Something happened in Buffalo...


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
White supremacists, sovereign citizens, militia extremists and violent anti-abortion adherents use religious concepts and scripture to justify threats, criminal activity and violence… these are the “Christians” I was referring to in my white supremacist comment.


What scripture do white supremacists use to justify threats, criminal activity and violence ?
Pro Tip" Hey Google, what was in Payton Gendron's manifesto?


An Claidheam Anam
I must be hitting closer to the truth, Admin getting fired up lol.
I did not swear an oath to guard the Constitution just to protect racist retardation.

Yes, you did, but apparently such nuance eludes you.
How would you know you cowardly cunt?

I just skimmed through it.

So, how difficult has it been since the shootings to constantly deflect away the fact of this Leftist nutbar's apparent Leftist beliefs?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land

Post Charlottesville, this is your dear leader, you ignorant hicks.

Dont even get me started.

You clearly aint got a clue of what really happened. I live a couple hours away, I know what happened.

Grab your white flag blanky first! Pussy.

this happened at the BLM protest before the word CHOP was ever used by the media… Dovey and Big both thought it was funny and flame fodder *rolls eyes*

I was planning on going back to protest more that following weekend. I wasn’t going to let asshole cops with teargas deter me, but this event ended my involvement entirely. There were registered nurses in our crowd who had designated themselves as Red Cross and were easily identifiable. It was those nurses who tended to the wounded protestors, who were shot by the loonatic who exited the vehicle after it crashed:

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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
I must be hitting closer to the truth, Admin getting fired up lol.
I did not swear an oath to guard the Constitution just to protect racist retardation.

Yes, you did, but apparently such nuance eludes you.
How would you know you cowardly cunt?

I just skimmed through it.

So, how difficult has it been since the shootings to constantly deflect away the fact of this Leftist nutbar's apparent Leftist beliefs?
Lemme help ya here. Sounds like you’re all in NPC mode - typical conservative. I’m not sure what an America First denier is but you are probably a climate change denier, and that, we Liberals contend, is your natural right. It is your natural right to remain ignorant though the opportunity to enlighten yourself is held out to you, you may choose to remain a half-wit trumptarded zit-brain - and you have. And Ragie - it is Liberalism, not conservatism which affords you the liberty to smoke a joint and suck cock every 20 minutes, or whatever it is you do do, and not put you in jail for it as Conservatives would have. And remember Raggedy, when you travel that smooth paved road to your favorite truck stop that it is for the good graces of tax dollars collected and used for the common good that you do so. I have to say that your hypocrisy is on display when you call yourself a conservative while paying no mind to the moral character that conservatives espouse, or perhaps it is typical that you don’t. I’ll mull it over.
I, for one, btw do not agree with libs (not meaning Liberals) view on immigration, moose limes, and the 2nd - I take the position founded on legitimate liberal principles that some of my boardmates mistakenly define as conservative, but we’ve been over all that so I leave it to you to peruse the archives.
Now you don’t care for the concept of common good? I’m not surprised because one of the defining characteristics of what we call a conservative is a lack of concern for all life other than it’s own, even though it’s own is dependent upon that of the others.
You think the taxes our founders reserved power to collect to the government is a violation of your liberty? well you ask your president Trump how he is going to pay for that wall…
ask Eisenhower how he built the roads and bridges. Ask Kennedy how he gained the technological superiority to get an American on the moon. Ask Al Gore how he invented and built the internetz. Ask FDR how he paid for the social programs that made this nation the great one it had been, or ask that great Republican president Abraham Lincoln how he paid for the war to preserve the union. Go’head, laddie - axe um.
You think that Liberals imagine themselves infallible, that a falled policy is an indictment agains the experiment - a fatal blow? Read the words I quoted and see if you can understand that it is all about process and not stasis.

“The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain”

"I am not at liberty to confirm nor deny the allegations of the poster known here as 'Ragged_Tard' had carnal relations with goats, acting as the catcher as it were" High Ranking Sumbitch Speaking on the Q.T. Because graft.


An Claidheam Anam
I must be hitting closer to the truth, Admin getting fired up lol.
I did not swear an oath to guard the Constitution just to protect racist retardation.

Yes, you did, but apparently such nuance eludes you.
How would you know you cowardly cunt?

I just skimmed through it.

