This thread is not about Dovey!


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Notice how you stated, "consensus."

Consensus at a place that's called "Bastard Factory". Whoa...amazing!

Wanna take a guess who makes up this "consensus?"

-Biggie Smurf

What a fucking SURPRISE!!!

What is "People with iqs that are less than 75" for $400 Alex?

Who is every person on that "consensus" list?
You can be on the empirical consensus too if you were nicer. More love-heartish kinda like and stuff. No more relationship drama for a start! Sweet?

Go fuck yourself.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
People actually have to HAVE something to get used

Fucking Scrotini has been carrying on for the past 3 years bragging how he manipulated me into doing all this shit and wasting MY money and he trolled me so he could make CONTENT. And I was so, so gullible.

Yet retard Flynn screams about how literally nothing is POOFERS fault and HE was used. He isbt responsible for ANYTHING. He just some big 50 year old victim.

So WHO is right?

Bahahaha. Fucking idiots c

I get it. So because the guy you let put his dick in you acts like a fucking tool, that's your excuse to be a shitty person???

Excuse me?

His kid got the Switch back, correct?

That entitled piece of scammy shit is lucky I'm NOT a shitty person.

See how entitled and ungrateful you shit bags are?

It's because YOU are shitty scum bags who think other people are obligated to pay for and cater to your dumb shit decision.


Vote blue!

Excuse me?!

How many fucking times did you threaten to flush it? How many times did you threaten to destroy it? How many times did you say you sent it but never did??? It was only after the intervention of some of the posters here that you did send something back that was NEVER yours.

Now you're patting yourself on the back for something a normal and sane person would do. Wow that's some funny ass shit right there!



Perhaps the adult who was in charge of it should have been able to handle it himself.

Then all this trauma you stupid retarded fucks have been suffering for 3 years wouldnt have happened.

You really are pathetic crying like a victim over such a SELF INFLICTED trauma.

No one can relate to your outrage here. Mostly because none of us have ever pawned something that belonged to our kid and than had to rely on other people to get it back.

I'd say grow up but you guys are AARP qualifiers by now.

Fucking irresponsible and entitled retards.


All I know is that you should start following people to the loo and start taking pictures of their shits. Isn't that what a well grounded person does? Because it's really "normal" taking pictures of someone's bowel movements and then sending them to another dipshit. Isn't that what "terf warrior queens" do? Do you like fecal matter? Does it make it really awesome if there's corn and peanuts in the human waste that you seem soo very found of?

I was nust wondering how many other people on the forums take pictures of human waste on their spare time, or while at their job? It should be noted that you were bounced from that "job" faster than you can say, "The Small Business Oligarchy." Is this another example of you being a "smart" and mentally sound? Could you please explain to me what your fascination is with turds?

You seem very peeved that one one is buying into your usual retarded rhetoric. Why is that? Could it be because you're a proven liar and you run from responsibilities as a person and as a parent? Can you actually stand on your own hooves for once in your life, or do you constantly need someone else taking care of you, while you just take and take?

It's fairly obvious what kind of person you are. Stupid people like yourself have the very same traits, which include selfishness, laziness and no accountability. Throwing up excuses is your way out as the forum is littered with your redundant "excuses" on why you're a piece of fucking shit. You can't even put up an adequate defense without blaming others for your own actions. Who made take you pictures of your clients crap? The Poofer? The devil? Me? Lily? Who?

Let me guess. When you took those photos of shit, you were "fishing?" or "phishing?" Right?


Blah blah blah

A fucking wack job who spends 3 years screaming and melting on a forum trying to defend a 50 year old dead beat abuser who pawned his kids toy and couldnt even pay to get it ....

.... has no credibility.

You are a retarded shit bag.

Fucking retard. With your constant entitled npd drama lulz


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
People actually have to HAVE something to get used

Fucking Scrotini has been carrying on for the past 3 years bragging how he manipulated me into doing all this shit and wasting MY money and he trolled me so he could make CONTENT. And I was so, so gullible.

Yet retard Flynn screams about how literally nothing is POOFERS fault and HE was used. He isbt responsible for ANYTHING. He just some big 50 year old victim.

So WHO is right?

Bahahaha. Fucking idiots c

I get it. So because the guy you let put his dick in you acts like a fucking tool, that's your excuse to be a shitty person???

Excuse me?

His kid got the Switch back, correct?

That entitled piece of scammy shit is lucky I'm NOT a shitty person.

See how entitled and ungrateful you shit bags are?

It's because YOU are shitty scum bags who think other people are obligated to pay for and cater to your dumb shit decision.


Vote blue!

Excuse me?!

How many fucking times did you threaten to flush it? How many times did you threaten to destroy it? How many times did you say you sent it but never did??? It was only after the intervention of some of the posters here that you did send something back that was NEVER yours.

Now you're patting yourself on the back for something a normal and sane person would do. Wow that's some funny ass shit right there!



Perhaps the adult who was in charge of it should have been able to handle it himself.

Then all this trauma you stupid retarded fucks have been suffering for 3 years wouldnt have happened.

You really are pathetic crying like a victim over such a SELF INFLICTED trauma.

No one can relate to your outrage here. Mostly because none of us have ever pawned something that belonged to our kid and than had to rely on other people to get it back.

I'd say grow up but you guys are AARP qualifiers by now.

Fucking irresponsible and entitled retards.


All I know is that you should start following people to the loo and start taking pictures of their shits. Isn't that what a well grounded person does? Because it's really "normal" taking pictures of someone's bowel movements and then sending them to another dipshit. Isn't that what "terf warrior queens" do? Do you like fecal matter? Does it make it really awesome if there's corn and peanuts in the human waste that you seem soo very found of?

I was nust wondering how many other people on the forums take pictures of human waste on their spare time, or while at their job? It should be noted that you were bounced from that "job" faster than you can say, "The Small Business Oligarchy." Is this another example of you being a "smart" and mentally sound? Could you please explain to me what your fascination is with turds?

You seem very peeved that one one is buying into your usual retarded rhetoric. Why is that? Could it be because you're a proven liar and you run from responsibilities as a person and as a parent? Can you actually stand on your own hooves for once in your life, or do you constantly need someone else taking care of you, while you just take and take?

