An adult conversation I brought in about Trans issues


Domestically feral
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United states
Another lawsuit. We will be seeing many and the extent of this damage in the years to come

"Don't they have to sign a waiver? I would have thought their govt. would have closed any loopholes that might come back and hit them in the pockets (well, actually UK taxpayer pockets). But anyways, this MAN's journey is very disturbing...and sadly it is not a one-off. Here are some excerpts from the article...

THEN: He claims NHS failed to take mental health crisis into account before procedurein his 20s, he stumbled across the idea of gender dysphoria in an internet chatroom. Older men on the forum convinced the vulnerable young man he ‘must be trans’. After a series of breakdowns, in 2012 he decided to seek professional help. He was referred to a psychologist, who did not dissuade him of the notion he had gender dysphoria, and then to the Northern Region Gender Dysphoria Service, run by Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS Foundation Trust. According to Ritchie, he was diagnosed with ‘transsexualism’ after just two 30-minute appointments. A psychiatrist recommended he take medication to block his testosterone production – the first step towards gender reassignment. The only attempt to put the brakes on came from a close family member, who came to the appointment at the clinic with him. Ritchie says: ‘She told the doctor I was on a high dose of antidepressants and had lots of complex issues, and yet they were referring me for gender treatment.’ So why did he go along with it? ‘I was 26,’ he says, ‘but I was very vulnerable.’

In July 2015, Ritchie received a referral for vaginoplasty surgery. He says he told the psychiatrist he was unsure and turned it down, but continued to receive therapy. In 2017, he was given another referral for surgery, to be performed at the Nuffield Health hospital in Brighton but paid for by the NHS. Ritchie refused it again – but says he was told that if he did not accept the referral he would be discharged from the service. This sent him into a ‘tailspin’, he recalls. He believed it meant his therapy would also be withdrawn, which had been a ‘lifeline’. He had recently admitted he felt suicidal.

NOW: It takes him ten minutes to empty his bladder, a process as painful as it is slow. Any sex drive is long gone. In fact, he says, his crotch is numb, ‘shell-shocked’ from the damage done to him under the apparent care of the NHS. The UK govt. is making money off of these poor dekusional souls. It is a new source of revenue for them. But anyways...curious to see how lawsuits play out in this and if that picks up steam across the pond over here in the US. The "detransitioners" are definitely shunned...they could help bring down the whole deck of cards and call into question WHY govt. are perpetuating this without proper safeguards to really evaluate a person's mental state of being. But parents are ph0bic for wanting to keep these ideologies away from kids in school/media.‍♂️"

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Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
^^My guy replied with:

So the good doctor hits the trifecta: misleading description of 5-alpha reductase effects; omission of an intersex condition which better supports her contention that gender is a social construct rather than a biological condition; and both coupled with supercilious condescension toward anyone who believes in the physiological determination of sex.

1. Men who suffer from 5-alpha reductase deficiency are biological men. Parenthetically, while women also may have 5-alpha reductase deficiency, they exhibit no symptoms and cannot be said to have a disease syndrome (other than being carriers).
A man with severe reductase deficiency may appear at birth to be female because the penis is small and the testicles undescended.

Less severe deficiency may produce an infant with ambiguous genitals or one correctly identified as male. Genetic testing would show male XY phenotype in all cases.

None of these male infants has an ovary or womb or a vagina. None will be able to give birth. Severe cases may have a slit which appears like a vaginal opening. Such an opening does not develop into an actual vagina.
Since the 5-alpha reductase deficient males have normal male levels of testosterone and do not in general have female-like levels of estrogen, their brains tend to develop masculine features. In puberty the increased levels of testosterone result in male body hair, musculature and voice. Their testicles descend and they exhibit typical male behavior. Even if they were raised as females they usually switch to living as men.

An occasional reductase-deficient male will choose to stay living as female because he has achieved some status as a woman. Several "women" athletes are reductase-deficient males whose livelihoods would be sacrificed if they transitioned to males. Others may be reluctant to cross over because their penises are too small to have sexual relations and many are infertile. But in general they think and feel like men rather than women. The experience of most such men actually argues for the biological determination of sex: those raised as women usually switch to being men under the influence of male hormones.

2. A better example of both sexual and "gender" discordance between persons and their genetics comes from those with partial or total androgen-receptor dysfunction. Though their bodies make testosterone, their receptors don't respond; the androgenic hormones are partially or totally "invisible" to their cells. In genetic XX women the nonfunctioning receptors do not impair their fertility or feminine appearance.

In genetic XY men, however, the loss of androgen receptor function results in feminization of genitals, body fat distribution and appearance, and often emotions and thought as well. Those with complete ARD appear to be female at birth though they have undescended testicles and lack ovaries and uterus. They usually have an external appearance of a normal vulva but a short vagina. Often their condition is discovered only when they fail to have menses at puberty. They of course cannot bear children and may experience discomfort with vaginal intercourse, but they appear externally as normal women and behave like females. They are in fact women despite their genotype.

Genetic XY males with partial ARD may have symptoms ranging from mild to profound depending on the degree of receptor impairment. Those with severe but not total ARD often fall into a curious condition neither male nor female. They have genitals ranging from small but male to mostly female in appearance. They may have little body hair including sparse pubic hair, and don't develop male musculature or voice. Body fat distribution may make them look at least somewhat feminine.

