A Wholesome Thread About Winter Hiking


.I know wholesome threads are generally frowned upon here at theBadTards, but given the generally tolerant reception given threads on Fishing, Opera, and Sports,
.and it now being winter here east
today having been the first day with a little accumulation in this neck of the woods
I want to give a thread like this here one a go.

.Today I had intended to go and top up my water supply at the spring and take a short hike - wanted to see if the Witches' Butter was still there - some varieties stay winter, some not.
.Light snows came so I donned the winter hikewear, and after filling water jugs had a very peaceful walk along the babbling brook - beautiful clean cool water. Nothing like hiking virgin snows in the Pines.
.. What the brook was babbling about I can not say precisely but it was certainly not making less sense than Trumptards babbling about Stolen elections and the end of civilization - Not the trees, not the birds, the deer, the brook, not the heavens nor any rational human knows what they are babbling about.

.Went down a trail I'd never hiked before also and eventually notice an ancient rock wall through the trees and just distant of it what appeared to be at once an old darkened house and at another moment natural rock and tree formations on the far side of the brook.
.Assuming this to be the home of the woods witch I decided not to explore - leave that for another day and marked the spot.

.Yesterday there was no snow in the forecast but I had taken time to get the winter tires on. Never would have made it out of the woods without them.

.. So - any of you enjoy winter/snow hiking?
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All the time. Hiking in the woods when the snow is falling, or hunting in the old days, is/was one of my favorite things in life.
. I love tracking - though not with the intention of killing what made the tracks.

.I see my error now.
I should have made a thread about Babbling Trumptards and thrown in a line about Winter Hiking.

.Would have played then.


no yuo
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Down by the seashore.
All the time. Hiking in the woods when the snow is falling, or hunting in the old days, is/was one of my favorite things in life.
. I love tracking - though not with the intention of killing what made the tracks.

.I see my error now.
I should have made a thread about Babbling Trumptards and thrown in a line about Winter Hiking.

.Would have played then.
Trump2020, he'll pave those nasty muddy dirty mountain trails!


All the time. Hiking in the woods when the snow is falling, or hunting in the old days, is/was one of my favorite things in life.
. I love tracking - though not with the intention of killing what made the tracks.

.I see my error now.
I should have made a thread about Babbling Trumptards and thrown in a line about Winter Hiking.

.Would have played then.
Trump2020, he'll pave those nasty muddy dirty mountain trails!
See 'em while ya can.


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
I enjoy herping from time to time. Snakes mostly. Also in the bush it’s nice to rub stinging nettles on one’s penis to see how fat and swollen it can get. Just for kinky time. The nettles are an invasive species here so by removing them the native species really benefit. Bush regeneration and all that.


I enjoy herping from time to time. Snakes mostly. Also in the bush it’s nice to rub stinging nettles on one’s penis to see how fat and swollen it can get. Just for kinky time. The nettles are an invasive species here so by removing them the native species really benefit. Bush regeneration and all that.
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Well over a foot of snow predicted for tomorrow.

Gonna be great hiking early in the storm.
Winter has finally arrived.

Shouldn't affect couch-a-taters like Bigly and his Contard posting brethren and sistren
..but the fit and active like me will love it.


It is just beginning now.
So innocent,
so gently

..but over the next 12 hours it will become blizzard-like.
Tomorrow we will wake in a white world (no - not the kind Cons hope for)
a world of snows,
of beauty.
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Ski 'poles' Holligay :LMAO:


The Big snows came - maybe not as much as predicted.
.It takes about 5 minutes of shoveling to understand why so many people have heart attacks when doing that kind of work. Fortunately it was a fairly light weigh snow and I did not snuff it.

Sorry, my many of detractors, one day though I will and you can all rejoice.

. When I got done doing the shoveling, I took a walk around the hood soz to cool down a bit before heading back in doors. I'm walkin, I see this old lady, got to be well in her 80's. Looked like she had worked in the rice fields her whole life - all stooped over and all. I asked her if she was able to handle the work on her own and she looks over.."yeah". Some very tough people around here.

My fishing pard had this friend who I had always wanted to meet by never had the opportunity. She passed away recently, but lived alone on like 47 acres in a cabin - no 'lectric or gas. Chopped her own wood right to the end. Moderns are mostly pussies.


I do love my Winter hiking gear. I can easily get into the teens, as I know,
and I am sure the singles and be quite comfy.

The amazing thing about the modern stuff is how light it is
yet how warm.
Light weight Marmot jacket and one under layer of Patagonia 4 weight
and I'm good way into the twenties.
OR Cirque pants (or Marmot Scree) and 3 weight Patagonia johns
Danner Raptor 650s - a Walmart Knit hat

Good to go on a day like today.
Peace and quiet in the hills.

..Nice climb but I'm a little out of conditioning as yet.


