Posters I would like to see come back...and the bag on Lily thread.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I am being ignored.


I had a RAT test today and it was negative, but does anybody care?.... and the silver nitrate stung..

Clean out the spam mods....tyia

I'm not ignoring you Caskur, I'm glad that you don't have any rats in your body.

Silver nitrate? Do they think you're a Werewolf? Or were they thinking there were WereRats in you? Now I'm really concerned!

Tell me more.

They put microscopic silver on open wounds. It kills bacteria....microscopic silver chokes bacteria apparently.... I want to show people my original wound and how great it looks now but alas, some people might puke...

I recommend zinc and extra vit c to speed recovery... I want people to be aware of superbugs. They are everywhere.

my wound has cost the government at least 100,000 bucks.

Did you get MRSA?


I had that about 10-12 years ago. The pain! It was so bad that I still shower with antiseptic skin cleanser one day out of the week, just in case. I had to have surgery to have it taken care was bad!

I use it as well. chlorhexidine.

Me too. I am paranoid of getting it again. My average shower is regular cleanser, but at least once a week I use the chlorhexidine. I don't want to overdo it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I am being ignored.


I had a RAT test today and it was negative, but does anybody care?.... and the silver nitrate stung..

Clean out the spam mods....tyia

I'm not ignoring you Caskur, I'm glad that you don't have any rats in your body.

Silver nitrate? Do they think you're a Werewolf? Or were they thinking there were WereRats in you? Now I'm really concerned!

Tell me more.

I would prefer reading about her heath status than reading what the losers post.

Why don't you go start your own forum then!

Oh wait, didn't you already do that and nobody joined, so you ended up creating numerous fake accounts so you could talk to yourself? :LOL3:

I want to stay here and torment you. Your "superior" bloodlines have failed in life. That tickles me.

Don't you realize Aryan is a native Brit living on his native land too?

I do. I don't tell him to go back where he came from though. Bit confused here...

Well brown people use the expression native but don't think that of Brits. For instance aborigines rue the fact they were invaded by Brits and that notion isn't frowned upon... no one says, "Abos,that is racist." However if natural born Brits say we want less browns invading they say it's racist. But usually Brits like browns so my analogy sucks but blacks, they don't like so much, - formally that is.

I know my great grandfather married a woman whose surname was Jose. So a small part of my ancestry is Spannish. I find it interesting but then I don't face brainless taunts everyday.

I haven't commented on his native British blood though I understand he is native British. I will say now that they aren't sending their best to this forum though. :Disagree:

That being said, I was using "native" as a shortcut for Native American.

Brainless taunts are par for the course. They just show me how not superior they are to me.

Well I think if I faced it everyday it would piss me off too. It shows a lack of creativity .... simpletons use it.

I am racist though or maybe sexist is more apt.... I am pretty fussy. I want to meet EVERYONE on the planet but not live with everyone on the planet. Do I make sense?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I am being ignored.


I had a RAT test today and it was negative, but does anybody care?.... and the silver nitrate stung..

Clean out the spam mods....tyia

I'm not ignoring you Caskur, I'm glad that you don't have any rats in your body.

Silver nitrate? Do they think you're a Werewolf? Or were they thinking there were WereRats in you? Now I'm really concerned!

Tell me more.

They put microscopic silver on open wounds. It kills bacteria....microscopic silver chokes bacteria apparently.... I want to show people my original wound and how great it looks now but alas, some people might puke...

I recommend zinc and extra vit c to speed recovery... I want people to be aware of superbugs. They are everywhere.

my wound has cost the government at least 100,000 bucks.

Did you get MRSA?


I had that about 10-12 years ago. The pain! It was so bad that I still shower with antiseptic skin cleanser one day out of the week, just in case. I had to have surgery to have it taken care was bad!

I use it as well. chlorhexidine.

Me too. I am paranoid of getting it again. My average shower is regular cleanser, but at least once a week I use the chlorhexidine. I don't want to overdo it.

I do the chlorhexidine every second day because my wound is still opened. I get a new dressing from Silver Chain everyday tho. So when it is completely healed up I might do chlorhexidine twice a week for awhile.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
admitted racist

Cry me a river of soy you weak liberal bitch LMFAO.
***King Martini***

I really like this guy. I know he annoys some and can be a huge brag bag at times but it cannot be denied that he does draw people.

Really? When, and where? Because it certainly hasn't been the case on here.

Are you jealous......again?

His panel was taken away for doing the exact opposite of what you've claimed here, dummy.

Now you're jutting your canine snout into business that has nothing to do with you. I've known Fartini longer than you and I'd rather have him here than you.

It's not even close how much better Martini would be for the forum than him.

That's rich, when the majority of the forum would be glad if you took your pockmarked rhino ass and squeezed it through the exit back to Mexico.

Thanks for proving my assertion.

Go away, fatso.

Or what? You have a tantrum?

I wanna see!

You'll need eyelid reduction surgery first....



Hey DD, tell us again how big your tits got, as you got older.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I am being ignored.


I had a RAT test today and it was negative, but does anybody care?.... and the silver nitrate stung..

Clean out the spam mods....tyia

Those tests are shit.

No jabs, no tests, not ever....

you have zero choice.... it is compulsory when visiting out cliniques in the main hospital.

Easy to not take the test properly. We always have a choice.

Yep. Stuck broke and stupid, or not.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
***King Martini***

I really like this guy. I know he annoys some and can be a huge brag bag at times but it cannot be denied that he does draw people.

Really? When, and where? Because it certainly hasn't been the case on here.

Are you jealous......again?

His panel was taken away for doing the exact opposite of what you've claimed here, dummy.

Now you're jutting your canine snout into business that has nothing to do with you. I've known Fartini longer than you and I'd rather have him here than you.

It's not even close how much better Martini would be for the forum than him.

That's rich, when the majority of the forum would be glad if you took your pockmarked rhino ass and squeezed it through the exit back to Mexico.

Thanks for proving my assertion.

Go away, fatso.

Or what? You have a tantrum?

I wanna see!

You'll need eyelid reduction surgery first....



Take that useless software and stick it up your ass right now.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
There are about 100 or so posts like the one you’re referring to. Directly from Dinky Dianna.


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than why did yoo get tha last beer last night Loty instead of surrendering to me THE MAN !!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Aryan couldn't post up great content even if it was dressed up as Hitler sporting a 9 foot dildo with his name on it.

Even that Batshit crazy Lily stalker Prowler is more entertaining than idiot Forum Gestapo Aryan.

I suspect you've been given a similar ultimatum as Shartini by BF and this mod role is merely a trial run...

Hadn't you better get cracking finding new members to attract, rather than trying to impress me with your flaming skilzzz?
lmao--- it's hysterical watching Poark try so hard


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Aryan couldn't post up great content even if it was dressed up as Hitler sporting a 9 foot dildo with his name on it.

Even that Batshit crazy Lily stalker Prowler is more entertaining than idiot Forum Gestapo Aryan.

I suspect you've been given a similar ultimatum as Shartini by BF and this mod role is merely a trial run...

Hadn't you better get cracking finding new members to attract, rather than trying to impress me with your flaming skilzzz?
lmao--- it's hysterical watching Poark try so hard

Hard? I think you’re mistaken