Recession will almost certainly be announced as soon as the second quarter ends. Last quarter was negative and the best they can hope for this quarter is zero but that will no doubt be revised down even worse just like last quarter.
Dems love to try to hide bad news that way. They release a very Rosie estimate to try to influence headlines and news coverage then the truth comes out when they hope no one is looking.
It will be hilarious seeing De occasionally still lying and shilling about the supposedly "best economy ever" which is officially in recession.
Much of the Democratic leadership has to go.
Not just Biden, but Pelosi & Senators like Dianne Feinstein.
Unfortunately, it may take a massive election defeat to finally achieve this.
They never make changes before it's too late or they're forced to.
Seems that's what they get with all these gold plated pensions and benefits, too many stragglers hanging on for the greater good and even their own party.
Ironically it would appear that a good swathe of the GOP is gradually becoming the 'younger' party.