OK Groomer, Bye groomer.


Excuse me, while I face the Karma!
Site Supporter ☠️
the things you own end up owning you

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
700/67,000 = .0104%
You think 700 is less than 1% of 67,000?
Do you even math?

At this point, I actually had to explain grade school level mathematics to BrainDead Admin.

Here let me help, you fuckwit: 1% of 67,000 equals 670.


700 is greater than 1% of 67,000

You idiot.

Now the fucktard is trying to gaslight everyone into thinking I did or said anything other than...

correcting his shitty math.

No @Admin. , this was all about you putting on a display of ignorance and me pointing it out.

The fact that you came back at me confidently with "Do you even math?" just made it another one of your sensational blunders!!!!

You moron.



Excuse me, while I face the Karma!
Site Supporter ☠️
the things you own end up owning you
At this point, I actually had to explain grade school level mathematics to BrainDead Admin.

Now the fucktard is trying to gaslight everyone into thinking I did or said anything other than...

correcting his shitty math.

No @Admin. , this was all about you putting on a display of ignorance and me pointing it out.

The fact that you came back at me confidently with "Do you even math?" just made it another one of your sensational blunders!!!!

You moron.

Hey Fatbaldtard, do you always make important life decisions based on the least common recommendations?



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Could you cite that time a Medical Professional forced hormone treatments on an unwilling family? Thanks in advance.
My mans mother was diagnosed with cancer and did two years of chemo.

Turned that doctor had lied and told many patients they had cancer when they didn't. He is in prison now.

Her chemo treatments were not forced at all. She willingly went and consented to the treatments.

Doctors have a responsibility to human beings to act in their best interest. We have those who do not. Gender clinics are making a lot of money.

Permanently altering your body with medication and surgical procedures is something adults should be free to do if they wish. But children who cannot possibly understand the long term consequences and the health risks, children who can be very easily influenced shouldn't be doing this.

Children's lives and bodies should not become political props. I don't care what political party pushes this...I'd oppose it passionately because these are vulnerable human beings. There was a Christian family who convinced their little son he is really a girl because he was obviously going go grow up gay and homosexuality is a sin, so instead of a gay son now they'll have a straight girl. This is shit they do in the middle east.

Why do you support this? Medical maiming of children? I could only imagine the outrage if it was the Republicans pushing this. All fake though.


Excuse me, while I face the Karma!
Site Supporter ☠️
the things you own end up owning you
My mans mother was diagnosed with cancer and did two years of chemo.

Turned that doctor had lied and told many patients they had cancer when they didn't. He is in prison now.

Her chemo treatments were not forced at all. She willingly went and consented to the treatments.

Doctors have a responsibility to human beings to act in their best interest. We have those who do not. Gender clinics are making a lot of money.

Permanently altering your body with medication and surgical procedures is something adults should be free to do if they wish. But children who cannot possibly understand the long term consequences and the health risks, children who can be very easily influenced shouldn't be doing this.

Children's lives and bodies should not become political props. I don't care what political party pushes this...I'd oppose it passionately because these are vulnerable human beings. There was a Christian family who convinced their little son he is really a girl because he was obviously going go grow up gay and homosexuality is a sin, so instead of a gay son now they'll have a straight girl. This is shit they do in the middle east.

Why do you support this? Medical maiming of children? I could only imagine the outrage if it was the Republicans pushing this. All fake though.
Your Mothers' criminal Doctor while reprehensible and sad, has nothing to do with the tiny population of Children that try a simple course of (reversible) hormone treatment, a good many of which discontinue at some point on their own volition, nobody is cutting off prepubescent johnsons or tiddies, no one in the USA. Your Mom or Grandma may be taking HRT.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Your Mothers' criminal Doctor while reprehensible and sad, has nothing to do with the tiny population of Children that try a simple course of (reversible) hormone treatment, a good many of which discontinue at some point on their own volition, nobody is cutting off prepubescent johnsons or tiddies, no one in the USA. Your Mom or Grandma may be taking HRT.

That's an example, Admin.

It shows just because someone showed up willingly and consented to a treatment....it doesn't mean that doctors do not have a unique responsibility to act ethically.

Children can't make decisions like this. Their brains are not developed enough. As a child no one understands the permanent loss of sexual function and infertility. This is a major life altering decision that cannot be reversed later.

Not to mention how easily influenced children are and do think there are no parents out there would manipulate their child into believing they are trans.

Also YES, minor girls ARE getting their breasts removed. There is literally an entire section of tik tok with minor girls showing their chests.


Excuse me, while I face the Karma!
Site Supporter ☠️
the things you own end up owning you
That's an example, Admin.

It shows just because someone showed up willingly and consented to a treatment....it doesn't mean that doctors do not have a unique responsibility to act ethically.

Children can't make decisions like this. Their brains are not developed enough. As a child no one understands the permanent loss of sexual function and infertility. This is a major life altering decision that cannot be reversed later.

Not to mention how easily influenced children are and do think there are no parents out there would manipulate their child into believing they are trans.

Also YES, minor girls ARE getting their breasts removed. There is literally an entire section of tik tok with minor girls showing their chests.
TikTok? That's all you had to say Negro!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
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It says only two voices regret. That is so vague. Ask them again when they are 25 and over and able to really grasp what they've done.

Just because they don't regret it a year later with all the heaps of positive attention and affirming they get for being trans and having the surgery doesn't mean they won't be devasted as they grow up and start wanting the things in life most everyone wants. Like children.

Also reversing a double mastectomy isn't some easy thing that is promised. Most of these girls nipples are gone. I have a friend who had a double mastectomy at 27 due to aggressive breaststroke cancer....she can't replace her breasts. Not enough tissue to work with.