Hmm to trust you or not. Well someone else online has a eerily similar or exactly name as you online. Same age and has banneded me on a troll forum years back and horror movie forum too. If its not you I suppose I am sorry. Its not easily being dumbass but if it is you I hope you die suffering... No offence but your "real pics" were oddly familiar when I say tehm
You got a twin? hmm I am probing you deeply now for answers. You got two sons? I remember that much about the evil "Iggy" hmm
Ok I'm sorry fi I got the wrong white woman but not sorry to
@RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© I just know he infracted me somewhere on the netz than banneded me. He has ZERO DEFENSES WOMAN so don't protect him
This was enlightlening you have a twin "Iggy" God bless your good natured half but fuck your cunt twin