Biden Selects Ketanji Brown Jackson as Supreme Court Nominee


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Believe me I want to check this judge out and feel good about it and be happy for the first black female SC Justice. For the right reasons.....because shes a good one.

Let there be ONE thing done in these 4 years that can be a good thing.

I really dont care about left or right when it comes to justices because the position doesnt leave them much room for partisanship.

At this point I'll just be glad if Biden doesnt get us nuked lol. Just let us live. That's all he has to do....not get us killed lol.

She has already passed Bipartisan Senate Confirmations 3 times, what exactly are your doubts?

Admin I doubt everything our government. You guys call me a "con" but I've said I'm not. I'm not exactly any more confident in several of the Republicans in there either.

When you look at you really think "bipartisan" means much?

And I do have to go check her out still. So far all I've seen is people who hate it because Biden did it and they believe its soley based on her color so theyve already judged it and then a bunch of people who are for it because of her color. I havent seen a thing about her history as a judge yet.

I'll go look. I havent had much time today outside of spitting out a few posts here and there.
You def. lean right in your opines, in my opine.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I dont see how tossing a black female body in a justice seat helps ANY of the problems plaguing poor minority communities, Admin. To me it looks like a complete thoughtless....perhaps even feckless....empty gesture to make it APPEAR like we are making some sort of "progress" when in reality, nothing changes. This isnt helping anyones life. It's not helping black mothers put their kids in better schools. It's not changing the fact that 4 black women die a day in inner city and domestic violence.

You genuinely think this is correcting "sins"? What sins? And how is this correcting anything?

It looks like crumbs tossed to pacify people. To make things LOOK a certain way. Its optics. And unless this is a good judge with a solid record of making decisions that honor the Constitution....its a dumb one.

I try really hard to understand you guys. You dont make it easy.

You get no argument here from me. During my lifetime though, it's been hard to keep the Senate from politicizing the approval of nominees, especially considering that some presidents have made some pretty goofy choices. Reagan for instance nominated Clarence Thomasi who IMHO has turned out to be next to worthless, just because he was black and Reagan had to fill Thurgood Marshall's seat, the first black ever on the Court and well respected anyway. Reagan was a racist too, but he didn't have the balls to nominate a white person. At some point in the Sotomayer nomination Obama characterizedd her as a "wise Latina" which sure sounded like that was written on his crib sheet. That's silly too. And of course Amy Barrett has next to no qualifications for the seat but Trump wanted a "handmaiden" and McConnell delivered. Even more execrable than Kavanaugh.

There is always a huge fuss about SCOTUS. Its important, yeah.

But it doesnt exactly change anything for us. The way people turn a SCOTUS nomination into these great accomplishments is ridiculous to me. It's the presidents job and he did it.

And yeah a lot is done for optics. I agree. So now this will be a historic accomplishment for black Americans while absolutely nothing changes for the actual people. THATS what irks me.

I'm not shitting on her, I just find it frustrating that nothing meaningful is getting done for Americans. I just see this being treated like Bidens big accomplishment for black people and that's a wrap. No more criminal justice reforms. No education options. No plans to get these horrific crime rates down and innocent people are dying. Nothing.

It's not even that Biden isnt serving any regular "right wing" people.....he isnt even serving the people that voted for him. He never had any intention to cancel student loan debt....or even just get rid of the God awful interest rates that make them so expensive. None of us are getting shit from this administration except a real possibility of WW3.

It just frustrates me, guys. I wish we could do better for the country we all have to live in regardless of differences.

I want to be proud of America. I'm not. And that sucks. I dont think anyone is.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Believe me I want to check this judge out and feel good about it and be happy for the first black female SC Justice. For the right reasons.....because shes a good one.

Let there be ONE thing done in these 4 years that can be a good thing.

I really dont care about left or right when it comes to justices because the position doesnt leave them much room for partisanship.

At this point I'll just be glad if Biden doesnt get us nuked lol. Just let us live. That's all he has to do....not get us killed lol.

She has already passed Bipartisan Senate Confirmations 3 times, what exactly are your doubts?

Admin I doubt everything our government. You guys call me a "con" but I've said I'm not. I'm not exactly any more confident in several of the Republicans in there either.

When you look at you really think "bipartisan" means much?

And I do have to go check her out still. So far all I've seen is people who hate it because Biden did it and they believe its soley based on her color so theyve already judged it and then a bunch of people who are for it because of her color. I havent seen a thing about her history as a judge yet.

