Lily you fat cunt…


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
This is how ingrained your indoctrination is, where you're willing to attack your own people and side with minorities.
Racists aren't Murdie's "own people."

I'll forward you the memo.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
A rainbow neg?

What's the matter, Scouse? Afraid to use words now that your "grammatical standard" has been shown to be no better than a FiLTHy scat gif?

That's right, cower in shame, you Jimmy Savile wannabe.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
No, I was just going easy on you, given the time of year and everything and how you're prone to getting emotional...

Don't folks often mistake you to be dressed in a halloween costume and think you're on route to a fancy dress party, when in fact you're just out grocery shopping, in your latest charity shop 70's chic?

I can see how it would grind you down after a while. Perhaps you should go a bit lighter on the makeup and lose the 5 inch pink stilettos? Better still, stop dressing like a trannie. LULZ


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Please, don't go easy on me, Scouse. Impress your e-mates. Show them what you've got.

They've been waiting for nearly twenty years.

That's almost as long ago as your last photo session. You know, about that time when you lost your one remaining tooth?


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
Hm. Guess your e-mates will just have to wait, then. Maybe take up jackboot crocheting.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Yet another example of an SJW who spent too much time in gender studies class, when he ought to have been studying maths or something else worthwhile.

To Scouse, anyone he hates is automatically a Jew. Clever amigo


Site Supporter
fat pussy is great ..

who wants a skinny dried up one named dusty ? ffs
lips all over the fucking place flapping like they saying hi pfffft
that shit is crack pooosy


Site Supporter


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Seems lefties and everyone else have different definitions of the "Karen" insult.

You people are focused on shaming white females who have allegedly been racist towards a non-white, whereas the rest of us consider a Karen to be an unhinged, hysterical headcase, who loses her shit over the most trivial matters.

The "racist" allegation is just leftists being leftists, with their obsession and endless vendetta against whitey. The sad part is that you're white, yet are happy to join in. This is how ingrained your indoctrination is, where you're willing to attack your own people and side with minorities.

Did it ever occur to you that most "white" people who know you would rather get dipped in zillion degree oil headfirst than join whatever faggoty group you nut sucking mongrels belong to? I would rather "side" with Shaka Zulu himself and the blackest of the blackest darkies than "side" with a gay racist(You. Yes you, Aryan).

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Look at you playing Kyle dress-up. What a fucking idiot you are!

Aidsman definitely wants to fuck the boy, he made some pretty explict, lust-fuelled remarks about him a while back and tried projecting his blatantly deviant urges onto Biggie Smiles....

I forget the exact words, but I'm pretty sure the homo-erotic term "smooth boyish milky white ass cheeks" was used.
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Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
It's amusing how a self-proclaimed troll gets trolled arguably more than anyone else on here. :LOL3:

The only person who gets more shit is the Peruvian pig...

How very touching!

Another Aryan commentary which is sooo far from the truth, that one would need an electron microscope to see how much the "truth" has shrunk in comparison to the Titanic killing glacier sized fib, nutless Baby Ruth has tried to pass off as "truth."

I'll say this again...if you could just shut the fuck up for once and actually read a thread instead of using up all your estrogen on a couple of poorly written responses, you might actually come off as a semi-humorous dipshit that still deserves to roast in a pit full of burning tires.

Lily the whiner can paint the town red with your face so easily and has done that on more than one occasion, as she's scarfed down $1200 dollars worth of Chipotle while whipping..."YOUR CANDY ASS!!!

No one "here" thinks You're funny or intelligent. You are that dark monkey you sooooo hate.
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Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Aidsman definitely wants to fuck the boy, he made some pretty explict, lust-fuelled remarks about him a while back and tried projecting his blatantly deviant urges onto Biggie Smiles....

I forget the exact words, but I'm pretty sure the homo-erotic term "smooth boyish milky white ass cheeks" was used.
He’s such a cock sucker. Nearly as bad as the wank sock Flynn.

I heard Aidsman also had a stupendous noodle neck for deep throating.

I hope he choked to death one day on a fat one!

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
How very touching!

Another Aryan commentary which is sooo far from the truth, that one would need an electron microscope to see how much the "truth" has shrunk in comparison to the Titanic killing glacier sized fib, nutless Baby Ruth has tried to pass off as "truth."

I'll say this again...if you could just shut the fuck up for once and actually read a thread instead of using up all your estrogen on a couple of poorly written responses, you might actually come off as a semi-humorous dipshit that still deserves to roast in a pit full of burning tires.

Lily the whiner can paint the town red with your face so easily and has done that on more than one occasion, as she's scarfed down $1200 dollars worth of Chipotle while whipping..."YOUR CANDY ASS!!!

No one "here" thinks You're funny or intelligent. You are that dark monkey you sooooo hate.
What has any of this rambling, long winded nonsense got to do with your face constantly being used as a toilet by the rest of the forum?

