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The New Holliday

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While reading this article it suddenly came to me how like Charlie Manson's women, Donald Trump's women are.

You got Susan Atkins, Squeeky Fromme, Linda Kasabian,
you got Marge "the Neanderthal" Greene, Lauren Boobert, Kari Lake.

What's that saying about history repeating itself?

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I'm in jail, send hamberders
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While reading this article it suddenly came to me how like Charlie Manson's women, Donald Trump's women are.

You got Susan Atkins, Squeeky Fromme, Linda Kasabian,
you got Marge "the Neanderthal" Greene, Lauren Boobert, Kari Lake.

What's that saying about history repeating itself?

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I think some people take Conservatism being a mental disorder a little too far.


An Claidheam Anam
Can either of you two traitorous Leftist scum explain how Maricopa County managed to count over 100,000 more mail in ballots than Maricopa County paid the US Post Office to mail out?

Of course you can't, because you're Leftist Traitorous Scum who just parrot what your betters tell you parrot.

Suck wang, Leftist assholes!

Oh wait! Admin would like that. He should be made to eat some dirty pussy like Flynn's.


I'm in jail, send hamberders
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Can either of you two traitorous Leftist scum explain how Maricopa County managed to count over 100,000 more mail in ballots than Maricopa County paid the US Post Office to mail out?

Of course you can't, because you're Leftist Traitorous Scum who just parrot what your betters tell you parrot.

Suck wang, Leftist assholes!

Oh wait! Admin would like that. He should be made to eat some dirty pussy like Flynn's.
Will you cease and desist your tourettes like flaming, have you zero self control?

PS, Your claims about Maricopa County are patently false.
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An Claidheam Anam
Will you cease and desist your tourettes like flaming, have you zero self control?

PS, You're claims about Maricopa County are patently false.

Of course they are "patently false." That's what your betters have told you to think because you are incapable of thinking for yourself. But if you were capable of thinking for yourself, which you are not but let's pretend, you could research it yourself and find out that Maricopa County did indeed count over 100,000 more mail in ballots than Maricopa County paid the USPS to mail out.

Of course, it was "debunked" and explained away as a "clerical error," but to this day Maricopa County has not paid the USPS for the extra 100,000 ballots that I'm sure were all kosher and legitimate according to your Leftist Filth websites.
The New Holliday

The New Holliday

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The Deep Space
THE FACTS: False. The claim mischaracterizes reports that are intended to help political parties track early voters for their get-out-the-vote efforts, not tally mail-in ballots through Election Day. The reports don’t represent all mail-in ballots sent out and received, so the numbers aren’t expected to match up, according to Maricopa County officials and outside experts.

“We have 74,243 mail-in ballots where there is no clear record of them being sent,” Logan said at a meeting livestreamed at Arizona’s Capitol on Thursday. “That could be something where documentation wasn’t done right. There’s a clerical issue. There’s not proper things there, but I think when we’ve got 74,000, it merits knocking on a door and validating some of this information.”

Logan based his false claim on two types of early voting reports issued by Maricopa County: EV32 files and EV33 files. He claimed that EV32 files are “supposed to give a record of when a mail-in ballot is sent” and EV33 files are “supposed to give a record of when the mail-in ballot is received.”

That’s not accurate, according to Maricopa County officials, who
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on Friday that “the EV32 Returns & EV33 files are not the proper files to refer to for a complete accumulating of all early ballots sent and received.”

Instead, the EV32 and EV33 files are reports created for political parties to aid them in their get-out-the-vote efforts during early voting, according to Tammy Patrick, a senior adviser at the Democracy Fund and a former Maricopa County elections official. Arizona
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requires county recorders to provide this data to political parties and candidates, Patrick said.

Arizona reports both mail-in ballots and early in-person votes at voting centers as early votes, so both are included in the data in files EV32 and EV33, Patrick said.

The EV32 file includes all requests that voters make for early ballots, either by mail or in person, up to 11 days before Election Day, Patrick said. The EV33 file includes returned early ballots up to the Monday before Election Day.

That means there is a 10-day period between the final day of each report, during which thousands of mail-in votes are submitted and thousands of additional voters go to voting centers, request early ballots in person and submit them. Furthermore, the files don’t include any early ballots that came in on Election Day.

