@Weeg hey mate….going well. Moved into a new Spanish style house. Converted the pool into a koi pond and basically living the dream. How goes it with you?
I bought three species of frog with me in a few of the smaller ponds, and they’re making some serious noise for the neighbours. Löl…I’m used to it and it’s rather like white noise to me.
I put these small ones in the front entry. The top one is technically a bog filter, but I keep a few White Cloud Mountain minnows in there to keep the mozzies from breeding.
I gave some freshwater crayfish in a few tanks that were supposed to be for eating purposes, but I’ve grown too attached to them and they’re know me pets!
I keep some freshwater crayfish in a few tanks that were supposed to be for eating purposes, but I’ve grown too attached to them and they’re know me pets!
I keep some freshwater crayfish in a few tanks that were supposed to be for eating purposes, but I’ve grown too attached to them and they’re now me pets!
The best thing I enjoy about a Spanish style house are the archways. The two garages even have arches but with extended flats along the top to obviously accommodate a vehicle. I’ve turned one into my workshop so I can turn some wood and make unique coffee tables and what have you.
when I lived in South Africa we had a Spanish style house too. That one had these big fuck off burglar guards to keep out the black savages. We even had an attic complete with spiral staircase to take potshots at the coons. Löl. Joking….that attic doubled as a study. The Spanish know how to build in style I must say.
You may think yum rambling here, but I’m actually trolling the fuck out of a few members. It’s all smoke and mirrors you see…goddamn intellectual wit oozes out my pores. I’m here to laugh at sexual deviants and the leftist dullards. Löl.
Technically the deviants and leftists are the same thing really….you know…what with the LGBTQIPBE bullshit. The ignorance of the left is fucking appalling to say the least.
X….as I said already. Here are the paedophiles of Bastard Factory: yourself, SSS, Seafaggot and Grimey. Get that through your thick skull ya nonce. Go cry some moar biatch! Lol