@Weeg, do you know more than 50% of American workers earn less than 30k? And homelessness is rampant in the US. It's almost non-existent here. Don't talk to me about my country if you can't look at your own.
Your country is the US... you fled from it just a number of years ago after benefiting from a false Californian hyperinflated economy and taking your gains (like a true Barry Sanders socialist) and fucking off somewhere else where the cost of living is much less.... while all the locals in your new area struggle to make ends meet.
You're the epitome of a hypocrite.
I've known a few of your Cali sorts over the decades... you people flee once your residential suburbs blow up in price tags...
Yet do you go into the middle or rust belt/flyover states with your unexpected gains and buy a greater home for a tenth the price? Nah... you fuckheads head out of the US completely because you can't cope with your continued taxes or how the rest of US would treat turncoat traitors like yourself like the scum that you are.
Nobody would hire you and your neighbours wouldn't call 911 if your hair was on fire.
So you fled... like cowards....like hypocrites.... like piss poor facsimiles of American citizenship.
You're still American on your passport, but you're a piece of socialist shit yank....
I hope you die and get buried in a paupers grave.