Breaking News out of Mar-A-Lagos, Trump just blogged that he will be "reinstated" to the Job he lost in the last election as early as August.


Domestically feral
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United states
This is why I call you a useful idiot.
He did say so and has referenced it since, it has also been echoed by certain observers and supporters.

Not so much. This is another "sources say" load of shit.

From your Orwellian Ministry of Truth to keep you in lock step with a narrative and keep you focused on the wrong things.

I'm completely certain that if you had genuine care for this country and the people in it, you would hold divisive narratives to the fire of scrutiny.

But you guys are trained to run on head lines and sound bytes and to hate your own neighbors. You dont care about the country so the truth doesnt interest you. You care about your own ego and how it makes you feel opposing some "evil". It doesnt matter to you if you are in the wrong.

You'll never have to guts to go against the popular grain.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
No matter what media says or spins or whatnot, Trump cannot be "reinstated".
Which proves how delusional he is for thinking he will be.
..but you think this delusional, divorced from reality, creepy dicktater wannabe should be President.

Except he didnt say that.

Once again you are taking the divisive propaganda bait pumped into the public by the corporate media.

We will never have objective news that reports facts because you guys love your biases and will accept any bullshit told to you that appeals to it.

This is why I call you a useful idiot. You dont bother making sure things are true before you go running to trash people over something that's not real. This isnt the first time and it wont be the last.

If the media and establishment tells you that your own countrymen are evil white supremacists who attempted an insurrection, you'll be right there to cheer on the patriot act.

The real fascists dont have to lift a finger. They just pump misinformation and you guys jump into action.

Our country is fucked and it's not gonna get better. You guys value your division and hatred towards other Americans more than anything else. And you guys cant even admit your hyper partisan biases without accusing your opposition of the same. No sense of responsibility whatsoever.

You spend time online spamming mindless idiocy at people based on your media groomed preconceived ideas on what they think and stand for. You do this when you have plenty of opportunities to learn about others and explain your own positions.

I have absolutely no doubt that you guys would have unquestioning support authoritarian violations of the rights of Americans not on your "side" of the spectrum.
...and you been riding the white horse again lately - I can tell.

If you can't jump off, get help.


Predictably you cant address what I'm saying so you resort to personal attacks. What a shocker.


You'll never have to guts to go against the popular grain.
Certainly you have a lack of historical knowledge of me. (I can only chuckle)

and 3) all that is written or reported in the MSM isn't inaccurate simply because.

I mean - the MSM reported that the Nets throttled Milwaukee yesterday - 125-86.
Should I therefore disbelieve it, and also because Trump told us to not believe what we see and read
and I saw it?
You see - Orwell was quite clear on who the Ministry of Truth was, Frau Goebbels.
Trump and his propagandists, QAnon etc, are the Ministry of Truth.

Would you like me to repost Orwell's own words?
You are a perfect example of the brainwashed (and otherwise unwashed) masses, as are all Trumptards.

PS: ..and Trump wears elastic waisted lady pants with no zipper.
Don't believe it just because you saw it.
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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
No matter what media says or spins or whatnot, Trump cannot be "reinstated".
Which proves how delusional he is for thinking he will be.
..but you think this delusional, divorced from reality, creepy dicktater wannabe should be President.

Except he didnt say that.

Once again you are taking the divisive propaganda bait pumped into the public by the corporate media.

We will never have objective news that reports facts because you guys love your biases and will accept any bullshit told to you that appeals to it.

This is why I call you a useful idiot. You dont bother making sure things are true before you go running to trash people over something that's not real. This isnt the first time and it wont be the last.

If the media and establishment tells you that your own countrymen are evil white supremacists who attempted an insurrection, you'll be right there to cheer on the patriot act.

The real fascists dont have to lift a finger. They just pump misinformation and you guys jump into action.

Our country is fucked and it's not gonna get better. You guys value your division and hatred towards other Americans more than anything else. And you guys cant even admit your hyper partisan biases without accusing your opposition of the same. No sense of responsibility whatsoever.

You spend time online spamming mindless idiocy at people based on your media groomed preconceived ideas on what they think and stand for. You do this when you have plenty of opportunities to learn about others and explain your own positions.

I have absolutely no doubt that you guys would have unquestioning support authoritarian violations of the rights of Americans not on your "side" of the spectrum.
...and you been riding the white horse again lately - I can tell.

If you can't jump off, get help.


Predictably you cant address what I'm saying so you resort to personal attacks. What a shocker.
Oh sorry, did you say something?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Oh shit. Holiday and admin are in the 69 position with each other again


June 6, 2021, 5:30 AM EDT
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, MSNBC Opinion Columnist
I’m afraid this is even worse than it looks.
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) that Donald J. Trump, the former president of the United States (and probable Republican nominee in 2024) does indeed believe quite genuinely that he — along with former Sens. David Perdue and Martha McSally — will be “reinstated” later this summer.

That, of course, is not going to happen. It is, in fact, weapons-grade lunacy to imagine that it is even possible.
That, of course, is not going to happen. It is, in fact, weapons-grade lunacy to imagine that it is even possible.
But Trump’s embrace of the story shows how the right’s doom loop of craziness works — and how it is accelerating narratives that began in the fevered imaginations of his hardcore true believers.
It should also remind us that even though an idea is fake, the consequences of a new Big Lie can be very real, and even deadly.
Delegitimizing our democracy is now central to Trump’s agenda and his hopes for a political comeback. And polls suggest that his lies about the election have influenced tens of millions of voters.
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from May found that a quarter of Americans — and 53 percent of Republicans — actually believe Trump is the "true president" of the United States.

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JUNE 6, 202106:16

In this alternative reality, it’s only a small step to believe their “true president” might really return.
The idea of just such a magical, extra-constitutional Trumpian reinstatement was floated just last week at a QAnon conference. MAGA lawyer Sidney Powell said, without providing any evidence or details, that Trump “can simply be reinstated, but a new inauguration date is set, and Biden is told to move out of the White House, and President Trump should be moved back in.”
The same idea has been amplified by Mike Lindell, the MyPillow guy, whose baseless charges of election fraud bought him a
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. (He is
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For months, Lindell has been insisting that he would present evidence that would overturn Joe Biden’s victory. In April, during his
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he announced he had produced a
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that would “change our world forever.” He promised “proof and evidence that China was attacking our country, and you're gonna know that this election was flipped.”

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He followed up “Absolute Interference” with another documentary he called “Absolutely 9-0” in which he promised that a unanimous Supreme Court would throw out Biden’s victory and reinstall Trump.
Lindell also
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that Trump would be “back in office in August.” The evidence, which he compared to “blood DNA at a crime scene,” would be so overwhelming, he promised, that even Rachel Maddow would accept Biden’s ouster.
"So when we get there and they do take this down and look at it, when that vote comes out 9 to 0, they're going to have more trust that it's 9 to 0," he insisted. "Wow, even the liberal judges did this. And we will get that case before the court."
This is delusional. But now, the former president appears to believe it. Or at least pretends to.
Days after Trump’s former
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(he has since denied doing so despite it being captured on tape), New York Times reporter
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that “Trump has been telling a number of people he’s in contact with that he expects he will get reinstated by August.”


Factory Bastard
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Does anyone else notice how the left has no idea what the right is saying so they always are clueless and just make up fact free garbage like this? To compare the right does listen to left wing sources and knows what they are pushing but liberals by and large exist only in an echo chamber.