I'll go look. I havent had much time today outside of spitting out a few posts here and there.
You def. lean right in your opines, in my opine.

Indeed. I do. I'm not sure that means the same thing to me that it does to you though.

I do not think the Republicans are representing the people. They present as right wing but they do not walk the walk. I believe most of them in there are on the same team and it's not ours.

Not all of them, but a lot of them.

Most of the Republicans in my state are total shit. We are currently trying to recall a few because they scammed Covid relief money. How disgusting is that? Synder was a shit heel.

We have a retired Detroit police chief who will be running Republican that I do like. So many people were pumped for John James. I was really disappointed he lost both his runs. And he had SO much support. Over all it doesnt seem to matter here in Michigan who is democrat or republican because they all act the same.


Trumputinists aren't at all racist though.

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The nomination of
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is an attempt to “defile” the supreme court and “humiliate and degrade” the US, the Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson claimed on Friday night.
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Jackson was nominated “because of how she looks”. He said: “Do you want to live in that country? Most people don’t, of all colors. They think you should be elevated in America based on what you do, on the choices not on how you were born, not on your DNA, because that’s Rwanda.”

One columnist called his comments “the perfect distillation of white supremacy”.

Biden promised to put a Black woman on the court. Chosen from a short list of three, Jackson was
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on Friday.

Biden called her a “proven consensus builder” with “a pragmatic understanding that the law must work for the American people”, and said: “For too long, our government, our courts, haven’t looked like America.”

If confirmed, the former public defender will replace the retiring Stephen Breyer. The balance of the court will stay 6-3 in favour of conservatives.

At the White House, Jackson paid tribute to Constance Baker Motley, the first Black woman to be a federal judge, for her “steadfast and courageous commitment to equal justice under law“.

Carlson claimed Jackson’s appointment showed Biden was committed to undermining equality.

“It tells you that he is absolutely happy to defile a system built by other people over hundreds of years, this is the best system in the history of the world, and he is happy to destroy it. Doesn’t care at all.”

Carlson also claimed Jackson wasn’t “much of a jurist … not simply ignorant of the law” but also “a political activist”.

Pointing to a forthcoming case concerning affirmative action in college admissions, Carlson said most Americans “think you should be elevated … based on what you do … not on how you were born, not on your DNA, because that’s Rwanda.”

Jennifer Rubin, a conservative Washington Post columnist,
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Carlson’s comments “the perfect distillation of white supremacy”.

Justices have been nominated on grounds of identity. Ronald Reagan promised to pick a woman and installed Sandra Day O’Connor. Donald Trump promised to pick a woman to replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg and installed Amy Coney Barrett, a hardline Catholic conservative.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Trumputinists aren't at all racist though.

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The nomination of
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
is an attempt to “defile” the supreme court and “humiliate and degrade” the US, the Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson claimed on Friday night.
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Jackson was nominated “because of how she looks”. He said: “Do you want to live in that country? Most people don’t, of all colors. They think you should be elevated in America based on what you do, on the choices not on how you were born, not on your DNA, because that’s Rwanda.”

One columnist called his comments “the perfect distillation of white supremacy”.

Biden promised to put a Black woman on the court. Chosen from a short list of three, Jackson was
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on Friday.

Biden called her a “proven consensus builder” with “a pragmatic understanding that the law must work for the American people”, and said: “For too long, our government, our courts, haven’t looked like America.”

If confirmed, the former public defender will replace the retiring Stephen Breyer. The balance of the court will stay 6-3 in favour of conservatives.

At the White House, Jackson paid tribute to Constance Baker Motley, the first Black woman to be a federal judge, for her “steadfast and courageous commitment to equal justice under law“.

Carlson claimed Jackson’s appointment showed Biden was committed to undermining equality.

“It tells you that he is absolutely happy to defile a system built by other people over hundreds of years, this is the best system in the history of the world, and he is happy to destroy it. Doesn’t care at all.”

Carlson also claimed Jackson wasn’t “much of a jurist … not simply ignorant of the law” but also “a political activist”.

Pointing to a forthcoming case concerning affirmative action in college admissions, Carlson said most Americans “think you should be elevated … based on what you do … not on how you were born, not on your DNA, because that’s Rwanda.”

Jennifer Rubin, a conservative Washington Post columnist,
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Carlson’s comments “the perfect distillation of white supremacy”.

