Could the Democrats face a wipeout in 2022 & Beyond?

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
CVS Health started out in 1963 by Sidney and Stanley (((Goldstein))). Oy Vey.

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Oh, that settles it. I'm sure those dead guys have power over Bezos, Gates, Musk, the Waltons, Carlos Slim, and Buffett from beyond the grave.

You realise all those billionaires are peasants in comparison to trillionaire banking families like the Rothschilds?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I have posted proof time and again illustrating who controls the US media, the banks and government. Biden's cabinet is more Jewish than the fucking Israeli government.

Jews control the money supply, let that sink into your fluffy head for a minute. I'm sure if I researched the companies you've listed and who owns them, the Jew-sual suspects will turn up. JP Morgan for example is definitely Jewish owned.

My point about billionaires is that a disproportionate amount are Jewish. Considering they're only 2% of the population, they are massively overrepresented.

No, you haven't posted proof. You post hysteria from anti-semitic sites.

That's bullshit and you know it. Facts are facts, so it doesn't matter whether a source is "anti-Semitic" or not, aslong as the information is correct.

You don't understand how money and power work if you think this is a Jewish thing. Yeah, there are a lot of Jewish billionaires, and you're right, proportionally they are overrepresented. But there are still way, way, way more non-Jewish billionaires. And the culture all of them share is money and power, not Judaism.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Exxon Mobil, originally founded by John D Rockefeller aka a crypto Jew from an infamous banking dynasty family.

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So after researching just 2 companies at random, the Kosher claw prints are all over both of them..... who could have guessed??

Oy Vey!!!

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I have posted proof time and again illustrating who controls the US media, the banks and government. Biden's cabinet is more Jewish than the fucking Israeli government.

Jews control the money supply, let that sink into your fluffy head for a minute. I'm sure if I researched the companies you've listed and who owns them, the Jew-sual suspects will turn up. JP Morgan for example is definitely Jewish owned.

My point about billionaires is that a disproportionate amount are Jewish. Considering they're only 2% of the population, they are massively overrepresented.

No, you haven't posted proof. You post hysteria from anti-semitic sites.

That's bullshit and you know it. Facts are facts, so it doesn't matter whether a source is "anti-Semitic" or not, aslong as the information is correct.

You don't understand how money and power work if you think this is a Jewish thing. Yeah, there are a lot of Jewish billionaires, and you're right, proportionally they are overrepresented. But there are still way, way, way more non-Jewish billionaires. And the culture all of them share is money and power, not Judaism.

I've never claimed that its all Jews, but it's undeniable that they play a hugely disproportionate role in the cancerous NWO globohomo agenda.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I have posted proof time and again illustrating who controls the US media, the banks and government. Biden's cabinet is more Jewish than the fucking Israeli government.

Jews control the money supply, let that sink into your fluffy head for a minute. I'm sure if I researched the companies you've listed and who owns them, the Jew-sual suspects will turn up. JP Morgan for example is definitely Jewish owned.

My point about billionaires is that a disproportionate amount are Jewish. Considering they're only 2% of the population, they are massively overrepresented.

No, you haven't posted proof. You post hysteria from anti-semitic sites.

That's bullshit and you know it. Facts are facts, so it doesn't matter whether a source is "anti-Semitic" or not, aslong as the information is correct.

You don't understand how money and power work if you think this is a Jewish thing. Yeah, there are a lot of Jewish billionaires, and you're right, proportionally they are overrepresented. But there are still way, way, way more non-Jewish billionaires. And the culture all of them share is money and power, not Judaism.

I've never claimed that its all Jews, but it's undeniable that they play a hugely disproportionate role in the cancerous NWO globohomo agenda.

You don't get it. They are disproportionally represented, yes, but they are far from a majority. Your fear of them is a form of hysteria. Your fear should be of ALL the billionaires who are creating a word in which only their concerns matter, and the concerns of the vast majority of humans on earth are totally disregarded. This is what is ruining the planet.


Factory Bastard
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Answer this simple question for me, Aryana. If Jews control the US, why does the US have the backs and reside up the asses of both Israel and Saudi Arabia?

The answer can be found somewhere in the facts, and the facts involve following the money.


Pee-Pee Tapes still out there. Trump so compliant Russia hasn't needed to release it yet.