It's fairly obvious what kind of person you are. Stupid people like yourself have the very same traits, which include selfishness, laziness and no accountability. Throwing up excuses is your way out as the forum is littered with your redundant "excuses" on why you're a piece of fucking shit. You can't even put up an adequate defense without blaming others for your own actions. Who made take you pictures of your clients crap? The Poofer? The devil? Me? Lily? Who?

Let me guess. When you took those photos of shit, you were "fishing?" or "phishing?" Right?


Blah blah blah

A fucking wack job who spends 3 years screaming and melting on a forum trying to defend a 50 year old dead beat abuser who pawned his kids toy and couldnt even pay to get it ....

.... has no credibility.

You are a retarded shit bag.

Fucking retard. With your constant entitled npd drama lulz

Oh. I think I'd run away from a post pointing out how you lost your "job" taking pictures of shit as well.

Well now. No posts about how the Poofer made you do it???




Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Things that happen when you have Poofer for a sperm donor and he borrows your switch to play tetris




And yeah the fact HIS kids switch ended up dangling over a toilet to the amusement of a message board because HE pawned it and left it IS his fault. I never should have had it. Idiot. This NEVER would have happened if he was responsible for his own choice. Lmao.

All this pain and rage is your own gotdamn stupid retarded fault for being an entitled loser.

Figure it out.
Last edited:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
People actually have to HAVE something to get used

Fucking Scrotini has been carrying on for the past 3 years bragging how he manipulated me into doing all this shit and wasting MY money and he trolled me so he could make CONTENT. And I was so, so gullible.

Yet retard Flynn screams about how literally nothing is POOFERS fault and HE was used. He isbt responsible for ANYTHING. He just some big 50 year old victim.

So WHO is right?

Bahahaha. Fucking idiots c

I get it. So because the guy you let put his dick in you acts like a fucking tool, that's your excuse to be a shitty person???

Excuse me?

His kid got the Switch back, correct?

That entitled piece of scammy shit is lucky I'm NOT a shitty person.

See how entitled and ungrateful you shit bags are?

It's because YOU are shitty scum bags who think other people are obligated to pay for and cater to your dumb shit decision.


Vote blue!

Excuse me?!

How many fucking times did you threaten to flush it? How many times did you threaten to destroy it? How many times did you say you sent it but never did??? It was only after the intervention of some of the posters here that you did send something back that was NEVER yours.

Now you're patting yourself on the back for something a normal and sane person would do. Wow that's some funny ass shit right there!



Perhaps the adult who was in charge of it should have been able to handle it himself.

Then all this trauma you stupid retarded fucks have been suffering for 3 years wouldnt have happened.

You really are pathetic crying like a victim over such a SELF INFLICTED trauma.

No one can relate to your outrage here. Mostly because none of us have ever pawned something that belonged to our kid and than had to rely on other people to get it back.

I'd say grow up but you guys are AARP qualifiers by now.

Fucking irresponsible and entitled retards.


All I know is that you should start following people to the loo and start taking pictures of their shits. Isn't that what a well grounded person does? Because it's really "normal" taking pictures of someone's bowel movements and then sending them to another dipshit. Isn't that what "terf warrior queens" do? Do you like fecal matter? Does it make it really awesome if there's corn and peanuts in the human waste that you seem soo very found of?

I was nust wondering how many other people on the forums take pictures of human waste on their spare time, or while at their job? It should be noted that you were bounced from that "job" faster than you can say, "The Small Business Oligarchy." Is this another example of you being a "smart" and mentally sound? Could you please explain to me what your fascination is with turds?

You seem very peeved that one one is buying into your usual retarded rhetoric. Why is that? Could it be because you're a proven liar and you run from responsibilities as a person and as a parent? Can you actually stand on your own hooves for once in your life, or do you constantly need someone else taking care of you, while you just take and take?

It's fairly obvious what kind of person you are. Stupid people like yourself have the very same traits, which include selfishness, laziness and no accountability. Throwing up excuses is your way out as the forum is littered with your redundant "excuses" on why you're a piece of fucking shit. You can't even put up an adequate defense without blaming others for your own actions. Who made take you pictures of your clients crap? The Poofer? The devil? Me? Lily? Who?

Let me guess. When you took those photos of shit, you were "fishing?" or "phishing?" Right?


Blah blah blah

A fucking wack job who spends 3 years screaming and melting on a forum trying to defend a 50 year old dead beat abuser who pawned his kids toy and couldnt even pay to get it ....

.... has no credibility.

You are a retarded shit bag.

Fucking retard. With your constant entitled npd drama lulz

Oh. I think I'd run away from a post pointing out how you lost your "job" taking pictures of shit as well.

Well now. No posts about how the Poofer made you do it???



None of us mistake you for someone with a fucking brain, idiot.

So about him calling my job.....kinda funny how he laughed at it and waited until after I told him to fuck off isnt it?

I got a whole screen shot of doing the SAME shit to his ex wife. Using CPS to harrass her. Calling her job. Stalking her with devices SHE bought.

He has quite and entitled history.

What you think I'm worried about a picture that had NO PHI?

That fucking lunatic told his kids he was in a "federal witness protection program" that he was placed in by HIPPA agents and if his ex didnt stop talking to me she would get arrested for "conspiring against a federal witness". And he also told his kids that ME and their MOTHER were plotting to have him ASSASSINATED :LOL3: :LOL3:

You REALLY wanna rehash that embarrassing psychotic episode that dead beat tub of worthless fuck had all because he needed other people to get his kids switch out of pawn?



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Things that happen when you have Poofer for a sperm donor and he borrows your switch to play tetris




And yeah the fact HIS kids switch ended up dangling over a toilet to the amusement of a message board because HE pawned it and left it IS his fault. I never should have had it. Idiot. This NEVER would have happened if he was responsible for his own choice. Lmao.

All this pain and rage is your own gotdamn stupid retarded fault for being an entitled loser.

Figure it out.

Sure, Dovey. Dodge the question of why you like taking photos of human waste.

That's very typical of you. It comes as no surprise that a crass and uneducated person like yourself would do some shit like that. (Pun intended)

I'm sure in the back of that marble sized reptile brain of yours, you're trying to figure out who you can blame, right after you work out the difference between, "fish" and "phish."

Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
People actually have to HAVE something to get used

Fucking Scrotini has been carrying on for the past 3 years bragging how he manipulated me into doing all this shit and wasting MY money and he trolled me so he could make CONTENT. And I was so, so gullible.

Yet retard Flynn screams about how literally nothing is POOFERS fault and HE was used. He isbt responsible for ANYTHING. He just some big 50 year old victim.

So WHO is right?

Bahahaha. Fucking idiots c

I get it. So because the guy you let put his dick in you acts like a fucking tool, that's your excuse to be a shitty person???

Excuse me?

His kid got the Switch back, correct?

That entitled piece of scammy shit is lucky I'm NOT a shitty person.

See how entitled and ungrateful you shit bags are?

It's because YOU are shitty scum bags who think other people are obligated to pay for and cater to your dumb shit decision.


Vote blue!

Excuse me?!

How many fucking times did you threaten to flush it? How many times did you threaten to destroy it? How many times did you say you sent it but never did??? It was only after the intervention of some of the posters here that you did send something back that was NEVER yours.

Now you're patting yourself on the back for something a normal and sane person would do. Wow that's some funny ass shit right there!



Perhaps the adult who was in charge of it should have been able to handle it himself.

Then all this trauma you stupid retarded fucks have been suffering for 3 years wouldnt have happened.

You really are pathetic crying like a victim over such a SELF INFLICTED trauma.

No one can relate to your outrage here. Mostly because none of us have ever pawned something that belonged to our kid and than had to rely on other people to get it back.

I'd say grow up but you guys are AARP qualifiers by now.

Fucking irresponsible and entitled retards.


All I know is that you should start following people to the loo and start taking pictures of their shits. Isn't that what a well grounded person does? Because it's really "normal" taking pictures of someone's bowel movements and then sending them to another dipshit. Isn't that what "terf warrior queens" do? Do you like fecal matter? Does it make it really awesome if there's corn and peanuts in the human waste that you seem soo very found of?

I was nust wondering how many other people on the forums take pictures of human waste on their spare time, or while at their job? It should be noted that you were bounced from that "job" faster than you can say, "The Small Business Oligarchy." Is this another example of you being a "smart" and mentally sound? Could you please explain to me what your fascination is with turds?

You seem very peeved that one one is buying into your usual retarded rhetoric. Why is that? Could it be because you're a proven liar and you run from responsibilities as a person and as a parent? Can you actually stand on your own hooves for once in your life, or do you constantly need someone else taking care of you, while you just take and take?

It's fairly obvious what kind of person you are. Stupid people like yourself have the very same traits, which include selfishness, laziness and no accountability. Throwing up excuses is your way out as the forum is littered with your redundant "excuses" on why you're a piece of fucking shit. You can't even put up an adequate defense without blaming others for your own actions. Who made take you pictures of your clients crap? The Poofer? The devil? Me? Lily? Who?

Let me guess. When you took those photos of shit, you were "fishing?" or "phishing?" Right?


Blah blah blah

A fucking wack job who spends 3 years screaming and melting on a forum trying to defend a 50 year old dead beat abuser who pawned his kids toy and couldnt even pay to get it ....

.... has no credibility.

You are a retarded shit bag.

Fucking retard. With your constant entitled npd drama lulz

Oh. I think I'd run away from a post pointing out how you lost your "job" taking pictures of shit as well.

Well now. No posts about how the Poofer made you do it???



None of us mistake you for someone with a fucking brain, idiot.

So about him calling my job.....kinda funny how he laughed at it and waited until after I told him to fuck off isnt it?

I got a whole screen shot of doing the SAME shit to his ex wife. Using CPS to harrass her. Calling her job. Stalking her with devices SHE bought.

He has quite and entitled history.

What you think I'm worried about a picture that had NO PHI?

That fucking lunatic told his kids he was in a "federal witness protection program" that he was placed in by HIPPA agents and if his ex didnt stop talking to me she would get arrested for "conspiring against a federal witness". And he also told his kids that ME and their MOTHER were plotting to have him ASSASSINATED :LOL3: :LOL3:

You REALLY wanna rehash that embarrassing psychotic episode that dead beat tub of worthless fuck had all because he needed other people to get his kids switch out of pawn?


Dissembler in Chief


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Things that happen when you have Poofer for a sperm donor and he borrows your switch to play tetris




And yeah the fact HIS kids switch ended up dangling over a toilet to the amusement of a message board because HE pawned it and left it IS his fault. I never should have had it. Idiot. This NEVER would have happened if he was responsible for his own choice. Lmao.

All this pain and rage is your own gotdamn stupid retarded fault for being an entitled loser.

Figure it out.

Sure, Dovey. Dodge the question of why you like taking photos of human waste.

That's very typical of you. It comes as no surprise that crass and uneducated person like yourself would do some shit like that. (Pun intended)

I'm sure in the back of that marble sized reptile brain of yours, you're trying to figure out who you can blame, right after you work out the difference between, "fish" and "phish."


I think it's more interesting to talk about how Poofer contacted "HIPPA agents" and was placed in a protection program and how if his ex didnt stop talking to me she was get arrested for "conspiring against a federal witness" and how his KIDS needed to know that me and their mom were gonna have him ASSASSINATED.

Bahahahahaha :LOL3: :LOL3:

Its gotta be rough having a schizophrenic father.

Especailly one who asks to borrow your switch to play tetris and it ends up getting hung over a toilet by a random crazy woman he met online that he was trying to fuck for content on a forum.

L. M. A. O!


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
People actually have to HAVE something to get used

Fucking Scrotini has been carrying on for the past 3 years bragging how he manipulated me into doing all this shit and wasting MY money and he trolled me so he could make CONTENT. And I was so, so gullible.

Yet retard Flynn screams about how literally nothing is POOFERS fault and HE was used. He isbt responsible for ANYTHING. He just some big 50 year old victim.

So WHO is right?

Bahahaha. Fucking idiots c

I get it. So because the guy you let put his dick in you acts like a fucking tool, that's your excuse to be a shitty person???

Excuse me?