So, how difficult has it been since the shootings to constantly deflect away the fact of this Leftist nutbar's apparent Leftist beliefs?
Lemme help ya here. Sounds like you’re all in NPC mode - typical conservative. I’m not sure what an America First denier is but you are probably a climate change denier, and that, we Liberals contend, is your natural right. It is your natural right to remain ignorant though the opportunity to enlighten yourself is held out to you, you may choose to remain a half-wit trumptarded zit-brain - and you have. And Ragie - it is Liberalism, not conservatism which affords you the liberty to smoke a joint and suck cock every 20 minutes, or whatever it is you do do, and not put you in jail for it as Conservatives would have. And remember Raggedy, when you travel that smooth paved road to your favorite truck stop that it is for the good graces of tax dollars collected and used for the common good that you do so. I have to say that your hypocrisy is on display when you call yourself a conservative while paying no mind to the moral character that conservatives espouse, or perhaps it is typical that you don’t. I’ll mull it over.
I, for one, btw do not agree with libs (not meaning Liberals) view on immigration, moose limes, and the 2nd - I take the position founded on legitimate liberal principles that some of my boardmates mistakenly define as conservative, but we’ve been over all that so I leave it to you to peruse the archives.
Now you don’t care for the concept of common good? I’m not surprised because one of the defining characteristics of what we call a conservative is a lack of concern for all life other than it’s own, even though it’s own is dependent upon that of the others.
You think the taxes our founders reserved power to collect to the government is a violation of your liberty? well you ask your president Trump how he is going to pay for that wall…
ask Eisenhower how he built the roads and bridges. Ask Kennedy how he gained the technological superiority to get an American on the moon. Ask Al Gore how he invented and built the internetz. Ask FDR how he paid for the social programs that made this nation the great one it had been, or ask that great Republican president Abraham Lincoln how he paid for the war to preserve the union. Go’head, laddie - axe um.
You think that Liberals imagine themselves infallible, that a falled policy is an indictment agains the experiment - a fatal blow? Read the words I quoted and see if you can understand that it is all about process and not stasis.

“The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain”

"I am not at liberty to confirm nor deny the allegations of the poster known here as 'Ragged_Tard' had carnal relations with goats, acting as the catcher as it were" High Ranking Sumbitch Speaking on the Q.T. Because graft.

This, children, is the frenzy good chum can return.

Nice rant, Admin. Reminds me of that ancient stickman gif of the dude pounding the keyboard in a frenzy until his fingers fly off and then he bangs his face on the keyboard to finish his rant.

Nice tidbit here in there in your spew that provide some incite as well.

Anyway, my politics are very simple and straightforward and I have never been shy about stating it. I put Liberty first, Liberty foremost and Liberty always. The Liberty of the individual is the fundamental ideal upon everything we are as a nation depends from. Everything.

Your precious "common good" is pretty far down the list.

That's it. Chew on it for a while.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Historically, white supremacists are Christians.

Historically, non-white supremacists were Christians.

Historically, USA was almost 100% Christian.

No no, Prowler. White people made Christianity and it was to oppress gays and hate "blacks".

Never mind the abolitionists and the principles of individual rights and liberties and the fundamental "all men created equal" stuff.

These people need to pretend their version of the confederacy (the painfully simplified "it was all about slaves!") Is literally what they are "fighting" against.

I'm pretty sure this is why none of these people hear anything or anyone that isnt spewing their cult doctrines.

Murdock has a flaming hatred of Christian's. Entirely based on stereotypes. And she has no ability to remove her biases and learn anything about it. And she really doesnt know much at all about it.

Do you remember how she would start arguments with me on the board and literally not listen to a single thing said? She once said she was a "devote Catholic" and than said "Catholics worship God, not Jesus".

Who know if shes ever corrected her error there.

She really is a very narrow minded person who feels completely entitled to judge people according to her biases and limited understanding and than has the ignorant audacity to say other people are judgemental.

Shes one of those people who thinks she can freely judge others and have authority to do so but also believes no one else should judge anything in a way she doesnt like.

And a lot of people who claim left wing politcs do this. They are the sanctimonious, self important, ignorant and smug people they claim everyone else is.

They dont have the open mind or empathy to make a connection with people who see things differently and grow their perspective. They slap their biases and stereotypes onto people to the point where they dont truly SEE people. They have no sight for who other people are.

