Could the Democrats face a wipeout in 2022 & Beyond?


If Trump keeps telling all Republicans not to vote until 2020 is "resolved", enough idiots will follow him to make a difference in the elections.

I think that most will ignore his demand that they not vote, but there are enough idiots in the thousands in each state to tip the election to the Democrats.

They need to resoundingly reject him for their own good.
I think there is something much more insidious going one here.
.Remembering that Trump is heavy into the Russians

He has been selling the idea that democracy is not reliable..
only civil war and autocracy (his rule) will do.

He being a Putin puppet - Trumputinism means being a Soviet satellite country.
. That's what is being aimed for.

There might be something to that.
..and there is.
...because you see what it is to send an undercurrent of doubt into the democratic process, even though there is not one single shred of evidence to support it
.then suggest civil war and succession
supports Putin's plan to subvert western democracies and reconstitute the Soviet Union as a world power.

.Only trumputinists deny this.


Domestically feral
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United states
People havent trusted the "democratic process" for a long fucking time and have LONG felt thier government has failed to respect thier rights, thier liberties and thier ability to provide fir themselves and caters to the interests of corporatists and wealthy elites. And now its clear that when YOU guys say "democracy" you dont mean actual democracy. You mean yourselves. Any other party gets represented it's an "attack on democracy!!". Its your way or its democracy dying. Which is ironic as fuck.....but whatever.

And no one wants to split JUST over the election. Everyone is fed the fuck up with YOU people. Being taxed too death. Job killing regulations. Inflammatory and divisive media propaganda. The control imposing LEFTwing. Violence. Hate. The coerced/forced vaccines and the hate of people who do not want it. There are endless fucking reasons why more and more people are just DONE. Over it.

You go ahead and think people dont trust your glorious overlords because of Trump and if it wasnt for him we would gladly hand over our rights and liberties and jobs and more of our income to the government and gleefully applaud more regulations. Oh and leftwing fuckery imposed on kids at school.

I suppose it's easier for you to just delude yourself and have another bullshit reason to continue to dehumanize your opposition. Honestly as long as we CAN have a national divorce NONE of us will care if you guys understand the reasons why. We will just glad to be able to live our lives in peace, provide for ourselves and keep most of our earnings and not have unchecked violence, rape and partisan politics shoved down our throats by people who cannot deal with the fact that other people dont see the world thier way and dont want thier hateful bullshit.

You guys can go have your socailist paradise with your big fascists government. Go have your Oceana....your Cuba 2.0....and leave us out of it. That's all we want.


Factory Bastard
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Okay Dovey.. You have completely missed my point.. :facepalm: I'll make it simple.. Trump's personality turned people off. It got to the point where I couldn't listen to him give a speech or read his Twitter rants. He gave the media ammunition because he couldn't keep his mouth shut. My initial point was.. they need to find a candidate that is solid, both on policy AND professionalism. If you put all your eggs in one basket (TRUMP) you take a chance of not winning the election.


Domestically feral
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United states
Yeah it's just for the best if the country just divorces as peacefully as possible. That's the only livable solution.

And it looks like a growing number of others agree.


Domestically feral
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United states
Okay Dovey.. You have completely missed my point.. :facepalm: I'll make it simple.. Trump's personality turned people off. It got to the point where I couldn't listen to him give a speech or read his Twitter rants. He gave the media ammunition because he couldn't keep his mouth shut. My initial point was.. they need to find a candidate that is solid, both on policy AND professionalism. If you put all your eggs in one basket (TRUMP) you take a chance of not winning the election.

I only vote for policy. I mean Obama spoke very well before he became smug AF.

There are people who love how Trump shot off at the mouth and those who hate it. Personally I didnt really care about that, I view most of that as theater. I'm way more skeptical of the well spoken. They tend to be heavy liars.

I dont think Republicans have all thier eggs in the Trump basket.....I think we are gonna see some(hopefully) good people taking a run. Itll be interesting. It seems like after Trump, some decent people started popping up.

We have James Craig running for MI governor and I'm looking forward to hearing from him.

But really if we dont break up this fascist shit we have going on I dont think it matters who we get. We will keep going through this cycle.


Domestically feral
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United states
Putin loves the idea of the USA weakening by secession.

Trumputinists support succession.

Maybe you should consider being part of the solution than rather than part of the problem.

I dont think anyone give a fuck about Putin. We are done trying to live with you fucking people.

