A HUGE sign that you butthurt.


Domestically feral
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United states
Your trouble Flynn, is that you're too angry and spiteful. You give the distinct impression that you desperately want to hurt the feelings of whoever you're arguing with, rather than just jokingly tease or troll them.

You're also too emotionally invested in your various e-feuds for some reason, which is another of your downsides. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that you keep detailed files on us all, to remind you what insults to use during an altercation.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, go wash your salty prosthetic snatch in the sink, reattach it and lighten the fuck up.

Flynn is our very own perpetually pwnt cry baby. And it DOES try very hard to hurt feelings.

This rabid idiot will have entire nuclear meltdowns and go into raging spam mode.....and than claim some victory lol.

It just assumes we care about its feelings and opinions, and if we try to calm this dummy the fuck down by saying something like "hey dude....relax. no one really cares about this" the spazz will just trigger and start looking for "signs" that we really DO care and imagining it sees them.

Kinda like a stage 9 clinger you tell to get lost, but they keep texting you with things like "Hey! I know you told me to fuck off and die.....but the way your eyes looked when you flipped me off tells me you really love me all deep down!! I SAW it! I SAW your heart breaking at the thought of us being over! I'll never give up on us!"

Much like Flynn reading his psychosis in between the lines of posts and then going bat shit crazy with big long text walls no one is gonna read that he will claim is making everyone cry.

Flynn has this whole thing in his head and nothing is gonna deter him from pissing all over the floor every few months lol. Flynn is a great example of people who do not belong on the internet because it's a detriment to their mental health and stability.


Your trouble Flynn, is that you're too angry and spiteful. You give the distinct impression that you desperately want to hurt the feelings of whoever you're arguing with, rather than just jokingly tease or troll them.

You're also too emotionally invested in your various e-feuds for some reason, which is another of your downsides. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that you keep detailed files on us all, to remind you what insults to use during an altercation.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, go wash your salty prosthetic snatch in the sink, reattach it and lighten the fuck up.

Unlike you, who are the perfect troll? Are you fucking kidding me? YOU lighten up, preacher.
I used to be a perfect troll, until a man named Donald made me care about something. Caring is vulnerability. Love hurts.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Hello, people!

Let me ask you all a very serious question. What would make a midget go around and waste 3.5 hours of his/her time putting little poopoo emogi's/smite marks on over 110 of my posts?

In case you were just born in Dovey's rancid rectum, I'll tell you...

...it's the tiny gnome we all love to hate, it's the little man we all pick on because well quite frankly, Biggie Butthurt bitch would get knocked the fuck out by King Martini's dead cat and one of Caskur's farts after she ate some aborigine stew.

Biggie Butthurt, you must be reeling from the verbal ass kicking I've given you over the last couple of weeks. Now that you can't find a panel to save your short life, you resort to the "Caskur way of flaming?" You wanna talk bitch move. Unfortunately for your overwhelming stupidity, you're also a little trite cunt that can't hang on an "even playing" field, even with your otherworldly familiar known as that that drugged out hag Dovey, spouting off her unholy spam in hopes of making smart people kill themselves; rather than read anymore of her demonic stupidity. Even with you, Dovey, Aryan, UncleMiLf and Jokemar; you still manage to look like Dovey's anus after Kevin and the then-alive cat ejaculated in it.

Furthermore, to back up my "bitch nigga" expose' about your little beat up ass, you go off and use something that is supposed to "encourage" stellar posting, you like a fucking selfish dolt go and fucking weaponize the very tool to make this forum better. Now your childish ass is acting like Lotusbud and that gapped tooth senior Caskur.

In closing, I just wanted to let you know that you really need to find some good counseling for all these "things" that send you off the plateau of rational thinking. "Smiting" me isn't the issue here, it's your addiction to being the biggest little baby out here.

You really need to find a fucking hobby. As the "make believe" Audi really isn't making you act any less fucking retarded.

I always thought Strapon was the one who gave me several thousand smites in a couple of days over at SG. Now I am convinced I was right. He's such an infant. He's sharing his poop with you, Flynn! Enjoy!

But let me ask you this, wise guy: How is he acting like me? I have never sat around negging thousands of posts in my life. Fuckwit.
and for that.. you old witch... you get a poo poo

now go suffer in a corner along with flynn


Factory Bastard
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Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Your trouble Flynn, is that you're too angry and spiteful. You give the distinct impression that you desperately want to hurt the feelings of whoever you're arguing with, rather than just jokingly tease or troll them.

You're also too emotionally invested in your various e-feuds for some reason, which is another of your downsides. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that you keep detailed files on us all, to remind you what insults to use during an altercation.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, go wash your salty prosthetic snatch in the sink, reattach it and lighten the fuck up.

Have you lectured Strapon lately about HIS e-feuds? He is the most boring poster here. He needs a good white mansplain.

Or you could Marxsplain like you normally do and subsequently get your mucha latte and vegan lentil soup tipped over your spikey green hair....

I don’t think you have a good understanding of Marxism to be honest.. you throw this accusation out regularly against our side of the argument, but we are pro social transformation that is more inclusive and less oppressive against women and minorities.

In fact, I would like to give you this opportunity to essassssssplain the connection you’ve made between us and a traditional Marxist, because I honestly don’t see any connection.

