@Breakfall ...you know, now that I think about it that does sound an awful lot like the kind of thing I might do so I'm going with "Yeah, probably". LoL
Oh- and fuck you again for mentioning me in the Shoutbox which I fucking loathe. I don't like being here and if not for being mentioned I wouldn't touch it with a ten-meter pole.
My earlier statement was mostly directed at the lard_arse that seems to enjoy throwing her weight around on a forum that she’s only recently joined. Her…and the other two idiots, Bluntfuck and shitstain Mongtini. So fuck you!
I'm cool like the icicles hanging from a reindeer's nads. I'm chill like the last ice cube in the freezer bin that's so cold and dry it sticks to your fingers. I'm froody, baby.