Abortion pills can now be sold at pharmacies across US

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Somehow even when I'm directly addressing the topic.....they still claim it's being derailed.

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verb: derail; 3rd person present: derails; past tense: derailed; past participle: derailed; gerund or present participle: derailing
  1. Any opinion or idea standing in contrast to any scumbag liberal narrative.
    "you don't believe a biological male can get pregnant you are derailing the tenets of science and must be silenced"

    (a conversation ) accidentally or deliberately not following the proper narrative established by libtard cuck

    At least this is what the new Oxford Dickwadtionary has to say on the matter



Domestically feral
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United states
We are gonna have women either taking it or having it slipped to them well past 12 weeks and that's going to be horrific and severely traumatizing and dangerous. And it will all be ignored and dismissed as "right wing propaganda"

But yeah sure this is awesome.

Things are bad .....really bad.....when the bad impacts of things like this get dismissed as politcal "talking points". Detransitioners are treated horribly and accused of "terf rhetoric". Pointing out cases of violence against women is "right wing religious fear mongering"

Women being drugged, hemorrhaging, giving birth to living babies who die slowly in front of them.....severe pain and bleeding and infections....that's all gonna be treated as "right wing" whatever and dismissed. That's the worst part. No one cares about human beings....just what they view as "progress" and results are not considered.

Corpos KNOW it's a great climate to get away with severely harming people and taking in the easy money....sadly.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
We are gonna have women either taking it or having it slipped to them well past 12 weeks and that's going to be horrific and severely traumatizing and dangerous. And it will all be ignored and dismissed as "right wing propaganda"
I can totally see some selfish scumbag motherfucker who does not want to accept responsibility for sexual encounters slipping this into an unsuspecting mom to be who actually wants her baby to avoid having to pay child support

but I'm just misogynistic like that so I may not be a good point of reference on the matter.

Let us wait until some biological man who understands what it's like to give birth comes along to weigh in on the matter. Okay? His insight will be most helpful.


Domestically feral
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United states
Abortion literally destroys lives. There is not ONE single case of an abortion saving anyone life.

Making some propaganda claim that access to an elective procedure like abortion is essential to "save lives" is DISHONEST. It's just factually NOT TRUE.

Absolutely nothing supports that. I have asked over and over for this claim to be supported. Nothing.

They start blathering about "religion" and no one is even talking about religion. Abortion opposition is not JUST religious. There are MANY secular anti abortion orgs and campaigns. Secular pro life. Students for life. Atheists against abortion.

Its just dishonest.

The lose standards on abortion.....driven by politics and profit, not health or care for women....is going to so a lot of damage to women. It's going to cause a ton of unnecessary pain and damage.

People who support abortion simply dont give a fuck about the suffering and damage experienced by so many. You just want what you want and dont care at all about the consequences you wont have to ever feel or see.

They wont engage the topic or interact with any facts. Instead they spew ad homs about religion or politcs.


Domestically feral
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United states
I can totally see some selfish scumbag motherfucker who does not want to accept responsibility for sexual encounters slipping this into an unsuspecting mom to be who actually wants her baby to avoid having to pay child support

but I'm just misogynistic like that so I may not be a good point of reference on the matter.

Let us wait until some biological man who understands what it's like to give birth comes along to weigh in on the matter. Okay? His insight will be most helpful.

It happens all the time. In NY they made it legal for men to do this

The number one cause of death for pregnant women is homicide. Maybe when Lotus claims this will save lives.....she means that instead of murdering the woman, the piece of shit man who doesnt want to pay child support can just drug her with this and cause a miscarriage. Or a dangerous hemorrhage if he gives it to her past 12 weeks.

Again they dont care what actually will happen. They just see anything a "win".


Factory Bastard
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Ok, I just read the artical and it isn't the morning after pill... it is a drug that can be used on a person 12 weeks pregnant.... That is a bit more complicated...

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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I would just like to take a moment to apologize to Lotus ghoul for derailing her very serious and heartfelt attempt at a mature discussion on this matter.

With her assumed references to how religious crazies would feel and all. I feel most distraught for possibly jumping the gun here and derailing what could have otherwise been a very healthy coming together of all peoples, from all sides of the aisle, on such a very important topic. Upon reflection I'm thinking I could have handled such an olive branch towards civil debate a lot better than I did.


Domestically feral
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United states
Ok, I just read the artical and it isn't the morning after pill... it is a drug that can be used on a person 12 weeks pregnant.... That is a bit more complicated...

This is really foolish and dangerous and sad.

They can do this now though because the supporters are already complaining about imaginary "religious" people having a problem.

So basically pointing out any harmful consequences is gonna be "religious" and ignored.

The maternal mortality rate WILL spike. And there are no legal consequences for people who buy these drugs to slip to pregnant women to kill their baby. None.

This is good for corps....and terrible for women. Just like the gender cult. Both things good for men and good for corpos....but harmful and bad for women.


Factory Bastard
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well I read the artical and they are more worried about protecting the doctors from threats from ant-abortionists.

the drug is also needed for people who have miscarriages, if you read the article..