“To use these files as an attempt to understand the number of voters who were mailed a ballot or who returned a ballot is misguided,” Patrick said. “That information is obtained from the Voted File, not a GOTV tool for the political parties and candidates.” “GOTV” is short for “get out the vote.”

Maricopa County officials
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later Friday that they calculated the true number of mail-in ballots requested and returned in November’s election. According to that count, nearly 450,000 more mail-in ballots were requested than returned.


I'm in jail, send hamberders
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THE FACTS: False. The claim mischaracterizes reports that are intended to help political parties track early voters for their get-out-the-vote efforts, not tally mail-in ballots through Election Day. The reports don’t represent all mail-in ballots sent out and received, so the numbers aren’t expected to match up, according to Maricopa County officials and outside experts.

“We have 74,243 mail-in ballots where there is no clear record of them being sent,” Logan said at a meeting livestreamed at Arizona’s Capitol on Thursday. “That could be something where documentation wasn’t done right. There’s a clerical issue. There’s not proper things there, but I think when we’ve got 74,000, it merits knocking on a door and validating some of this information.”

Logan based his false claim on two types of early voting reports issued by Maricopa County: EV32 files and EV33 files. He claimed that EV32 files are “supposed to give a record of when a mail-in ballot is sent” and EV33 files are “supposed to give a record of when the mail-in ballot is received.”

That’s not accurate, according to Maricopa County officials, who
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on Friday that “the EV32 Returns & EV33 files are not the proper files to refer to for a complete accumulating of all early ballots sent and received.”

Instead, the EV32 and EV33 files are reports created for political parties to aid them in their get-out-the-vote efforts during early voting, according to Tammy Patrick, a senior adviser at the Democracy Fund and a former Maricopa County elections official. Arizona
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requires county recorders to provide this data to political parties and candidates, Patrick said.

Arizona reports both mail-in ballots and early in-person votes at voting centers as early votes, so both are included in the data in files EV32 and EV33, Patrick said.

The EV32 file includes all requests that voters make for early ballots, either by mail or in person, up to 11 days before Election Day, Patrick said. The EV33 file includes returned early ballots up to the Monday before Election Day.

That means there is a 10-day period between the final day of each report, during which thousands of mail-in votes are submitted and thousands of additional voters go to voting centers, request early ballots in person and submit them. Furthermore, the files don’t include any early ballots that came in on Election Day.

“To use these files as an attempt to understand the number of voters who were mailed a ballot or who returned a ballot is misguided,” Patrick said. “That information is obtained from the Voted File, not a GOTV tool for the political parties and candidates.” “GOTV” is short for “get out the vote.”

Maricopa County officials
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later Friday that they calculated the true number of mail-in ballots requested and returned in November’s election. According to that count, nearly 450,000 more mail-in ballots were requested than returned.
You can rub these fuckwits noses in evidence, and they'll close their eyes and ignore it. Just like Kari Flake.


An Claidheam Anam
Boy! That's a lot of words to scrub away the truth and gaslight the preferred narrative, isn't it.

Oh, and you should provide citation for anything you cut and paste, Hollowgay. If you wish good form, you should practice good form yourself.

Plus, isn't it interesting how you clowns have this information right at your fingertips from the website where your betters tell you what to think. No wonder Hollow doesn't want to link to his source. It's probably embarrassing.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Didn't a bunch of Cyber Ninjas go over all those Maricopa ballots looking for bamboo splinters and panda bear poop trying to link them to China...they found nothing. I will take William Bar's word that he found no evidence of this massive voter fraud.
The New Holliday

The New Holliday

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The Deep Space
Oh, and you should provide citation
Citation? The internets, Raggs - same place you got your complaint, unless you got it from some staticy late night radically contarded pirate radio station. LoLz

..but if you must know it's the AP report of what was officially reported by Maricopa county itself.


I'm in jail, send hamberders
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Boy! That's a lot of words to scrub away the truth and gaslight the preferred narrative, isn't it.

Oh, and you should provide citation for anything you cut and paste, Hollowgay. If you wish good form, you should practice good form yourself.