The representative from London Bridge is falling down has the floor ~

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Your trouble Flynn, is that you're too angry and spiteful. You give the distinct impression that you desperately want to hurt the feelings of whoever you're arguing with, rather than just jokingly tease or troll them.

You're also too emotionally invested in your various e-feuds for some reason, which is another of your downsides. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that you keep detailed files on us all, to remind you what insults to use during an altercation.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, go wash your salty prosthetic snatch in the sink, reattach it and lighten the fuck up.

Have you lectured Strapon lately about HIS e-feuds? He is the most boring poster here. He needs a good white mansplain.

Or you could Marxsplain like you normally do and subsequently get your mucha latte and vegan lentil soup tipped over your spikey green hair....

I don’t think you have a good understanding of Marxism to be honest.. you throw this accusation out regularly against our side of the argument, but we are pro social transformation that is more inclusive and less oppressive against women and minorities.

In fact, I would like to give you this opportunity to essassssssplain the connection you’ve made between us and a traditional Marxist, because I honestly don’t see any connection.

The representative from London Bridge is falling down has the floor ~
Please don't hijack Flynn's weeping thread. She may interpret this as a sign of insensitivity and freak out again

and we all want Flynn to GET WELL SOON , don't we, Murdy?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Your trouble Flynn, is that you're too angry and spiteful. You give the distinct impression that you desperately want to hurt the feelings of whoever you're arguing with, rather than just jokingly tease or troll them.

You're also too emotionally invested in your various e-feuds for some reason, which is another of your downsides. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that you keep detailed files on us all, to remind you what insults to use during an altercation.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, go wash your salty prosthetic snatch in the sink, reattach it and lighten the fuck up.

The irony.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
I don’t get how ya’ll don’t find this bitch funny asf. If you can’t laugh at all of this, what’s the point of being here?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I don’t get how ya’ll don’t find this bitch funny asf. If you can’t laugh at all of this, what’s the point of being here?
I certainly did laugh at the histrionics

and at the fact that even lupusbud, to THIS DAY, still thinks I rage smited her posts over an entire weekend despite the fact that it was literally proven via a simple profile search to be that cross dresser freak that whines about you incessantly.

what's his name again? The one that likes little japanese girl cartoons?


Factory Bastard
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The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
I’d rather read Flynn than
Hardly..... Flynn is without a doubt the angriest and most hostile user on here.

Uh no. I’m neutral on all ends and that’s not how it comes across at all. She’s doing what we’re supposed to be doing here.

Lol ok, Flea. Ask around....

I don’t need to. I’m witnessing it first hand. Flynn is posting like she always HAS. Since 2005. I take it you’d rather read a hundred instances of “Oak is fat”?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I’d rather read Flynn than
Hardly..... Flynn is without a doubt the angriest and most hostile user on here.

Uh no. I’m neutral on all ends and that’s not how it comes across at all. She’s doing what we’re supposed to be doing here.

Lol ok, Flea. Ask around....

I don’t need to. I’m witnessing it first hand. Flynn is posting like she always HAS. Since 2005. I take it you’d rather read a hundred instances of “Oak is fat”?
Or Biggie is short.

Or 3.5K

Or the word "empirical"

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Well, Poark is gigantically fat....

Really? Cuz that’s not what I see in that pic. You know, there’s a lot worse things to be in this world than fat. People that send others posters PI in hopes that they post it…I’d say those types are far worse. I’ve always respected you for NOT engaging in that behavior, @Aryan

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Well, Poark is gigantically fat....

Really? Cuz that’s not what I see in that pic. You know, there’s a lot worse things to be in this world than fat. People that send others posters PI in hopes that they post it…I’d say those types are far worse. I’ve always respected you for NOT engaging in that behavior, @Aryan

Surely by now you must have realised that it isn't her morbid obesity which has attracted the huge amount of hostility?

It's her personality.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Well, Poark is gigantically fat....

Really? Cuz that’s not what I see in that pic. You know, there’s a lot worse things to be in this world than fat. People that send others posters PI in hopes that they post it…I’d say those types are far worse. I’ve always respected you for NOT engaging in that behavior, @Aryan

Surely by now you must have realised that it isn't her morbid obesity which has attracted the huge amount of hostility?

It's her personality.
but do you think it's because I'm only 5' 9" that the liberals hate me so much?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Well, Poark is gigantically fat....

Really? Cuz that’s not what I see in that pic. You know, there’s a lot worse things to be in this world than fat. People that send others posters PI in hopes that they post it…I’d say those types are far worse. I’ve always respected you for NOT engaging in that behavior, @Aryan

Surely by now you must have realised that it isn't her morbid obesity which has attracted the huge amount of hostility?

It's her personality.
but do you think it's because I'm only 5' 9" that the liberals hate me so much?

Nah, I'd say it's likely due to the fact that you, along with others, keep making them look stupid.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Well, Poark is gigantically fat....

Really? Cuz that’s not what I see in that pic. You know, there’s a lot worse things to be in this world than fat. People that send others posters PI in hopes that they post it…I’d say those types are far worse. I’ve always respected you for NOT engaging in that behavior, @Aryan

Surely by now you must have realised that it isn't her morbid obesity which has attracted the huge amount of hostility?

It's her personality.
but do you think it's because I'm only 5' 9" that the liberals hate me so much?

Nah, I'd say it's likely due to the fact that you, along with others, keep making them look stupid.
but they's the tall tho!!!!!!