America is very sick


Factory Bastard
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And needs immediate medical intervention.

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of The New York Times’ Sunday Review underscored the chilling American detail that ended the lives of 19 children and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas — and so many others.

The cover simply repeated this single line over and over 15 times: “Authorities said the gunman was able to obtain the weapons legally.”

Each line linked to one of 15 mass shootings in America, with death toll, in the last decade.

The weapons used and legally obtained were assault-style firearms, appropriate for a war but nowhere else. Yet they can be legally purchased by civilians — including those as young as 18, the age of the gunman in the Uvalde tragedy.

The mass shootings listed included the 2017 Las Vegas massacre of 60 people, the 2016 Pulse Nightclub shooting that killed 49, and the 2018 attack at Florida’s Stoneman Douglas High School that claimed 17 lives.

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Factory Bastard
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6 shot in Chattanooga

"The officers observed multiple parties firing, and then they observed multiple victims that had been hit but the gunfire," the chief said.

The victims included two people in critical condition and four hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries, authorities said. Most if not all were teenagers, city officials indicated at the news conference.

"Kids have always gotten into scuffles with each other," Mayor Tim Kelly said at the event. "What is new is they now have access to handguns and firearms."

He added, "Easy access to illegal guns is killing kids."

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Both are killing kids. Easy access to legal guns and easy access to illegal guns. BOTH.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
You're killing kids and otherwise helpless people by insisting that everybody bar cops are unarmed.

You are literally suggesting that people can't personally stop a homicidal maniac and must dial a few numbers....then wait and die.

You are the most disgusting thing I've ever seen on these boards.

Because you're hung up on guns..... not knives or vehicles....but guns.

YOU cunt have no balls...

It sickens me that you're allowed to even vote.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
We dont need more gun control, we need people to be families again.

THEY have worked hard at destroying the nuclear family, and we are seeing what that has caused.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
You are literally suggesting that people can't personally stop a homicidal maniac and must dial a few numbers....then wait and die.
That's not all they're saying bud

they're also saying the people who respond to those numbers should be "defunded" so that an already overburdened force becomes even more incapable of timely response

That and the demoralizing effect demonizing them whenever they are forced to make a split decision that, the majority of the time, results in the death of someone who fucking had it coming is creating the perfect storm for more and more people to become victims of liberal mental disorder.

I'm not justifying the cowardice of police officers who turn the other cheek but in today's day and age I'm seriously forced to empathize with them on some level given the fact that they are more often than not placed in unwinnable situations


We dont need more gun control, we need people to be families again.
. So basically you are saying that where there is less gun violence there is more familiness.
Well, perhaps that explains why it is in Blue states, where there are stricter gun laws and fewer guns that murder and death by gun rates are lowest. Could it be that "familiness" leads to fewer guns and effective gun possession laws?


What would Tyler Durden Do
Site Supporter ☠️
the things you own end up owning you
You are literally suggesting that people can't personally stop a homicidal maniac and must dial a few numbers....then wait and die.
That's not all they're saying bud

they're also saying the people who respond to those numbers should be "defunded" so that an already overburdened force becomes even more incapable of timely response

That and the demoralizing effect demonizing them whenever they are forced to make a split decision that, the majority of the time, results in the death of someone who fucking had it coming is creating the perfect storm for more and more people to become victims of liberal mental disorder.

I'm not justifying the cowardice of police officers who turn the other cheek but in today's day and age I'm seriously forced to empathize with them on some level given the fact that they are more often than not placed in unwinnable situations
Explain in your own words how funding led to these two scenarios


^Rodney King

^^^George Floyd's Final Thoughts about Trump's Job's Numbers as he drifts away in golden slumber

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I guess certain people just have a hard time comprehending what "the majority of the time" actually means

not that this is a surprising revelation or anything but it's good to see anyway; their contributions to the "healthy discourse" management allegedly wants to cultivate around here


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Some dumb tard was at The Orlando Mall at Millenia and got escorted out by an actual cop and then decided to pull a gun on the cop outside. The cops smoked his ass! Feel good story of the day!!!
Last edited:


God shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation; neither shall they learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4)

When human spiritual evolution leaves conservatism behind, and the world's people are liberalized.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
H is off the damn deep end.

He has basically slapped the label "conservative" on everyone and anything he doesnt like and just attached all these beliefs and stances he doesnt like to them.

Completely incapable of any rational discourse.

The irony in the fact that he is literally a shill of the establishment.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
And needs immediate medical intervention.

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of The New York Times’ Sunday Review underscored the chilling American detail that ended the lives of 19 children and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas — and so many others.

