Bad pro abort arguments


Domestically feral
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United states


I'm not pro drunk driving.

I'm pro Eric who needs to get home to check on his family during a storm.

I'm pro Katie who will overdraft if she calls a cab or Uber and doesn't feel comfortable sleeping alone in her car.

I'm pro Alice who is afraid to ask a stranger for a ride home because she doesn't want them to know where she lives.

I'm pro David who felt pressured to drink with his college friends and wasn't able to say no.

I'm pro Eddie who will lose his job if he doesn't get there on time.

You can argue that I'm pro drunk driving all you want, but the truth is I'm pro people. These people. You don't get to pick and choose which scenarios are acceptable.

~Also to directly address the meme~

Becky is having a stillborn.

Susan had the option of plan b, but either way her child is a victim of the rape just like she is and the only person involved who deserves the death penalty is the rapist.

Theresa is having a medical emergency, and in this case if the baby isn’t far enough along to be delivered by C-section and treated in NICU, this is a tragic miscarriage.

Cathy is in the same situation as Susan. Her rapist deserves the wood chipper, feet first, but again her baby is as innocent as she is.

Melissa can choose adoption, but there are a lot of churches and PRCs who would love to help her raise her youngest child with his or her mom and siblings.

Brittany can also choose adoption if the resources available aren’t enough to overcome her struggles.

Emily and her doctors should never have implanted more than two or three with the understanding that she’s ready to raise twins or triplets, and that no embryos are to be killed.

Christina can choose adoption.

Jessica needs a good divorce lawyer and the knowledge that she doesn’t have to have him on the birth certificate nor have his approval to choose adoption

Vanessa is having a miscarriage and shame on anyone who compares her to a woman who chooses to deliberately kill her baby.

Lindsay made that choice when she chose to have sex. Teen moms can do anything these days - she’d probably be eligible for extra scholarships!

Courtney is having a miscarriage. Ectopic pregnancy is NOT ABORTION!!!

Fucking hell. The pro abort narcissistic fear mongering bullshit is everywhere today all because states will be allowed to legislate this on their own.

They are "pro womens lives" ONLY for women who want legal abortion and are useful to the abortion narrative. The rest of us are inconvenient garbage they wish didnt exist. They like to try to pick and chose which women matter.
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