Now why would anyone need to know about some worthless dead Injuns?


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Nah, Dovey.

That was two tropes in one (for watchers of Seinfeld, anyway).

I guess I'm just a little tired of all these internet "experts" who claim expertise by virtue of proximity to a single (or to a mere handful) of instantiations. On more than one occasion, other members here have pulled that shit, too... "You can trust my medical opinion--my son-in-law is a doctor in the OR."

The only thing having a daughter who is Native (or gay, for that matter) makes you an expert in is being the parent of a daughter who is Native or gay (or both, as the case may be).

There are so many folks both online and in real life--and I'm talking about Caucasian, heterosexual, cisgendered folks, here--who have a gazillion opinions, both good and bad, about ethnic and sexual minorities without having had the benefit of having lived a single second of their lives in the skin of an individual belonging to one of these minorities, that it's a wonder to me how they can consider their own opinions little more than second-hand gobbledygook.

Unlike you, you won't see me droning on and on about the social experiences of POC or about the L's, G's, B's, or Q's in the LGBTQ crowd. That whereof I do not know (firsthand), I do not speak. Or, at least, I have the sense and good grace to qualify my views as being based on knowledge at one remove. And knowledge at one remove doesn't entitle me to lay down the law. It doesn't entitle anyone to do so.

Oh, and stop being so goddamned sensitive all the time. I thought the Irish had thicker skin. Mind you, I'm not Irish myself, so I'm not speaking as an expert here.
"There are so many folks both online and in real life--and I'm talking about Caucasian, heterosexual, cisgendered folks, here--who have a gazillion opinions, both good and bad, about ethnic and sexual minorities without having had the benefit of having lived a single second of their lives in the skin of an individual belonging to one of these minorities"
Sooo what are you trying to say here? "Minorities" are victims and need special or different treatment because of the colour of thier skin etc? Is that what you think? To me that's actually deep racism and you lefties are masters of the "deep racism" like when you argued about blacks being too stupid to find a place to get I.D or as you just said, they're different and automatically deserve different treatment to that of the "majorities"... So good at taking offence for people eh... How about we treat everybody the same, as it USUALLY happens outside of your left wing offendedsphere? Just because they get called names doesn't mean they're victims, every cunt gets called names!! I cannot get over the implication of "in their skin" as if they feel so degraded by it and deserve a cuddle from some virtuous puple haired maniac... :facepalm:

As for the "minorities" tag, give me a fuckin break!!! White people are the true minoriities on the planet and have no country to call their own, whites have had their countries, cultures and way of life altered by (((outsiders))) and we're still classed as the worst of humanity by people like you!! OPEN YOUR FUCKIN EYES!!! Who are the ONLY people that you can openly degrade, CALL NAMES and culture fuck? It sure as fuck ain't niggers! :Frustration1:


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Domestically feral
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United states
As would you, had many of your ancestors been slaughtered like feral pigs.
It wasn't like that though. Trust me, Whitey could've easily wiped out the Injuns completely and with extreme prejudice if they'd have wanted to.

The fact that they still even exist proves that simply wasn't the case.

Oh, since they weren't completely wiped out, everything is copacetic?

Everything is copacetic because literally none of us were the ones slaughtering or doing the slaughtering. This is history.

Destroying the future over the past is retarded. And using the plights of people from history to push modern partisan platforms is just exploitation and abuse.

Are natives unable to represent their own modern interests? Are all people a monolith? Do we really need to breath life back into old conflicts none of us were even involved in?

This piece of history is not some argument for teaching children to be racists and see things through a Marxist lense....which is exactly what CRT/equity does. It doesnt teach history. It cherry picks history and presents it through a very manipulative lense.

Natives who were slaughtered in a historic conflict shouldnt be USED to justify PLEASE ASS BOX ME! children into leftwing activists.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states simply repeating words that came right from mouths of natives I know well.

Yes, and I'm sure all three of them are in complete agreement with you.

Your propensity to espouse groupthink at the expense of individual views would be alarming had it not already become a defining feature of the curent state of public discourse.

Go on, tell us about "us" again, Dovey.

Group think at the expense of the individual (collectism) is exactly what I'm responding to.

If that bothers might wish to notice that minority groups are being used to push policies that are actually toxic poison that teach racial "group think" at the expense of the individual. CRT/equity based curriculums are exactly that.

My daughter has way more than 3 people in her family and her families tribe but that's irrelevant really as I'm not speaking FOR an entire group of people like Admin is doing with this thread. Not just trying to be a mouth piece for slaughtered natives(using this as a argument for CRT) but also him AND Lotus speaking for US saying we think natives are "worthless"(my own daughter is native) and that this OP is somehow "triggering" based on some revolting racism against natives they compulsively attach to us that doesnt exist in reality.

I'm entirely on the side of the rights and liberties and individuals and completely opposed to the racist group segregation that's being shoved against Americans for the purpose of politics. That's pretty much what we argue against.....the grouping together of people based on skin color.

That's why when Admin called Candice Owen's a "race traitor".....I called him a racist.

We havent been segregated for a long time. All us different color people have been mixing for I dont see how white leftists have some specail priviledge to use an entire group as a monolith to push their partisan political platforms(like crt) but when someone says "well I happen know a good chunk of that particular group doesnt support what you are pushing" suddenly they are grouping people or presenting themselves as experts lmao. It's pretty hypocritical.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Site. Slowed. To. A. Crawl.

NO reply.

