Bullshit On TBC-AKA The BF Forum Gossip Thread


Louie the Love Nugget’s Mom
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La La Land
Awful isn't it?

Working the phones at the outreach and going out there really changed my whole life.

I also know what it's like to be grateful for a pillow and that also changed my life.

Translation: I have been lawfully removed from the custody of my biological children after a formal investigation by the stat of child affairs.

I have refused treatment that would enable me to be present for said minors.

I have refused employment services and have no income or means to support said minors.

I refuse rehabilitation for my drug use.

I refuse any and all services available to me.


Domestically feral
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United states
Money is everything in your world… devoid of the illusion you are trying to create.

I am courage you to ask a more direct question, straight forward and to the point.

Money means very little to me, Murd. Hence why you were literally JUST bitching about how I said I'd be homeless before staying with a man for MONEY.

YOU freaked out because YOU thought I should stay married for financial stability and I was calming YOU down.

You stayed married years longer for financial reasons.

But of course, you don't even see other people because you too busy projecting yourself onto everyone else.

Instead of "am couraging" me to ask a direct question....why don't you learn to actually fucking listen for ONCE when someone is addressing you? Because all you do is think about what you are going to say.

Your dumb ass is constantly getting the info you offer the board about other people wrong. Like CPS with Bigs kids. That was not ME there when his son almost drowned. That was his EX wife.

You never listen to people. Ever.


Domestically feral
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United states
Translation: I have been lawfully removed from the custody of my biological children after a formal investigation by the stat of child affairs.

I have refused treatment that would enable me to be present for said minors.

I have refused employment services and have no income or means to support said minors.

I refuse rehabilitation for my drug use.

I refuse any and all services available to me.

My children had custody of me?

Murdock....my kids are ADULTS, you stupid fucking drunk. Did my 8 year have custody of me?

Get. Therapy. And stop drinking.

I am not going to sit here and give you some inappropriate status report on my family or my job or anything of the sort. You still think my kids are all under 16, because you are a terrible and one sided friend.

Get off the booze.


When you're a Alpha, you're an Alpha all the way!
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Money means very little to me, Murd. Hence why you were literally JUST bitching about how I said I'd be homeless before staying with a man for MONEY.

YOU freaked out because YOU thought I should stay married for financial stability and I was calming YOU down.

You stayed married years longer for financial reasons.

But of course, you don't even see other people because you too busy projecting yourself onto everyone else.
Have you considered writing your autobiography(As you understand it) right here on Bastard Factory? Maybe the Boss will let you have your own Autobiography Board?


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Have you considered writing your autobiography(As you understand it) right here on Bastard Factory? Maybe the Boss will let you have your own Autobiography Board?

You know, millions of people across this country stay in bad/dead relationships because of children. My partner stayed in his marriage that was crumbling until his youngest was 17.

People do what they have to do to move forward with safety and security. Unless a person is being abused, there is nothing wrong with keeping a family intact until children are grown.

And there's nothing wrong with leaving if you choose to, but the children should always be the priority.
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Domestically feral
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United states
You’re always fucking melting down snowflake…lay off the bath salts and copious amounts of semen ingestion!
Fucking poof!

Gotta love how these asshokes constantly blather about my family and my life.

And then when I address them, they whine about it as if they aren't ones obsessed with my kids and my home life lol.

And then they cry about how I share too much and then on another post whine that I'm not sharing enough and reassuring them about my kids that are none of their goddamn business.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Gotta love how these asshokes constantly blather about my family and my life.

And then when I address them, they whine about it as if they aren't ones obsessed with my kids and my home life lol.

And then they cry about how I share too much and then on another post whine that I'm not sharing enough and reassuring them about my kids that are none of their goddamn business.

Let me give you a clue. No one really cares about your kids. You post about them more than the average poster. And you post lots of werdz. You also have lead a very "colorful" life. It's your achilles heel, dumb dumb.


Domestically feral
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United states
You know, millions of women across this country stay in bad/dead relationships because of children. My partner stayed in his marriage that was crumbling until his youngest was 17.

People do what they have to do to move forward with safety and security. Unless a person is being abused, there is nothing wrong with keeping a family intact until children are grown.

And there's nothing wrong with leaving if you choose to, but the children should always be the priority.

And when someone is divorced and you don't know them, you probably shouldn't immediately start nosing in on the lives of their children.

Most parents with kids who divorce coparent and do not solicite uneeded advice from strangers.

It's like Murd thinks I have a house of fatherless little children. It's gross.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
And when someone is divorced and you don't know them, you probably shouldn't immediately start nosing in on the lives of their children.

Most parents with kids who divorce coparent and do not solicite uneeded advice from strangers.

I don't know who you think is giving you advice, but it certainly isn't me.


Domestically feral
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United states
So Murds latest wet brain fantasy is now the state came and siezed custody of my 19 year old daughter and removed my 8 year old daughter and I guess the 8 year old is in foster care?

And they went to my 22 year olds apartment and took her into custody (is she allowed to attend class and work still?)

They then offered me treatment for drug addiction....because eveytime Murd is mad at me she accuses me of relapsing. And they offered me "employment services" because I have no income and gonna die soon.



Domestically feral
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United states
I don't know who you think is giving you advice, but it certainly isn't me.

If you met someone divorced with kids do you feel entitled to details of their kids lives?

Or is that just online? On a board where you pretend to be offended about people bringing family and kids into their flaming?