The cover simply repeated this single line over and over 15 times: “Authorities said the gunman was able to obtain the weapons legally.”

Each line linked to one of 15 mass shootings in America, with death toll, in the last decade.

The weapons used and legally obtained were assault-style firearms, appropriate for a war but nowhere else. Yet they can be legally purchased by civilians — including those as young as 18, the age of the gunman in the Uvalde tragedy.

The mass shootings listed included the 2017 Las Vegas massacre of 60 people, the 2016 Pulse Nightclub shooting that killed 49, and the 2018 attack at Florida’s Stoneman Douglas High School that claimed 17 lives.

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Now do all the inner cities.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You're killing kids and otherwise helpless people by insisting that everybody bar cops are unarmed.

You are literally suggesting that people can't personally stop a homicidal maniac and must dial a few numbers....then wait and die.

You are the most disgusting thing I've ever seen on these boards.

Because you're hung up on guns..... not knives or vehicles....but guns.

YOU cunt have no balls...

It sickens me that you're allowed to even vote.

I keep pointing out how defensive use of fire arms have protected hundreds of thousands to millions of Americans and the ongoing rate of violent crime in these democrat cities with gun control.

They are ONLY interested in the fraction of info that they think allows them to emotionally manipulate people into giving up their rights.

Once again they refuse to have an honest discussion about something that impacts the lives of everyone and insist on demonizing opposition.

You can be crystal clear why you oppose their stance here.....and they will be like "Nuh uh! You wanna kill kids!!" because they are programmed to be that way. Like activist mode, making nonsense accusations so people FEEL too bad or intimidated to defend their rights.

I think people who know the gun control stance is totally wrong and doesnt work need to hang on to those 52 children shot in Chicago. How 4 black women die PER DAY in gang violence and domestic violence. More violence is our future if we lose our 2A. Not less.

And you know these people who mindlessly yammered in favor of disarming citizens will just shrug it off. They wont admit it was wrong. And they'll say "if we didnt disarm people the violence would be worse then this". They are not capable of admitting wrong and unless they are the ones who have to be raped and murdered with no defense they sure the fuck wont care when it's one if us or our own.

They do not care about what happens to others. They care about their politcs. That's IT.


What would Tyler Durden Do
Site Supporter ☠️
the things you own end up owning you
I guess certain people just have a hard time comprehending what "the majority of the time" actually means

not that this is a surprising revelation or anything but it's good to see anyway; their contributions to the "healthy discourse" management allegedly wants to cultivate around here
The ‘majority of the time’ Dennis Rader was a respected upstanding member of the community.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I guess certain people just have a hard time comprehending what "the majority of the time" actually means

not that this is a surprising revelation or anything but it's good to see anyway; their contributions to the "healthy discourse" management allegedly wants to cultivate around here

As the country grows steadily more unsafe for women and girls......they want to disarm us.


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I guess certain people just have a hard time comprehending what "the majority of the time" actually means

not that this is a surprising revelation or anything but it's good to see anyway; their contributions to the "healthy discourse" management allegedly wants to cultivate around here
The ‘majority of the time’ Dennis Rader was a respected upstanding member of the community.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I guess certain people just have a hard time comprehending what "the majority of the time" actually means

not that this is a surprising revelation or anything but it's good to see anyway; their contributions to the "healthy discourse" management allegedly wants to cultivate around here

As the country grows steadily more unsafe for women and girls......they want to disarm us.

Make American Baltimore Again


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You are literally suggesting that people can't personally stop a homicidal maniac and must dial a few numbers....then wait and die.
That's not all they're saying bud

they're also saying the people who respond to those numbers should be "defunded" so that an already overburdened force becomes even more incapable of timely response

That and the demoralizing effect demonizing them whenever they are forced to make a split decision that, the majority of the time, results in the death of someone who fucking had it coming is creating the perfect storm for more and more people to become victims of liberal mental disorder.

I'm not justifying the cowardice of police officers who turn the other cheek but in today's day and age I'm seriously forced to empathize with them on some level given the fact that they are more often than not placed in unwinnable situations
Explain in your own words how funding led to these two scenarios


^Rodney King

^^^George Floyd's Final Thoughts about Trump's Job's Numbers as he drifts away in golden slumber

I dont think any of us really believe Floyd would care about job numbers whether he was alive or dead.

He wasnt much the "working" kinda person.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I guess certain people just have a hard time comprehending what "the majority of the time" actually means

not that this is a surprising revelation or anything but it's good to see anyway; their contributions to the "healthy discourse" management allegedly wants to cultivate around here
The ‘majority of the time’ Dennis Rader was a respected upstanding member of the community.

