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Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
Lily, seriously GTFO here. No one respects, likes or loves you. What a shame. Have some dignity and log off forever.


@Alley i have not been in Paris for ages. Please no fske news here.
Lies. I was bruised, broken, and left homeless because of you. My vagina still has the scars to prove it. I can't even have anymore kids because of the damage. I hate you!
Please stop! I get banned if you talk crap like that!!!! STOP IT!!!!
I was even pregnant at the time you did this all to me. My baby inside me experienced unimaginable cruelty and horror. Damn you to Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please WTF??? I dont know you!
I would never do this I am wealthy.

Why you spread fake lies!!!=????
I'm going to the police tomorrow with all my proof. You are done on the internet forever. Bye bitch.


@Alley you spread lies here. Who are you and what is your agenda???
I want everything VIP treatment on here, treated like a queen by all and YOU at times, shopping money, a bed filled with money to sleep in, and MORE..

If not I go to the police and I will end it all for you.