His kid got the Switch back, correct?

That entitled piece of scammy shit is lucky I'm NOT a shitty person.

See how entitled and ungrateful you shit bags are?

It's because YOU are shitty scum bags who think other people are obligated to pay for and cater to your dumb shit decision.


Vote blue!

Excuse me?!

How many fucking times did you threaten to flush it? How many times did you threaten to destroy it? How many times did you say you sent it but never did??? It was only after the intervention of some of the posters here that you did send something back that was NEVER yours.

Now you're patting yourself on the back for something a normal and sane person would do. Wow that's some funny ass shit right there!



Perhaps the adult who was in charge of it should have been able to handle it himself.

Then all this trauma you stupid retarded fucks have been suffering for 3 years wouldnt have happened.

You really are pathetic crying like a victim over such a SELF INFLICTED trauma.

No one can relate to your outrage here. Mostly because none of us have ever pawned something that belonged to our kid and than had to rely on other people to get it back.

I'd say grow up but you guys are AARP qualifiers by now.

Fucking irresponsible and entitled retards.


All I know is that you should start following people to the loo and start taking pictures of their shits. Isn't that what a well grounded person does? Because it's really "normal" taking pictures of someone's bowel movements and then sending them to another dipshit. Isn't that what "terf warrior queens" do? Do you like fecal matter? Does it make it really awesome if there's corn and peanuts in the human waste that you seem soo very found of?

I was nust wondering how many other people on the forums take pictures of human waste on their spare time, or while at their job? It should be noted that you were bounced from that "job" faster than you can say, "The Small Business Oligarchy." Is this another example of you being a "smart" and mentally sound? Could you please explain to me what your fascination is with turds?

You seem very peeved that one one is buying into your usual retarded rhetoric. Why is that? Could it be because you're a proven liar and you run from responsibilities as a person and as a parent? Can you actually stand on your own hooves for once in your life, or do you constantly need someone else taking care of you, while you just take and take?

It's fairly obvious what kind of person you are. Stupid people like yourself have the very same traits, which include selfishness, laziness and no accountability. Throwing up excuses is your way out as the forum is littered with your redundant "excuses" on why you're a piece of fucking shit. You can't even put up an adequate defense without blaming others for your own actions. Who made take you pictures of your clients crap? The Poofer? The devil? Me? Lily? Who?

Let me guess. When you took those photos of shit, you were "fishing?" or "phishing?" Right?


Blah blah blah

A fucking wack job who spends 3 years screaming and melting on a forum trying to defend a 50 year old dead beat abuser who pawned his kids toy and couldnt even pay to get it ....

.... has no credibility.

You are a retarded shit bag.

Fucking retard. With your constant entitled npd drama lulz

Oh. I think I'd run away from a post pointing out how you lost your "job" taking pictures of shit as well.

Well now. No posts about how the Poofer made you do it???



None of us mistake you for someone with a fucking brain, idiot.

So about him calling my job.....kinda funny how he laughed at it and waited until after I told him to fuck off isnt it?

I got a whole screen shot of doing the SAME shit to his ex wife. Using CPS to harrass her. Calling her job. Stalking her with devices SHE bought.

He has quite and entitled history.

What you think I'm worried about a picture that had NO PHI?

That fucking lunatic told his kids he was in a "federal witness protection program" that he was placed in by HIPPA agents and if his ex didnt stop talking to me she would get arrested for "conspiring against a federal witness". And he also told his kids that ME and their MOTHER were plotting to have him ASSASSINATED :LOL3: :LOL3:

You REALLY wanna rehash that embarrassing psychotic episode that dead beat tub of worthless fuck had all because he needed other people to get his kids switch out of pawn?


Here it is. It's the Poofer's fault for letting the proper channels know how you like taking pictures of human crap.

Thank you for validating every single one of my points.

Hey, Dovey would you like a picture of one of my bowel movements? I promise you it will be "Empirical." I also give you permission to share my crap picture with "The small business oligarchy."

Will you be "fishing" or "phishing" for more pictures of human waste, taday?



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
People actually have to HAVE something to get used

Fucking Scrotini has been carrying on for the past 3 years bragging how he manipulated me into doing all this shit and wasting MY money and he trolled me so he could make CONTENT. And I was so, so gullible.

Yet retard Flynn screams about how literally nothing is POOFERS fault and HE was used. He isbt responsible for ANYTHING. He just some big 50 year old victim.

So WHO is right?

Bahahaha. Fucking idiots c

I get it. So because the guy you let put his dick in you acts like a fucking tool, that's your excuse to be a shitty person???

Excuse me?

His kid got the Switch back, correct?

That entitled piece of scammy shit is lucky I'm NOT a shitty person.

See how entitled and ungrateful you shit bags are?

It's because YOU are shitty scum bags who think other people are obligated to pay for and cater to your dumb shit decision.


Vote blue!

Excuse me?!

How many fucking times did you threaten to flush it? How many times did you threaten to destroy it? How many times did you say you sent it but never did??? It was only after the intervention of some of the posters here that you did send something back that was NEVER yours.

Now you're patting yourself on the back for something a normal and sane person would do. Wow that's some funny ass shit right there!



Perhaps the adult who was in charge of it should have been able to handle it himself.

Then all this trauma you stupid retarded fucks have been suffering for 3 years wouldnt have happened.

You really are pathetic crying like a victim over such a SELF INFLICTED trauma.

No one can relate to your outrage here. Mostly because none of us have ever pawned something that belonged to our kid and than had to rely on other people to get it back.

I'd say grow up but you guys are AARP qualifiers by now.

Fucking irresponsible and entitled retards.


All I know is that you should start following people to the loo and start taking pictures of their shits. Isn't that what a well grounded person does? Because it's really "normal" taking pictures of someone's bowel movements and then sending them to another dipshit. Isn't that what "terf warrior queens" do? Do you like fecal matter? Does it make it really awesome if there's corn and peanuts in the human waste that you seem soo very found of?

I was nust wondering how many other people on the forums take pictures of human waste on their spare time, or while at their job? It should be noted that you were bounced from that "job" faster than you can say, "The Small Business Oligarchy." Is this another example of you being a "smart" and mentally sound? Could you please explain to me what your fascination is with turds?

