Bullshit On TBC-AKA The BF Forum Gossip Thread


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
So let me ask....if I just wanted to find a guy with a house....because I've NEVER had one of those I suppose....why would I wait until I'm 43 and pick a guy who has been in my life for 30 year, he has owned this house for 15 years

What is this "this one has a house" shit? I'm clearly willing to date someone who rents. I fucking married one.

Why are women from CA like this? YOU guys think money is the end all be all of everything.

Are me and Shrek gonna be homeless? Or just me? Is he gonna get smart and realize I'm horrid finally and I'm gonna die in some bushes somewhere?

Hey, I'm just sayin' no need to melt down if you don't agree.

You're now in your 40s, no one wants to rent forever.


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So let me ask....if I just wanted to find a guy with a house....because I've NEVER had one of those I suppose....why would I wait until I'm 43 and pick a guy who has been in my life for 30 year, he has owned this house for 15 years

What is this "this one has a house" shit? I'm clearly willing to date someone who rents. I fucking married one.

Why are women from CA like this? YOU guys think money is the end all be all of everything.

Are me and Shrek gonna be homeless? Or just me? Is he gonna get smart and realize I'm horrid finally and I'm gonna die in some bushes somewhere?
No one deserves to be homeless dove
It’s a sad thought I ride my bike through our fine city that your country is ruining and I see people that should be in a home warm and loved it’s so sad


Domestically feral
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United states
You and PIG were “involved” in the infiltration and dismantling of the forum woman savers for approximately several weeks.

The Notorious PIG then returned to his on park position of perma lardass online until…

You tugged at his heart strings long enough to conjure up an internet affair turned full blown disaster spanning 2 weeks of screaming child neglect and he hand delivered your disaster to Michigan after his neighbors reported your child abuse of an almost dead toddler pool float.

He has since cliff dived off the health regiment and moral compass of humanity and we have yet to locate the remains.

RIP Chaos 400+ lbs

If you churn butter it’s yeast in nature. Just keeping facts straight… which is also not your forte.

It's really fucking weird how you constantly insert yourself into me and Biggies relationship. It makes HIM uncomfortable. He has told me....MANY times about you making him uncomfortable.

I remember when I was there. I got up in the middle of the night and got chips and water. Sat down on his comp to scroll DO. On HIS account ....with HIS permission

And you were on. 2am. Drunk. Sending him dirty PMs. You sent like 12 in two hours.

He told me you always did that and he always ignored it.

YOU don't know shit about me and him. You developed some weird fucking crush and clung to him.

Of course you have to have reasons why he wanted me. Of course I'm evil and manipulated him. He is but weak putty in my hands. Right?

Tell yourself that.


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Yeah, they grew up a little slower than we did.

I look back on myself at 18 all out on my own, graduated college by 22. Married and owned a home by 23 years old.

I rock!
Owned a home ? Wow this guy hasn’t even paid rent yet LOL

The Countess

Hood with it
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So let me ask....if I just wanted to find a guy with a house....because I've NEVER had one of those I suppose....why would I wait until I'm 43 and pick a guy who has been in my life for 30 year, he has owned this house for 15 years

What is this "this one has a house" shit? I'm clearly willing to date someone who rents. I fucking married one.

Why are women from CA like this? YOU guys think money is the end all be all of everything.

Are me and Shrek gonna be homeless? Or just me? Is he gonna get smart and realize I'm horrid finally and I'm gonna die in some bushes somewhere?

Don’t do us normal sized Cali women that way, Ty


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Owned a home ? Wow this guy hasn’t even paid rent yet LOL

Yep, it was only a townhouse at the time, but it was home. We later bought our home that I chose.

Bought it for $342k and it sold at $1,695,000 a few years back. My kids inherited the money, their dad passed away from cancer.

They would rather have their dad back, they've said it many times. Money isn't everything at all.


Domestically feral
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United states
Hey, I'm just sayin' no need to melt down if you don't agree.

You're now in your 40s, no one wants to rent forever.

No I'm asking.

Why are CA women so stuck on money? You guys think that drives everyone.

Did I peep him in middle school and think "one day.....in 20 years...you will own a house. And 30 years from now, I shall pounce!"


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Yep, it was only a townhouse at the time, but it was home. We later bought our home that I chose.

Bought it for $342k and it sold at $1,695,000 a few years back. My kids inherited the money, their dad passed away from cancer.

They would rather have their dad back, they've said it many times. Money isn't everything at all.
I’m sorry you and your kids lost Dad


Domestically feral
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United states
No one deserves to be homeless dove
It’s a sad thought I ride my bike through our fine city that your country is ruining and I see people that should be in a home warm and loved it’s so sad

1. I didn't vote for this government

2. Do outreach efforts. I have. You'd be amazed how many homeless people chose that.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
You have rocks in your head. She’s fucking vile with a multitude of various venereal diseases.
Good luck!
well you got fucking maggots in yours. she is a GODDESS. not many of them around foolio. She has been STD free for 40 something years. Get your eyes checked


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
I’m sorry you and your kids lost Dad

Thank you. We divorced and went through a rough patch. Then when he got sick, I turned it around. I saw his end coming and nothing is worth staying angry about. I took him to chemo, cooked meals at my house and took them to him, went shopping for him, etc. Helped him get his retirement and social security set up...etc. Had him over for all the major holidays and family birthdays. I'd stop by after getting out of work to go see him...have a cup of coffee...shoot the shit, share memories about the kids. We were all there when he passed. It was so painful. Cancer sucks. Seeing my children in that kind of pain...horrible.

And it all started with my kids looking at me and asking me to help, they didn't know what to do. One was a teen and the other barely 20-21. How could I say no to my babies like that?
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The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
1. I didn't vote for this government

2. Do outreach efforts. I have. You'd be amazed how many homeless people chose that.

I know a few case workers. The homeless without kids here get access to more resources than single homeless mothers. Like drug addicts will get bumped up the section 8 list before mothers with kids. Just to to go right back to living in a tent in the side of the freeway


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1. I didn't vote for this government

2. Do outreach efforts. I have. You'd be amazed how many homeless people chose that.
I couldn’t do outreach work, I’d take everyone home.. I’m wayyyy to empathetic since my moms death I cry about everything


Louie the Love Nugget’s Mom
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La La Land
Go get help you festy-looking lard-arse!

Wish in one hand… shit on the other and then report back as to which one fills up first.

Does this fill your heart and make you believe she is a GOOD mom? Asking for a former “friend.”


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I know a few case workers. The homeless without kids here get access to more resources than single homeless mothers. Like drug addicts will get bumped up the section 8 list before mothers with kids. Just to to go right back to living in a tent in the side of the freeway

Awful isn't it?

Working the phones at the outreach and going out there really changed my whole life.

I also know what it's like to be grateful for a pillow and that also changed my life.


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I know a few case workers. The homeless without kids here get access to more resources than single homeless mothers. Like drug addicts will get bumped up the section 8 list before mothers with kids. Just to to go right back to living in a tent in the side of the freeway
Here single people get thrown to the elements to fend for themselves years on a waiting list, if a parent mom or dad went to a shelter with kids in tow maybe a year waiting