Justices have been nominated on grounds of identity. Ronald Reagan promised to pick a woman and installed Sandra Day O’Connor. Donald Trump promised to pick a woman to replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg and installed Amy Coney Barrett, a hardline Catholic conservative.

This isnt slamming her because of her color. This is saying that giving someone a position like this BECAUSE of their color is a problem.

See how you just hump divisive propaganda and you've actually had the nerve to blame others for "division".

If you gave any sort of real shit about actual racism you would be criticizing actual racism instead of twisting shit that's not racism into racism while calling actually legitimate racism a "whataboutism"

This kind of shit is why even with support for Trump dropping, your shitty "side" still wont grow their own support.

Notice how Admin immediately referred to bench experience. Probably because he sees what is being said by the those criticizing and he has a direct response to THAT.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Trumputinists aren't at all racist though.

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

The nomination of
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
is an attempt to “defile” the supreme court and “humiliate and degrade” the US, the Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson claimed on Friday night.
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
Jackson was nominated “because of how she looks”. He said: “Do you want to live in that country? Most people don’t, of all colors. They think you should be elevated in America based on what you do, on the choices not on how you were born, not on your DNA, because that’s Rwanda.”

One columnist called his comments “the perfect distillation of white supremacy”.

Biden promised to put a Black woman on the court. Chosen from a short list of three, Jackson was
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on Friday.

Biden called her a “proven consensus builder” with “a pragmatic understanding that the law must work for the American people”, and said: “For too long, our government, our courts, haven’t looked like America.”

If confirmed, the former public defender will replace the retiring Stephen Breyer. The balance of the court will stay 6-3 in favour of conservatives.

At the White House, Jackson paid tribute to Constance Baker Motley, the first Black woman to be a federal judge, for her “steadfast and courageous commitment to equal justice under law“.

Carlson claimed Jackson’s appointment showed Biden was committed to undermining equality.

“It tells you that he is absolutely happy to defile a system built by other people over hundreds of years, this is the best system in the history of the world, and he is happy to destroy it. Doesn’t care at all.”

Carlson also claimed Jackson wasn’t “much of a jurist … not simply ignorant of the law” but also “a political activist”.

Pointing to a forthcoming case concerning affirmative action in college admissions, Carlson said most Americans “think you should be elevated … based on what you do … not on how you were born, not on your DNA, because that’s Rwanda.”

Jennifer Rubin, a conservative Washington Post columnist,
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Carlson’s comments “the perfect distillation of white supremacy”.

Justices have been nominated on grounds of identity. Ronald Reagan promised to pick a woman and installed Sandra Day O’Connor. Donald Trump promised to pick a woman to replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg and installed Amy Coney Barrett, a hardline Catholic conservative.

This isnt slamming her because of her color. This is saying that giving someone a position like this BECAUSE of their color is a problem.

See how you just hump divisive propaganda and you've actually had the nerve to blame others for "division".

If you gave any sort of real shit about actual racism you would be criticizing actual racism instead of twisting shit that's not racism into racism while calling actually legitimate racism a "whataboutism"

This kind of shit is why even with support for Trump dropping, your shitty "side" still wont grow their own support.

Notice how Admin immediately referred to bench experience. Probably because he sees what is being said by the those criticizing and he has a direct response to THAT.
She is more qualified than the last four Appointees


I believe she has had more Bench experience than the last 4 appointees combined, but that must have been a mere coincidence.
You know, that's good, and as I've stated previously multiple times and over the years, I not a fan of appointments based on gender, race, or religion alone, but Carlson is so typical of trumputinists in his biases.
I mean I didn't hear such howling from conservatives when Trump nominated a white beer swilling fratboi rapist, or a white religious cultist who by the laws of the cult must be subservient to her male overloards.

...but - "this is Rwanda"


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Trumputinists aren't at all racist though.

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!

The nomination of
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
is an attempt to “defile” the supreme court and “humiliate and degrade” the US, the Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson claimed on Friday night.
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
Jackson was nominated “because of how she looks”. He said: “Do you want to live in that country? Most people don’t, of all colors. They think you should be elevated in America based on what you do, on the choices not on how you were born, not on your DNA, because that’s Rwanda.”

One columnist called his comments “the perfect distillation of white supremacy”.

Biden promised to put a Black woman on the court. Chosen from a short list of three, Jackson was
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on Friday.

Biden called her a “proven consensus builder” with “a pragmatic understanding that the law must work for the American people”, and said: “For too long, our government, our courts, haven’t looked like America.”

