Dreams are getting really distorted and disturbing. This morning after midnight I woke from a thing, what I remember, about turning into an animal. Not a totem or a spirit animal, but a schema to turn me into a rabbit.
I have weird dreams too. The other night I had one about wasps building nests in everyone's ears and they were flying in and out. It was creepy. Last night I was getting shot at by zombies with shotguns.
I love crazy dreams. But zombies with shotguns, wow, that decreases survival chances lol. Were they fast zombies or slow zombies?
Slow I think can't remember them running.
One kicked down the door with a double barrel I dove behind a counter lol
Good thing they were slow. Fast zombies scare the shit out of me, if they ever happened.
Usually in my zombie dreams, my friends either dont run fast enough, or dont run when I say run, or think they know what they doing, and they all die. Somehow the "safe" area is at the top of a building, like a Safe Room in a way. Not all the time though am I in a building.
Ever have dragon dreams? Gotta move quick and dont get seen! I remember my woman didnt listen, down swooped the dragon, away in his clutches went the woman lol.