhile it’s not so bad.

Moderation is the key to most anything, even moderation. lol
Idiots can’t moderate.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Everybody on this board has abused some substance at some point in their lives...

So you've never got drunk or got too high on weed? I didn't mean just hard drugs...

I have gotten high on weed several times. No other drugs though they were offered to me. That doesn't count as abusing substances.

Sincerely, I was raised being told that getting high and escapism is for the weak. I guess I never chose to question that.
Well good for you, I'am extremely weak just now but I'm not going into it to bore people to death...

My dad was a very hardcore leftist and he said drugs among the poor was prevalent to keep the poor pacified.
The Iran/Contra affair was evidence of that mindset.

Exactly. And I heard all about it.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Everybody on this board has abused some substance at some point in their lives...

So you've never got drunk or got too high on weed? I didn't mean just hard drugs...

I have gotten high on weed several times. No other drugs though they were offered to me. That doesn't count as abusing substances.

Sincerely, I was raised being told that getting high and escapism is for the weak. I guess I never chose to question that.
Well good for you, I'am extremely weak just now but I'm not going into it to bore people to death...

My dad was a very hardcore leftist and he said drugs among the poor was prevalent to keep the poor pacified.
Well my situation is I was a terrible alcoholic and I started taking piankikkers for hangover headaches then I grew keen on the opiod buzz and now I'm a painkiller addict... Absolute shit show...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Everybody on this board has abused some substance at some point in their lives...

So you've never got drunk or got too high on weed? I didn't mean just hard drugs...

I have gotten high on weed several times. No other drugs though they were offered to me. That doesn't count as abusing substances.

Sincerely, I was raised being told that getting high and escapism is for the weak. I guess I never chose to question that.
Idk about that.

Weed does a lot of good. I’d rather my kids smoke weed then drink. I’d rather they did neither, but weed is so socially acceptable now it’s like smoking cigarettes.

A couple weeks ago I had a ridiculous migraine and one of the waitresses offered me a weed gummy. Knocked that shit out in minutes, then slept like a baby. I think stoners go overboard with the way they act, but once in awhile it’s not so bad.

Moderation is the key to most anything, even moderation. lol
Idiots can’t moderate.


True enough. Idiots are incompetent.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Drinking water fixes a hangover.
Are you actually trying to be nice for a change?
I’m nice all the time.

I have no clue wtf you were drinking, but 8oz of water to every 2oz of alcohol will keep you from getting hung over.

Hell, slam a gallon of water with a handful of ibuprofen before you sleep will stop a hangover. You might still be drunk when you wake up depending on how much you drank, but it beats being hung over.

wtf were you drinking?


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Drinking water fixes a hangover.
Are you actually trying to be nice for a change?
I’m nice all the time.

I have no clue wtf you were drinking, but 8oz of water to every 2oz of alcohol will keep you from getting hung over.

Hell, slam a gallon of water with a handful of ibuprofen before you sleep will stop a hangover. You might still be drunk when you wake up depending on how much you drank, but it beats being hung over.

wtf were you drinking?
I can't remember, anything I could get, vodka, beer, whiskey, wine... I was fucking killing myself quick...


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Drinking water fixes a hangover.
Are you actually trying to be nice for a change?
I’m nice all the time.

I have no clue wtf you were drinking, but 8oz of water to every 2oz of alcohol will keep you from getting hung over.

Hell, slam a gallon of water with a handful of ibuprofen before you sleep will stop a hangover. You might still be drunk when you wake up depending on how much you drank, but it beats being hung over.

wtf were you drinking?
I can't remember, anything I could get, vodka, beer, whiskey, wine... I was fucking killing myself quick...
You wernt “killing” yourself, you were just binge drinking the hard way.

I don’t think you are an alcoholic, if you were, you wouldn’t be here, you’d be drinking. As somebody who has bartended over 20 years, I can tell you first hand an alcoholic doesn’t care about anything but drinking. To ppl who talk about how their parents were alcoholics, congrats, your parents didn’t give a fuck about you.

From my experience, alcoholics sit at the end of the bar and drink. They’re not looking at their phones, and they might chit chat here and there, but all they care about is drinking. An Alkie drinks different, they pace themselves so they’re drunk all day and won’t drink just anything, they will drink the shit that gets them drunk as fast a possible for as long as possible.

If you have 150 proof rum in a flask you might be an alcoholic


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Drinking water fixes a hangover.
Are you actually trying to be nice for a change?
I’m nice all the time.

I have no clue wtf you were drinking, but 8oz of water to every 2oz of alcohol will keep you from getting hung over.

Hell, slam a gallon of water with a handful of ibuprofen before you sleep will stop a hangover. You might still be drunk when you wake up depending on how much you drank, but it beats being hung over.

wtf were you drinking?
I can't remember, anything I could get, vodka, beer, whiskey, wine... I was fucking killing myself quick...
You wernt “killing” yourself, you were just binge drinking the hard way.