If confirmed, the former public defender will replace the retiring Stephen Breyer. The balance of the court will stay 6-3 in favour of conservatives.

At the White House, Jackson paid tribute to Constance Baker Motley, the first Black woman to be a federal judge, for her “steadfast and courageous commitment to equal justice under law“.

Carlson claimed Jackson’s appointment showed Biden was committed to undermining equality.

“It tells you that he is absolutely happy to defile a system built by other people over hundreds of years, this is the best system in the history of the world, and he is happy to destroy it. Doesn’t care at all.”

Carlson also claimed Jackson wasn’t “much of a jurist … not simply ignorant of the law” but also “a political activist”.

Pointing to a forthcoming case concerning affirmative action in college admissions, Carlson said most Americans “think you should be elevated … based on what you do … not on how you were born, not on your DNA, because that’s Rwanda.”

Jennifer Rubin, a conservative Washington Post columnist,
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Carlson’s comments “the perfect distillation of white supremacy”.

Justices have been nominated on grounds of identity. Ronald Reagan promised to pick a woman and installed Sandra Day O’Connor. Donald Trump promised to pick a woman to replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg and installed Amy Coney Barrett, a hardline Catholic conservative.

This isnt slamming her because of her color. This is saying that giving someone a position like this BECAUSE of their color is a problem.

See how you just hump divisive propaganda and you've actually had the nerve to blame others for "division".

If you gave any sort of real shit about actual racism you would be criticizing actual racism instead of twisting shit that's not racism into racism while calling actually legitimate racism a "whataboutism"

This kind of shit is why even with support for Trump dropping, your shitty "side" still wont grow their own support.

Notice how Admin immediately referred to bench experience. Probably because he sees what is being said by the those criticizing and he has a direct response to THAT.
She is more qualified than the last four Appointees

I didnt comment on that. So why are you repeating it?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I believe she has had more Bench experience than the last 4 appointees combined, but that must have been a mere coincidence.
You know, that's good, and as I've stated previously multiple times and over the years, I not a fan of appointments based on gender, race, or religion alone, but Carlson is so typical of trumputinists in his biases.
I mean I didn't hear such howling from conservatives when Trump nominated a white beer swilling fratboi rapist, or a white religious cultist who by the laws of the cult must be subservient to her male overloards.

...but - "this is Rwanda"

So basically you agree that appointments based on idenity politics are garbage.

You just dont think anyone on the opposition end should ever criticize appointments based on identity politics because its racist when they do it, but righteous and correct when you do it.

Got it. So you agree with Tucker. You just dont think he has any right to say what you agree with because you assume his motives. Even though you align with the crime bill party that eulogized a klansman who was endorsed by actual white supremacists.

Good job attacking Kavanaugh based on the fact he said he likes beer. I have yet to see any criticism of him beyond that. Who knew dems/progs were such pearl clutching prudes.....especailly with their passionate defense of sexualizing elementary school students.


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
I dont see how tossing a black female body in a justice seat helps ANY of the problems plaguing poor minority communities, Admin. To me it looks like a complete thoughtless....perhaps even feckless....empty gesture to make it APPEAR like we are making some sort of "progress" when in reality, nothing changes. This isnt helping anyones life. It's not helping black mothers put their kids in better schools. It's not changing the fact that 4 black women die a day in inner city and domestic violence.

You genuinely think this is correcting "sins"? What sins? And how is this correcting anything?

It looks like crumbs tossed to pacify people. To make things LOOK a certain way. Its optics. And unless this is a good judge with a solid record of making decisions that honor the Constitution....its a dumb one.

I try really hard to understand you guys. You dont make it easy.

You get no argument here from me. During my lifetime though, it's been hard to keep the Senate from politicizing the approval of nominees, especially considering that some presidents have made some pretty goofy choices. Reagan for instance nominated Clarence Thomasi who IMHO has turned out to be next to worthless, just because he was black and Reagan had to fill Thurgood Marshall's seat, the first black ever on the Court and well respected anyway. Reagan was a racist too, but he didn't have the balls to nominate a white person. At some point in the Sotomayer nomination Obama characterizedd her as a "wise Latina" which sure sounded like that was written on his crib sheet. That's silly too. And of course Amy Barrett has next to no qualifications for the seat but Trump wanted a "handmaiden" and McConnell delivered. Even more execrable than Kavanaugh.

