LMAO @ the 'Elite' thread :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO: :LMAO:
I'll admit, my curiosity is curious (:
TouchE who ever did that ...some body wif a Big ole hurted BUt lol
Sure do make a fella hurt tho'
Like a fella ain't human, LIKE i DON'T CARE !!!
You fuckers are lucky to hab me tell you WUT ..
I predict that thread to be VERY VERY a POPular specially with tha gheys becuse only aiDSEE ass'sux's frequent the area, beware of the devient
@Blazor he's a sly one, lures you with a video from Blockbuster on his new toob than dAzzles with the display of T-shirts on the wall :OMG4:
He fills HOLes BlazoroonI .... for cripes sake man, HOLES !!!!!