Based Orthodox leader tells some harsh truths


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Its a clear cut FACT that God has condemned faggotry as a capital crime sin. End of.

cite chapter and verse, those exact words.
Leviticus 20:13
13 “‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
The words "capital," "crime" and "sin" do not appear in any known translations of Lev 20.

You lose.
No dummy, capital crime and death are the same thing. Way to go down in flames, retard.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
No dummy, capital crime and death are the same thing. Way to go down in flames, retard.
Hardly. I'm right as usual.

First off, yer not a Jew and you have not spent years of yer life studying Torah with devotion and an open heart, thus you are not qualified to TEACH Torah to anybody at all.

Second, you clearly have no understanding for the chain of transmission of Torah, and you think you can cherry pick it to support yer own agenda.

Third, in this conversation you have MISQUOTED scripture and you have embarrassed yourself by putting words into the Lord's mouth without basis.

See you in hell, yer as wrong as it gets.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
No dummy, capital crime and death are the same thing. Way to go down in flames, retard.
Hardly. I'm right as usual.

First off, yer not a Jew and you have not spent years of yer life studying Torah with devotion and an open heart, thus you are not qualified to TEACH Torah to anybody at all.

Second, you clearly have no understanding for the chain of transmission of Torah, and you think you can cherry pick it to support yer own agenda.

Third, in this conversation you have MISQUOTED scripture and you have embarrassed yourself by putting words into the Lord's mouth without basis.

See you in hell, yer as wrong as it gets.
LOL! The New Testament tells us all about the evil of homosexuality too, dipshit. On the other end of the spectrum, The Law of Noah prescribes the death penalty for faggotry and has for much longer than Mosaic Law. PWN3D!

Oh yea, and The Apostles declared that Mosaic Law on sexuality applies to gentiles too. No need to be Jewish, but again, Noahide Law covers that anyway.

As previously stated, I'm right as usual.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
The difference between Lokmar and the Apostles, you ask?
Well for one thing they were Jews and grew up with the Torah. Loktard did not.
As for the New Testament, the only fucker in there to refer to homosexuality is Gay Paul who obviously hated himself more than anyone else. You can't show me Jesus referring to homosexuality, now can you?/

Yer "law of Noah" ain't in my Bible, you telling me about the Law of Noah would be like me telling you about the Law of Jonathan Seagull, you dig?'


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The difference between Lokmar and the Apostles, you ask?
Well for one thing they were Jews and grew up with the Torah. Loktard did not.
As for the New Testament, the only fucker in there to refer to homosexuality is Gay Paul who obviously hated himself more than anyone else. You can't show me Jesus referring to homosexuality, now can you?/

Yer "law of Noah" ain't in my Bible, you telling me about the Law of Noah would be like me telling you about the Law of Jonathan Seagull, you dig?'
Well idiot, the Apostles wrote it, I read it, simple really. Noah is in The Bible. Pick it up sometime and read about him. Jews and Gentiles alike have written extensively about Noah AND the Law of Noah. Jesus Himself directly condemned homosexuality in Revelation 2. Maybe you missed it, but as I previously stated, it wasnt just Paul who declared sexual law applies to Gentiles.

Quit trampling the pearls, pig.


Domestically feral
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United states
The difference between Lokmar and the Apostles, you ask?
Well for one thing they were Jews and grew up with the Torah. Loktard did not.
As for the New Testament, the only fucker in there to refer to homosexuality is Gay Paul who obviously hated himself more than anyone else. You can't show me Jesus referring to homosexuality, now can you?/

Yer "law of Noah" ain't in my Bible, you telling me about the Law of Noah would be like me telling you about the Law of Jonathan Seagull, you dig?'

I slightly disagree with both of you. And here is why.

While its true that Jesus never singled out homosexuality, He does make it very clear that sexual activity outside of Gods design of marriage and fidelity between man and woman is sinful.

It's not just sinful to fornicate. Its sinful to lust. This tells us that our sinful condition is pretty hopeless for us without Christ. The holy standards are impossible.

Now when it comes to the NC, we see very clearly people that would have been put to death under the law be redeemed in Christ. He did this in His time on earth. We arent given free pass to sin unrepentantly. But we are given the grace and opportunity to repent of it.

So while Lokmar IS correct that the Mosiac law called for the death of homosexuals (mostly back were literally ass raping other men and called sodomites, there is a distinction in scripture). Women turning to other women is also a sin on the hands of MEN.

However in the early church.....there were repentant homosexuals who had turned from that and followed Christ.