He thinks his comments are clever and that he is saying something profound.

I just cant.

Did you see his meme of shit he thinks we all believe that "cons" believe? And they accuse us of fear mongering because we say things like "communism has killed millions of people".


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
You're killing kids and otherwise helpless people by insisting that everybody bar cops are unarmed.

You are literally suggesting that people can't personally stop a homicidal maniac and must dial a few numbers....then wait and die.

You are the most disgusting thing I've ever seen on these boards.

Because you're hung up on guns..... not knives or vehicles....but guns.

YOU cunt have no balls...

It sickens me that you're allowed to even vote.

I keep pointing out how defensive use of fire arms have protected hundreds of thousands to millions of Americans and the ongoing rate of violent crime in these democrat cities with gun control.

They are ONLY interested in the fraction of info that they think allows them to emotionally manipulate people into giving up their rights.

Once again they refuse to have an honest discussion about something that impacts the lives of everyone and insist on demonizing opposition.

You can be crystal clear why you oppose their stance here.....and they will be like "Nuh uh! You wanna kill kids!!" because they are programmed to be that way. Like activist mode, making nonsense accusations so people FEEL too bad or intimidated to defend their rights.

I think people who know the gun control stance is totally wrong and doesnt work need to hang on to those 52 children shot in Chicago. How 4 black women die PER DAY in gang violence and domestic violence. More violence is our future if we lose our 2A. Not less.

And you know these people who mindlessly yammered in favor of disarming citizens will just shrug it off. They wont admit it was wrong. And they'll say "if we didnt disarm people the violence would be worse then this". They are not capable of admitting wrong and unless they are the ones who have to be raped and murdered with no defense they sure the fuck wont care when it's one if us or our own.

They do not care about what happens to others. They care about their politcs. That's IT.

I agree but I don't care anymore about any debates.

You only debate an equal. Leftists are pieces of shit who deserve to die a horribly protracted death for all the harm they've caused others.

Leftists need to have immediate heart attacks and if the two jabs and follow up boosters are any indication, they're going to die die die die die die die die really fucking soon... and good fucking riddance.


Yep - funny how all those family oriented Red states have the highest murder and death by gun rates and those heathen non-nuclearist Blue states have the lowest.

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...and it's true of cities also. That's right, Chicago is nowhere near the top, but Jackson Mississippi is.

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Datatable showing data for the United States Map figure.
LocationSort by location in no orderDeath Rate (Click for Rankings)Sort by death rate (click for rankings) in ascending orderDeaths Sort by deaths in no order
New Jersey5443
Rhode Island5.154
New York5.31,052
New Hampshire8.9128
South Dakota13.6120
North Dakota13.8100
North Carolina161,699
West Virginia18.1325
South Carolina221,131
New Mexico22.7479

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
You are literally suggesting that people can't personally stop a homicidal maniac and must dial a few numbers....then wait and die.
That's not all they're saying bud

they're also saying the people who respond to those numbers should be "defunded" so that an already overburdened force becomes even more incapable of timely response

That and the demoralizing effect demonizing them whenever they are forced to make a split decision that, the majority of the time, results in the death of someone who fucking had it coming is creating the perfect storm for more and more people to become victims of liberal mental disorder.

I'm not justifying the cowardice of police officers who turn the other cheek but in today's day and age I'm seriously forced to empathize with them on some level given the fact that they are more often than not placed in unwinnable situations
Explain in your own words how funding led to these two scenarios


^Rodney King

^^^George Floyd's Final Thoughts about Trump's Job's Numbers as he drifts away in golden slumber

I dont think any of us really believe Floyd would care about job numbers whether he was alive or dead.

He wasnt much the "working" kinda person.
I think the stock market plummeting would have concerned him tho ...given his vast portfolio of securities investments across all three major indexes

Of course, his healthy array of real estate properties might serve to calm his nerves given their insane spike in value now that the average American cannot even dream of home ownership

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
You're killing kids and otherwise helpless people by insisting that everybody bar cops are unarmed.

You are literally suggesting that people can't personally stop a homicidal maniac and must dial a few numbers....then wait and die.

You are the most disgusting thing I've ever seen on these boards.

Because you're hung up on guns..... not knives or vehicles....but guns.

YOU cunt have no balls...

It sickens me that you're allowed to even vote.

I keep pointing out how defensive use of fire arms have protected hundreds of thousands to millions of Americans and the ongoing rate of violent crime in these democrat cities with gun control.

They are ONLY interested in the fraction of info that they think allows them to emotionally manipulate people into giving up their rights.

