Another Victim of Cancel Culture


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
16th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry which was recruited from Greenville county and black Confederate soldiers. Over 65,000 black Confederates served in uniform during the War for Southern Independence. Notice the picture with both white and blacks sitting at the same table during this vet reunion photo.

So they chose to fight with the Democrats....Interesting.

At the time, it was more about State's rights, and fighting off an invasion that affected their way of life.
.. and dey buhleeved dat shidt :LOL3:
well, then they would have deserved being forced back into the fields.

Sherman and the likes were killing ALL, even the negroes. Also the blacks were not gonna sit idly by and watch the homes they lived in get burnt down. Or their food taken or burned. They needed to survive too.

Maybe some freed slaves who owned property, eh.

A lot of slaves, if they wasnt free and fought, stayed behind, and watched over their masters land and family.
So? Do you think that means slavery was all good? They stayed because they had no other life to go to. Jesus.

I think the antebellum South was slavery for poor Whites too - which were over 90% of the South's White population at that time. The slave owners used that system to keep them poor. So that Old South must have been like a feudal society with the Rhett Butlers/Scarlets O'Hara living in Mansions while the poor White masses toiled away for them. Many poor Whites did not own land but we're sharecroppers. That was a similar arrangement to Medieval Europe of Lords and the serfs.

Yes, there was definitely indentured servitude. At least for some of them, there was a light at the end of the tunnel if they worked themselves half to death.

I think if the poor Southern Whites weren't sharecropper serfs, many of them were in prisons as a number of those states were penal colonies before American independence. So I think there may have been truth that most Southern Whites weren't actually fighting for the maintenance of slavery but just to keep food on the table. The slave owners tho appeared to be fighting to maintain the institution of slavery


They say they want more representation yet cancel historic black successes. What backwards and evil people leftists truly are.

I'm a leftist. I'm not into cancel culture. Your fundamental problem is you don't understand the difference between a leftist and a "woke" corporate Dem, because you've got blinders on when it comes to people you disagree with. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
Don't try to explain too much terminology at once to these people.
There are still ones having trouble with the reality that fascism is a deep right ideology typified by total intolerance for all that is not ethnically pure, and by the murder of "perverts", and socialists, villification of the media, etc (not Liberal left)
or that Orwell was speaking of autocrats/dicktaters in the mold of Hitler, Stalin, Putin, Pol Pot, Pinochet, Gaddafi, Trump, and not democracies, but those who took power when the people neglected self rule placing their trust rather in a faultless leader who plied them with unquestionable alternative facts.
It's an uphill battle trying to explain even the most simple basics to them, Lotus.
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16th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry which was recruited from Greenville county and black Confederate soldiers. Over 65,000 black Confederates served in uniform during the War for Southern Independence. Notice the picture with both white and blacks sitting at the same table during this vet reunion photo.

So they chose to fight with the Democrats....Interesting.

At the time, it was more about State's rights, and fighting off an invasion that affected their way of life.
.. and dey buhleeved dat shidt :LOL3:
well, then they would have deserved being forced back into the fields.

Sherman and the likes were killing ALL, even the negroes. Also the blacks were not gonna sit idly by and watch the homes they lived in get burnt down. Or their food taken or burned. They needed to survive too.

Maybe some freed slaves who owned property, eh.

A lot of slaves, if they wasnt free and fought, stayed behind, and watched over their masters land and family.
So? Do you think that means slavery was all good? They stayed because they had no other life to go to. Jesus.

I think the antebellum South was slavery for poor Whites too - which were over 90% of the South's White population at that time. The slave owners used that system to keep them poor. So that Old South must have been like a feudal society with the Rhett Butlers/Scarlets O'Hara living in Mansions while the poor White masses toiled away for them. Many poor Whites did not own land but we're sharecroppers. That was a similar arrangement to Medieval Europe of Lords and the serfs. Plus they were competing against the slaves who were free labor for the plantation owners.
You seen the movie The Free State of Jones, JoJo? It is bases on real people and events.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
They say they want more representation yet cancel historic black successes. What backwards and evil people leftists truly are.

I'm a leftist. I'm not into cancel culture. Your fundamental problem is you don't understand the difference between a leftist and a "woke" corporate Dem, because you've got blinders on when it comes to people you disagree with. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
Don't try to explain too much terminology at once to these people.
There are still ones having trouble with the reality that fascism is a deep right ideology typified by total intolerance for all that is not ethnically pure, and by the murder of "perverts", and socialists, villification of the media, etc (not Liberal left)
or that Orwell was speaking of autocrats/dicktarers in the mold of Hitler, Stalin, Putin, Pol Pot, Pinochet, Gaddafi, Trump, and not democracies, but those who took power when the people neglected self rule placing their trust rather in a faultless leader who plied them with unquestionable alternative facts.
It's an uphill battle trying to explain even the most simple basics to them, Lotus.