I mean look at that manifesto Admin just spit out. He really believes this shit. And how do these people always use OUR observations(the NPCs) about them? It's almost like they are NPCs who just parrot shit. They are like fucking bots. Completely determined to make enemies out of half the country.

I dont even know if they possess the ability to have normal human conversations.
Last edited:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I must be hitting closer to the truth, Admin getting fired up lol.
I did not swear an oath to guard the Constitution just to protect racist retardation.

Yes, you did, but apparently such nuance eludes you.
How would you know you cowardly cunt?

I just skimmed through it.

So, how difficult has it been since the shootings to constantly deflect away the fact of this Leftist nutbar's apparent Leftist beliefs?
Lemme help ya here. Sounds like you’re all in NPC mode - typical conservative. I’m not sure what an America First denier is but you are probably a climate change denier, and that, we Liberals contend, is your natural right. It is your natural right to remain ignorant though the opportunity to enlighten yourself is held out to you, you may choose to remain a half-wit trumptarded zit-brain - and you have. And Ragie - it is Liberalism, not conservatism which affords you the liberty to smoke a joint and suck cock every 20 minutes, or whatever it is you do do, and not put you in jail for it as Conservatives would have. And remember Raggedy, when you travel that smooth paved road to your favorite truck stop that it is for the good graces of tax dollars collected and used for the common good that you do so. I have to say that your hypocrisy is on display when you call yourself a conservative while paying no mind to the moral character that conservatives espouse, or perhaps it is typical that you don’t. I’ll mull it over.
I, for one, btw do not agree with libs (not meaning Liberals) view on immigration, moose limes, and the 2nd - I take the position founded on legitimate liberal principles that some of my boardmates mistakenly define as conservative, but we’ve been over all that so I leave it to you to peruse the archives.
Now you don’t care for the concept of common good? I’m not surprised because one of the defining characteristics of what we call a conservative is a lack of concern for all life other than it’s own, even though it’s own is dependent upon that of the others.
You think the taxes our founders reserved power to collect to the government is a violation of your liberty? well you ask your president Trump how he is going to pay for that wall…
ask Eisenhower how he built the roads and bridges. Ask Kennedy how he gained the technological superiority to get an American on the moon. Ask Al Gore how he invented and built the internetz. Ask FDR how he paid for the social programs that made this nation the great one it had been, or ask that great Republican president Abraham Lincoln how he paid for the war to preserve the union. Go’head, laddie - axe um.
You think that Liberals imagine themselves infallible, that a falled policy is an indictment agains the experiment - a fatal blow? Read the words I quoted and see if you can understand that it is all about process and not stasis.

“The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain”

"I am not at liberty to confirm nor deny the allegations of the poster known here as 'Ragged_Tard' had carnal relations with goats, acting as the catcher as it were" High Ranking Sumbitch Speaking on the Q.T. Because graft.

This, children, is the frenzy good chum can return.

Nice rant, Admin. Reminds me of that ancient stickman gif of the dude pounding the keyboard in a frenzy until his fingers fly off and then he bangs his face on the keyboard to finish his rant.

Nice tidbit here in there in your spew that provide some incite as well.

Anyway, my politics are very simple and straightforward and I have never been shy about stating it. I put Liberty first, Liberty foremost and Liberty always. The Liberty of the individual is the fundamental ideal upon everything we are as a nation depends from. Everything.

Your precious "common good" is pretty far down the list.

That's it. Chew on it for a while.

It's like they really believe THEY know what's best for everyone and THEY alone get to take over and create utopia.

Like they are the first group EVER to think they have solved all the problems, and thusly should be able to push all the "solutions" onto everyone, and anyone who stands in their way is doing so because they are evil and the bad guys and must be defeated.

Because this has never EVER happened before in history you know. The modern American left has SPECAIL insight and authority here and everyone else is an enemy to be smeared, labeled, fired, doxxed, attacked and all dissent is "dangerous" and should be silenced.

We have never seen how this plays out like...ever yanno? It's not like we have historical examples or anything.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
White supremacists, sovereign citizens, militia extremists and violent anti-abortion adherents use religious concepts and scripture to justify threats, criminal activity and violence… these are the “Christians” I was referring to in my white supremacist comment.