You seem very peeved that one one is buying into your usual retarded rhetoric. Why is that? Could it be because you're a proven liar and you run from responsibilities as a person and as a parent? Can you actually stand on your own hooves for once in your life, or do you constantly need someone else taking care of you, while you just take and take?

It's fairly obvious what kind of person you are. Stupid people like yourself have the very same traits, which include selfishness, laziness and no accountability. Throwing up excuses is your way out as the forum is littered with your redundant "excuses" on why you're a piece of fucking shit. You can't even put up an adequate defense without blaming others for your own actions. Who made take you pictures of your clients crap? The Poofer? The devil? Me? Lily? Who?

Let me guess. When you took those photos of shit, you were "fishing?" or "phishing?" Right?


Blah blah blah

A fucking wack job who spends 3 years screaming and melting on a forum trying to defend a 50 year old dead beat abuser who pawned his kids toy and couldnt even pay to get it ....

.... has no credibility.

You are a retarded shit bag.

Fucking retard. With your constant entitled npd drama lulz

Oh. I think I'd run away from a post pointing out how you lost your "job" taking pictures of shit as well.

Well now. No posts about how the Poofer made you do it???



None of us mistake you for someone with a fucking brain, idiot.

So about him calling my job.....kinda funny how he laughed at it and waited until after I told him to fuck off isnt it?

I got a whole screen shot of doing the SAME shit to his ex wife. Using CPS to harrass her. Calling her job. Stalking her with devices SHE bought.

He has quite and entitled history.

What you think I'm worried about a picture that had NO PHI?

That fucking lunatic told his kids he was in a "federal witness protection program" that he was placed in by HIPPA agents and if his ex didnt stop talking to me she would get arrested for "conspiring against a federal witness". And he also told his kids that ME and their MOTHER were plotting to have him ASSASSINATED :LOL3: :LOL3:

You REALLY wanna rehash that embarrassing psychotic episode that dead beat tub of worthless fuck had all because he needed other people to get his kids switch out of pawn?


Here it is. It's the Poofer's fault for letting the proper channels know how you like taking pictures of human crap.

Thank you for validating every single one of my points.

Hey, Dovey would you like a picture of one of my bowel movements? I promise you it will be "Empirical." I also give you permission to share my crap picture with "The small business oligarchy."

Will you be "fishing" or "phishing" for more pictures of human waste, taday?


He still a federal witness? :LOL3:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Things that happen when you have Poofer for a sperm donor and he borrows your switch to play tetris




And yeah the fact HIS kids switch ended up dangling over a toilet to the amusement of a message board because HE pawned it and left it IS his fault. I never should have had it. Idiot. This NEVER would have happened if he was responsible for his own choice. Lmao.

All this pain and rage is your own gotdamn stupid retarded fault for being an entitled loser.

Figure it out.

Sure, Dovey. Dodge the question of why you like taking photos of human waste.

That's very typical of you. It comes as no surprise that crass and uneducated person like yourself would do some shit like that. (Pun intended)

I'm sure in the back of that marble sized reptile brain of yours, you're trying to figure out who you can blame, right after you work out the difference between, "fish" and "phish."


I think it's more interesting to talk about how Poofer contacted "HIPPA agents" and was placed in a protection program and how if his ex didnt stop talking to me she was get arrested for "conspiring against a federal witness" and how his KIDS needed to know that me and their mom were gonna have him ASSASSINATED.

Bahahahahaha :LOL3: :LOL3:

Its gotta be rough having a schizophrenic father.

I know you think it's more "interesting" blaming the Poofer for your mental shortcomings, yes. We've all seen this episode before.

I guess, the Poofer had remote access to your 2 watt brain and just totally made you take those pictures of your clients shits.


The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
kids he was in a "federal witness protection program" that he was placed in by HIPPA agents and if his ex didnt stop talking to me she would get arrested for "conspiring against a federal witness".

I’m done with the internet today:LOL3::LOL3:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
People actually have to HAVE something to get used

Fucking Scrotini has been carrying on for the past 3 years bragging how he manipulated me into doing all this shit and wasting MY money and he trolled me so he could make CONTENT. And I was so, so gullible.

Yet retard Flynn screams about how literally nothing is POOFERS fault and HE was used. He isbt responsible for ANYTHING. He just some big 50 year old victim.

So WHO is right?

Bahahaha. Fucking idiots c

I get it. So because the guy you let put his dick in you acts like a fucking tool, that's your excuse to be a shitty person???

Excuse me?

His kid got the Switch back, correct?

That entitled piece of scammy shit is lucky I'm NOT a shitty person.

See how entitled and ungrateful you shit bags are?

It's because YOU are shitty scum bags who think other people are obligated to pay for and cater to your dumb shit decision.


Vote blue!

Excuse me?!

How many fucking times did you threaten to flush it? How many times did you threaten to destroy it? How many times did you say you sent it but never did??? It was only after the intervention of some of the posters here that you did send something back that was NEVER yours.

Now you're patting yourself on the back for something a normal and sane person would do. Wow that's some funny ass shit right there!



Perhaps the adult who was in charge of it should have been able to handle it himself.

Then all this trauma you stupid retarded fucks have been suffering for 3 years wouldnt have happened.

You really are pathetic crying like a victim over such a SELF INFLICTED trauma.

No one can relate to your outrage here. Mostly because none of us have ever pawned something that belonged to our kid and than had to rely on other people to get it back.

I'd say grow up but you guys are AARP qualifiers by now.

Fucking irresponsible and entitled retards.


All I know is that you should start following people to the loo and start taking pictures of their shits. Isn't that what a well grounded person does? Because it's really "normal" taking pictures of someone's bowel movements and then sending them to another dipshit. Isn't that what "terf warrior queens" do? Do you like fecal matter? Does it make it really awesome if there's corn and peanuts in the human waste that you seem soo very found of?

I was nust wondering how many other people on the forums take pictures of human waste on their spare time, or while at their job? It should be noted that you were bounced from that "job" faster than you can say, "The Small Business Oligarchy." Is this another example of you being a "smart" and mentally sound? Could you please explain to me what your fascination is with turds?