There is always a huge fuss about SCOTUS. Its important, yeah.

But it doesnt exactly change anything for us. The way people turn a SCOTUS nomination into these great accomplishments is ridiculous to me. It's the presidents job and he did it.

And yeah a lot is done for optics. I agree. So now this will be a historic accomplishment for black Americans while absolutely nothing changes for the actual people. THATS what irks me.

I'm not shitting on her, I just find it frustrating that nothing meaningful is getting done for Americans. I just see this being treated like Bidens big accomplishment for black people and that's a wrap. No more criminal justice reforms. No education options. No plans to get these horrific crime rates down and innocent people are dying. Nothing.

It's not even that Biden isnt serving any regular "right wing" people.....he isnt even serving the people that voted for him. He never had any intention to cancel student loan debt....or even just get rid of the God awful interest rates that make them so expensive. None of us are getting shit from this administration except a real possibility of WW3.

It just frustrates me, guys. I wish we could do better for the country we all have to live in regardless of differences.

I want to be proud of America. I'm not. And that sucks. I dont think anyone is.

This thread went somewhere else while I was doing RL, but irrespective of the last 16-18 hours of posts I want to reply to this since we seem to have some agreemtnt.

Yes SCOTUS is very important, and partly because only one-ninth of it can be overhauled at a time. And yes, there's a bunch of what you call Optics involved in nominations. But SCOTUS is not an entity where we look for any individual Justice to be able to do stuff for ordinary Americans like us.

In fact, Washington itself is not a place where we look for stuff to be done to benefit the lives of ordinary Americans like us. It's a fucking swamp of professional pols who are all on the take, and they are all busy feathering their nests and pandering to their "constituents" (which to them means "the saps that I have to front this or that to so they'll voat for me again." S.C. justices are different because they don't have to face any more elections, so where you see (for instance) McConnell having to do damage control for stunts his wife pulls off, you DON'T see Justice Thomas even pretend to be embarrassed by HIS wife's stunts. There have been several cases where by not recusing himself he crossed ethical lines due to his wife having an interest in the outcome, and nobody's said boo about it. It's been at least ten years since the featherbedding fuck has even asked a goddam QUESTION in oral arguments.

It's ALL Optics, Dove. There is a class war going on, the five percenters only need about ten percent of us peons to run errands for them and the other 85 per cent of us just need to die someplace where the five percenters won't have to smell our rotting corpses.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Hopefully, this dumb bitch slips on a banana peel during Trumps 3rd term and helps him further isolate Roberts as the courts sole remaining libtard.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Hopefully, this dumb bitch slips on a banana peel during Trumps 3rd term and helps him further isolate Roberts as the courts sole remaining libtard.

She's yours for the next 30 (40?) years+ Lokmeer!

Enjoy er while ya got er.

she'll be thar long after yer St Trump is gone @Lokmar.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Hopefully, this dumb bitch slips on a banana peel during Trumps 3rd term and helps him further isolate Roberts as the courts sole remaining libtard.

She's yours for the next 30 (40?) years+ Lokmeer!

Enjoy er while ya got er.

she'll be thar long after yer St Trump is gone @Lokmar.
As I've told your dumb ass repeatedly, the dumb bitch makes no difference other than to show her liberal stupidity....just like that moron Sotomayor.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Hopefully, this dumb bitch slips on a banana peel during Trumps 3rd term and helps him further isolate Roberts as the courts sole remaining libtard.

She's yours for the next 30 (40?) years+ Lokmeer!

Enjoy er while ya got er.

she'll be thar long after yer St Trump is gone @Lokmar.
As I've told your dumb ass repeatedly, the dumb bitch makes no difference other than to show her liberal stupidity....just like that moron Sotomayor.

Could tip back to the liberals if someone like Clarence Thomas gets sick & dies eh?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Hopefully, this dumb bitch slips on a banana peel during Trumps 3rd term and helps him further isolate Roberts as the courts sole remaining libtard.

She's yours for the next 30 (40?) years+ Lokmeer!

Enjoy er while ya got er.

she'll be thar long after yer St Trump is gone @Lokmar.
As I've told your dumb ass repeatedly, the dumb bitch makes no difference other than to show her liberal stupidity....just like that moron Sotomayor.

Could tip back to the liberals if someone like Clarence Thomas gets sick & dies eh?
Yep, then I'd be concerned. Hopefully, Putin nukes DC and the entire left coast before then. I'd like to jerk off on biden's ashes.