Plus, isn't it interesting how you clowns have this information right at your fingertips from the website where your betters tell you what to think. No wonder Hollow doesn't want to link to his source. It's probably embarrassing.
There are none so blind as those who will not see. Now avoid more humiliation and go away.


Domestically feral
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United states
Admin and Co are the same people who hoot and hollered about the 2016 election being stolen because a few Russian trolls said some nasty things about Hillary on facebook

The about face on what does and does not constitute election shenanigans all of the sudden is very telling as to their closed mindset.


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
Admin and Co are the same people who hoot and hollered about the 2016 election being stolen because a few Russian trolls said some nasty things about Hillary on facebook

The about face on what does and does not constitute election shenanigans all of the sudden is very telling as to their closed mindset.
Just stop.


An Claidheam Anam
Didn't a bunch of Cyber Ninjas go over all those Maricopa ballots looking for bamboo splinters and panda bear poop trying to link them to China...they found nothing. I will take William Bar's word that he found no evidence of this massive voter fraud.

Quiet Inferior person while your betters are having a talk

yes, even Admin and Hollowgay are your betters.


An Claidheam Anam
Citation? The internets, Raggs - same place you got your complaint, unless you got it from some staticy late night radically contarded pirate radio station. LoLz

..but if you must know it's the AP report of what was officially reported by Maricopa county itself.

An AP report -- yeah, sure. What a sterling reputation the AP has the last few years. Didn't they go on and on and on about Russia, Russia, Russia for three or four years which we all now know was utterly and totally false?

Og wait! You still believe Trump colluded with Vlad, don't you?


I'm in jail, send hamberders
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An AP report -- yeah, sure. What a sterling reputation the AP has the last few years. Didn't they go on and on and on about Russia, Russia, Russia for three or four years which we all now know was utterly and totally false?

Og wait! You still believe Trump colluded with Vlad, don't you?
Hey what about Hunter Biden’s Big Hard Drive?


An Claidheam Anam
Admin and Co are the same people who hoot and hollered about the 2016 election being stolen because a few Russian trolls said some nasty things about Hillary on facebook

The about face on what does and does not constitute election shenanigans all of the sudden is very telling as to their closed mindset.

That is a good point. For 8 years of Bush the Younger the Leftie Democrat Scum cried that he was illegitimate, and of course when Trump was elected they actually tried to set up their own "Alternate Electors" and began talk of impeachment literally 20 minutes after he was inaugurated. And I'm old enough to remember how they actually questioned the results of Ronald Reagan's 49 State landslide.

But now, all of a sudden, questioning election results is treason.

Very telling indeed.

That's probably because criminal leftist filth like our friends Admin and Hollowgay probably sat around their kitchen tables and giggled like schoolgirls as they filled out fraudulent ballots that they "harvested" from nursing homes, obituary lists and hobo camps to hand off to rubber glove-wearing mules to go stuff into a Zuckerberg Ballot Drop Box somewhere.
The New Holliday

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
..Some very sad trolling here. You know it's a shame when someone is a retard, because it isn't their fault (like yer conservatives), but it's a whole other thing to be a retard by choice (a troll). Why have you chosen to be a retard @Reggie_Essent ?


An Claidheam Anam
..Some very sad trolling here. You know it's a shame when someone is a retard, because it isn't their fault (like yer conservatives), but it's a whole other thing to be a retard by choice (a troll). Why have you chosen to be a retard @Reggie_Essent ?
You're projecting again, Holliday. I believe you've talked with your State-funded therapist about this personal issue.


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
Admin and Co are the same people who hoot and hollered about the 2016 election being stolen because a few Russian trolls said some nasty things about Hillary on facebook

The about face on what does and does not constitute election shenanigans all of the sudden is very telling as to their closed mindset.
A Russian spy sat in Trump tower with idiot son #1 to spill dirt on Hillary, Hello?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Can either of you two traitorous Leftist scum explain how Maricopa County managed to count over 100,000 more mail in ballots than Maricopa County paid the US Post Office to mail out?

Of course you can't, because you're Leftist Traitorous Scum who just parrot what your betters tell you parrot.

Suck wang, Leftist assholes!

Oh wait! Admin would like that. He should be made to eat some dirty pussy like Flynn's.

Fighting takes place in Meltdown, Reggie Retardo.