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  • Christopher Steele said an obscene video, described in a dossier he compiled, 'probably exists.'
  • He speculated that it remains unseen, despite intense interest, because Russia had no need to show it.
  • Steele said that Russia got "pretty good value" from the Trump presidency without blackmailing him.
Christopher Steele, the former British spy behind a heavily disputed dossier on Donald Trump, said he believed an infamous "pee tape" of Trump does indeed exist.

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, he speculated that Russia may have kept the tape hidden because Trump offered them "pretty good value" during his time in office.

Steele made
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, which was compiled during the 2016 presidential election that Russian authorities had covertly filmed Trump being urinated on by prostitutes at a Moscow hotel room in 2013.

"I think it probably does [exist]," Steele told host George Stephanopoulos in an excerpt of the upcoming documentary "Out of the Shadows: The Man Behind the Steele Dossier."

Pressed on why Russia wouldn't have used such leverage, Steele replied: "Because I think it hasn't needed to be released because I think the Russians felt they'd got pretty good value out of Donald Trump when he was president of the US."

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Answer this simple question for me, Aryana. If Jews control the US, why does the US have the backs and reside up the asses of both Israel and Saudi Arabia?

The answer can be found somewhere in the facts, and the facts involve following the money.

I don't even know what you mean by that remark.

The US is Israel's bitch and attack dog, plain and simple. The Saudi Royal family are crypto Jews.

Any other questions?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Pee-Pee Tapes still out there. Trump so compliant Russia hasn't needed to release it yet.

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  • Christopher Steele said an obscene video, described in a dossier he compiled, 'probably exists.'
  • He speculated that it remains unseen, despite intense interest, because Russia had no need to show it.
  • Steele said that Russia got "pretty good value" from the Trump presidency without blackmailing him.
Christopher Steele, the former British spy behind a heavily disputed dossier on Donald Trump, said he believed an infamous "pee tape" of Trump does indeed exist.

Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
, he speculated that Russia may have kept the tape hidden because Trump offered them "pretty good value" during his time in office.

Steele made
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, which was compiled during the 2016 presidential election that Russian authorities had covertly filmed Trump being urinated on by prostitutes at a Moscow hotel room in 2013.

"I think it probably does [exist]," Steele told host George Stephanopoulos in an excerpt of the upcoming documentary "Out of the Shadows: The Man Behind the Steele Dossier."

Pressed on why Russia wouldn't have used such leverage, Steele replied: "Because I think it hasn't needed to be released because I think the Russians felt they'd got pretty good value out of Donald Trump when he was president of the US."
Evidence probably exists that you're a crossdressing faggit with a penchant for diddling kids. Pay me 5 bitcoin or I'll release the video.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
We arent democRATs where we all follow marching orders from MESSNBC, faggit. The fact is, there ARE a very large number of dirty jews fucking things up. The Saudi Royal family arent Jews tho.

Jews are naturally good with money for whatever reason so the goy utilize them for such matters. Its like looking for racecar drivers to be the wheelman in a bank robbery


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The Saudi Royal family arent Jews tho.
So you agree that FairyAnn is full of shit. That's all - just confirming.
Look dummy, I whole heartedly disagree with his belief that the boogyjews control all and have been very open and vocal about it. How many more times have I told YOU that YOU were full of shit? Is the magnatude over or under 100X? Fukin clown.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Answer this simple question for me, Aryana. If Jews control the US, why does the US have the backs and reside up the asses of both Israel and Saudi Arabia?

The answer can be found somewhere in the facts, and the facts involve following the money.

I don't even know what you mean by that remark.

The US is Israel's bitch and attack dog, plain and simple. The Saudi Royal family are crypto Jews.

Any other questions?

Crypto Jews? Now I know there is no hope for you, ya nitwit. Holy fuckwit.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Answer this simple question for me, Aryana. If Jews control the US, why does the US have the backs and reside up the asses of both Israel and Saudi Arabia?

The answer can be found somewhere in the facts, and the facts involve following the money.

I don't even know what you mean by that remark.

The US is Israel's bitch and attack dog, plain and simple. The Saudi Royal family are crypto Jews.

Any other questions?

Crypto Jews? Now I know there is no hope for you, ya nitwit. Holy fuckwit.

*SIGH* Jews often hide their identity, Lotus. They've been doing it for centuries. Their favourite technique is changing their surname to something less Jewy.


The Saudi Royal family are crypto Jews.

Thats way the fuck out there.
You contardos got to get together on your bullshit.
Of course, good to remember that FairyAnn, being a Nazi, is a socialist
and you know they lie about everything - just make shit up.

