Across The Pond


Factory Bastard
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I will happily go without. I only listened to half of them.

I don't listen to podcasts at all really, I enjoy the movie reaction videos on youtube where you have 2 or more people watching a movie for the first time and reacting to jump scares or iconic scenes like the chest buster scene in Alien, or people listening to a song for the first time and reviewing and reacting to it. Prank videos from Japan are also fun.

I mean if Gary posted a video of himself trying to beat the video game Cuphead, I would watch that, that game induces rage and funny reactions so it would be entertaining. These audios are basically two dudes talking on the phone to each other about politics but using Vocaroo instead of a phone. If these vocaroos were playing instead of music while I was on hold with the cable company, I still would not pay attention to them. I could handle a 5 minute King Martini podcast because he is kind of hyper and funny, but unless Bill Maher or another comedian is a guest on this "over the pond" show, I don't have 50 minutes to devote to that...we go to the movies instead or something.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I don't listen to podcasts at all really, I enjoy the movie reaction videos on youtube where you have 2 or more people watching a movie for the first time and reacting to jump scares or iconic scenes like the chest buster scene in Alien, or people listening to a song for the first time and reviewing and reacting to it. Prank videos from Japan are also fun.

I mean if Gary posted a video of himself trying to beat the video game Cuphead, I would watch that, that game induces rage and funny reactions so it would be entertaining. These audios are basically two dudes talking on the phone to each other about politics but using Vocaroo instead of a phone. If these vocaroos were playing instead of music while I was on hold with the cable company, I still would not pay attention to them. I could handle a 5 minute King Martini podcast because he is kind of hyper and funny, but unless Bill Maher or another comedian is a guest on this "over the pond" show, I don't have 50 minutes to devote to that...we go to the movies instead or something.

I don't listen to podcasts much, once in a while, but it's usually from someone that actually has thoughts, ideas or experiences I might learn something from. Otherwise, it's noise and tends to put me to sleep. They are heavy on opinion.

Opinions? Well, like it's been said time and again, opinions are like assholes, everyone has them. I know the "virtuous" might say that we can learn something from anyone. Well, yeah, I suppose one might learn not listen to idiots, or that some people just don't offer a lot, but seriously, I won't invest a lot of time for that.

Last evening, I was volunteering at a fair. There was a woman that raises cows in the agricultural part of our county. She has about 25 breeding cows at any given time. She's reduced her herd because she's getting older now. Well, I listened and asked questions about being a rancher of livestock. I learned about the history of beef cattle, the crossbreeds, cow breed "personalities" - aggressive, gentle, massive and strong, etc. She was also a zookeeper for a time in her life and learned about zookeeping and animals and how the public relates, etc.

To me, that's interesting. I listened attentively. I was LEARNING things from someone who DOES and has DONE things.

Just listening to some people, who basically have no skin in the game, nothing to lose, nothing to risk tell me how shitty people like me are for the way we vote or think...piss off. I don't have time for that shit, I tried and yeah, I'm done.

There are real people that aren't covered by pensions and employer provided healthcare for life out there struggling every damn day. Playing "purist" is easy when you are sitting pretty.

How incredibly arrogant and lacking in empathy and compassion. I do not and will not respect those people.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.

It really is that simple, one either believes in democracy (as imperfect as it may be) or autocracy. It's always been binary.
It will always be binary if we keep pushing for the existence of democracy. I fear that people are giving up.

The world is in a very precarious time where people are lured by their own sense of self-importance, from the top down and vice-versa.

The truth is people fear freedom. It places responsibility and fate in their hands. They want an authoritarian system to tell them what to think. I feel that we are in a precipice of a modern "dark ages" if we don't wake the hell up.


Factory Bastard
I don't listen to podcasts at all really, I enjoy the movie reaction videos on youtube where you have 2 or more people watching a movie for the first time and reacting to jump scares or iconic scenes like the chest buster scene in Alien, or people listening to a song for the first time and reviewing and reacting to it. Prank videos from Japan are also fun.

I mean if Gary posted a video of himself trying to beat the video game Cuphead, I would watch that, that game induces rage and funny reactions so it would be entertaining. These audios are basically two dudes talking on the phone to each other about politics but using Vocaroo instead of a phone. If these vocaroos were playing instead of music while I was on hold with the cable company, I still would not pay attention to them. I could handle a 5 minute King Martini podcast because he is kind of hyper and funny, but unless Bill Maher or another comedian is a guest on this "over the pond" show, I don't have 50 minutes to devote to that...we go to the movies instead or something.

You don't tactfully listen to anyone laddie, that was always your problem...not theirs!


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
Hey @Breakfall i hearded this fuck is a rock spider too. He talks a lot of bullshit to you but is too afraid to face you in a flame match yet he talks endlessly about his flame accomplishments online. Lmao can't make this shit up
It’s not just me mate…he’s been projecting his heinous sexuality on others going back years on various forums. Same shtick over two decades. I was trolled onto a gore forum 18 years ago and the cunt was there going by the name of Krispiss. He was a giggling mental case back then too, but his alcoholism actually cut him some slack.
The kiddie obsession is as unsavoury as it gets. As an expat Saffer, only one thing comes to mind: one bullet!