Dont worry about Russia. Your establishment leaders will always be butt buddies with him. You just keep giving your money to the establishment and theyll tell you what you should think of Putin.

People are going to put thier livelihoods, families and values way before your Russian wet dreams. No one cares. We can all divorce and you guys can have Russia....we are sick of fucking hearing about it. Biden already fucked over Americans with Keystone so we can buy oil from fucking Russia. I'm sure Putin loves that. Fuck our workers!

"Let us abuse you and fuck over your life Russia russua have to give up your rights and liberties and be socailists and take shots against your will cuz RUSSIA"

Pro of more russia bullshit.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I think we are gonna see some(hopefully) good people taking a run. Itll be interesting. It seems like after Trump, some decent people started popping up.
I hope so, Dovey :)


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I think we are gonna see some(hopefully) good people taking a run. Itll be interesting. It seems like after Trump, some decent people started popping up.
I hope so, Dovey :)

Wouldnt it be awesome to get someone competent in OUR state? Who could start turning Detroit around? Maybe actually fix the roads? Crack down on rape and trafficking?


Factory Bastard
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They have been so evil and incompetent that the Dems do deserve to lose all power.

Yet let's keep the ethical, compassionate, and just RepubliCons in office, because the country will become Utopia if they are in control of everything.
LoLz - Lotus it.

There folks - I pointed it out for you so you won't have to ask if she was joking.

I know if I relapsed and ended up on the streets and needed help who would be there.

Maybe people who have never been in a very rough dire straights situation will buy this "leftwing compassion" shit, but I know who the only people out there using thier time and resources to help others ARE.

And its definately not you big government Robinhood wanna bes.

And it really is a damn shame because when your establishment goons tell you its time to raise money for some partisan self promoting bullshit....millions fly in.

NONE of which EVER go towards communities or helping anyone. Not even the ones your own "movement" harmed or destroyed.

No one wants "compassion" from people they know look down on them who work for years to get the state to do thier charity with other peoples money.

You guys were not compassion before Trump. Now you guys are just pure hatred.

It's good YOU guys see yourselves as "compassionate" but everyone else(including other dem voters who have walked away) see you as elitest, dishonest hate mongers who bully, attack and spew. And who like to control.

Please stop with these absolute lies. You have no idea what my life or anyone else's life that you've never met consists of, and you have no idea how many people any of us have helped.
..but a lot of people know what they've been told by conservatard lame stream media.
That has to count !

Yeah. That, and the one liberal they know who happens to not be a good person, so, of course, every liberal in the world is like that person. And the claim of elitism? That comes directly from some rightie propaganda about how educated people are elitist! They don't understand the simple fact that the elitists who are ruining their lives are the 1%, not the educated. The educated are the ones trying to save us all.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
They have been so evil and incompetent that the Dems do deserve to lose all power.

Yet let's keep the ethical, compassionate, and just RepubliCons in office, because the country will become Utopia if they are in control of everything.
LoLz - Lotus it.

There folks - I pointed it out for you so you won't have to ask if she was joking.

I know if I relapsed and ended up on the streets and needed help who would be there.

Maybe people who have never been in a very rough dire straights situation will buy this "leftwing compassion" shit, but I know who the only people out there using thier time and resources to help others ARE.

And its definately not you big government Robinhood wanna bes.

And it really is a damn shame because when your establishment goons tell you its time to raise money for some partisan self promoting bullshit....millions fly in.

NONE of which EVER go towards communities or helping anyone. Not even the ones your own "movement" harmed or destroyed.

No one wants "compassion" from people they know look down on them who work for years to get the state to do thier charity with other peoples money.

You guys were not compassion before Trump. Now you guys are just pure hatred.

It's good YOU guys see yourselves as "compassionate" but everyone else(including other dem voters who have walked away) see you as elitest, dishonest hate mongers who bully, attack and spew. And who like to control.

Please stop with these absolute lies. You have no idea what my life or anyone else's life that you've never met consists of, and you have no idea how many people any of us have helped.
..but a lot of people know what they've been told by conservatard lame stream media.
That has to count !

Yeah. And also, a lot of people have no regard for evidence. They've already got a story to cover why righties go out and kill people, and they're sticking to it, evidence be damned (Zimmerman and Rittenhouse, to name just two of these murderers.).

This is projection of the WORST kind. This is literally exactly what YOU do.

