Casey Anthony's Dad is the Caylee's Killer

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Getting Twisted. We'll know more November 29th. Somebody needs to post what she says here too!!!!!!

"He was standing there with her," Casey further claimed regarding the last day she saw Caylee alive on June 16, 2008. "She was soaking wet.” “He handed her to me. Said it was my fault. That I caused it,” Casey continued. “But he didn't rush to call 911 and he wasn't trying to resuscitate her. I collapsed with her in my arms. She was heavy, and she was cold." "He takes her from me and he immediately softens his tone and says 'It's going to be ok.' I wanted to believe him. He took her from me and he went away." Even more surprising were Casey’s allegations that her father sexually assaulted her when she was younger before moving on to Caylee. Casey also suggested her father killed Caylee in an attempt to cover-up the sexual abuse he inflicted on the 2-year-old alongside Casey’s brother, Lee.


"He'd put a pillow over my face and smother me to knock me out," she claimed. "That happened several times. I'm sure there were times where I was incapacitated as a child where my body was limp and lifeless."

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Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
I’m not sure if I believe this. She was already tried, which means she can’t be tried again. She also claimed her father molested her during the original trial. It’s just weird to me for someone to make an accusation like that, which completely alienated her from her family, and then proceed to not let the cat out of the bag before sentencing.