Life in California SUCKS


Factory Bastard
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California is butchering children. Mutilating their bodies, sterilizing them, subjecting them to life long medication dependency, and it forces suicide rates up as children regrete the mutilation of their healthy bodies.


Domestically feral
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United states
This is the issue....the crime against humanity....that is bringing people from the left and right together under this cause.

It's disgusting attack on vulnerable minors and children. And our rights as women. These prog states will remove children and start them on transition because if thr parent doesnt allow it it's called abuse.

There are online communities love bombing and sucking in vulnerable youth and convincing them their parents are abusers if they dont trans them and give them puberty blockers. Its fucking insane. It's a cult. A dangerous cult that inflicts serious long term harm.


Factory Bastard
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In a rare bit of good news Newscum has back tracked on paying for travel and hotel for abortion tourism. It turns out that extremist idea was only polling at around 14% approval. So Dumbo-crats were forced to drop it as even their own base was pissed off at cuts elsewhere to pay for the travel tourism of bimbos.

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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
In a rare bit of good news Newscum has back tracked on paying for travel and hotel for abortion tourism. It turns out that extremist idea was only pilling at around 14% approval. So Dumbo-crats were forced to drop it as even their own base was pissed off at cuts elsewhere to pay for the travel tourism of bimbos.

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you know sluts out there would be getting knocked up just to party in cali at the taxpayer dime


Factory Bastard
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They still can't fix the roads, public education is a disaster (it went from 1st in the country to 49th under democraps), there are homeless drug addicts every where, and crime is surging. Yet the priority of these fools is welfare for every illegal alien non-citizen.



Domestically feral
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United states
They still can't fix the roads, public education is a disaster (it went from 1st in the country to 49th under democraps), there are homeless drug addicts every where, and crime is surging. Yet the priority of these fools is welfare for every illegal alien non-citizen.

I feel so bad for normal people stuck in that bullshit. You guys deserve better. We all do.

Our federal government is unhinged and the blue states are off the deep end. And working families are the ones suffering.


Factory Bastard
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California's man made water problem.

The facts complete refutes seamajor's claims about there not being any water.


Factory Bastard
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Proving what a retarded shit stain he is (yet again) Newscum signed a bill into law which outlaws most plastic products. Knowing that such a stupid law was impractical Newscum made certain that it didn't take effect until 2032. Long after he is out of office and only the economic wreckage he caused remains.

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Factory Bastard
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As reported earlier in this thread Democrats are not for the environment or regular people. In California they plan to basically make roof top solar economically unlikable for regular people. Dems are just corrupt liars.

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Factory Bastard
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Self declared Marxist D.A. of Los Angeles got a murderer and gang member released after just 6 months into a 50 year sentence. The next day he does this...

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Factory Bastard
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It is going to take years but it is pretty sure to get struck down. They are claiming that if an individual misuses a weapon then the manufacturer is to blame. Such laws have been struck down three times since the 1980's but Dems always go back to the same failed poison well and their low information voters always fall for it. It reminds me of democrats in the 1950's trying to repass struck down jim crow laws.

It just won't work. Sadly, it will tie up courts for years and that is all Newscum is after.

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Factory Bastard
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Newscum says he is not corrupt but it must he nice for state contractors who he gives special favors to and steers no bid state contracts for to suddenly sell him a $17 million estate for just $100,000. No corruption there, right?

It is not like a sudden windfall of $16,900,000 is worth mentioning, huh? Newscum didn't think so as he lied and left it off his legally mandated disclosure forms. After a journalist caught him he "amended" his disclosures and only had to pay a $10,000 fine. He was still up $16,890,000 for his dirty dealings and attempts to hide his corruption.


Factory Bastard
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That was over a year ago and Lily is so uninformed she doesn't even know about it.


Factory Bastard
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California is not for every one and only thing wrong is high taxes - - - - - -
It cost to live in one of the best states -
All of my family is within 100 miles of me -

Taxes are so high on everything in Canada that I don't think California could be worse than ours. Moving there would probably feel like a savings & a bargain to a Canadian.

Federal & provincial sales tax comes out to 12% where I live. In some other provinces it's 15% or more.

Taxes aren't the problem. Housing/real estate is the problem. It is outrageously expensive. And as a result, not only are homes expensive, but products are more expensive because the buildings in which stores, businesses, etc. are housed are fucking expensive to rent or own.


