That’s not very Christian of you!
You obviously have the wrong idea about CHRISTIANS.....
I have woken up with a spliting Migraine today and it hasn't gone away yet.
You know my area or perhaps you have forgotten but we used to have Rob's Jetty abattoirs that used to pump all the abattoirs refuse in Cockburn Sound feeding the sharks.... apparently Cockburn Sound has four White Pointers living in it permanently..
And two white pointers living between the mainland Cottesloe and Rottnest ..... I am not overly worried about the white pointers.. I do think the idiot wind surfers are tempting fate though and the kayaks...
As I HAVE already said, shark attacks were very rare formerly but these days where I live it's very common, so now something has to be done... I just can't believe idiots say things like "poor shark"... it just goes to show how successful the brain washing has gone.
Tagging is just one of those bullshit exercises to make dimbulbs feel better we are doing something to preserve
fucking sharks.... like I have said, what are they going to do when the batteries lose their charge? ANY rational argument from you then? I didn't think so...
People in the middle east are complaining our live sheep industry is dragging over our sharks because they follow the boats over.... even THEY are complaining about the shark population..