What scripture do white supremacists use to justify threats, criminal activity and violence ?
Pro Tip" Hey Google, what was in Payton Gendron's manifesto?

Its pro communist left wing bullshit.

Shall I start quoting it?

Prowler asked for in context scriptures to support your hateful claim about Christian's. Just say you dont actually have anything to support that except gossip and lies about Christian's.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
White supremacists, sovereign citizens, militia extremists and violent anti-abortion adherents use religious concepts and scripture to justify threats, criminal activity and violence… these are the “Christians” I was referring to in my white supremacist comment.


What scripture do white supremacists use to justify threats, criminal activity and violence ?
Pro Tip" Hey Google, what was in Payton Gendron's manifesto?

Its pro communist left wing bullshit.

Shall I start quoting it?

Prowler asked for in context scriptures to support your hateful claim about Christian's. Just say you dont actually have anything to support that except gossip and lies about Christian's.
I have asked you mutt's to please keep in mind, that I barely skim your dialect stories, based on that you would have to be, well quite frankly a little deranged to think i would continue to monitor your random rants and raves, please get some help. Do it for your Children.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
White nationalism is little more than an attempt to cloak white supremacist ideas in the more respectable language of racial separatism, just as the alt-right has tried to repackage fascist thought in a more modern form. All these variants are built on common notions of a white identity and racial superiority. They promote hate and violence as valid political tools, rejecting values of equality, coexistence, and the rule of law in favor of raw power and ethnic division.

I have now survived 2 deadly riots in 2 major cities, both were the result of police brutality against the black community. I survived by sitting in my living room and abiding curfew laws.

Police killings had increased for the 2 years prior to Floyd. The killings decreased after BLM protests, which was the entire point of that movement.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
White supremacists, sovereign citizens, militia extremists and violent anti-abortion adherents use religious concepts and scripture to justify threats, criminal activity and violence… these are the “Christians” I was referring to in my white supremacist comment.


What scripture do white supremacists use to justify threats, criminal activity and violence ?
Pro Tip" Hey Google, what was in Payton Gendron's manifesto?

Its pro communist left wing bullshit.

Shall I start quoting it?

Prowler asked for in context scriptures to support your hateful claim about Christian's. Just say you dont actually have anything to support that except gossip and lies about Christian's.
I have asked you mutt's to please keep in mind, that I barely skim your dialect stories, based on that you would have to be, well quite frankly a little deranged to think i would continue to monitor your random rants and raves, please get some help. Do it for your Children.

It's obvious you dont read anything, Admin. My posts are more for other readers. I've pointed out the narrow mindedness you all have a few times.

You bring claims and accusations you simply cannot back and as a result, you resort to this mindless and transparent shit. I always hope one day at least one of you will do better but....that hope is dying.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
White supremacists, sovereign citizens, militia extremists and violent anti-abortion adherents use religious concepts and scripture to justify threats, criminal activity and violence… these are the “Christians” I was referring to in my white supremacist comment.


What scripture do white supremacists use to justify threats, criminal activity and violence ?
Pro Tip" Hey Google, what was in Payton Gendron's manifesto?

Its pro communist left wing bullshit.

Shall I start quoting it?

Prowler asked for in context scriptures to support your hateful claim about Christian's. Just say you dont actually have anything to support that except gossip and lies about Christian's.
I have asked you mutt's to please keep in mind, that I barely skim your dialect stories, based on that you would have to be, well quite frankly a little deranged to think i would continue to monitor your random rants and raves, please get some help. Do it for your Children.

It's obvious you dont read anything, Admin. My posts are more for other readers. I've pointed out the narrow mindedness you all have a few times.

You bring claims and accusations you simply cannot back and as a result, you resort to this mindless and transparent shit. I always hope one day at least one of you will do better but....that hope is dying.
I don't think anybody reads your posts, sweet thing. Ain't nobody got time for that.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
White supremacists, sovereign citizens, militia extremists and violent anti-abortion adherents use religious concepts and scripture to justify threats, criminal activity and violence… these are the “Christians” I was referring to in my white supremacist comment.


What scripture do white supremacists use to justify threats, criminal activity and violence ?
Pro Tip" Hey Google, what was in Payton Gendron's manifesto?

Its pro communist left wing bullshit.

Shall I start quoting it?

