OK Groomer, Bye groomer.


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
Slippery slope, Chunkita. What next, "MAP" rights?

The LGBT movement has proven to be a pervert's bandwagon, which most are happy to hop aboard in order to normalise their personal fetish.
What's your definition of "pervert," Adam Sage?

Did that pervert Hitler manage to eliminate homosexuality by slaughtering homosexuals?


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
From the article Admin. linked:

t’s easy to be confused by the official-sounding name. “American College of Pediatricians” does indeed sound legit. But these are not the 67,000-strong doctors that make up the American Academy of Pediatrics, a reputable group that advocates for keeping children alive and healthy with vaccines, masks in schools during pandemics, that sort of thing.

The American College of Pediatricians is a far punier group, suspected to be only a few hundred strong, although they don’t share membership numbers publicly.

Apostates of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the knock-off group came to Arkansas to help lobby for some of the worst, most hateful and harmful legislation passed in recent memory. They’re proponents of conversion therapy, and their advocacy for the SAFE Act, which not only bans medical gender-affirming care for transgender youth but also makes it illegal for doctors to refer these patients elsewhere for such care, makes Arkansas a shittier place to live by half. Luckily
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as a federal judge mulls a legal challenge.

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
What's your definition of "pervert," Adam Sage?

Did that pervert Hitler manage to eliminate homosexuality by slaughtering homosexuals?
The fact that you need the definition of the term "pervert" to be tardsplained to your senile, hairy ass, speaks volumes, Mizzzz LotusBottom.

Tell me, oh wise and weathered one, if gay sex among men is soooooo natural and worthy of protection, why does repeated anal sex cause incontinence?

No need to respond, I know that you're BTFO'd.


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
@Admin. then leaves this thread for approximately 5 hours until I summon the poor fucktard back.

My sister held her head in her hands when i asked if she was pleased her son missed all this when her son liked playing dress up as princesses with his sister and her friend aged about 5 or 6. I said at the time to not sweat it and there would be a 90% chance he will grow out of it as he grows up, which happened as he is now hyper normal but his mum has the pictures for leverage.

She is a bit leftish but so pleased that the system didn't get their claws into him, I am so fucking glad its beginning to come apart now but so much damage is being done because f this gender theory bullshit.
Could you cite that time a Medical Professional forced hormone treatments on an unwilling family? Thanks in advance.


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
Slippery slope, Chunkita. What next, "MAP" rights?

The LGBT movement has proven to be a pervert's bandwagon, which most are happy to hop aboard in order to normalise their personal fetish.
This thread is a big hit @ the Blue Korean. Right Scouse? Did ya tell em you shave your balls like every gay man on earth.


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
From the article Admin. linked:

t’s easy to be confused by the official-sounding name. “American College of Pediatricians” does indeed sound legit. But these are not the 67,000-strong doctors that make up the American Academy of Pediatrics, a reputable group that advocates for keeping children alive and healthy with vaccines, masks in schools during pandemics, that sort of thing.

The American College of Pediatricians is a far punier group, suspected to be only a few hundred strong, although they don’t share membership numbers publicly.

Apostates of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the knock-off group came to Arkansas to help lobby for some of the worst, most hateful and harmful legislation passed in recent memory. They’re proponents of conversion therapy, and their advocacy for the SAFE Act, which not only bans medical gender-affirming care for transgender youth but also makes it illegal for doctors to refer these patients elsewhere for such care, makes Arkansas a shittier place to live by half. Luckily
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as a federal judge mulls a legal challenge.
Cons love confirmation bias.


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you


Factory Bastard
☠️Private Forum Access
Are you banned on BC? If you promise to behave yourself, I will ask if they will allow you back....
Get real Scouse. The Blue Korean falls apart when I posted there before. Do you participate in their daily circle jerk? Souelbro goes off immediately. Herman can’t get a hard on. Stubby needs his blow up doll. The place is a joke. You knew that


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
Get real Scouse. The Blue Korean falls apart when I posted there before. Do you participate in their daily circle jerk? Souelbro goes off immediately. Herman can’t get a hard on. Stubby needs his blow up doll. The place is a joke. You knew that
It is easy to soar when you surround yourself with Dodos

Adam Hitler

Factory Bastard
Where the Aryans are
Get real Scouse. The Blue Korean falls apart when I posted there before. Do you participate in their daily circle jerk? Souelbro goes off immediately. Herman can’t get a hard on. Stubby needs his blow up doll. The place is a joke. You knew that
I'm only part time on forums these days, but you really don't do yourself any favours by associating with groomer apologists...


Excuse me, while I kiss the Karma!
☠️Private Forum Access
the things you own end up owning you
I'm only part time on forums these days, but you really don't do yourself any favours by associating with groomer apologists...
You have avoided answering what your fascination with gr00ming has to do with Gender Dysphoria, or provided any evidence linking to two different things. Is it simply because you're a dumbfuck?