Recent content by H.C.Trouble

  1. H.C.Trouble

    My dog died

    Had my dog put down three months ago and know exactly where you are coming from, wizer. Luigi was three-quarters English Bulldog and one-quarter Boston Terrier and was just shy of his thirteenth birthday. The last year of his life he deteriorated quickly, even going a bit deaf. My wife and I...
  2. H.C.Trouble

    Hello world. #NickDiazArmy

    Diaz rules! You seem like a very nice person.
  3. H.C.Trouble

    Dead at 43

    Sorry for your loss Lily. I'm fully vaccinated but I'm skeptically that it is the magical answer to this crisis. As you can already tell there is too much hesitancy and even some procrastination regarding the shots and even more so when you factor in it's going to be on going with booster...
  4. H.C.Trouble

    Does anyone here play the various stategy games by Paradox?

    I'm a huge fan of Sid Meier's Civilization series ... these look like they are similar.
  5. H.C.Trouble


    I knew a kid that ate white paste, you remind me of him ... he was a legend, still owes over 1000 bucks in late fees at Blockbuster.
  6. H.C.Trouble


    I used Scotch tape and thumb tacks.
  7. H.C.Trouble


    I was breastfed and grew up searching out bigger and bigger boobs ... not for food ... just trophies I mount on my wall.
  8. H.C.Trouble

    Songs that you love....

  9. H.C.Trouble

    Songs that you love....

  10. H.C.Trouble

    Post a Picture of Yourself!

  11. H.C.Trouble

    Post a Picture of Yourself!

  12. H.C.Trouble

    Post a Picture of Yourself!

    Biggie smiles
  13. H.C.Trouble

    Post a Picture of Yourself!

    You're both in luck ...
  14. H.C.Trouble

    Post a Picture of Yourself!

    Thank you for the link ... that's going to be my favourite thread!
  15. H.C.Trouble

    Post a Picture of Yourself!

    If you let me use that chop for my Plenty of Fish profile, it's a deal. dead pic removed