Bullshit On TBC-AKA The BF Forum Gossip Thread


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You’re fat…you need to drink more water and exercise! You need to burn off an abundance of stored energy.

Do it!!!
WHAT ?!!! Lmao
I literally just told you that your complexion you need water ffs too much alcohol your liver is fighting but it’s owner is fucking it off your squat stature suggests malnutrition maybe try like Ensure


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
WHAT ?!!! Lmao
I literally just told you that your complexion you need water ffs too much alcohol your liver is fighting but it’s owner is fucking it off your squat stature suggests malnutrition maybe try like Ensure
What the Cafuck would you know about nutritional value?



Louie the Love Nugget’s Mom
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La La Land
You know, millions of people across this country stay in bad/dead relationships because of children. My partner stayed in his marriage that was crumbling until his youngest was 17.

People do what they have to do to move forward with safety and security. Unless a person is being abused, there is nothing wrong with keeping a family intact until children are grown.

And there's nothing wrong with leaving if you choose to, but the children should always be the priority.

I stayed in a marriage for 14 years so my children could avoid being in a single parent household.

Do I think I need an entire board dedicated to my regurgitating that hell?


Louie the Love Nugget’s Mom
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La La Land
Money means very little to me, Murd. Hence why you were literally JUST bitching about how I said I'd be homeless before staying with a man for MONEY.

YOU freaked out because YOU thought I should stay married for financial stability and I was calming YOU down.

You stayed married years longer for financial reasons.

But of course, you don't even see other people because you too busy projecting yourself onto everyone else.

Instead of "am couraging" me to ask a direct question....why don't you learn to actually fucking listen for ONCE when someone is addressing you? Because all you do is think about what you are going to say.

Your dumb ass is constantly getting the info you offer the board about other people wrong. Like CPS with Bigs kids. That was not ME there when his son almost drowned. That was his EX wife.

You never listen to people. Ever.

I stayed married because I wanted more for my children. DUH.


Louie the Love Nugget’s Mom
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La La Land
And when someone is divorced and you don't know them, you probably shouldn't immediately start nosing in on the lives of their children.

Most parents with kids who divorce coparent and do not solicite uneeded advice from strangers.

It's like Murd thinks I have a house of fatherless little children. It's gross.

You have children in your house who are not fatherless?

Holy fuck me when did that happen???


Louie the Love Nugget’s Mom
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La La Land
We don’t give a fuck! BF isn’t the Day’s Of Our fucking Lives…

Take your insignificant drama and go fuck yourself you smelly and bloated skank!


This is the only life you have left to live..,,


Domestically feral
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United states
I stayed in a marriage for 14 years so my children could avoid being in a single parent household.

Do I think I need an entire board dedicated to my regurgitating that hell?

And you cheated and yes, Murd....you had an entire board dedicated to your cheat fest with HGB and Farmer

And you fucking flipped and brought it all on the board yourself because Farmer was gonna send hardcopies of your PM convos to your husband and maybe get you "killed".

And YOU brought that to the board. Also YOU are the one who started weeping and wailing about your vulgar fantasies of my life and kids and getting all offended that I didn't "resolve" them by informing you of everyone in MY families status.

Get help for your drinking, Murd. For realreal.

One thing I will say about my kids and how they handled my divorce? They were HAPPY and relieved. Especially my oldest daughter who was beyond disgusted by things my ex did and said to me.

And what's more....they were all absolutely thrilled about me and Shrek. They always wanted to know why Shrek and I were not more than friends. The older ones said "it's about time!". My daughters have always had SO much love and respect for him and he has been there for me...and them....for the past 25 years.

Literally everyone is happier. Everyone. Why don't you look and see how many people say their parents stayed together for them and how traumatic and toxic it was and how they wished their parents had just divorced? The worst shit you can do is stay together for the kids. And adults who lived that shit show will tell you. You see people say this over and over. They wished their parents had divorced.

MOST people do NOT parent at their best nor are they healthy and at their best in a bad and toxic marriage. And not everyone has a situation where both partners see eye to eye on this.

I'm gonna give Lily some credit here. She did good. She got out of her toxic marriage and got good with herself and she was able to foster peace and compassion for her dying ex and created a family unit for him to spend his last days in. That's fucking amazing. It is. Well done on that.

Had she stayed with him? I doubt his last days would have been as warm and peaceful because of all the resentment. Humans are humans. Sometimes not pushing it is the best.
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The Countess

Hood with it
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And you cheated and yes, Murd....you had am entire board dedicated to your cheat fest with HGB and Farmer

And you fucking flipped and brought it all on the board yourself because Farmer was gonna send hardcopies of your PM convos to your husband and maybe get you "killed".

And YOU brought that to the board. Also YOU are the one who started weeping and wailing about your vulgar fantasies of my life and kids and getting all offended that I didn't "resolve" them by informing you of everyone in families status.

Get help for your drinking, Murd. For realreal.

One thing I will say about my kids and how they handled my divorce? They were HAPPY and relieved. Especially my oldest daughter who was beyond disgusted by things my ex did and said to me.

And what's more....they were all absolutely thrilled about me and Shrek. They always wanted to know why Shrek and I were not more than friends. The older ones said "it's about time!"

Literally everyone is happier. Everyone. Why don't you look and see how many people say their parents stayed together for them and how traumatic and toxic it was and how they wished their parents had just divorced? The worst shit you can do is stay together for the kids. And adults who lived that shit show will tell you.

I'm gonna give Lily some credit here. She did good. She got out of her toxic marriage and got good with herself and she was able to foster peace and compassion for her dying ex and created a family unit for him to spend his last days in. That's fucking amazing. It is. Well done on that.

Had she stayed with him? I doubt his last days would have been as warm and peaceful because of all the resentment. Humans are humans. Sometimes not pushing it is the best.

Do you remember when she “destroyed” CO? I sure as shit don’t.

She was a total non factor there.


Domestically feral
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United states
Do you remember when she “destroyed” CO? I sure as shit don’t.

She was a total non factor there.

It's amazing how this person comes on strong preaching like she's some paragon of wisdom and virtue.

Then everyone who saw otherwise over the years is like "wait a minute" and points that out. She did worse.

Then they cry about other people preaching.....motherfucker....she's the only one getting sanctimonious. I never preach but if you are gonna come with mess my way? Oh yeah you best have a clean back yard.

Impossible to take her seriously lol

So if she's so annoyed a "whole board"(one thread in meltdown) involves MY life being discussed maybe she should stop wailing about my daughters.

She literally thinks my adult daughters have been 12 for the past 10 years LOL


Domestically feral
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United states
" modeling of healthy relationships. When parents stay in an unhappy marriage “for the children,” they inadvertently create poor working models of what relationships, or marriages, should be like, setting up their children for failure, including staying in unhappy relationships because “that’s just how it goes.” Additionally, children witnessing frequent or high conflict in marriage may also fail to learn appropriate conflict
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skills and rely on
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such as withdrawal, avoidance, or, in some cases, even violent or impulsive behaviors. These working models of conflict resolution and poor communication can have long-lasting impacts and influence children’s ability to develop and, importantly, maintain healthy and satisfying relationships with romantic partners and friends"

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