Listen Zelda, nobody takes you seriously because of the unsavoury rumours and stigma which surround the Flynn handle. At best you're considered a joke, at worst you're regarded as a toxic, bitter, forum STD with zero redeeming qualities.

What I'm trying to tell you is, no one cares what you think about anything, because you're a worn out, dusty old relic, who still reads from the 2006 BH playbook and are most likely a shared handle of angry, butthurt, 50 yr old men.



Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
What has any of this rambling, long winded nonsense got to do with your face constantly being used as a toilet by the rest of the forum?

Listen Zelda, nobody takes you seriously because of the unsavoury rumours and stigma which surround the Flynn handle. At best you're considered a joke, at worst you're regarded as a toxic, bitter, forum STD with zero redeeming qualities.

What I'm trying to tell you is, no one cares what you think about anything, because you're a worn out, dusty old relic, who still reads from the 2006 BH playbook and are most likely a shared handle of angry, butthurt, 50 yr old men.

When King Poofter has his hand up the wank sock it’s IQ drops tenfold and it gets perverse. Imagine being such a naff that you have to take out an AVO on another woman. Fucking embarrassing for the male species…I think the Fortnite champ has fluidity coming out from it’s fucking arse!


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
What has any of this rambling, long winded nonsense got to do with your face constantly being used as a toilet by the rest of the forum?

Listen Zelda, nobody takes you seriously because of the unsavoury rumours and stigma which surround the Flynn handle. At best you're considered a joke, at worst you're regarded as a toxic, bitter, forum STD with zero redeeming qualities.

What I'm trying to tell you is, no one cares what you think about anything, because you're a worn out, dusty old relic, who still reads from the 2006 BH playbook and are most likely a shared handle of angry, butthurt, 50 yr old men.

There is the truth and a desperate attempt at not looking like the ass end of Big Bertha Lily, the only semi-truck capable of eating 3 metric tons of processed food in one "fill up." What you look like is one neon colored glow sign that reads: "No yUo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

So that's your incredibly and Supremely intellectual reply? A simple wimpering, "No yUo!!!!!!!!!!11111?" Then to truly prove that you're a fucking dipshit, you do the chicken dance to the rumors about me only you and a handful of weak minded despots whom I've destroyed only care about. You employ this sad attack on my gender because deep down you have this sick urge to see why your juicy vagina starts getting moist at the very thought about me and my gender.

The "Stigma" about me is only perpetrated by certified nut jobs and those who weren't around during the dayz of young me. You soak up this self propelling dogma about me through only heresay and passed on unconfirmed hypothesis and conjecture. You're on the tail end of an "inside" joke for years you simple minded nonce. It's even a wonder how it is you've managed to breathe on your own for all these years. You must be part of the 5th incarnation of the pitch fork wielding villagers still steeped in superstition. Something you can't figure out you go into really super ignorant mode. You literally transform into an even dumber version of you. What I'm saying is that you're just using something you read.

I must be such a "joke" that "people" like yourself need me to be a council of nerds just exploring the web to see how many posters "they" can social engineer into the Borg-like hive belief? Well this "joke" has managed to karate chop the fuck out of your ovaries as you come kicking back with "rumors" of me dating back to 1997. You hope to your dear mustached god that it's not one person, because that would be like life telling you just how much of a fucking loser you are.

What's really "embarrassing" is you thinking you're bringing up something new.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Imagine being this triggered over thinking that you've been "mis-gendered"? :LOL3:

Perhaps if you changed your usertitle to "Its MAAAAAAAAM!!!" people might start to believe you?

If you had some common sense and didn't spend as much time greedily sucking black ghetto dick, you would have realised that the confusion could have been put to rest years ago with a simple time-stamped pic, yet you refuse to post one.

You can howl and wail in protest all you like, but the fact still remains that this, along with your vulgar, un-ladylike behaviour, are the main reasons why most people think you're a bloke.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Imagine being this triggered over thinking that you've been "mis-gendered"? :LOL3:

Perhaps if you changed your usertitle to "Its MAAAAAAAAM!!!" people might start to believe you?

If you had some common sense and didn't spend as much time greedily sucking black ghetto dick, you would have realised that the confusion could have been put to rest years ago with a simple time-stamped pic, yet you refuse to post one.

You can howl and wail in protest all you like, but the fact still remains that this, along with your vulgar, un-ladylike behaviour, are the main reasons why most people think you're a bloke.

So tuff white guy, when are going to volunteer and fight in Putin's army against the mean ol' Ukrainians?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Well I'm not Russian, so there is that.

I don't hate Ukranians, it's their kike globohomo puppet regime I have a problem with.

Did you read up about Ukraine being a former jewish homeland called "Khazaria"?

Thought not...