Well said, and of course, they do not understand any of this. It's deeply disturbing that there are so many ingnoramuses in the US.


They say they want more representation yet cancel historic black successes. What backwards and evil people leftists truly are.

I'm a leftist. I'm not into cancel culture. Your fundamental problem is you don't understand the difference between a leftist and a "woke" corporate Dem, because you've got blinders on when it comes to people you disagree with. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
Don't try to explain too much terminology at once to these people.
There are still ones having trouble with the reality that fascism is a deep right ideology typified by total intolerance for all that is not ethnically pure, and by the murder of "perverts", and socialists, villification of the media, etc (not Liberal left)
or that Orwell was speaking of autocrats/dicktarers in the mold of Hitler, Stalin, Putin, Pol Pot, Pinochet, Gaddafi, Trump, and not democracies, but those who took power when the people neglected self rule placing their trust rather in a faultless leader who plied them with unquestionable alternative facts.
It's an uphill battle trying to explain even the most simple basics to them, Lotus.

Well said, and of course, they do not understand any of this. It's deeply disturbing that there are so many ingnoramuses in the US.
...and that theBadTardFagtory is such a magnet for them.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️

football man bad

WTF is this about? Kaepernik (sp) again?
No this was the reaction when Nike signed him to that contract to promote human decency for all after the NFL had dropped him, and then the cons went mental. Burning Nike branded stuff and boycotting etc

Yeah, what a bunch of BS that whole thing with him was. For what? Dumb fucking Muricans.

The reaction to CRT reminds me of this. Sound and fury, signifying fuck all. They know fuck all, Jon Snow! Fuck all!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
You seen the movie The Free State of Jones, JoJo? It is bases on real people and events.

No I haven't.

But one thing that is rarely/never mentioned in the history books is the treatment of the poor working class Whites in the antebellum south by the slaveowners, who of course had all the money and power.

If slaves were brutalized by them, then it couldn't have been much better for the poor Whites.
They were probably beaten up and spat upon too.

I'm speculating the main reasons the poor ones supported the war effort was possibly to get a bit more for themselves. Maybe it was promises of better prices for their crops? Help for their poor families? Promises of land ownership for sharecroppers? Then as now the Upper/ruling classes likely wagged carrots in their faces as incentives to bring them on board and support their cause of slavery and eventually, the Confederacy.

Anyways, I'm guessing that's how the slaveowners got the poor southerners to support them. And perhaps the only uniting element was their race. It couldn't have been class since there was such a huge disparity between rich and poor in the antebellum South.

I just think people have to look at an historical situaiton more objectively

These White Southerners were largely poor and were not slave owners, nor had any stake in the Slave system. They were just laborers or farmers toiling the soil like the vast majority of the world at the time. And when they were called to fight for the South, they did what they felt was their duty and went.

I think it was the slaveowners who were the 1%ers of their time, who were controlling the whole show and calling all the shots
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Anyways I saw a video somewhere where the children of Confederate President Jefferson Davis used to play with poor White kids om their neighborhood and the poor kids hated them. So they'd wage somewhat vicious mini wars against each other. was indicative of the class divide between Whites in the antebellum South


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
16th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry which was recruited from Greenville county and black Confederate soldiers. Over 65,000 black Confederates served in uniform during the War for Southern Independence. Notice the picture with both white and blacks sitting at the same table during this vet reunion photo.


There is only one black there.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The entire reason I'm called a righty is because I oppose cancel culture.

I hope you were able to type that without pissing yerself from laughter. :Awesomeness:

Right because I'd be the last to know my own stances.

That's best left to left wing partisans.

We should all thank lefties on a daily basis for telling us all how we really think and what really motivates us and thier passion for doing so even with our individual stubbornness trying to correct them.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
16th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry which was recruited from Greenville county and black Confederate soldiers. Over 65,000 black Confederates served in uniform during the War for Southern Independence. Notice the picture with both white and blacks sitting at the same table during this vet reunion photo.

So they chose to fight with the Democrats....Interesting.

At the time, it was more about State's rights, and fighting off an invasion that affected their way of life.

The ONLY way they are able to view the civil war is in bumper sticker format.

Confederacy was fighting for slavery. The union were great heros fighting for slaves to be freed.

It's that black and white for them and they cant think deeper or beyond it.

Slavery wasnt even part of the civil war until much later. ..but yeah.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
They say they want more representation yet cancel historic black successes. What backwards and evil people leftists truly are.

I'm a leftist. I'm not into cancel culture. Your fundamental problem is you don't understand the difference between a leftist and a "woke" corporate Dem, because you've got blinders on when it comes to people you disagree with. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.

This is because at every opportunity you guys will always side with the woke.