What a beautiful day for a hike. A little warm maybe.
. Hiked a different section of the hills. Overlooking the historic town.
...along the bluff mere inches and a misstep from certain death.

Many of fresh air.
..Started to take the high trail back then noticed a pair of Pileated Woodpecker
near the base of a tree, working on getting some lunch.
The tree was only feet from the trail so I took the lower trail back.

Pileated are oft heard more rarely seen. It is always in the cooler months that I see pairs
or even 3 together.
Very little else stirring today.


My fishing pard has been after me to fish, so I stopped by the river to see its condition.
It's the high muddy. Spring will come.


Very nice hike today - long way out along the world famous trout stream with fishing pard.
.Agreed on a good spot for some stealth camping and fish fry.

When Spring comes the woods and brook b r's.
. Actually 3 nice brooks there.
.Where they meet - elven woods.
Pristine, unspoiled.


Today - ya know, one of those days you have to push yourself out the door.
Had to push myself also to the top of the climb,
but at the top - I ran up. Also did some scampering to the tops of hills later.
. Strange how you can feel so unmotivated and unconditioned,
.then with some effort feel more fit than usual only a short time later..
but you actually have to push yourself away from the computer, or off the couch to experience that.
Just a little advice fer you couch-a-taters.


Factory Bastard
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.I know wholesome threads are generally frowned upon here at theBadTards, but given the generally tolerant reception given threads on Fishing, Opera, and Sports,
.and it now being winter here east
today having been the first day with a little accumulation in this neck of the woods
I want to give a thread like this here one a go.

.Today I had intended to go and top up my water supply at the spring and take a short hike - wanted to see if the Witches' Butter was still there - some varieties stay winter, some not.
.Light snows came so I donned the winter hikewear, and after filling water jugs had a very peaceful walk along the babbling brook - beautiful clean cool water. Nothing like hiking virgin snows in the Pines.
.. What the brook was babbling about I can not say precisely but it was certainly not making less sense than Trumptards babbling about Stolen elections and the end of civilization - Not the trees, not the birds, the deer, the brook, not the heavens nor any rational human knows what they are babbling about.

.Went down a trail I'd never hiked before also and eventually notice an ancient rock wall through the trees and just distant of it what appeared to be at once an old darkened house and at another moment natural rock and tree formations on the far side of the brook.
.Assuming this to be the home of the woods witch I decided not to explore - leave that for another day and marked the spot.

.Yesterday there was no snow in the forecast but I had taken time to get the winter tires on. Never would have made it out of the woods without them.

.. So - any of you enjoy winter/snow hiking?

No snow here or where I come from, so, no snow hiking. But your hike sounds beautiful. Any pics?


Factory Bastard
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Today - ya know, one of those days you have to push yourself out the door.
Had to push myself also to the top of the climb,
but at the top - I ran up. Also did some scampering to the tops of hills later.
. Strange how you can feel so unmotivated and unconditioned,
.then with some effort feel more fit than usual only a short time later..
but you actually have to push yourself away from the computer, or off the couch to experience that.
Just a little advice fer you couch-a-taters.

Haha. That's how I feel virtually every time I do an 8-mile walk/hike here, and every single day before I do yoga.


Today - ya know, one of those days you have to push yourself out the door.
Had to push myself also to the top of the climb,
but at the top - I ran up. Also did some scampering to the tops of hills later.
. Strange how you can feel so unmotivated and unconditioned,
.then with some effort feel more fit than usual only a short time later..
but you actually have to push yourself away from the computer, or off the couch to experience that.
Just a little advice fer you couch-a-taters.

Haha. That's how I feel virtually every time I do an 8-mile walk/hike here, and every single day before I do yoga.
You are much more ambitious that I am.
I usually keep to a max of 5 or 6 miles, but it's rocky hilly, climby stuff, or stff with snows.
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Factory Bastard
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Today - ya know, one of those days you have to push yourself out the door.
Had to push myself also to the top of the climb,
but at the top - I ran up. Also did some scampering to the tops of hills later.
. Strange how you can feel so unmotivated and unconditioned,
.then with some effort feel more fit than usual only a short time later..
but you actually have to push yourself away from the computer, or off the couch to experience that.
Just a little advice fer you couch-a-taters.

Haha. That's how I feel virtually every time I do an 8-mile walk/hike here, and every single day before I do yoga.
You are much more ambitious that I am.
I usually keep to a max of 5 or 6 miles, but it's rocky hilly, climby stuff, or stff with snows.

Yeah. I walk further here because there's no rocky/hilly stuff. Just a nice walk along the river and through the woods.


.I know wholesome threads are generally frowned upon here at theBadTards, but given the generally tolerant reception given threads on Fishing, Opera, and Sports,
.and it now being winter here east
today having been the first day with a little accumulation in this neck of the woods
I want to give a thread like this here one a go.