I don’t think you are an alcoholic, if you were, you wouldn’t be here, you’d be drinking. As somebody who has bartended over 20 years, I can tell you first hand an alcoholic doesn’t care about anything but drinking. To ppl who talk about how their parents were alcoholics, congrats, your parents didn’t give a fuck about you.

From my experience, alcoholics sit at the end of the bar and drink. They’re not looking at their phones, and they might chit chat here and there, but all they care about is drinking. An Alkie drinks different, they pace themselves so they’re drunk all day and won’t drink just anything, they will drink the shit that gets them drunk as fast a possible for as long as possible.

If you have 150 proof rum in a flask you might be an alcoholic
Well I tore relationships apart because all I wanted was a drink and to be left alone, drinking on my own playing computer games till I couldn't funtion well enough to play I'd come on the net and be an asshole to everybody... This was from morning to night, maxing out credit cards and the like... I absolutely hate the stuff now!


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
Drinking water fixes a hangover.
Are you actually trying to be nice for a change?
I’m nice all the time.

I have no clue wtf you were drinking, but 8oz of water to every 2oz of alcohol will keep you from getting hung over.

Hell, slam a gallon of water with a handful of ibuprofen before you sleep will stop a hangover. You might still be drunk when you wake up depending on how much you drank, but it beats being hung over.

wtf were you drinking?
I can't remember, anything I could get, vodka, beer, whiskey, wine... I was fucking killing myself quick...
You wernt “killing” yourself, you were just binge drinking the hard way.

I don’t think you are an alcoholic, if you were, you wouldn’t be here, you’d be drinking. As somebody who has bartended over 20 years, I can tell you first hand an alcoholic doesn’t care about anything but drinking. To ppl who talk about how their parents were alcoholics, congrats, your parents didn’t give a fuck about you.

From my experience, alcoholics sit at the end of the bar and drink. They’re not looking at their phones, and they might chit chat here and there, but all they care about is drinking. An Alkie drinks different, they pace themselves so they’re drunk all day and won’t drink just anything, they will drink the shit that gets them drunk as fast a possible for as long as possible.

If you have 150 proof rum in a flask you might be an alcoholic
Well I tore relationships apart because all I wanted was a drink and to be left alone, drinking on my own playing computer games till I couldn't funtion well enough to play I'd come on the net and be an asshole to everybody... This was from morning to night, maxing out credit cards and the like... I absolutely hate the stuff now!
That doesn’t say alcoholic. Sounds more so like your immature living the life trying to find themselves like basically 90% of all guys at your age. That’s not a knock, that’s just life. You’ll figure it out when you want to and from the sounds of it that’s what you want and if that’s the case, be your own captain.

I would deal with an alcoholic who would need a straw for his first drink because his hands were shaking so bad. One time I refused to serve him on account of feeling like I was enabling him and the guy started crying.

You are nowhere near that.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Drinking water fixes a hangover.
Are you actually trying to be nice for a change?
I’m nice all the time.

I have no clue wtf you were drinking, but 8oz of water to every 2oz of alcohol will keep you from getting hung over.

Hell, slam a gallon of water with a handful of ibuprofen before you sleep will stop a hangover. You might still be drunk when you wake up depending on how much you drank, but it beats being hung over.

wtf were you drinking?
I can't remember, anything I could get, vodka, beer, whiskey, wine... I was fucking killing myself quick...
You wernt “killing” yourself, you were just binge drinking the hard way.

I don’t think you are an alcoholic, if you were, you wouldn’t be here, you’d be drinking. As somebody who has bartended over 20 years, I can tell you first hand an alcoholic doesn’t care about anything but drinking. To ppl who talk about how their parents were alcoholics, congrats, your parents didn’t give a fuck about you.

From my experience, alcoholics sit at the end of the bar and drink. They’re not looking at their phones, and they might chit chat here and there, but all they care about is drinking. An Alkie drinks different, they pace themselves so they’re drunk all day and won’t drink just anything, they will drink the shit that gets them drunk as fast a possible for as long as possible.

If you have 150 proof rum in a flask you might be an alcoholic
Well I tore relationships apart because all I wanted was a drink and to be left alone, drinking on my own playing computer games till I couldn't funtion well enough to play I'd come on the net and be an asshole to everybody... This was from morning to night, maxing out credit cards and the like... I absolutely hate the stuff now!
That doesn’t say alcoholic. Sounds more so like your immature living the life trying to find themselves like basically 90% of all guys at your age. That’s not a knock, that’s just life. You’ll figure it out when you want to and from the sounds of it that’s what you want and if that’s the case, be your own captain.

I would deal with an alcoholic who would need a straw for his first drink because his hands were shaking so bad. One time I refused to serve him on account of feeling like I was enabling him and the guy started crying.

You are nowhere near that.
I've switched to opiods though, taking far too many PK, pregabalin and anything with codeine but I'll neverr go near that brown stuff... I've to speak to an adiiction nurse on Monday and hopefully het my life back on track with suboxone... No more prison time lol