Weeg I've got a new pet
RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© Beaner coffee farmer Site Supporter Factory Bastard Messages 19,797 Location Brazoo Monday at 6:52 AM #214,261 Weeg I've got a new pet
Weeg Factory Bastard Site Supporter Messages 15,055 Location United States Monday at 6:53 AM #214,262 @Seamajor this is the worst winter in the past 8 yeers so far! Global WARMing is OVER!!
RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© Beaner coffee farmer Site Supporter Factory Bastard Messages 19,797 Location Brazoo Monday at 6:56 AM #214,264 Capybaras are the kings!
Weeg Factory Bastard Site Supporter Messages 15,055 Location United States Monday at 6:57 AM #214,265 I LOVE Cappybears!!!
RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© Beaner coffee farmer Site Supporter Factory Bastard Messages 19,797 Location Brazoo Monday at 6:57 AM #214,266 Meet the mini-capybara, weeg. They're called pacas
Weeg Factory Bastard Site Supporter Messages 15,055 Location United States Monday at 6:58 AM #214,267 thay are so CUTE!!!
RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© Beaner coffee farmer Site Supporter Factory Bastard Messages 19,797 Location Brazoo Monday at 6:59 AM #214,268 They came close to extinction, they're easy to hunt and their meat is supposed to be one of the most delicious
They came close to extinction, they're easy to hunt and their meat is supposed to be one of the most delicious
Weeg Factory Bastard Site Supporter Messages 15,055 Location United States Monday at 6:59 AM #214,269 tastes like CHIKEN!!
RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© Beaner coffee farmer Site Supporter Factory Bastard Messages 19,797 Location Brazoo Monday at 7:04 AM #214,270 From what I've heard, they taste like the best pork ever
Weeg Factory Bastard Site Supporter Messages 15,055 Location United States Monday at 7:05 AM #214,271 BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seamajor Factory Bastard Site Supporter Messages 35,378 Monday at 7:08 AM #214,272 Do they make good pets?
RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© Beaner coffee farmer Site Supporter Factory Bastard Messages 19,797 Location Brazoo Monday at 7:09 AM #214,273 Actually, they do SM
RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© Beaner coffee farmer Site Supporter Factory Bastard Messages 19,797 Location Brazoo Monday at 7:09 AM #214,274 Like most rodents, they tend to be pretty easy to domesticate
RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© Beaner coffee farmer Site Supporter Factory Bastard Messages 19,797 Location Brazoo Monday at 7:09 AM #214,276 Especially if you capture them small
RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© Beaner coffee farmer Site Supporter Factory Bastard Messages 19,797 Location Brazoo Monday at 7:11 AM #214,277 But if the IBAMA (nature conservation police) catches you with any wild animal, you're fucked
RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© Beaner coffee farmer Site Supporter Factory Bastard Messages 19,797 Location Brazoo Monday at 7:11 AM #214,278 Even if they're injured, you have to notify them or let them die
RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© Beaner coffee farmer Site Supporter Factory Bastard Messages 19,797 Location Brazoo Monday at 7:12 AM #214,279 If you take them in, even with the best intentions, you could get in trouble
RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© Beaner coffee farmer Site Supporter Factory Bastard Messages 19,797 Location Brazoo Monday at 7:12 AM #214,280 It's not a joke, killing a wild animal here in Brazoo is a non-bail crime
RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© Beaner coffee farmer Site Supporter Factory Bastard Messages 19,797 Location Brazoo Monday at 7:12 AM #214,281 While killing person isn't
RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© Beaner coffee farmer Site Supporter Factory Bastard Messages 19,797 Location Brazoo Monday at 7:13 AM #214,282 While killing a person isn't
RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© Beaner coffee farmer Site Supporter Factory Bastard Messages 19,797 Location Brazoo Monday at 7:14 AM #214,283 It's not a joke, killing a wild animal here in Brazoo is a non-bailable crime
X xXx Site Supporter Messages 50,034 Location here Monday at 7:14 AM #214,284 Animals are better than people
RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© Beaner coffee farmer Site Supporter Factory Bastard Messages 19,797 Location Brazoo Monday at 7:17 AM #214,285 Different beings, not better or worse
RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© Beaner coffee farmer Site Supporter Factory Bastard Messages 19,797 Location Brazoo Monday at 7:17 AM #214,286 Animals don't have to deal with consciousness like we do
RANCIDMILKO ™ ®© Beaner coffee farmer Site Supporter Factory Bastard Messages 19,797 Location Brazoo Monday at 8:00 AM #214,289 Stupid fucks video of the day
X xXx Site Supporter Messages 50,034 Location here Monday at 8:16 AM #214,290 He missed! What a lousy lumberjack, had he been a born and bred maple syrup on his veins Canadian lumberjack he would’a got them both
He missed! What a lousy lumberjack, had he been a born and bred maple syrup on his veins Canadian lumberjack he would’a got them both