It's not because like you guys we up and decided everyone not "con" was the same. We watch your conduct and what you chose to criticize.

I suppose you think this CRT equity in schools ISNT woke corp dem shit. Yet you support it and try to gaslight us over it instead of just discussing it.

You want an innocent kid imprisoned for defending himself against woke corp dem street thugs.

I mean.....yeah. You could be clear and explain yourself properly rather than tossing feces in any given direction and calling people stupid when they apparently fail to represent your position. You know.....doing the same thing that you guys do on a regular basis calling everyone either far right, alt right, con.

I suppose you think nuance only exists on the GovCo end the spectrum.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
They say they want more representation yet cancel historic black successes. What backwards and evil people leftists truly are.

I'm a leftist. I'm not into cancel culture. Your fundamental problem is you don't understand the difference between a leftist and a "woke" corporate Dem, because you've got blinders on when it comes to people you disagree with. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
Don't try to explain too much terminology at once to these people.
There are still ones having trouble with the reality that fascism is a deep right ideology typified by total intolerance for all that is not ethnically pure, and by the murder of "perverts", and socialists, villification of the media, etc (not Liberal left)
or that Orwell was speaking of autocrats/dicktarers in the mold of Hitler, Stalin, Putin, Pol Pot, Pinochet, Gaddafi, Trump, and not democracies, but those who took power when the people neglected self rule placing their trust rather in a faultless leader who plied them with unquestionable alternative facts.
It's an uphill battle trying to explain even the most simple basics to them, Lotus.

Well said, and of course, they do not understand any of this. It's deeply disturbing that there are so many ingnoramuses in the US.


Or we just see through the smugness and smoke and mirrors and your stances are more obvious to us than you realize.


16th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry which was recruited from Greenville county and black Confederate soldiers. Over 65,000 black Confederates served in uniform during the War for Southern Independence. Notice the picture with both white and blacks sitting at the same table during this vet reunion photo.


There is only one black there.
There's a reason for that.
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Though no one knows for sure, the number of slaves who fought and labored for the South was modest, estimated Stauffer. Blacks who shouldered arms for the Confederacy numbered more than 3,000 but fewer than 10,000, he said, among the hundreds of thousands of whites who served. Black laborers for the cause numbered from 20,000 to 50,000.

Those are not big numbers, said Stauffer. Black Confederate soldiers likely represented less than 1 percent of Southern black men of military age during that period, and less than 1 percent of Confederate soldiers. And their motivation for serving isn’t taken into account by the numbers, since some may have been forced into service, and others may have seen fighting as a way out of privation. But even those small numbers of black soldiers carry immense symbolic meaning for neo-Confederates, who are pressing their case for the central idea that the South was a bastion of states’ rights and not a viper pit of slavery, even though slavery was central to its economy.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
16th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry which was recruited from Greenville county and black Confederate soldiers. Over 65,000 black Confederates served in uniform during the War for Southern Independence. Notice the picture with both white and blacks sitting at the same table during this vet reunion photo.


There is only one black there.
There's a reason for that.
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Though no one knows for sure, the number of slaves who fought and labored for the South was modest, estimated Stauffer. Blacks who shouldered arms for the Confederacy numbered more than 3,000 but fewer than 10,000, he said, among the hundreds of thousands of whites who served. Black laborers for the cause numbered from 20,000 to 50,000.

Those are not big numbers, said Stauffer. Black Confederate soldiers likely represented less than 1 percent of Southern black men of military age during that period, and less than 1 percent of Confederate soldiers. And their motivation for serving isn’t taken into account by the numbers, since some may have been forced into service, and others may have seen fighting as a way out of privation. But even those small numbers of black soldiers carry immense symbolic meaning for neo-Confederates, who are pressing their case for the central idea that the South was a bastion of states’ rights and not a viper pit of slavery, even though slavery was central to its economy.

Exactly. There is no earthly reason to believe that they all, or even most, did it because they were good with their way of life. Many, if not most, probably did it out of fear of not doing it (like not knowing how they would survive at all if the South lost the war), or because they were literally forced to do it. Apologists for slavery obviously do not think these things through.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
The entire reason I'm called a righty is because I oppose cancel culture.

I hope you were able to type that without pissing yerself from laughter. :Awesomeness:

Right because I'd be the last to know my own stances.

That's best left to left wing partisans.

We should all thank lefties on a daily basis for telling us all how we really think and what really motivates us and thier passion for doing so even with our individual stubbornness trying to correct them.

My point, and thanks for confirming it so ironically, is that your opposition to cancel culture is in fact NOT the "entire reason" you're considered a rightie.

You have "stances" as we all know, and not just one "stance."