.Today I had intended to go and top up my water supply at the spring and take a short hike - wanted to see if the Witches' Butter was still there - some varieties stay winter, some not.
.Light snows came so I donned the winter hikewear, and after filling water jugs had a very peaceful walk along the babbling brook - beautiful clean cool water. Nothing like hiking virgin snows in the Pines.
.. What the brook was babbling about I can not say precisely but it was certainly not making less sense than Trumptards babbling about Stolen elections and the end of civilization - Not the trees, not the birds, the deer, the brook, not the heavens nor any rational human knows what they are babbling about.

.Went down a trail I'd never hiked before also and eventually notice an ancient rock wall through the trees and just distant of it what appeared to be at once an old darkened house and at another moment natural rock and tree formations on the far side of the brook.
.Assuming this to be the home of the woods witch I decided not to explore - leave that for another day and marked the spot.

.Yesterday there was no snow in the forecast but I had taken time to get the winter tires on. Never would have made it out of the woods without them.

.. So - any of you enjoy winter/snow hiking?

No snow here or where I come from, so, no snow hiking. But your hike sounds beautiful. Any pics?
I have some from last year, but don't know how to post them since PhotoBucket went pay-me.


Factory Bastard
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.I know wholesome threads are generally frowned upon here at theBadTards, but given the generally tolerant reception given threads on Fishing, Opera, and Sports,
.and it now being winter here east
today having been the first day with a little accumulation in this neck of the woods
I want to give a thread like this here one a go.

.Today I had intended to go and top up my water supply at the spring and take a short hike - wanted to see if the Witches' Butter was still there - some varieties stay winter, some not.
.Light snows came so I donned the winter hikewear, and after filling water jugs had a very peaceful walk along the babbling brook - beautiful clean cool water. Nothing like hiking virgin snows in the Pines.
.. What the brook was babbling about I can not say precisely but it was certainly not making less sense than Trumptards babbling about Stolen elections and the end of civilization - Not the trees, not the birds, the deer, the brook, not the heavens nor any rational human knows what they are babbling about.

.Went down a trail I'd never hiked before also and eventually notice an ancient rock wall through the trees and just distant of it what appeared to be at once an old darkened house and at another moment natural rock and tree formations on the far side of the brook.
.Assuming this to be the home of the woods witch I decided not to explore - leave that for another day and marked the spot.

.Yesterday there was no snow in the forecast but I had taken time to get the winter tires on. Never would have made it out of the woods without them.

.. So - any of you enjoy winter/snow hiking?

No snow here or where I come from, so, no snow hiking. But your hike sounds beautiful. Any pics?
I have some from last year, but don't know how to post them since PhotoBucket went pay-me.

Ah. Bummer.


.I know wholesome threads are generally frowned upon here at theBadTards, but given the generally tolerant reception given threads on Fishing, Opera, and Sports,
.and it now being winter here east
today having been the first day with a little accumulation in this neck of the woods
I want to give a thread like this here one a go.

.Today I had intended to go and top up my water supply at the spring and take a short hike - wanted to see if the Witches' Butter was still there - some varieties stay winter, some not.
.Light snows came so I donned the winter hikewear, and after filling water jugs had a very peaceful walk along the babbling brook - beautiful clean cool water. Nothing like hiking virgin snows in the Pines.
.. What the brook was babbling about I can not say precisely but it was certainly not making less sense than Trumptards babbling about Stolen elections and the end of civilization - Not the trees, not the birds, the deer, the brook, not the heavens nor any rational human knows what they are babbling about.

.Went down a trail I'd never hiked before also and eventually notice an ancient rock wall through the trees and just distant of it what appeared to be at once an old darkened house and at another moment natural rock and tree formations on the far side of the brook.
.Assuming this to be the home of the woods witch I decided not to explore - leave that for another day and marked the spot.

.Yesterday there was no snow in the forecast but I had taken time to get the winter tires on. Never would have made it out of the woods without them.

.. So - any of you enjoy winter/snow hiking?

No snow here or where I come from, so, no snow hiking. But your hike sounds beautiful. Any pics?
I have some from last year, but don't know how to post them since PhotoBucket went pay-me.

Ah. Bummer.
I got to figure that out.
The Fishing Thread needs pics too apparently

You know - pics or it never happened, I guess.

Master Pu

I'll Funk You Up!
Factory Bastard

Holliday Unchained

You should have written that in piss.
Jest sayin'
If I was writting your name maybe then :Wink:
Hey, that would've been a good gag.
Alas I didn't think of it.
But, gonna snow for the next few days, maybe all week.
And, I'm watching college hoops and NBA.
Drinking Beer.
Maybe I will write my name.
Good game at 5PM Eastern - Villanova/Creighton

Got more snow coming indeed - Monday and Thursday - 8 plus total they say..
Snow here is still over 12 inches virgin in the hills.