Domestically feral
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United states
Newscum says he is not corrupt but it must he nice for state contractors who he gives special favors to and steers no bid state contracts for to suddenly sell him a $17 million estate for just $100,000. No corruption there, right?

It is not like a sudden windfall of $16,900,000 is worth mentioning, huh? Newscum didn't think so as he lied and left it off his legally mandated disclosure forms. After a journalist caught him he "amended" his disclosures and only had to pay a $10,000 fine. He was still up $16,890,000 for his dirty dealings and attempts to hide his corruption.

That's what they want. They dont care if the whole country is destroyed so long as any Republican or Libertarian is involved.

They would take Caligula if he ran as a dem/prog over anyone who would do any actual good for the country based on label alone.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Newscum says he is not corrupt but it must he nice for state contractors who he gives special favors to and steers no bid state contracts for to suddenly sell him a $17 million estate for just $100,000. No corruption there, right?

It is not like a sudden windfall of $16,900,000 is worth mentioning, huh? Newscum didn't think so as he lied and left it off his legally mandated disclosure forms. After a journalist caught him he "amended" his disclosures and only had to pay a $10,000 fine. He was still up $16,890,000 for his dirty dealings and attempts to hide his corruption.

That's what they want. They dont care if the whole country is destroyed so long as any Republican or Libertarian is involved.

They would take Caligula if he ran as a dem/prog over anyone who would do any actual good for the country based on label alone.



Domestically feral
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United states
Newscum says he is not corrupt but it must he nice for state contractors who he gives special favors to and steers no bid state contracts for to suddenly sell him a $17 million estate for just $100,000. No corruption there, right?

It is not like a sudden windfall of $16,900,000 is worth mentioning, huh? Newscum didn't think so as he lied and left it off his legally mandated disclosure forms. After a journalist caught him he "amended" his disclosures and only had to pay a $10,000 fine. He was still up $16,890,000 for his dirty dealings and attempts to hide his corruption.

That's what they want. They dont care if the whole country is destroyed so long as any Republican or Libertarian is involved.

They would take Caligula if he ran as a dem/prog over anyone who would do any actual good for the country based on label alone.


It's the truth. Your "side" has a psychotic amount of irrational hatred towards other American parties.

You've been indoctrinated to habor it as well

That's why dems/progs do not have to have any policies or platforms that improve the lives of any Americans. They can destroy the country and strip our rights and you people will still vote for them. They have zero accountability....none. They have their hatefilled useful idiots who will make excuses for them. They can lie about and villanize opposition instead of presenting a better platform and actually doing good for the people.

And that cry baby response is just weak and pathetic. Especailly from a person so quick to priase herself as some mature adult. Well earned and accurate criticism and "whining" are very different things. Hating others so much that youd gleefully fuck your own self as well is a mental disorder.

The Countess

Hood with it
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Self declared Marxist D.A. of Los Angeles got a murderer and gang member released after just 6 months into a 50 year sentence. The next day he does this...

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They are selective with who they stick it to, trust me. I’d go into detail but you got those around here that love to rub your family issues in your face when it suits them. Let’s just say they’ll lock up hardworking people for non violent mistakes but let murderers go free.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Self declared Marxist D.A. of Los Angeles got a murderer and gang member released after just 6 months into a 50 year sentence. The next day he does this...

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They are selective with who they stick it to, trust me. I’d go into detail but you got those around here that love to rub your family issues in your face when it suits them. Let’s just say they’ll lock up hardworking people for non violent mistakes but let murderers go free.
typical leftist vermin scum


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Just fucking evil.

Yep. The state can terminate your parental rights if you fail to immediately transition your minor child medically.

These kids cannot vote. Drink. Get tattoos. Drive. Anything. They cant consent to sex. But they can consent to having their bodies permanently altered and become life long medical patients over what is a socail contagion and a trend right now and if you dont immediately celebrate it you are abusive and should have your rights terminated and your child will be placed with strangers who "affirm" them.

Its a state sanctioned cult that's destroying families and lives. And the fucking left supports it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Just fucking evil.

Yep. The state can terminate your parental rights if you fail to immediately transition your minor child medically.

These kids cannot vote. Drink. Get tattoos. Drive. Anything. They cant consent to sex. But they can consent to having their bodies permanently altered and become life long medical patients over what is a socail contagion and a trend right now and if you dont immediately celebrate it you are abusive and should have your rights terminated and your child will be placed with strangers who "affirm" them.

Its a state sanctioned cult that's destroying families and lives. And the fucking left supports it.

It truly is and it is evil.