Dude you straight up call things a lie if its evidence you are wrong. You claim you watched the videos and you are the ONLY person who doesnt clearly see Kyle being chased. Anything a Republican is accused of you accept with nothing whatsoever. But a rape kit done a GIRL who was anally raped....that confirms she was claim is "not true"

YOU have no regard for evidence. Gtfo....we all see you doing EXACTLY this. When we claim something we bring exactly the evidence that convinced us. You just saying "bullshit" doesn't mean we dont have evidence.

It just you are so partisan you'll never admit when anyone associated with your "side" does something horrible.

Which is EXACTLY why none of you should ever have any position of power over other people. You ONLY see what you want.

You are exactly right. Lotusbud constantly lies and denies clear and compelling evidence. At this point all she does is project her own personal failings on to other people and it is so disingenuous it is unbelievable.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
They have been so evil and incompetent that the Dems do deserve to lose all power.

Yet let's keep the ethical, compassionate, and just RepubliCons in office, because the country will become Utopia if they are in control of everything.
LoLz - Lotus it.

There folks - I pointed it out for you so you won't have to ask if she was joking.

I know if I relapsed and ended up on the streets and needed help who would be there.

Maybe people who have never been in a very rough dire straights situation will buy this "leftwing compassion" shit, but I know who the only people out there using thier time and resources to help others ARE.

And its definately not you big government Robinhood wanna bes.

And it really is a damn shame because when your establishment goons tell you its time to raise money for some partisan self promoting bullshit....millions fly in.

NONE of which EVER go towards communities or helping anyone. Not even the ones your own "movement" harmed or destroyed.

No one wants "compassion" from people they know look down on them who work for years to get the state to do thier charity with other peoples money.

You guys were not compassion before Trump. Now you guys are just pure hatred.

It's good YOU guys see yourselves as "compassionate" but everyone else(including other dem voters who have walked away) see you as elitest, dishonest hate mongers who bully, attack and spew. And who like to control.

Please stop with these absolute lies. You have no idea what my life or anyone else's life that you've never met consists of, and you have no idea how many people any of us have helped.
..but a lot of people know what they've been told by conservatard lame stream media.
That has to count !

Yeah. And also, a lot of people have no regard for evidence. They've already got a story to cover why righties go out and kill people, and they're sticking to it, evidence be damned (Zimmerman and Rittenhouse, to name just two of these murderers.).

This is projection of the WORST kind. This is literally exactly what YOU do.

Dude you straight up call things a lie if its evidence you are wrong. You claim you watched the videos and you are the ONLY person who doesnt clearly see Kyle being chased. Anything a Republican is accused of you accept with nothing whatsoever. But a rape kit done a GIRL who was anally raped....that confirms she was claim is "not true"

YOU have no regard for evidence. Gtfo....we all see you doing EXACTLY this. When we claim something we bring exactly the evidence that convinced us. You just saying "bullshit" doesn't mean we dont have evidence.

It just you are so partisan you'll never admit when anyone associated with your "side" does something horrible.

Which is EXACTLY why none of you should ever have any position of power over other people. You ONLY see what you want.

You are exactly right. Lotusbud constantly lies and denies clear and compelling evidence. At this point all she does is project her own personal failings on to other people and it is so disingenuous it is unbelievable.

Your definition of clear and compelling evidence: I saw it in a youtube video, or, I saw it in a dream.


Factory Bastard
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didnt u ever play RISK? u dont attack what u want directly, u go through the weak link

Yeah. The weak link is the corporate ownership of the US. China aready owns the US.

Jews own the US dummy, Zionists to be exact.

You're a complete fool. Number 1 and Number 2 foreign owners of US debt are Japan and China.

Major US corporations (largest revenues):

(USD million)
Revenue growthEmployeesHeadquarters
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These are the owners of the US.
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Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Putin loves the idea of the USA weakening by secession.

Trumputinists support succession.

What is your obsession with Putin all about? Is it because Russia used to be a tyrannical Communist shithole and you feel nostalgic about your fallen comrades whenever it's mentioned?

Ironically, Russia today is more Nationalist than just about any western country and refuses to embrace the woke Cultural Marxist garbage. The same can be said for China, where they recently banned "girly men" from being promoted on television.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
didnt u ever play RISK? u dont attack what u want directly, u go through the weak link

Yeah. The weak link is the corporate ownership of the US. China aready owns the US.

Jews own the US dummy, Zionists to be exact.

