Anyone Remember This Poor Son Of A Bitch?


Mr. Excitement
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*Sorry about the video quality.

Hanford, Calif.{} (KMPH News) - A shocking and disturbing video that is now making its way across the internet has captured the attention of the Hanford Police Department. The six minute video shows a karate instructor ordering a student to beat and possibly kill a mentally challenged man. "It is such a disturbing video and whether it's real or not that still needs to be confirmed," said Hanford Police Chief Carlos Mestas. Chief Mestas says his department is assisting in the investigation of a possible crime committed 25 years ago in the state of Virginia. "This was a very disturbing beast type of beating," said Mestas.

The footage was supposedly taken on December 13, 1984 at a karate dojo reportedly owned by Sgt. Bobby Joe Blythe who may now be living in Hanford. "1984, that's 25 years ago, so this guy, the owner of the Dojo was 38 or 39 years old.{} We think that he was possibly in the military at the time hence Quantico Virginia," said Mestas. Blythe has not been named a suspect.{} Attempts by KMPH News to speak with him at his home in Hanford have gone unanswered.

Mestas says he is working with local, state, federal and military investigators on the case.{} The video known on the internet as the "Jesus taught me" clip captures the fight between a black-belt karate student and a mentally challenged man. Investigators say although Blythe is not seen personally hurting the victim in the video, he could still face legal troubles. "He didn't do anything about it and he had control of it since that was one of his students.{} You could almost say he was the one that directed it," said Mestas.

The victim in this case can be heard saying he does not want to fight, just to demonstrate some skilled moves that "Jesus taught him".{} Despite his plea, the beating continues. "Having seen his head get stomped as many times as he did, I would be surprised that he survived it or did not have at least major brain damage," said Mestas.

What's more upsetting is no one present in the video tries to help the bloodied man.{} He is immediately dragged out the back door like it's no big deal. Investigators say there are still many unanswered questions including confirmation of the identities of everyone involved. Chief Mestas says if the video is authentic it could help convict everyone involved of a crime. "Yes, it's a cold case, there is a lot of work that needs to be done by other agencies," said Chief Mestas.{} "They will probably have to look for missing person cases, 25 years back, who knows? Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this."

Hanford Police is not disclosing the names of the local, state and federal agencies involved because Mestas says it could jeopardize the investigation.


Factory Bastard
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Two thoughts came to mind

Hanford Ca. is a shit hole
Jesus Christ??


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that was awesome !


The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Murder or Attempted Murder.

The Kung Fu guy was actually pretty good, but he was being mainly defensive. To win, he would need to use his speed to overwhelm the Karate guy with a more constant attack.

The beating at the end was pretty gruesome. You have to be a total psycho to do that to someone for basically no reason.


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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A good street fighter would take them both out !


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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Mike Tyson can't spell his own name!