You seem very peeved that one one is buying into your usual retarded rhetoric. Why is that? Could it be because you're a proven liar and you run from responsibilities as a person and as a parent? Can you actually stand on your own hooves for once in your life, or do you constantly need someone else taking care of you, while you just take and take?

It's fairly obvious what kind of person you are. Stupid people like yourself have the very same traits, which include selfishness, laziness and no accountability. Throwing up excuses is your way out as the forum is littered with your redundant "excuses" on why you're a piece of fucking shit. You can't even put up an adequate defense without blaming others for your own actions. Who made take you pictures of your clients crap? The Poofer? The devil? Me? Lily? Who?

Let me guess. When you took those photos of shit, you were "fishing?" or "phishing?" Right?


Blah blah blah

A fucking wack job who spends 3 years screaming and melting on a forum trying to defend a 50 year old dead beat abuser who pawned his kids toy and couldnt even pay to get it ....

.... has no credibility.

You are a retarded shit bag.

Fucking retard. With your constant entitled npd drama lulz

Oh. I think I'd run away from a post pointing out how you lost your "job" taking pictures of shit as well.

Well now. No posts about how the Poofer made you do it???



None of us mistake you for someone with a fucking brain, idiot.

So about him calling my job.....kinda funny how he laughed at it and waited until after I told him to fuck off isnt it?

I got a whole screen shot of doing the SAME shit to his ex wife. Using CPS to harrass her. Calling her job. Stalking her with devices SHE bought.

He has quite and entitled history.

What you think I'm worried about a picture that had NO PHI?

That fucking lunatic told his kids he was in a "federal witness protection program" that he was placed in by HIPPA agents and if his ex didnt stop talking to me she would get arrested for "conspiring against a federal witness". And he also told his kids that ME and their MOTHER were plotting to have him ASSASSINATED :LOL3: :LOL3:

You REALLY wanna rehash that embarrassing psychotic episode that dead beat tub of worthless fuck had all because he needed other people to get his kids switch out of pawn?


Here it is. It's the Poofer's fault for letting the proper channels know how you like taking pictures of human crap.

Thank you for validating every single one of my points.

Hey, Dovey would you like a picture of one of my bowel movements? I promise you it will be "Empirical." I also give you permission to share my crap picture with "The small business oligarchy."

Will you be "fishing" or "phishing" for more pictures of human waste, taday?


He still a federal witness? :LOL3:

Are you still taking pictures of shit?

Or are you "phishing" or "fishing" for more opportunities?

Maybe the small business oligarchy can help in your search?



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Things that happen when you have Poofer for a sperm donor and he borrows your switch to play tetris




And yeah the fact HIS kids switch ended up dangling over a toilet to the amusement of a message board because HE pawned it and left it IS his fault. I never should have had it. Idiot. This NEVER would have happened if he was responsible for his own choice. Lmao.

All this pain and rage is your own gotdamn stupid retarded fault for being an entitled loser.

Figure it out.

Sure, Dovey. Dodge the question of why you like taking photos of human waste.

That's very typical of you. It comes as no surprise that crass and uneducated person like yourself would do some shit like that. (Pun intended)

I'm sure in the back of that marble sized reptile brain of yours, you're trying to figure out who you can blame, right after you work out the difference between, "fish" and "phish."


I think it's more interesting to talk about how Poofer contacted "HIPPA agents" and was placed in a protection program and how if his ex didnt stop talking to me she was get arrested for "conspiring against a federal witness" and how his KIDS needed to know that me and their mom were gonna have him ASSASSINATED.

Bahahahahaha :LOL3: :LOL3:

Its gotta be rough having a schizophrenic father.

I know you think it's more "interesting" blaming the Poofer for your mental shortcomings, yes. We've all seen this episode before.

I guess, the Poofer had remote access to your 2 watt brain and just totally made you take those pictures of your clients shits.



No one is hearing your pathetic bullshit about how his choices are someone elses responsibility.

You are the ones shrieking and crying for years about shit he fucking did to HIMSELF.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
kids he was in a "federal witness protection program" that he was placed in by HIPPA agents and if his ex didnt stop talking to me she would get arrested for "conspiring against a federal witness".

I’m done with the internet today:LOL3::LOL3:

He had a fucking full on manic psychotic episode over this :LOL3: :LOL3:

I KNOW I shouldnt laugh about it but fuuuucckkk lol

The assasination thing had me and GB DYING lmao


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
People actually have to HAVE something to get used

Fucking Scrotini has been carrying on for the past 3 years bragging how he manipulated me into doing all this shit and wasting MY money and he trolled me so he could make CONTENT. And I was so, so gullible.

Yet retard Flynn screams about how literally nothing is POOFERS fault and HE was used. He isbt responsible for ANYTHING. He just some big 50 year old victim.

So WHO is right?

Bahahaha. Fucking idiots c

I get it. So because the guy you let put his dick in you acts like a fucking tool, that's your excuse to be a shitty person???

Excuse me?

His kid got the Switch back, correct?

That entitled piece of scammy shit is lucky I'm NOT a shitty person.

See how entitled and ungrateful you shit bags are?

It's because YOU are shitty scum bags who think other people are obligated to pay for and cater to your dumb shit decision.


Vote blue!

Excuse me?!

How many fucking times did you threaten to flush it? How many times did you threaten to destroy it? How many times did you say you sent it but never did??? It was only after the intervention of some of the posters here that you did send something back that was NEVER yours.

Now you're patting yourself on the back for something a normal and sane person would do. Wow that's some funny ass shit right there!



Perhaps the adult who was in charge of it should have been able to handle it himself.

Then all this trauma you stupid retarded fucks have been suffering for 3 years wouldnt have happened.

You really are pathetic crying like a victim over such a SELF INFLICTED trauma.

No one can relate to your outrage here. Mostly because none of us have ever pawned something that belonged to our kid and than had to rely on other people to get it back.

I'd say grow up but you guys are AARP qualifiers by now.

Fucking irresponsible and entitled retards.


All I know is that you should start following people to the loo and start taking pictures of their shits. Isn't that what a well grounded person does? Because it's really "normal" taking pictures of someone's bowel movements and then sending them to another dipshit. Isn't that what "terf warrior queens" do? Do you like fecal matter? Does it make it really awesome if there's corn and peanuts in the human waste that you seem soo very found of?