You're a complete fool. Number 1 and Number 2 foreign owners of US debt are Japan and China.

Major US corporations (largest revenues):

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These are the owners of the US.

What does any of that have to do with China?

So the mainstream media, banks and government which are all completely dominated by Jews are of no relevance?

Pull the other one, Mizz Lotusberg. Oy Vey.

Jews print the country's money and control the economy. It's the bankers who "own" the US and all it's politicians.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
didnt u ever play RISK? u dont attack what u want directly, u go through the weak link

Yeah. The weak link is the corporate ownership of the US. China aready owns the US.

Jews own the US dummy, Zionists to be exact.

You're a complete fool. Number 1 and Number 2 foreign owners of US debt are Japan and China.

Major US corporations (largest revenues):

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These are the owners of the US.

What does any of that have to do with China?

So the mainstream media, banks and government which are all completely dominated by Jews are of no relevance?

Pull the other one, Mizz Lotusberg. Oy Vey.

Did you look at the list of companies that are the biggest in the US? They are not at all all Jewish. The two biggest, Walmart and Amazon, are owned by non-Jews. Microsoft? Warren Buffett? Not Jewish. United Health Group -- Richard Taylor Burke. Who owns Exxon? Who owns GM? And do you not understand that China literally owns a huge chunk of the US? Your "Jews control everything" argument is basically nothing but hysteria.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Putin loves the idea of the USA weakening by secession.

Trumputinists support succession.

What is your obsession with Putin all about? Is it because Russia used to be a tyrannical Communist shithole and you feel nostalgic about your fallen comrades whenever it's mentioned?

Ironically, Russia today is more Nationalist than just about any western country and refuses to embrace the woke Cultural Marxist garbage. The same can be said for China, where they recently banned "girly men" from being promoted on television.

This is what I always say about Russia and China to the many idiots on this board who claim I have some sort of allegiance to those "communist" countries. They are not communist at all.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Right, sounds to me like the "hysteria" is about China, while you gloss over and attempt to draw attention away from just how much of the US is Jewish owned and controlled.
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Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Right, sounds to me like the "hysteria" is about China, while you gloss over and attempt to draw attention from just how much of the US is Jewish owned and controlled.

I gave you a list of the top 20 companies. And the top 2 foreign debt holders (in other words, owners) are Japan and China. You're just going to ignore facts, and make claims without posting evidence. That's your problem.

The US is owned by rich people. No billionaires give a rat's ass whether the other people in their club are Jewish or not.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I have posted proof time and again illustrating who controls the US media, the banks and government. Biden's cabinet is more Jewish than the fucking Israeli government.

Jews control the money supply, let that sink into your fluffy head for a minute. I'm sure if I researched the companies you've listed and who owns them, the Jew-sual suspects will turn up. JP Morgan for example is definitely Jewish owned.

My point about billionaires is that a disproportionate amount are Jewish. Considering they're only 2% of the population, they are massively overrepresented.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I have posted proof time and again illustrating who controls the US media, the banks and government. Biden's cabinet is more Jewish than the fucking Israeli government.

Jews control the money supply, let that sink into your fluffy head for a minute. I'm sure if I researched the companies you've listed and who owns them, the Jew-sual suspects will turn up. JP Morgan for example is definitely Jewish owned.

My point about billionaires is that a disproportionate amount are Jewish. Considering they're only 2% of the population, they are massively overrepresented.

No, you haven't posted proof. You post hysteria from anti-semitic sites.

You don't understand how money and power work if you think this is a Jewish thing. Yeah, there are a lot of Jewish billionaires, and you're right, proportionally they are overrepresented. But there are still way, way, way more non-Jewish billionaires. And the culture all of them share is money and power, not Judaism.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I have posted proof time and again illustrating who controls the US media, the banks and government. Biden's cabinet is more Jewish than the fucking Israeli government.

Jews control the money supply, let that sink into your fluffy head for a minute. I'm sure if I researched the companies you've listed and who owns them, the Jew-sual suspects will turn up. JP Morgan for example is definitely Jewish owned.

My point about billionaires is that a disproportionate amount are Jewish. Considering they're only 2% of the population, they are massively overrepresented.

No, you haven't posted proof. You post hysteria from anti-semitic sites.

That's bullshit and you know it. Facts are facts, so it doesn't matter whether a source is "anti-Semitic" or not, aslong as the information is correct.