Y'all can thank lefties all you want for telling y'all what all y'all's thinking really is, but lefties probably don't make that shit up, they gather it from your posts where you talk AT L E N G T H about what you (Dove, singular) think. Many OTHER righties actually see SOME things differently than you do. It's not like righties are peas in a pod, and neither are lefties.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Thankfully, I'm not burdened by white guilt and dont GAF about slavery period. Blacks shouldnt get any special treatments or handouts and if they cant pick their own asses up and compete with the other races, they need to go the fuck back to africa! All this modern day black racism is flat out amoral and only breeds contempt and disdain for blacks. And if blacks become 70% of the prison population, too fukin bad.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
The entire reason I'm called a righty is because I oppose cancel culture.

I hope you were able to type that without pissing yerself from laughter. :Awesomeness:

Right because I'd be the last to know my own stances.

That's best left to left wing partisans.

We should all thank lefties on a daily basis for telling us all how we really think and what really motivates us and thier passion for doing so even with our individual stubbornness trying to correct them.

My point, and thanks for confirming it so ironically, is that your opposition to cancel culture is in fact NOT the "entire reason" you're considered a rightie.

You have "stances" as we all know, and not just one "stance."

Y'all can thank lefties all you want for telling y'all what all y'all's thinking really is, but lefties probably don't make that shit up, they gather it from your posts where you talk AT L E N G T H about what you (Dove, singular) think. Many OTHER righties actually see SOME things differently than you do. It's not like righties are peas in a pod, and neither are lefties.
Fuck off, monster


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
What's pretty funny is the neandertrogs on the right who think lefties invented cancel culture.

In this case, it's true the woke lefties are probably responsible for Quaker, or whoeverthefuck owned the Aunt Jemima brand, having decided to re-brand it.

What's not true is that you neandertrogs have any basis for assigning me to one side or the other in this LibiCon dumbassery you like to play with. But no use me trying to teach a pig to sing.

Lefties got rid of the Indian and kept the land on the Land O Lakes brand as well.

Fucking colonizing groceries. It's real fucking weird. Js.

The entire reason I'm called a righty is because I oppose cancel culture. I'm not sure some switcheroo is gonna go over. It's well established the woke mob are the cancelers.....and they ain't right on any level.

That's not at all why I think of you as a rightie. I think of you as a rightie because of your hysterical, fascistic beliefs about abortion and your unquestioning love of Trump. Cancel culture never entered the equation, especially since I am a leftie and I am anti-cancel culture.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
16th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry which was recruited from Greenville county and black Confederate soldiers. Over 65,000 black Confederates served in uniform during the War for Southern Independence. Notice the picture with both white and blacks sitting at the same table during this vet reunion photo.

So they chose to fight with the Democrats....Interesting.

At the time, it was more about State's rights, and fighting off an invasion that affected their way of life.
.. and dey buhleeved dat shidt :LOL3:
well, then they would have deserved being forced back into the fields.

Sherman and the likes were killing ALL, even the negroes. Also the blacks were not gonna sit idly by and watch the homes they lived in get burnt down. Or their food taken or burned. They needed to survive too.

Maybe some freed slaves who owned property, eh.

A lot of slaves, if they wasnt free and fought, stayed behind, and watched over their masters land and family.
So? Do you think that means slavery was all good? They stayed because they had no other life to go to. Jesus.

I think the antebellum South was slavery for poor Whites too - which were over 90% of the South's White population at that time. The slave owners used that system to keep them poor. So that Old South must have been like a feudal society with the Rhett Butlers/Scarlets O'Hara living in Mansions while the poor White masses toiled away for them. Many poor Whites did not own land but we're sharecroppers. That was a similar arrangement to Medieval Europe of Lords and the serfs. Plus they were competing against the slaves who were free labor for the plantation owners.



Lol, saw this and wanted to throw it in too lol....



What's pretty funny is the neandertrogs on the right who think lefties invented cancel culture.

In this case, it's true the woke lefties are probably responsible for Quaker, or whoeverthefuck owned the Aunt Jemima brand, having decided to re-brand it.

What's not true is that you neandertrogs have any basis for assigning me to one side or the other in this LibiCon dumbassery you like to play with. But no use me trying to teach a pig to sing.

Lefties got rid of the Indian and kept the land on the Land O Lakes brand as well.

Fucking colonizing groceries. It's real fucking weird. Js.

The entire reason I'm called a righty is because I oppose cancel culture. I'm not sure some switcheroo is gonna go over. It's well established the woke mob are the cancelers.....and they ain't right on any level.

That's not at all why I think of you as a rightie. I think of you as a rightie because of your hysterical, fascistic beliefs about abortion and your unquestioning love of Trump. Cancel culture never entered the equation, especially since I am a leftie and I am anti-cancel culture.
Though don't forget that since today's conservatives are the REAL Liberals and fascists are left wing, she's a lefty too.