Cool stories...


Such is life...
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Great Southern Land
For some of you that don’t know me, I’m a semi-retired adventurer, artist, fabricator and horniculturist in my late 40’s...although people think that I’m in my 30’s...and I’m happy with that. But I digress...

I went to the skin clinic to have my biannual check-up, and all went well. So I decided to celebrate with a remote location surf. Now this spot is a semi-secret amongst the loyal surfers, but it’s a trudge through rugged terrain in coastal state park. The snakes are everywhere and it’s a 2k slog on kangaroo bush paths. When you arrive at the coastal cliff’s there’s a 60m drop on ragged rocks. You’re hugging next to the cliff face on ancient crumbling loose rock that shows signs of when the big meteor hit Earth and made most dinosaurs extinct... to be cont’.



Have kink will travel.
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I took my 7 year old son to cliffs nearly identical to that and was able to get pretty far down to some red-purple salted rock pools and massive blow holes through the rocks.

So silly me in thong footwear decides I'm going to lift him up 1.5 metres onto a big ledge and follow behind him... all good. We loved it...

...until it was time for me to get back down from the ledge in order to retrieve him.

I slipped, tore my feet up and lost my grip....falling into the salty rock pool backwards in free fall....blood was pissing out everywhere and the salt killed. Luckily, nothing was broken. Retrieved the boy and we slowly walked back to the vehicle.

Feet and ankles had major stitch worthy gashes, but I had some manuka honey, steri-strips, and spray on bandage in the ute. Lubed the wounds up in honey, sprayed either side with bandage, steri-stripped in a shoelace configuration, spray over it all, and lashed it up with a ripped t-shirt. Healed nicely...

Like the time I was pissing in knee deep pebble bottomed shore with heavy rip and a freak 3 metre formed.

Zipped fast....on my knob, and ran for me life...blood pissing out of my boardies.

Bit of honey, steri-strips, and spray bandage can put anything back together!...lulz


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
For some of you that don’t know me, I’m a semi-retired adventurer, artist, fabricator and horniculturist in my late 40’s...although people think that I’m in my 30’s...and I’m happy with that. But I digress...

I went to the skin clinic to have my biannual check-up, and all went well. So I decided to celebrate with a remote location surf. Now this spot is a semi-secret amongst the loyal surfers, but it’s a trudge through rugged terrain in coastal state park. The snakes are everywhere and it’s a 2k slog on kangaroo bush paths. When you arrive at the coastal cliff’s there’s a 60m drop on ragged rocks. You’re hugging next to the cliff face on ancient crumbling loose rock that shows signs of when the big meteor hit Earth and made most dinosaurs extinct... to be cont’.

I made my way along and found this small creek meandering down to the shoreline. Hopping along from ledge to ledge with my backpack and surfboard and leather sandals, I finally made it to this huge boulder rock that was etched by salt, wind, water and time.

The waves were pumping and smashing against the rock. It was just me the wind and the ocean. Wave after wave peeled along unridden...perfect. I put my backpack down, chucked on my boardies and began waxing up. I peered towards the cliff face below and saw this entrance to a magnificent cave. In fact the whole area has so many caves. I clambered down and peered in to see how far it went. To my surprise the expanse of the cave 30m in abruptly narrowed and became this shoulder-width passageway that went on for another 20m or so and came out on the fluffy white sands of the bay.

I paddled out into the pounding surf....amped! (To be cont’)


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
For some of you that don’t know me, I’m a semi-retired adventurer, artist, fabricator and horniculturist in my late 40’s...although people think that I’m in my 30’s...and I’m happy with that. But I digress...

I went to the skin clinic to have my biannual check-up, and all went well. So I decided to celebrate with a remote location surf. Now this spot is a semi-secret amongst the loyal surfers, but it’s a trudge through rugged terrain in coastal state park. The snakes are everywhere and it’s a 2k slog on kangaroo bush paths. When you arrive at the coastal cliff’s there’s a 60m drop on ragged rocks. You’re hugging next to the cliff face on ancient crumbling loose rock that shows signs of when the big meteor hit Earth and made most dinosaurs extinct... to be cont’.

I made my way along and found this small creek meandering down to the shoreline. Hopping along from ledge to ledge with my backpack and surfboard and leather sandals, I finally made it to this huge boulder rock that was etched by salt, wind, water and time.

The waves were pumping and smashing against the rock. It was just me the wind and the ocean. Wave after wave peeled along unridden...perfect. I put my backpack down, chucked on my boardies and began waxing up. I peered towards the cliff face below and saw this entrance to a magnificent cave. In fact the whole area has so many caves. I clambered down and peered in to see how far it went. To my surprise the expanse of the cave 30m in abruptly narrowed and became this shoulder-width passageway that went on for another 20m or so and came out on the fluffy white sands of the bay.

