Attention : You vomit-inducing, sloppy sweat hog mess

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Having a soft spot for someone does not mean I’m going to send them 500.00 to come fuck me. Nor does it mean I’m going to go meet them and pay for a hotel for them to fuck me in. I get that a trifling thirst XXXL bucket like you may think like that, but those of us with dignity don’t.


I don’t flirt with men on here but if I did, they’d be jumping at a chance with me. Unlike you, who they run away from when you bust out your whale tits. Your little tag alongs like Semen and Admin (LOL) here may allow you to think you’re something sexy, but I’m here to tell you that you’re anything but. It’s obvious as the fat in my ass that your thirstiness is due to being so gigantic, no sober, decent looking man will touch you.

Remember, you angry, drunk pig dwarf…I know what you REALLY look like. I suggest you go hate on someone who doesn’t know what a disgusting Lardass you really are.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Having a soft spot for someone does not mean I’m going to send them 500.00 to come fuck me. Nor does it mean I’m going to go meet them and pay for a hotel for them to fuck me in. I get that a trifling thirst XXXL bucket like you may think like that, but those of us with dignity don’t.


I don’t flirt with men on here but if I did, they’d be jumping at a chance with me. Unlike you, who they run away from when you bust out your whale tits. Your little tag alongs like Semen and Admin (LOL) here may allow you to think you’re something sexy, but I’m here to tell you that you’re anything but. It’s obvious as the fat in my ass that your thirstiness is due to being so gigantic, no sober, decent looking man will touch you.

Remember, you angry, drunk pig dwarf…I know what you REALLY look like. I suggest you go hate on someone who doesn’t know what a disgusting Lardass you really are.
You call her a lard ass? What would you call yours? Fucking whinny bitch. Hope you noticed who’s leading in that contest.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Having a soft spot for someone does not mean I’m going to send them 500.00 to come fuck me. Nor does it mean I’m going to go meet them and pay for a hotel for them to fuck me in. I get that a trifling thirst XXXL bucket like you may think like that, but those of us with dignity don’t.


I don’t flirt with men on here but if I did, they’d be jumping at a chance with me. Unlike you, who they run away from when you bust out your whale tits. Your little tag alongs like Semen and Admin (LOL) here may allow you to think you’re something sexy, but I’m here to tell you that you’re anything but. It’s obvious as the fat in my ass that your thirstiness is due to being so gigantic, no sober, decent looking man will touch you.

Remember, you angry, drunk pig dwarf…I know what you REALLY look like. I suggest you go hate on someone who doesn’t know what a disgusting Lardass you really are.
I can’t believe what this moron just posted. Whod chase a burned out Mexican women, with a huge smelly butt. Try Stumpy, or better yet Herman. Your only hope fatty.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Lol @ all of you Ozempic shaming. Not my fault ya’ll don’t give a fuck how you look.
What about your fat assed self? Your arms need to be longer to accommodate that out of control ass. Don’t you notice?,


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️

"Barrio" means "neighbourhood," no?

Did I offend you, Flea?

If so, I'm sorry.

Please, resume your daily death wishes against the trans community. You certainly look good while doing that.