It says in 1 Corinthians 6

7 Now therefore, it is already an utter failure for you that you go to law against one another. (
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)Why do you not rather accept wrong? Why do you not rather let yourselves be cheated? 8 No, you yourselves do wrong and cheat, and you do these things to your brethren! 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. (
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)Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [
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]homosexuals, nor [
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]sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were (
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)some of you. (
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)But you were washed, but you were [
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]sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

That verse 11 is the real climax here. :D


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
While its true that Jesus never singled out homosexuality,

Only if you dont believe Revelation is the Word of Jesus.

Any sexual activity outside the boundaries of marriage between man and woman is a sin. He doesnt have to single it out......its sexual activity outside of God ordained marriage. All of that is sinful.

Jesus said it's better for a man to gouge his eyes out than to lust.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
While its true that Jesus never singled out homosexuality,

Only if you dont believe Revelation is the Word of Jesus.

Actually, I am in very good company in suggesting that the entire Revelation is a pile of shit that does not belong in the Book.
Well good for you. I'm sure you're capable of denying other parts of The New Testament too.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
No, I accept the rest of it and some of the Apocrypha as well. Not the Revelation though.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
While its true that Jesus never singled out homosexuality,

Only if you dont believe Revelation is the Word of Jesus.

Any sexual activity outside the boundaries of marriage between man and woman is a sin.

Jesus said it's better for a man to gouge his eyes out than to lust.
Yea, I dont agree. I've routinely condemned all sorts of behavior because the Bible condemned it. We dont have a problem with that though. Libtards continuously espouse the legitimacy of homosexuality and get enraged when I point out its worthy of death. Bangin your aunt, grandma, and daughter in law is worthy of death too. We dont see too many libs defending that though so it doesnt get as much attention. Fucking children is worthy of death too. Thankfully that havent gone on a legitimizing jihad the same as they did with faggotry.......YET!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
While its true that Jesus never singled out homosexuality,

Only if you dont believe Revelation is the Word of Jesus.

Any sexual activity outside the boundaries of marriage between man and woman is a sin.

Jesus said it's better for a man to gouge his eyes out than to lust.
Yea, I dont agree. I've routinely condemned all sorts of behavior because the Bible condemned it. We dont have a problem with that though. Libtards continuously espouse the legitimacy of homosexuality and get enraged when I point out its worthy of death. Bangin your aunt, grandma, and daughter in law is worthy of death too. We dont see too many libs defending that though so it doesnt get as much attention. Fucking children is worthy of death too. Thankfully that havent gone on a legitimizing jihad the same as they did with faggotry.......YET!

What are we not agreeing on? Looks to me like you are agreeing with me, Lok. Lol.

I know why you post what you post. We've had this convo lol.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
No, I accept the rest of it and some of the Apocrypha as well. Not the Revelation though.
And plenty of libs deny all except the Gospels while some say its all shit. Some Jews reject everything not in the Pentatuch.

Know what though? You dont need anything but the Pentatuch to know that homosexuality is worthy of death.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
While its true that Jesus never singled out homosexuality,

Only if you dont believe Revelation is the Word of Jesus.

Any sexual activity outside the boundaries of marriage between man and woman is a sin.

Jesus said it's better for a man to gouge his eyes out than to lust.
Yea, I dont agree. I've routinely condemned all sorts of behavior because the Bible condemned it. We dont have a problem with that though. Libtards continuously espouse the legitimacy of homosexuality and get enraged when I point out its worthy of death. Bangin your aunt, grandma, and daughter in law is worthy of death too. We dont see too many libs defending that though so it doesnt get as much attention. Fucking children is worthy of death too. Thankfully that havent gone on a legitimizing jihad the same as they did with faggotry.......YET!

What are we not agreeing on? Looks to me like you are agreeing with me, Lok. Lol.

I know why you post what you post. We've had this convo lol.
Sorry, meant to post "I dont disagree".


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
While its true that Jesus never singled out homosexuality,

Only if you dont believe Revelation is the Word of Jesus.

Any sexual activity outside the boundaries of marriage between man and woman is a sin.

Jesus said it's better for a man to gouge his eyes out than to lust.
Yea, I dont agree. I've routinely condemned all sorts of behavior because the Bible condemned it. We dont have a problem with that though. Libtards continuously espouse the legitimacy of homosexuality and get enraged when I point out its worthy of death. Bangin your aunt, grandma, and daughter in law is worthy of death too. We dont see too many libs defending that though so it doesnt get as much attention. Fucking children is worthy of death too. Thankfully that havent gone on a legitimizing jihad the same as they did with faggotry.......YET!

What are we not agreeing on? Looks to me like you are agreeing with me, Lok. Lol.

I know why you post what you post. We've had this convo lol.
Sorry, meant to post "I dont disagree".

Okay that makes more sense lol