Many of them identify emotionally as women. These conditions do not change when they reach puberty, unlike the situation with 5-alpha reductase-deficient males.

So do people with ARD demonstrate that sex or "gender" is merely a social construct? Not at all. In fact they clearly indicate the importance of sex hormones in determining both the physiological and emotional/behavioral aspects of sexual identity.

Those with significant but not complete ARD often have genitals that appear at birth to be sufficiently masculine that they were raised as males. A significant number of these feel more female than male, and many have undergone sex reassignment surgery as adults. My impression is that such surgery is more likely to have a favorable outcome on intersex patients like these than when performed on random head cases with mommy/daddy issues who hope that a change in genitalia will cure the emptiness inside.

3. "Gender" is a word with Latin roots indicating your tribe or group. Victorians liked to use it as a euphemism for the emotionally indelicate word "sex". The modern usage of gender as an unspecified correlate of sex but absolutely independent from one's biological sex is a weaseling prevarication. If gender merely indicates your personal affiliations rather than your sex, then your gender might be "Atlanta Braves fan" or "crocheting" or "internet addict". But the people who talk endlessly about gender identity do want it be somehow about sex, yet unconstrained by one's crotch parts. The people who claim there are 57 genders also claim that gender is a mere social construct and simultaneously that genders are protected classes under the laws mandating nondiscrimination on the basis of sex.

The woman in the video who appears to be a physician practices, I take it, in the area of sexual disorders. Does anyone know if this is the case? If so, within what sort of subspecialty? Is she in the gender reassignment racket? As I remarked above, I think there are some people born with biological intersex conditions who can benefit from reassignment surgery.

But they are a small part of the trendies who are being lured into the modern genital mutilation craze. This is a movement built on lies about the fundamental nature of biology and sex, and those who fall for the lie do and will regret at their leisure.


Do you remember this post? This is him writing.

This was something he wrote on a forum once. No one ever responded...


Domestically feral
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United states

Do you remember this post? This is him writing.

This was something he wrote on a forum once. No one ever responded...

I didn't.

I'm gonna have to read that when I can give it my full attention so I can follow what he is saying

But I certainly will.

My issues with the trans issues are that legally now anyone can claim to be a woman, and have access to everything meant for women.

And there is an important distinction between people with gender dysphoria...and men with autogynophilia....and it's all being shoved under the same umbrella right now and women and girls are paying for it.

I don't have any problem with trans women using female facilities. As long as they transitioned.

Here give me some time and I'll read that post okay? It's gonna take actual thought lol.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I didn't.

I'm gonna have to read that when I can give it my full attention so I can follow what he is saying

But I certainly will.

My issues with the trans issues are that legally now anyone can claim to be a woman, and have access to everything meant for women.

And there is an important distinction between people with gender dysphoria...and men with autogynophilia....and it's all being shoved under the same umbrella right now and women and girls are paying for it.

I don't have any problem with trans women using female facilities. As long as they transitioned.

Here give me some time and I'll read that post okay? It's gonna take actual thought lol.

It is a well thought out post on his part.


Domestically feral
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United states
It is a well thought out post on his part.

I saw the big words and thought "Oh man. I'm gonna need a coffee for this one!" LOL.

I promise I'll read it. I wanna be able to follow it properly.

I usually have to prepare myself to read my man's work and I always do. I'm finishing a novel he wrote.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
I saw the big words and thought "Oh man. I'm gonna need a coffee for this one!" LOL.

I promise I'll read it. I wanna be able to follow it properly.

I usually have to prepare myself to read my man's work and I always do. I'm finishing a novel he wrote.

Instead of using the word "gap" he said "lacuna" the other day. I was like...whoo...pulling out the $10 words are we?



Domestically feral
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United states
Instead of using the word "gap" he said "lacuna" the other day. I was like...whoo...pulling out the $10 words are we?


Back in 2014 I "liked" a Facebook "word of the day" page JUST because of him lol.

He will use words that make me say "I'm sorry?" And I Google it lol.

This is cheesy I know......but I type out love letters and send them to him. Twice a month, he gets love letters from me.

And I realized one day that I'm sending long mushy, intensely romantic and sensual an actual writer. So of course I stressed about him judging them. Like as a writer lol.

I really enjoy it, though. I have had feelings for him that I've bottled up and set aside thinking him and I will never be more than besties and I didn't want to screw with that friendship.

Now I can just lay it all on him lol.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Back in 2014 I "liked" a Facebook "word of the day" page JUST because of him lol.

He will use words that make me say "I'm sorry?" And I Google it lol.

This is cheesy I know......but I type out love letters and send them to him. Twice a month, he gets love letters from me.

And I realized one day that I'm sending long mushy, intensely romantic and sensual an actual writer. So of course I stressed about him judging them. Like as a writer lol.

I really enjoy it, though. I have had feelings for him that I've bottled up and set aside thinking him and I will never be more than besties and I didn't want to screw with that friendship.

Now I can just lay it all on him lol.

He probably sees the emotion behind the words...that's really what writers are trying to express, the situations in life and the human experience.

I wouldn't worry about it.


Domestically feral
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United states
He probably sees the emotion behind the words...that's really what writers are trying to express, the situations in life and the human experience.

I wouldn't worry about it.

Yeah I didn't worry enough to stop lol


Domestically feral
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United states
He has been my best friend for a very long time. So we have been in near constant contact since about 2016....when he was diagnosed with MS.

So he is used to my typing.(all that texting)