I was nust wondering how many other people on the forums take pictures of human waste on their spare time, or while at their job? It should be noted that you were bounced from that "job" faster than you can say, "The Small Business Oligarchy." Is this another example of you being a "smart" and mentally sound? Could you please explain to me what your fascination is with turds?

You seem very peeved that one one is buying into your usual retarded rhetoric. Why is that? Could it be because you're a proven liar and you run from responsibilities as a person and as a parent? Can you actually stand on your own hooves for once in your life, or do you constantly need someone else taking care of you, while you just take and take?

It's fairly obvious what kind of person you are. Stupid people like yourself have the very same traits, which include selfishness, laziness and no accountability. Throwing up excuses is your way out as the forum is littered with your redundant "excuses" on why you're a piece of fucking shit. You can't even put up an adequate defense without blaming others for your own actions. Who made take you pictures of your clients crap? The Poofer? The devil? Me? Lily? Who?

Let me guess. When you took those photos of shit, you were "fishing?" or "phishing?" Right?


Blah blah blah

A fucking wack job who spends 3 years screaming and melting on a forum trying to defend a 50 year old dead beat abuser who pawned his kids toy and couldnt even pay to get it ....

.... has no credibility.

You are a retarded shit bag.

Fucking retard. With your constant entitled npd drama lulz

Oh. I think I'd run away from a post pointing out how you lost your "job" taking pictures of shit as well.

Well now. No posts about how the Poofer made you do it???



None of us mistake you for someone with a fucking brain, idiot.

So about him calling my job.....kinda funny how he laughed at it and waited until after I told him to fuck off isnt it?

I got a whole screen shot of doing the SAME shit to his ex wife. Using CPS to harrass her. Calling her job. Stalking her with devices SHE bought.

He has quite and entitled history.

What you think I'm worried about a picture that had NO PHI?

That fucking lunatic told his kids he was in a "federal witness protection program" that he was placed in by HIPPA agents and if his ex didnt stop talking to me she would get arrested for "conspiring against a federal witness". And he also told his kids that ME and their MOTHER were plotting to have him ASSASSINATED :LOL3: :LOL3:

You REALLY wanna rehash that embarrassing psychotic episode that dead beat tub of worthless fuck had all because he needed other people to get his kids switch out of pawn?


Here it is. It's the Poofer's fault for letting the proper channels know how you like taking pictures of human crap.

Thank you for validating every single one of my points.

Hey, Dovey would you like a picture of one of my bowel movements? I promise you it will be "Empirical." I also give you permission to share my crap picture with "The small business oligarchy."

Will you be "fishing" or "phishing" for more pictures of human waste, taday?


He still a federal witness? :LOL3:

Are you still taking pictures of shit?

Or are you "phishing" or "fishing" for more opportunities?

Maybe the small business oligarchy can help in your search?


I think the important thing is AM I STILL GONNA ASSASSINATE POOFER?!

Is he still being federally protected by HIPPA agents?

I must know :LOL3:

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Things that happen when you have Poofer for a sperm donor and he borrows your switch to play tetris




And yeah the fact HIS kids switch ended up dangling over a toilet to the amusement of a message board because HE pawned it and left it IS his fault. I never should have had it. Idiot. This NEVER would have happened if he was responsible for his own choice. Lmao.

All this pain and rage is your own gotdamn stupid retarded fault for being an entitled loser.

Figure it out.

Sure, Dovey. Dodge the question of why you like taking photos of human waste.

That's very typical of you. It comes as no surprise that crass and uneducated person like yourself would do some shit like that. (Pun intended)

I'm sure in the back of that marble sized reptile brain of yours, you're trying to figure out who you can blame, right after you work out the difference between, "fish" and "phish."


I think it's more interesting to talk about how Poofer contacted "HIPPA agents" and was placed in a protection program and how if his ex didnt stop talking to me she was get arrested for "conspiring against a federal witness" and how his KIDS needed to know that me and their mom were gonna have him ASSASSINATED.

Bahahahahaha :LOL3: :LOL3:

Its gotta be rough having a schizophrenic father.

Especailly one who asks to borrow your switch to play tetris and it ends up getting hung over a toilet by a random crazy woman he met online that he was trying to fuck for content on a forum.

L. M. A. O!

LUL wut??? Shartini went into witness protection because he thought 2 females were gonna cause him harm? :LOL3:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
kids he was in a "federal witness protection program" that he was placed in by HIPPA agents and if his ex didnt stop talking to me she would get arrested for "conspiring against a federal witness".

I’m done with the internet today:LOL3::LOL3:

He had a fucking full on manic psychotic episode over this :LOL3: :LOL3:

I KNOW I shouldnt laugh about it but fuuuucckkk lol

The assasination thing had me and GB DYING lmao

Sure. You. Are.

Now "you're done" because I touched on a subject that you can't worm your way out of?

"Terf warrior queen?" More like shit picture taking retard.



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
kids he was in a "federal witness protection program" that he was placed in by HIPPA agents and if his ex didnt stop talking to me she would get arrested for "conspiring against a federal witness".

I’m done with the internet today:LOL3::LOL3:

He had a fucking full on manic psychotic episode over this :LOL3: :LOL3:

I KNOW I shouldnt laugh about it but fuuuucckkk lol

The assasination thing had me and GB DYING lmao

Tell me, Dovey. Do you use filters when taking pictures of human waste? Or was that the Poofer's fault as well???



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
People actually have to HAVE something to get used

Fucking Scrotini has been carrying on for the past 3 years bragging how he manipulated me into doing all this shit and wasting MY money and he trolled me so he could make CONTENT. And I was so, so gullible.

Yet retard Flynn screams about how literally nothing is POOFERS fault and HE was used. He isbt responsible for ANYTHING. He just some big 50 year old victim.

So WHO is right?

Bahahaha. Fucking idiots c

I get it. So because the guy you let put his dick in you acts like a fucking tool, that's your excuse to be a shitty person???

Excuse me?

His kid got the Switch back, correct?

That entitled piece of scammy shit is lucky I'm NOT a shitty person.