Domestically feral
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United states
Let me give you a clue. No one really cares about your kids. You post about them more than the average poster. And you post lots of werdz. You also have lead a very "colorful" life. It's your achilles heel, dumb dumb.

Idiot. It's you and Murd who sit and immediately start blasting about my kids.

I told one story about my adult daughter. But when my kids are discussed here it's ALWAYS you and Murd. Always.

So since you don't care, maybe stop discussing them and tell your drunk forum besty to stop obsessing about it. She rants about my kids getting trafficked when I'm not even posting here.

She flat out brought up MY kids when she was fighting with Flea ffs. Clearly the two of you are invested and mad I didn't "resolve" your demented hate fantasies.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
If you met someone divorced with kids do you feel entitled to details of their kids lives?

Or is that just online? On a board where you pretend to be offended about people bringing family and kids into their flaming?

Not strangers.

But if I had someone that was a friend, and in my house, I might feel like I could ask some questions.


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You know, millions of people across this country stay in bad/dead relationships because of children. My partner stayed in his marriage that was crumbling until his youngest was 17.

People do what they have to do to move forward with safety and security. Unless a person is being abused, there is nothing wrong with keeping a family intact until children are grown.

And there's nothing wrong with leaving if you choose to, but the children should always be the priority.
One of my favorite bosses, that I worked with for a couple years, It didn't take long to see he and his wife seemed to have a "cordial" relationship...both of them active on FB and doing lots of "Work Trips, conferences etc" solo, both very in active in their two daughters busy High School lives, but seldom together..about spring term of the youngest daughter's Freshman year in College they divorced.


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
Let me give you a clue. No one really cares about your kids. You post about them more than the average poster. And you post lots of werdz. You also have lead a very "colorful" life. It's your achilles heel, dumb dumb.
Look at you trying to find everyone’s Achilles’ heel. Lol…you’re obese and as a result you have ongoing health issues. You’re a white woman that tries to pose as a brown one. You’re angry with everyone that doesn’t align themselves with your delusional far-left stance, and choose forums over your own grandchildren. Even your real name suggests Karen! Lol.

Go take a walk Poark and curb your balk!



Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Idiot. It's you and Murd who sit and immediately start blasting about my kids.

I told one story about my adult daughter. But when my kids are discussed here it's ALWAYS you and Murd. Always.

So since you don't care, maybe stop discussing them and tell your drunk forum besty to stop obsessing about it. She rants about my kids getting trafficked when I'm not even posting here.

She flat out brought up MY kids when she was fighting with Flea ffs. Clearly the two of you are invested and mad I didn't "resolve" your demented hate fantasies.

I didn't bring up your kids. You bring them up when you talk about your pets, making pasta, whenever you feel like it.

You're on a troll forum, you've been on troll forums, why talk about them at all? I don't approach anyone's kids with any kind of sexual overtone. So, take your complaint and shove it.

You have something to discuss with Murdock, take it up with her. I'm not the boss of her. I don't tell her how to post or not post. She's a grown woman.

Stop with your bullshit about me. Take your actual shit to her and work it out. If you were woman enough, you'd have called her by now to have it out.

The fact that you keep it on the forums is revealing.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Look at you trying to find everyone’s Achilles’ heel. Lol…you’re obese and as a result you have ongoing health issues. You’re a white woman that tries to pose as a brown one. You’re angry with everyone that doesn’t align themselves with your delusional far-left stance, and choose forums over your own grandchildren. Even your real name suggests Karen! Lol.

Go take a walk Poark and curb your balk!


No, I don't care if people don't align with my ideas. What I don't like it the judgments you people make about everyone on the left based on individuals out in the public space.

Vote, think, do what you want...I actually don't give a fuck. It's you whiners that can't deal with ideas you don't agree with.

You keep bringing race into this discussion. I don't see how it's related.


Domestically feral
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United states
Hasn't Murdock been in your house with you and your kids?

13 years ago for two days when I lived in FL yes. She met one of my daughters. Who is an adult now. She didn't meet my oldest, who was with her father out of state or my youngest who was born in 2016.

She isn't entitled to demand information about my kids post divorce on a forum after she's sexualized them and lied about them to "flame" me because she turned one day.


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
No, I don't care if people don't align with my ideas. What I don't like it the judgments you people make about everyone on the left based on individuals out in the public space.

Vote, think, do what you want...I actually don't give a fuck. It's you whiners that can't deal with ideas you don't agree with.

You keep bringing race into this discussion. I don't see how it's related.
Don’t try to correct me…because I’m not mistaken, but that waffle is exactly why you’re disliked and kicked off most other boards Loki.

Your repulsive reputation precedes you!



Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
13 years ago for two days when I lived in FL yes. She met one of my daughters. Who is an adult now. She didn't meet my oldest, who was with her father out of state or my youngest who was born in 2016.

She isn't entitled to demand information about my kids post divorce on a forum after she's sexualized them and lied about them to "flame" me because she turned one day.

Fair enough. I think you should talk to her offline, woman to woman. Keeping it on the forum seems like manufactured drama to me.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Don’t try to correct me…because I’m not mistaken, but that waffle is exactly why you’re disliked and kicked off most other boards Loki.

Your repulsive reputation precedes you!


Yes, because people on the right can't handle being challenged. They don't actually believe in free speech. They believe in THEIR free speech.

You, Brakefail are an utter moron, drink up your wine...isn't it about that time?