Well for me, the site keeps crashing and I'm a having a ridiculous level of drama with my very dramatic mother who has ran out of gabapentin and cant see the neuro doc until the 10th.

Running out of a med like gabapentin sucks. But shes convinced shes going to die and shes giving me an earful of all the reasons why her issues are worse or different than anyone else's.

So I'm stuck on this roller coaster now and I have to stay back for the weekend while my kids and husband go to the cabin.

Fun stuff.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Sorry Dovey. I would guess taking mom is outta the question? Happy New Year Anyway.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Sorry Dovey. I would guess taking mom is outta the question? Happy New Year Anyway.

Yeah completely out. She was taking about 2800mgs of the gabapentin. Shes going to be sick and I might have to take her to the hospital.

Her doctor discharged her because she rescued 3 appointments........that's the reason they gave. My husband and I were getting her set up with new doctors anyway and we want her off the state insurance and on ours......if possible. Lots of paper work.

Our hands are tied until the 10th. Gapapentin is a controlled substance now.......which is fucking she just has to suffer now until her appointment. It doesnt help that she has a known history of alcoholism and abusing benzos(shes flagged for substance abuse so she has to follow strict rules for any controlled meds).

And shes very dramatic as it is. Its gonna be a long weekend.

Happy New Year though LoL


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
Don't fret, Admin.

Mel posted the results of his DNA test; turns out he's a Canuck Muggle.

In an encouraging development, he's so ashamed of his genetic heritage that he chose to not pass on his genes to the next generation.
100% Euro genes, Blurtski! 100%!

Every time I look in the mirror, I'm dazzled by my Whiteness!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Listen up Bro, I am probably whiter than you. If that actually means anything at the end of the day.
Nah, you're probably not Whiter than me. I have posted my DNA results here, and I'm pretty fucking White.

But I don't worry about that, since I'm more concerned with you hating your own people, and loving people that hate you instead...

Calling your own tribe into account is not hate, it's actually an act of love and compassion. Enabling people in bad behavior that will eventually lead to their doom is an act of extreme irresponsibility.
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Bastard of the Century
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Yet you said you were something like 2 or 3% Askenazim.

Let's see those test results again, Melski!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Yet you said you were something like 2 or 3% Askenazim.

Let's see those test results again, Melski!
100% Euro, Blurtski!

And I don't know what's up with the 3% Ashkenazi Jew blood poisoning my system... Maybe Ancestry put it in there as a cruel joke? Either way, Ashkenazi Jews are considered European.


Are you an Albino?


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
There is something very wrong with you. Only a white person, that's the minority on this planet would want to murder everyone else.

I'd take a slightly different approach though, which would lead to much less murder than you may think! A different approach is necessary to succeed, as we must learn to avoid past failures.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
There is something very wrong with you. Only a white person, that's the minority on this planet would want to murder everyone else.

I'd take a slightly different approach though, which would lead to much less murder than you may think! A different approach is necessary to succeed, as we must learn to avoid past failures.

How about you just go about your life and stop whining about everything y'all whine about?


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
How about you just go about your life and stop whining about everything y'all whine about?
We must secure the existence of our people, because most of us know we'll be treated worse than Whites in South Africa are once the darkies start taking over all Western nations!

I mean, can you imagine being the last small handful of Whites in a savage world run by scary looking Negroes? That shit is frightening!


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
I'm thinking, the Indians get their Indian Reserves, right? The time is coming where we'll need White People Reserves, where we can remain autonomous and safe from a savage world filled with savage people who want to do us great harm!

Ideally this White people reserve would be an entire nation or region, unlike Injun Reserves that are scattered all over the place...


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
May I suggest you, Scouse, and Shampain set yourselves up as dictators-for-life in Antarctica, change its name to South Caucasia, and make sure the trains run on time for all the Bedazzlingly White folks that will surely flood the continent as they flee in horror before the huddled masses yearning to be free aiming to enslave the rest of the world?


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
May I suggest you, Scouse, and Shampain set yourselves up as dictators-for-life in Antarctica, change its name to South Caucasia, and make sure the trains run on time for all the Bedazzlingly White folks that will surely flood the continent as they flee in horror before the huddled masses yearning to be free aiming to enslave the rest of the world?
Why should we move? Our ancestors built our countries for us not the saracen hoardes trying to kill them who're now being treated like royalty even when their intentions are clear...
Here's a better idea, how about white countries return to being white with ONLY Christian values and if the foreigners don't like it they can do a few weeks hard labour to pay for their flights home or to their ancestral motherland...


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
May I suggest you, Scouse, and Shampain set yourselves up as dictators-for-life in Antarctica, change its name to South Caucasia, and make sure the trains run on time for all the Bedazzlingly White folks that will surely flood the continent as they flee in horror before the huddled masses yearning to be free aiming to enslave the rest of the world?
Why should we move? Our ancestors built our countries for us not the saracen hoardes trying to kill them who're now being treated like royalty even when their intentions are clear...
Here's a better idea, how about white countries return to being white with ONLY Christian values and if the foreigners don't like it they can do a few weeks hard labour to pay for their flights home or to their ancestral motherland...

Do you believe the bible tells you the truth? Because it says we wont be in any sort of peaceful unity or free from suffering until the Lord returns.

You can apply the best Christian values in a world like we are in today. Go out, make disciples of all nations. God will even bring them to your doorstep lol. A big one at odds with what the world says is to deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Him. It's not as pretty as the years of relative peace we enjoyed during the reign of Christ on earth, but we were able to know it and practice it to prepare for much tougher times.

The west is collapsing and we cant change that.
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