I think doctors should have their own supply and that should solve that worry.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
It happens all the time. In NY they made it legal for men to do this

The number one cause of death for pregnant women is homicide. Maybe when Lotus claims this will save lives.....she means that instead of murdering the woman, the piece of shit man who doesnt want to pay child support can just drug her with this and cause a miscarriage. Or a dangerous hemorrhage if he gives it to her past 12 weeks.

Again they dont care what actually will happen. They just see anything a "win".
My cousin's daughter had a miscarriage a few months back and almost bled to death in the process. So yeah, at home labor inducing medication designed to detach a human being from the womb. Under the care of the scumbag that want's you taken out to begin with. What could go wrong? At home.

You know that guy Scott Peterson? Upstanding fellow. Him. Fishing trips and scuba diving lessons for his pregnant wife and all.

But hey, I'm just a misogynistic religious crazy so what do I know. Let's be patient and consult the wisdom of some dude wearing a sun blouse who sticks tomato paste suppositories up his ass to simulate menstruation

Blurt? Care to indulge us here?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
well I read the artical and they are more worried about protecting the doctors from threats from ant-abortionists.

the drug is also needed for people who have miscarriages, if you read the article..

I think doctors should have their own supply and that should solve that worry.

Its because there is a shortage of doctors willing to do abortions. The ones who do abortions ONLY do abortion and they fly around to different clinics.

Many of them have lawsuits. Some are banned in some states. It's actually a very seedy industry that buys politcains and doesnt have to meet the same standards as every other doctor

All the laws, Cas....protect the abortionists and the clinics. Barely ANY exist to protect the women.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
My cousin's daughter had a miscarriage a few months back and almost bled to death in the process. So yeah, at home labor inducing medication designed to detach a human being from the womb. Under the care of the scumbag that want's you taken out to begin with. What could go wrong? At home.

You know that guy Scott Peterson? Upstanding fellow. Him. Fishing trips and scuba diving lessons for his pregnant wife and all.

But hey, I'm just a misogynistic religious crazy so what do I know. Let's be patient and consult the wisdom of some dude wearing a sun blouse who sticks tomato paste suppositories up his ass to simulate menstruation

Blurt? Care to indulge us here?


There have already been tons of problems with abortionists giving these pills for women to take at home. Its fucking insane and sad that this is even a suggestion let alone something actually happening.

Watch how the ones who support this ignore every bad thing that happens.


Factory Bastard
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well like I said Dovey, if the males were held to account, which they aren't, then unwanted pregnacy would be greatly reduced.

we have ZERO control over people's sexuality. You can't even scare people to death with AIDS anymore like the good old days...

Anyway,... this subject is interesting... And on 28th of Dec my cousin had her 6th baby... it better be her last!!!!

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter

There have already been tons of problems with abortionists giving these pills for women to take at home. Its fucking insane and sad that this is even a suggestion let alone something actually happening.

Watch how the ones who support this ignore every bad thing that happens.
What would the harm be if a forward thinking society such as the one in Oregon began providing these pills to all students alongside the tampons you can pull out of vending machines in boys and girls bathrooms across the State?

Surely this would be a better use of tax payer dollars than, lets say, the wasteful spending on silly things like better policing, roads, infrastructure etc etc?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I don't think it will save lives because unprotected sex chances STDs which kill people in some incidences... It'll save silly people using a bottle of gin, a coathanger and a hot bath....so thats a good thing I guess

The morning after pill was a smart move IF young women know about it.... AND more importantly use it at the correct time.

STD treatment is not being stopped by any state government anywhere, that I'm aware of, abortion is...

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Refreshing to see. All the libtards so heavily vested in promoting healthy debate?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Theyve preemptively cut off any challange by adding in that anyone who says anything they dont like is "crazy".
A salient fact which cruises at a comfortable 30,000ft above their pointy heads. Consistently


What would Tyler Durden Do
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the things you own end up owning you
GOP mandated maternity "Ranches" Coming to a town near you!

Forced pregnancy is best pregnancy!

Last edited:

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I have some groundbreaking news to share with all of you. So please buckle up tightly as this one is going to defy the laws of just about everything.

It's a truly novel revelation and it's time someone be so bold as to share this inspiring news with the world so that the uninformed can come out of the darkness and into the light.

Are you ready?

Women don't get pregnant unless they fuck.

Yes friends. Sexual intercourse, consensual or not, or at a very minimum the deliberate fertilization is a prerequisite to becoming pregnant. I can think of only one exception to this rule in all of mankind's history.

Marvel worthy isn't it? Doesn't that just make you want to gather a room full of physicists, mathematicians and biologists just to be sure? And to think, all of this time humankind has groped around in darkness under some false pretense that biological females could catch a case of the preggos like it were the common cold! And here we come to find out, here and now, on a troll forum of all places, that a deliberate act which can be avoided is required instead?

What should mankind do with this information one of sound mind may ask?

Well, my first inclination, despite being the author of such fantastically inspiring information, is to run this by someone far more competent in the ins and outs of the female anatomy than I. Someone who has a vagina. Who knows first hand what the feeling of life growing inside your womb is all about.

So once again, patience being the virtue here I would ask we await word from Blurt as to the validity of such bleeding edge theories. Heaven forbid I could be wrong here.

But once he gives his blessing, I personally feel a meme uploaded to occupy-democrats dot com summarizing this incredible finding in simple terms would be the most appropriate next course of action.