I'm a Nationalist. Hiter's definition of National Socialism is nothing like the leftist equivalent we have today.
Oooooooo - you're going to get some serious disagreement from yer fellow contardians on that one, FairyAnn


Domestically feral
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United states
They have been so evil and incompetent that the Dems do deserve to lose all power.

Yet let's keep the ethical, compassionate, and just RepubliCons in office, because the country will become Utopia if they are in control of everything.
LoLz - Lotus it.

There folks - I pointed it out for you so you won't have to ask if she was joking.

I know if I relapsed and ended up on the streets and needed help who would be there.

Maybe people who have never been in a very rough dire straights situation will buy this "leftwing compassion" shit, but I know who the only people out there using thier time and resources to help others ARE.

And its definately not you big government Robinhood wanna bes.

And it really is a damn shame because when your establishment goons tell you its time to raise money for some partisan self promoting bullshit....millions fly in.

NONE of which EVER go towards communities or helping anyone. Not even the ones your own "movement" harmed or destroyed.

No one wants "compassion" from people they know look down on them who work for years to get the state to do thier charity with other peoples money.

You guys were not compassion before Trump. Now you guys are just pure hatred.

It's good YOU guys see yourselves as "compassionate" but everyone else(including other dem voters who have walked away) see you as elitest, dishonest hate mongers who bully, attack and spew. And who like to control.

Please stop with these absolute lies. You have no idea what my life or anyone else's life that you've never met consists of, and you have no idea how many people any of us have helped.
..but a lot of people know what they've been told by conservatard lame stream media.
That has to count !

Yeah. And also, a lot of people have no regard for evidence. They've already got a story to cover why righties go out and kill people, and they're sticking to it, evidence be damned (Zimmerman and Rittenhouse, to name just two of these murderers.).

This is projection of the WORST kind. This is literally exactly what YOU do.

Dude you straight up call things a lie if its evidence you are wrong. You claim you watched the videos and you are the ONLY person who doesnt clearly see Kyle being chased. Anything a Republican is accused of you accept with nothing whatsoever. But a rape kit done a GIRL who was anally raped....that confirms she was claim is "not true"

YOU have no regard for evidence. Gtfo....we all see you doing EXACTLY this. When we claim something we bring exactly the evidence that convinced us. You just saying "bullshit" doesn't mean we dont have evidence.

It just you are so partisan you'll never admit when anyone associated with your "side" does something horrible.

Which is EXACTLY why none of you should ever have any position of power over other people. You ONLY see what you want.

You are exactly right. Lotusbud constantly lies and denies clear and compelling evidence. At this point all she does is project her own personal failings on to other people and it is so disingenuous it is unbelievable.

Your definition of clear and compelling evidence: I saw it in a youtube video, or, I saw it in a dream.

Except stuff you see on youtube that you consider evidence for your points. That's clear and compelling.

But actual video footage that clear shows rioters running after a kid yelling "get him"? Nope. Not clear and compelling at all. In fact it's the same as a dream and we are just stupid or unhinged.

Btw this is called gaslighting. Telling people what they clearly SEE is untrue.

Even the prosecution doesnt deny Kyle was being chased by aggressors.... thier whole case depends on them justifying that.

Buts not clear or compelling to YOU that he was being chased.

Hey maybe the court will toss the video footage of the entire incident because it got posted to YouTube and is now completely fake? Is that how that works? "Well now that it's been put on youtube, it's now as irrelevant as a dream and shows absolutely nothing"?

This is the level of dishonesty that cheating spouses use when they see thier spouse with thier partner and have pictures of it. "That wasnt me!! The camera is wrong! Dont be so blind and mistrusting!!".

Please. Lotus, your rationalizing with this is sad.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Wouldnt it be awesome to get someone competent in OUR state? Who could start turning Detroit around? Maybe actually fix the roads? Crack down on rape and trafficking?

The Democrats need to do more to help their voting base - the working class.

Ie -

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Biden should provide more aid to help families like these in need if he wants to hang on to their votes.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
The Saudi Royal family are crypto Jews.

Thats way the fuck out there.
You contardos got to get together on your bullshit.
Of course, good to remember that FairyAnn, being a Nazi, is a socialist
and you know they lie about everything - just make shit up.

I'm a Nationalist. Hiter's definition of National Socialism is nothing like the leftist equivalent we have today.