Once again they refuse to have an honest discussion about something that impacts the lives of everyone and insist on demonizing opposition.

You can be crystal clear why you oppose their stance here.....and they will be like "Nuh uh! You wanna kill kids!!" because they are programmed to be that way. Like activist mode, making nonsense accusations so people FEEL too bad or intimidated to defend their rights.

I think people who know the gun control stance is totally wrong and doesnt work need to hang on to those 52 children shot in Chicago. How 4 black women die PER DAY in gang violence and domestic violence. More violence is our future if we lose our 2A. Not less.

And you know these people who mindlessly yammered in favor of disarming citizens will just shrug it off. They wont admit it was wrong. And they'll say "if we didnt disarm people the violence would be worse then this". They are not capable of admitting wrong and unless they are the ones who have to be raped and murdered with no defense they sure the fuck wont care when it's one if us or our own.

They do not care about what happens to others. They care about their politcs. That's IT.

I agree but I don't care anymore about any debates.

You only debate an equal. Leftists are pieces of shit who deserve to die a horribly protracted death for all the harm they've caused others.

Leftists need to have immediate heart attacks and if the two jabs and follow up boosters are any indication, they're going to die die die die die die die die really fucking soon... and good fucking riddance.
I've been trying to tell her this for awhile now

there is no "healthy discourse" to be had with people who are this mentally deranged

but she keeps trying tho


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
God shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation; neither shall they learn war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4)

When human spiritual evolution leaves conservatism behind, and the world's people are liberalized.
Read a Bible. That wont happen until gaytheism is stomped out.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
In 5 years theyll be saying conservatives "fear monger" by claiming sex with children is always rape and does life long damage.

That argument is already nearly put togther by some "researchers" at fucking John Hopkins. "MAPs" are already being "destigmatized" in academia. It's already being said there is "no real evidence of long term mental/emotional damage attributed to child/adult sexual relationships".

And this shit is bubbling just under the mainstream right where gender identity was 5 years ago.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I guess certain people just have a hard time comprehending what "the majority of the time" actually means

not that this is a surprising revelation or anything but it's good to see anyway; their contributions to the "healthy discourse" management allegedly wants to cultivate around here
The ‘majority of the time’ Dennis Rader was a respected upstanding member of the community.

He thinks his comments are clever and that he is saying something profound.

I just cant.

Did you see his meme of shit he thinks we all believe that "cons" believe? And they accuse us of fear mongering because we say things like "communism has killed millions of people".
You're the last holdout actually trying to reason with that dipshit

the rest of us know what kind of deranged lunatic we are dealing with and respond to him in a manner commensurate with his various physical and mental disabilities


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You're killing kids and otherwise helpless people by insisting that everybody bar cops are unarmed.

You are literally suggesting that people can't personally stop a homicidal maniac and must dial a few numbers....then wait and die.

You are the most disgusting thing I've ever seen on these boards.

Because you're hung up on guns..... not knives or vehicles....but guns.

YOU cunt have no balls...

It sickens me that you're allowed to even vote.

I keep pointing out how defensive use of fire arms have protected hundreds of thousands to millions of Americans and the ongoing rate of violent crime in these democrat cities with gun control.

They are ONLY interested in the fraction of info that they think allows them to emotionally manipulate people into giving up their rights.

Once again they refuse to have an honest discussion about something that impacts the lives of everyone and insist on demonizing opposition.

You can be crystal clear why you oppose their stance here.....and they will be like "Nuh uh! You wanna kill kids!!" because they are programmed to be that way. Like activist mode, making nonsense accusations so people FEEL too bad or intimidated to defend their rights.

I think people who know the gun control stance is totally wrong and doesnt work need to hang on to those 52 children shot in Chicago. How 4 black women die PER DAY in gang violence and domestic violence. More violence is our future if we lose our 2A. Not less.

And you know these people who mindlessly yammered in favor of disarming citizens will just shrug it off. They wont admit it was wrong. And they'll say "if we didnt disarm people the violence would be worse then this". They are not capable of admitting wrong and unless they are the ones who have to be raped and murdered with no defense they sure the fuck wont care when it's one if us or our own.

They do not care about what happens to others. They care about their politcs. That's IT.

I agree but I don't care anymore about any debates.

You only debate an equal. Leftists are pieces of shit who deserve to die a horribly protracted death for all the harm they've caused others.

Leftists need to have immediate heart attacks and if the two jabs and follow up boosters are any indication, they're going to die die die die die die die die really fucking soon... and good fucking riddance.

There are people who kinda "snap out" of it everyday still.

I can hope!

These guys are completely incapable of viewing anything normally outside of their insane partisan paradigm.