See how entitled and ungrateful you shit bags are?

It's because YOU are shitty scum bags who think other people are obligated to pay for and cater to your dumb shit decision.


Vote blue!

Excuse me?!

How many fucking times did you threaten to flush it? How many times did you threaten to destroy it? How many times did you say you sent it but never did??? It was only after the intervention of some of the posters here that you did send something back that was NEVER yours.

Now you're patting yourself on the back for something a normal and sane person would do. Wow that's some funny ass shit right there!



Perhaps the adult who was in charge of it should have been able to handle it himself.

Then all this trauma you stupid retarded fucks have been suffering for 3 years wouldnt have happened.

You really are pathetic crying like a victim over such a SELF INFLICTED trauma.

No one can relate to your outrage here. Mostly because none of us have ever pawned something that belonged to our kid and than had to rely on other people to get it back.

I'd say grow up but you guys are AARP qualifiers by now.

Fucking irresponsible and entitled retards.


All I know is that you should start following people to the loo and start taking pictures of their shits. Isn't that what a well grounded person does? Because it's really "normal" taking pictures of someone's bowel movements and then sending them to another dipshit. Isn't that what "terf warrior queens" do? Do you like fecal matter? Does it make it really awesome if there's corn and peanuts in the human waste that you seem soo very found of?

I was nust wondering how many other people on the forums take pictures of human waste on their spare time, or while at their job? It should be noted that you were bounced from that "job" faster than you can say, "The Small Business Oligarchy." Is this another example of you being a "smart" and mentally sound? Could you please explain to me what your fascination is with turds?

You seem very peeved that one one is buying into your usual retarded rhetoric. Why is that? Could it be because you're a proven liar and you run from responsibilities as a person and as a parent? Can you actually stand on your own hooves for once in your life, or do you constantly need someone else taking care of you, while you just take and take?

It's fairly obvious what kind of person you are. Stupid people like yourself have the very same traits, which include selfishness, laziness and no accountability. Throwing up excuses is your way out as the forum is littered with your redundant "excuses" on why you're a piece of fucking shit. You can't even put up an adequate defense without blaming others for your own actions. Who made take you pictures of your clients crap? The Poofer? The devil? Me? Lily? Who?

Let me guess. When you took those photos of shit, you were "fishing?" or "phishing?" Right?


Blah blah blah

A fucking wack job who spends 3 years screaming and melting on a forum trying to defend a 50 year old dead beat abuser who pawned his kids toy and couldnt even pay to get it ....

.... has no credibility.

You are a retarded shit bag.

Fucking retard. With your constant entitled npd drama lulz

Oh. I think I'd run away from a post pointing out how you lost your "job" taking pictures of shit as well.

Well now. No posts about how the Poofer made you do it???



None of us mistake you for someone with a fucking brain, idiot.

So about him calling my job.....kinda funny how he laughed at it and waited until after I told him to fuck off isnt it?

I got a whole screen shot of doing the SAME shit to his ex wife. Using CPS to harrass her. Calling her job. Stalking her with devices SHE bought.

He has quite and entitled history.

What you think I'm worried about a picture that had NO PHI?

That fucking lunatic told his kids he was in a "federal witness protection program" that he was placed in by HIPPA agents and if his ex didnt stop talking to me she would get arrested for "conspiring against a federal witness". And he also told his kids that ME and their MOTHER were plotting to have him ASSASSINATED :LOL3: :LOL3:

You REALLY wanna rehash that embarrassing psychotic episode that dead beat tub of worthless fuck had all because he needed other people to get his kids switch out of pawn?


Here it is. It's the Poofer's fault for letting the proper channels know how you like taking pictures of human crap.

Thank you for validating every single one of my points.

Hey, Dovey would you like a picture of one of my bowel movements? I promise you it will be "Empirical." I also give you permission to share my crap picture with "The small business oligarchy."

Will you be "fishing" or "phishing" for more pictures of human waste, taday?


He still a federal witness? :LOL3:

Are you still taking pictures of shit?

Or are you "phishing" or "fishing" for more opportunities?

Maybe the small business oligarchy can help in your search?


I think the important thing is AM I STILL GONNA ASSASSINATE POOFER?!

Is he still being federally protected by HIPPA agents?

I must know :LOL3:

Would that be before or after you learn to spell, "potato?"



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Things that happen when you have Poofer for a sperm donor and he borrows your switch to play tetris




And yeah the fact HIS kids switch ended up dangling over a toilet to the amusement of a message board because HE pawned it and left it IS his fault. I never should have had it. Idiot. This NEVER would have happened if he was responsible for his own choice. Lmao.

All this pain and rage is your own gotdamn stupid retarded fault for being an entitled loser.

Figure it out.

Sure, Dovey. Dodge the question of why you like taking photos of human waste.

That's very typical of you. It comes as no surprise that crass and uneducated person like yourself would do some shit like that. (Pun intended)

I'm sure in the back of that marble sized reptile brain of yours, you're trying to figure out who you can blame, right after you work out the difference between, "fish" and "phish."


I think it's more interesting to talk about how Poofer contacted "HIPPA agents" and was placed in a protection program and how if his ex didnt stop talking to me she was get arrested for "conspiring against a federal witness" and how his KIDS needed to know that me and their mom were gonna have him ASSASSINATED.

Bahahahahaha :LOL3: :LOL3:

Its gotta be rough having a schizophrenic father.

Especailly one who asks to borrow your switch to play tetris and it ends up getting hung over a toilet by a random crazy woman he met online that he was trying to fuck for content on a forum.

L. M. A. O!

LUL wut??? Shartini went into witness protection because he thought 2 females were gonna cause him harm? :LOL3:

OMG I NEED to tell this story. The fucking aftermath this wackjob went through after harrassing my job was INCREDIBLE :LOL3:

He literally went on a manic 3 week long break where he was blowing up his ex wifes messages telling her everything from "you bitches need to get me" to "you are gonna get arrested for conspiring against a federal witness if you dont stop talking to her"

Then he told his KIDS that ME and their MOM were plotting to assassinate him. Like he legit harrassed his KIDS with this shit.

Mental illness should NOT be that hilarious.