Prowler asked for in context scriptures to support your hateful claim about Christian's. Just say you dont actually have anything to support that except gossip and lies about Christian's.
I have asked you mutt's to please keep in mind, that I barely skim your dialect stories, based on that you would have to be, well quite frankly a little deranged to think i would continue to monitor your random rants and raves, please get some help. Do it for your Children.

It's obvious you dont read anything, Admin. My posts are more for other readers. I've pointed out the narrow mindedness you all have a few times.

You bring claims and accusations you simply cannot back and as a result, you resort to this mindless and transparent shit. I always hope one day at least one of you will do better but....that hope is dying.
I don't think anybody reads your posts, sweet thing. Ain't nobody got time for that.

a concoction of half truths, cut & paste theatrics, and petty, undermining antics with an ulterior motive in every keystroke… compiled by generational dysfunctional trauma, narcissistic tendencies, and sociopathic deflection

plus, I honestly think she is full of shit and bases her politics on whichever cuck is keeping the water and power on that month…

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
White supremacists, sovereign citizens, militia extremists and violent anti-abortion adherents use religious concepts and scripture to justify threats, criminal activity and violence… these are the “Christians” I was referring to in my white supremacist comment.

What scripture do white supremacists use to justify threats, criminal activity and violence ?

Murdock said:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Muh heritage!
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Lincoln was worse. Best come to Springfield and tear down all his shit!

I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality ... I will add to this that I have never seen, to my knowledge, a man, woman, or child who was in favor of producing a perfect equality, social and political, between negroes and white men.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Historically, white supremacists are Christians.

Historically, non-white supremacists were Christians.

Historically, USA was almost 100% Christian.

did you just have a brain fart?

Concepts of white supremacy were at the heart of the defense of slavery and central to the Lost Cause myth that justified segregation after the fall of the Confederacy.

The KKK is literally comprised of Christian Identity Adherents.

The term “Christian” asserts that white people, not Jewish people, are the true Israelites.
BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You retard, no it doesnt.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Historically, white supremacists are Christians.

Historically, non-white supremacists were Christians.

Historically, USA was almost 100% Christian.

did you just have a brain fart?

Concepts of white supremacy were at the heart of the defense of slavery and central to the Lost Cause myth that justified segregation after the fall of the Confederacy.

The KKK is literally comprised of Christian Identity Adherents.

The term “Christian” asserts that white people, not Jewish people, are the true Israelites.
BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You retard, no it doesnt.

Google is your friend :Happy5:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Historically, white supremacists are Christians.

Historically, non-white supremacists were Christians.

Historically, USA was almost 100% Christian.

did you just have a brain fart?

Concepts of white supremacy were at the heart of the defense of slavery and central to the Lost Cause myth that justified segregation after the fall of the Confederacy.

The KKK is literally comprised of Christian Identity Adherents.

The term “Christian” asserts that white people, not Jewish people, are the true Israelites.
BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You retard, no it doesnt.

Google is your friend :Happy5:
Common sense aint yours!


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Historically, white supremacists are Christians.

Historically, non-white supremacists were Christians.

Historically, USA was almost 100% Christian.

did you just have a brain fart?

Concepts of white supremacy were at the heart of the defense of slavery and central to the Lost Cause myth that justified segregation after the fall of the Confederacy.

The KKK is literally comprised of Christian Identity Adherents.

The term “Christian” asserts that white people, not Jewish people, are the true Israelites.
BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You retard, no it doesnt.

Google is your friend :Happy5:
Common sense aint yours!

I research literally every topic I post about at this stage in the game…. Clearly, I’m providing information you’ve never considered and it’s challenging your entire belief system.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Historically, white supremacists are Christians.

Historically, non-white supremacists were Christians.

Historically, USA was almost 100% Christian.

did you just have a brain fart?

Concepts of white supremacy were at the heart of the defense of slavery and central to the Lost Cause myth that justified segregation after the fall of the Confederacy.

The KKK is literally comprised of Christian Identity Adherents.

The term “Christian” asserts that white people, not Jewish people, are the true Israelites.
BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You retard, no it doesnt.

Google is your friend :Happy5:
Common sense aint yours!

I research literally every topic I post about at this stage in the game…. Clearly, I’m providing information you’ve never considered and it’s challenging your entire belief system.