Tell that to @Dove. She likes to conflate leftist socialism with fascism.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The Saudi Royal family are crypto Jews.

Thats way the fuck out there.
You contardos got to get together on your bullshit.
Of course, good to remember that FairyAnn, being a Nazi, is a socialist
and you know they lie about everything - just make shit up.

I'm a Nationalist. Hiter's definition of National Socialism is nothing like the leftist equivalent we have today.

Tell that to @Dove. She likes to conflate leftist socialism with fascism.

Which is correct considering "leftist socailism" involves more centralized government power.

And until you guys have a coherent and clear explanation of how any of us are wrong on this, well. None of you are ever able to answer basic questions.

Also you all just conflate everyone who doesnt agree with you as "cons", and "right wing extremists" and "alt right" and you conflate them with fascism. Which makes no gotdamn sense considering we want LESS government.

I very much disagree with Aryan on this and he knows it.


The Saudi Royal family are crypto Jews.

Thats way the fuck out there.
You contardos got to get together on your bullshit.
Of course, good to remember that FairyAnn, being a Nazi, is a socialist
and you know they lie about everything - just make shit up.

I'm a Nationalist. Hiter's definition of National Socialism is nothing like the leftist equivalent we have today.

Tell that to @Dove. She likes to conflate leftist socialism with fascism.
You know they're all idjits, right?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
The Saudi Royal family are crypto Jews.

Thats way the fuck out there.
You contardos got to get together on your bullshit.
Of course, good to remember that FairyAnn, being a Nazi, is a socialist
and you know they lie about everything - just make shit up.

I'm a Nationalist. Hiter's definition of National Socialism is nothing like the leftist equivalent we have today.
Oooooooo - you're going to get some serious disagreement from yer fellow contardians on that one, FairyAnn

Sure, how are the English lessons going Holly?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
The Saudi Royal family are crypto Jews.

Thats way the fuck out there.
You contardos got to get together on your bullshit.
Of course, good to remember that FairyAnn, being a Nazi, is a socialist
and you know they lie about everything - just make shit up.

I'm a Nationalist. Hiter's definition of National Socialism is nothing like the leftist equivalent we have today.

Tell that to @Dove. She likes to conflate leftist socialism with fascism.

Fascism can exist on either the left or the right, I've already explained this to you.

Today, the leftists are the Fascists and their control exists through ownership and control of big tech, the mainstream media and via infiltration of governments.

Globalism = Left wing Fascism.


The Saudi Royal family are crypto Jews.

Thats way the fuck out there.
You contardos got to get together on your bullshit.
Of course, good to remember that FairyAnn, being a Nazi, is a socialist
and you know they lie about everything - just make shit up.

I'm a Nationalist. Hiter's definition of National Socialism is nothing like the leftist equivalent we have today.
Oooooooo - you're going to get some serious disagreement from yer fellow contardians on that one, FairyAnn

Sure, how are the English lessons going Holly?
You know - I read one of your shout-box (whatever that fuckin thing is for) posts where you imagine that Liberuhlz are sympathetic to commies. What could be further from the truth?
Commieism and Liberalism are opposites both economically and socially.

We aren't talking about hippy kids living of a cooperative, but actual governments and nations, skippy.
. Private ownership and individual freedoms/rights are cornerstones of Liberalism, and the antithesis of communism. If anyone tells you that they are sympathetic to communists they aren't a Liberal.

. Shit, FairyAnn - everyone hates commies.
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Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Not this again....

Ok Holly, why do so many leftists wave the Commie hammer and sickle and wear clothing proudly displaying their Soviet pride?

Don't even try denying this, because a quick 2 min Google image search illustrates my point.

Bottom line, you're all leftists of different stripes who oppose Nationalism and Conservatism, so are therefore by default, the enemy.


why do so many leftists bla bla bla
Because you're a fucking moron.
A "leftist" is a commie, or Marxist - whatever.
A liberal is a practitioner/believer in Liberalism (what our US Constitution is based on).
Hobbs and Locke, Adam Smith - ever heard of these people(?), Anti-Authoritarianism/Monarchy.
Believers in social freedom - the kind conservatives despise etc.

In our systems - Liberal democracies - the term left is used for Liberals vs right wing, conservatives (people who hate individual freedoms and prefer totalitarianism and conformity)
This should not be confused with "leftist" as described above - ya half witted goose stepping monkey.
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