I paddled out into the pounding surf....amped! (To be cont’)
I finally made it out and took a breather. I looked back at the rugged cliff faces and marvelled at the beauty of it all. Untouched, untamed, not a soul in sight. “God I love Australia”, I thought to myself.

Now the other reason why not too many people surf here, is because of the sharks. There are Bronzies/Copper sharks, Black-Tips, Bull and the occasional Whites. There are a scattering of reefs everywhere. It’s really hard to pick the right spot as the waves just pulse and all of a sudden you have this A-frame peak surging up in the middle of nowhere. I’ve made this really nice board with an anti-shark spray design specifically for spots like this.

I surfed for another hour going left, going right...surfing my fucking brains out! I caught my final wave and rode it all the way to the beach. I was totally surfed out and on a natural high. I walked back through the corridor cave and clambered my way back up the cliff face to my gear. I put my board down, took off my wetsuit vest and boardies and dried myself off. Next minute from the side of my eye I saw movement below and this beautiful brunette chick was staring my way making her way up the cliff face... (to be cont’)


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
So basically being in the middle of nowhere, I was butt-naked. I turned away from her and slipped on my shorts. I sat down and put on my sunnies looking out at the surf but with my eyeballs slammed left watching her progress up the cliff. I glanced over and she waved at me and I waved back smiling. I stood up as she approached me. She wore this lime green bikini g-string that hugged her body tightly. She wore these John Lennon style glasses that wrapped around against her shortly shaved sides. The rest of her hair was dready tied in a top-knot. She greeted me with a thick French accent telling me that she had watched me surfing from across the bay and was looking for these particular column caves that she had read about on the net. She had walked 10 Kms along the beach from the opposite direction and was a bit lost. I told her that I knew of the caves she was referring to and that they were just around the corner. It turned out that she was backpacking around Australia on an adventure trip and had been stuck in Australia partly due to restricted flights and Covid.
I looked at her body, snatching quick glimpses in all the right places when I could. Her skippy-pouch was absolutely mouth-watering, particularly against the lime green fabric of her g-string. It bonneted up like a bee-dub, accentuating her labia. Faaaaaaaaaark. I was feeling an enquiry down in my loins... (to be cont’)

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Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
So basically being in the middle of nowhere, I was butt-naked. I turned away from her and slipped on my shorts. I sat down and put on my sunnies looking out at the surf but with my eyeballs slammed left watching her progress up the cliff. I glanced over and she waved at me and I waved back smiling. I stood up as she approached me. She wore this lime green bikini g-string that hugged her body tightly. She wore these John Lennon style glasses that wrapped around against her shortly shaved sides. The rest of her hair was dready tied in a top-knot. She greeted me with a thick French accent telling me that she had watched me surfing from across the bay and was looking for these particular column caves that she had read about on the net. She had walked 10 Kms along the beach from the opposite direction and was a bit lost. I told her that I knew of the caves she was referring to and that they were just around the corner. It turned out that she was backpacking around Australia on an adventure trip and had been stuck in Australia partly due to restricted flights and Covid.
I looked at her body, snatching quick glimpses in all the right places when I could. Her skippy-pouch was absolutely mouth-watering, particularly against the lime green fabric of her g-string. It bonneted up like a bee-dub, accentuating her labia. Faaaaaaaaaark. I was feeling an enquiry down in my loins... (to be cont’)


I told her that I would show her the caves if she wanted, and she nodded her thanks smiling and began chatting away about all her adventures so far in Australia. She clambered ahead of me giving me a bountiful view of her g-stringed arse as I hopped from various rock to rock with my surfboard. I reminded myself that it was alright looking at the menu, as long as I didn’t intend to being happily married and all. But fucking hell, the sight was one to behold.

I waded across a narrow slit in the rocks and approached the column caves. She exclaimed how beautiful it was and how the tiny pebbles massaged her feet nicely. I thought that this exotic bird was coming on to me big time. I considered that it would be nice to growl her out a bit, making love to her with my face so to heart quickened. We chatted idly for a little while then made our way back to the bay. She asked if I knew of a camping sight nearby...I nearly joked saying, “yeah, my back yard...”. But I didn’t and acted the gentleman. I wished her luck on her ventures and we parted ways. I looked back as she skipped from rock to rock fading away. I sighed and thought to myself, “well wasn’t that nice” as I trudged back up the rugged terrain in the opposite direction.



Put your glasses on!
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I agree, very cool story.

Man, I would've been tempted too lol. She sounded like a beauty, and fun. Im the same way though, if Im with a lady in a relationship, Im a good boy. But I would've looked at the menu too lol.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
I agree, very cool story.

Man, I would've been tempted too lol. She sounded like a beauty, and fun. Im the same way though, if Im with a lady in a relationship, Im a good boy. But I would've looked at the menu too lol.
The whole experience was surreal, but it was the desolation that set the mood off. I admire beauty, but it doesn’t always mean that I have to stick my dick in it.