Lady, since the majority of the country called themselves "Christian", you could airclaim 19th century serial killers were nearly all "Christian".



Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
@Lokmar ~ so which part of that statement are you claiming isn’t true? The whole thing?

I double checked these key points before I posted them… you sure you wanna go here? I’ve got Prolapse Prowler bleeding out in a tribute thread accusing me of plagiarism in this very thread.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Lokmar ~ so which part of that statement are you claiming isn’t true? The whole thing?

I double checked these key points before I posted them… you sure you wanna go here? I’ve got Prolapse Prowler bleeding out in a tribute thread accusing me of plagiarism in this very thread.
Isnt true? I'm saying your statement is meaningless. Literally, it is of no significant value and doesnt prove jack or shit.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Historically, white supremacists are Christians.

Historically, non-white supremacists were Christians.

Historically, USA was almost 100% Christian.

did you just have a brain fart?

Concepts of white supremacy were at the heart of the defense of slavery and central to the Lost Cause myth that justified segregation after the fall of the Confederacy.

The KKK is literally comprised of Christian Identity Adherents.

The term “Christian” asserts that white people, not Jewish people, are the true Israelites.
BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You retard, no it doesnt.

Google is your friend :Happy5:
Common sense aint yours!

I research literally every topic I post about at this stage in the game…. Clearly, I’m providing information you’ve never considered and it’s challenging your entire belief system.

Lady, since the majority of the country called themselves "Christian", you could airclaim 19th century serial killers were nearly all "Christian".


NO WE DO NOT. Calling yourself “Christian” is regional to the Midwest and south or it’s a clear sign that you’ve been saved somewhere along the way.

I am a Catholic. We are not as old as the Jews, but we are older than the Jesus freaks who branched off from our denomination along with the Lutherans and a few others.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
@Lokmar ~ so which part of that statement are you claiming isn’t true? The whole thing?

I double checked these key points before I posted them… you sure you wanna go here? I’ve got Prolapse Prowler bleeding out in a tribute thread accusing me of plagiarism in this very thread.
Isnt true? I'm saying your statement is meaningless. Literally, it is of no significant value and doesnt prove jack or shit.

it certainly got you all riled up, Mr. Imminent Backpeddal.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Historically, white supremacists are Christians.

Historically, non-white supremacists were Christians.

Historically, USA was almost 100% Christian.

did you just have a brain fart?

Concepts of white supremacy were at the heart of the defense of slavery and central to the Lost Cause myth that justified segregation after the fall of the Confederacy.

The KKK is literally comprised of Christian Identity Adherents.

The term “Christian” asserts that white people, not Jewish people, are the true Israelites.
BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You retard, no it doesnt.

Google is your friend :Happy5:
Common sense aint yours!

I research literally every topic I post about at this stage in the game…. Clearly, I’m providing information you’ve never considered and it’s challenging your entire belief system.

Lady, since the majority of the country called themselves "Christian", you could airclaim 19th century serial killers were nearly all "Christian".


NO WE DO NOT. Calling yourself “Christian” is regional to the Midwest and south or it’s a clear sign that you’ve been saved somewhere along the way.

I am a Catholic. We are not as old as the Jews, but we are older than the Jesus freaks who branched off from our denomination along with the Lutherans and a few others.
Catholics, or as I call em, the OG Replacement Theologists!!!

Calling yourself "Christian" is a generalization that also applies to Catholics.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
@Lokmar ~ so which part of that statement are you claiming isn’t true? The whole thing?

I double checked these key points before I posted them… you sure you wanna go here? I’ve got Prolapse Prowler bleeding out in a tribute thread accusing me of plagiarism in this very thread.
Isnt true? I'm saying your statement is meaningless. Literally, it is of no significant value and doesnt prove jack or shit.

it certainly got you all riled up, Mr. Imminent Backpeddal.
LOL! You bumped your head, bimbo.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
a concoction of half truths, cut & paste theatrics, and petty, undermining antics with an ulterior motive in every keystroke… compiled by generational dysfunctional trauma, narcissistic tendencies, and sociopathic deflection
Self reflect much? LOL


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
have u heard him speak? he sounds very effeminate

the incel should claim 'she' as his pronoun, get sent 2 a womens prison and get all the aryan sisterhood action he wants for life as theres no death penalty in NYS