Cavemen on drugs

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Factory Bastard
York, P.A.
Religion has helped many people, has given inspiration to lead a better life, has given people hope at dark times has feed and clothed the poor, but as anything in life there are those who use it for power, money and sex... the true evils that have warped many a fellows mind ...

I just wanted to add that there are many dark sides to Christianity (not to say that Christianity is full of good here) as well.

It's like ANYTHING in life .... good and bad
EVERYTHING ! even Ice cream, Chocolate and ..... ffs Curry and mint ! who the fuck do they think they are ! ...

I couldn't agree more. For all the good Christianity has done, there are so many evil under the name of Christianity as well.
One more thing I want to point out. The yin and the yang stands for the moon and the sun.
Also taken from another older religion.

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Factory Bastard
York, P.A.
All so busy looking up and worshiping some fairytale in the sky, you fail to see what’s beneath your feet, your own planet, surely that should be more sacred than some made up story’s that where taken from more ancient times. And god gave man dominion over all things, that’s where the trouble started, people think the earth is theirs to plunder and distroy and it’s not, like fleas fighting over who owns the cat they live on.we ain’t nothing special.
Well there are religions that hold the earth sacred and as with any religion you have shitty people who make those religions look no better than any other.


puny and deadly
Factory Bastard
Christianity borrowed/stole its stories from other older religions. I come from a long line of faithful Christians.

For a faithful Christian you sure don't sound like one. Plus christainity came out of judahism so of course that's where the stories come from.

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Factory Bastard
York, P.A.
Christianity borrowed/stole its stories from other older religions. I come from a long line of faithful Christians.

For a faithful Christian you sure don't sound like one. Plus christainity came out of judahism so of course that's where the stories come from.
Where did I say I was a faithful Christian? I was just making a point that I’ve given Christianity a chance and it’s not for me. I can’t bring myself to believe that some magical man created everything including woman without the help of a woman.